
Trying To Survive The Civil War! Gotta Grow Up First! (Hiatus)

[ Due to libraries being closed for covid my research for this novel has been ground to almost a halt. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I just can not find enough information on old new york manhattan to flesh out my new few chapters. I shall continue to try and get over to little bump in our heroines journy.] ~Sincerely, Scynthea Suddenly reincarnated, a music loving genius, but average doctor must try and maneuver her way up to and through one of America's darkest times in history while keeping her own moral compass straight and dealing with the civil rights differences that are drastically different from being over 175 years apart.? Don't mention Karen's and Boomers, these people our protagonist has to deal with are on a whole other level.? Will Veronica gain the liberty in this childhood that she so desperately sought in her last one?? Is this God's answers to her prayers in a childhood long ago?? What scars does the Veronica of the past hold in her heart that makes familial love the hardest of all for her...? And obviously the most important question, was her luxury car totaled?? Will the Miriam of this lifetime get her happily ever after? Or will she be drown in the dangerous ideals of her new family.? ⏳Only TIME will tell.⌛ Tags Author Would Apply: Female MC OP, Growth, Strong to Stronger, Disadvantaged MC, Reincarnated, Victorian Era, America, 19th Century. ____________________________________________ Main character will try and live her life that way SHE wants in this lifetime. Watch Miriam grow up and become a rational human being again. Watch Miriam grow a posse. MC may or may not start her own gang and become affiliated with real gangsters. MC may or may not steal people's inventions and discoveries and use them for het personal gain. MC may or may not kill bad people later in the novel. Later story will have light romantic subplot. MC may or may not swindle trashy people. MC may or may not ruin crooked people. MC may or may not be a psychopath when she grows up. ____________________________________________ I have done alot of research for this story, and I aim to make it MOSTLY realistic. Somethings may be a bit stretched this way or that, but overall I am trying to make the experience authentic. Also yes, MC hates her dad.

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57 Chs

Compensation, Is Naturally Right Chapter 18

Two men who entered at the same time as the boy, quickly strode over to the scene of the incident. Persumably his chaperone's or family.

Bannon quickly looked at Miriams destitute appearence and was somewhat flushed red with anger.

"How dare you lay you hands on a lady." Steed Bannon as he puffed out his chest like a stuat defender of justice and virtues.

Bannon looked almost comical to Miriam so she couldnt help but give a small smile upon seeing him defend her like such. Even though she constantly bossed him around and dragged him into her shenanigans whenever given the chance at home.

The boy who was feeling abit flustered felt reassured when he saw his eldest brother and personal manservant come to his aid.

He did not know how accidentally bumping into a small girl had turned into him 'laying his hands upon the fairer sex' in a violent manner.

"What seems to be the matter here Sir?" The younger of the two men that appeared by the perpetrators side asked of the Stuart's First Footman who had came over to discreetly inspect Miriams condition.

Seeing that clearly evident physical harm had come to her on his watch a small swear started down his forehead.

His master would surely want Justice! Or rather, to not lose face.

"It would seem the boy in your company has hurt our youngest miss. She is barely over 4 and is quite delicate." Replied the Stuarts First Footman to the younger gentleman opposite in side from him.

Not wanting to lose any potential compensation for her now broken goods, Miriam decided to speak directly to the First Footmam since she hadn't been introduced to these strangers yet.

"First Footman, this boy ran into me and rammed my body so hard I was flung onto the floor. My uncut gems were damaged in the fall, and now I'm at a loss."

Miriam opened the top of her parcel and revealed the clearly damaged goods inside.

The boy frowned and looked towards his eldest brother and commented, "Brother Antonio, I was just taking a stroll and looking at wares when this small child ran into me."

When no one was looking at her, Miriam had bit her lip and blood had started to trickle down from the corner of her small mouth.

She winced slightly in pain from the effort of standing on her badly cut up knees.

Brother Antonio looked at the obviously recently broken stones and the blood stains on the girls ripped travel attire.

He sighed lightly and turned to his youbger brother and said. "Being of the masculine sex, its our duty to look after the fairer sex, it is obvious by this scene that due harm has been caused to this man's charge. Please apologize Victor. I'm terribly sorry Sir I will compensate you for the damaged goods."

Antonio reached into his wallet and handed a large some of money over to the First Footman of the Stuarts.

Miriam looked at the money and did the math mentally.

'Hmm.. 100 dollars. Good enough.'

As soon as the man handed the money to the servant, Miriam toned down her cries and returned the 'I am demure' look of a slight smile to her face.

She opening jer sack further and held it infront of the First Footman who was about to put the money in a his pocket to give to the master later.

Baffled by the young girl in front of him's actions, Antonio couldnt help but raise a brow.

This little girl looked like a begger.

"I'll put that back with the rest of my pockey money later. Thankyou First Footman George. Your my favorite footman!"

Putting on an angelic smile she shoke the sake abot indicating for George to drop the money in.

Since ordered by her in public, he decided to comply. First Footman George couldn't help but wonder why the master gave so much pocket money to his youngest daughter.

Quickly closing the sack, she handed it over to Beatrice. Before turning around to face the boy with a blindingly bright smile upon her face.

Of course, she couldn't say she was waiting for his apology.

Victor was very confused why the young girl stopped crying even though she was still bleeding about the knee area.

Antonio coughed abit as of to clear his throat, and Victor was jolted out of his inner thoughts.

"Ahem, I am Victor Camillo Antelmo Regio. I sincerely apologize damaging your property and resulting in you being injured."

Miriam just nodded her head once and tjrned her head to Bannon who was not even a a few feet from her.

"Bannon, my legs hurt, can you carry me on your back?"

Bannon blushed slightly but stepped fpward and said, "Leave it to me my lady."

Before anyone could stop him Bannon lifted Miriam onto his back.

Miriam was tiny for her age, so Bannon could easily accomplish this task.

Wrapping her arms lightly around his neck she leaned foward and rested her chin on his shoulder.

Tresses of light blonde hair fell against his neck and subsequently tickled Bannon.

Oh she should probably 'accept' his apology, Miriam internally reminded herself.

"All is forgiven, God said turn the other cheek. I shall do such that."

As she said this Miriam turned her head to show her cheek to the boy as she pointed foward to Bannon to direct him to exit the store.

Bannon dutifully padded foward past the boy and with some difficulty opened the door to the establishment and exited with a small 'package' on his back.

The rest of her enteraoge followed suit and exited not to far behind the children.

Let go with one arm, Miriam lazily started to mess with Bannons hair.

Very pretty auburn hair, like a deep burnt orange of an autumn leaf.

"I wish my hair was as pretty as yours..." mumbled Miriam into the skin on the back of his neck.

Anya toddler over and huffing and puffing said, "This is improper Miriam. Please get off at once."

Looking at the governess with a side eye, Miriam curtly replied " Isnt it an older brothers job to look after their little sister? We are bonefied blood related relatives. So whats there any fuss for?"

Beatrice almost tripped when she heard Miriam say this. Brother? But the late lady of the house didn't have any boys before Miriam was born...

Wait, didnt this imply that this was not her mothers child but just her fathers? A bastard child? Werent those supposed to be hidden in the shadows...

Didn't the Stuart household already have one bastard son as well?

Judging by the looks of this boy, he was definitely not born by whoever had Joseph.

Just how many mistress's did Mr. Stuart have?!

Miriam could practically see a little hamstwr on its wheel turning in Beatrices head.

The cold faced and stern looking nurse would always drop her cold aura when she was confused or troubled.

It was kind of cute, in a puppy-like way.


I tried hard to make this realistic but it still seems super derpy XD.

Scyntheacreators' thoughts