
Trying to Survive in a World Full of FUTA’S!

A real Scumbag of a guy who wouldn’t mind hopping from one chick to another as it was more fun that way, gets killed by one of his Ex-Lovers. For this he is judged not by a god of reincarnation but a vindictive goddess of love who just so happen to have ended her relationship with her partner. And using him as a toy he is to her he gives him a suitable punishment for his crimes. “You wanted to have women left and right come to you huh? Well I hope you enjoy being in a world where only less than 1% of the population is males.” “…. How’s that a bad thing?” “Oh, it’s because the other 24% is females and the rest is FUTA’S! And to add bonus to your misery asshole I’m going to make you look like a cute little Femboy that all those hung Futa’s want to pound! So you better prepare your ass for the worst nightmare of your life!” And with that his nightmare truly begun, and if not for the slight intervention of another god our hero would have little to no chance for survival. With no system and no meta knowledge of this new world that seemed to have a mash up of original characters as well as those from various anime, video games and manga being still female or futafied our hero has only one goal. Survive this world and keep his anal virginity intact and maybe make the most of his time in his new life. ***** Now I’m going to say that this is going to be an extremely Niche type of novel that only certain people will like, you don’t like Futanari, which is women having both male and female genitalia then this isn’t for you, though I hope the title gave it away. There is no system, and besides a very small gift he got from a god he is basically left to his own devices in a completely different earth from his own. I know it says survival in the tags, but that ‘Survival’ is whether he can protect his ass or not, and no I’m not going to tell you if it happens or not as that would ruin a bit of the fun in writing this. Also he will be looking like Astolfo from Fate for his now current Femboy appearance that was bestowed upon him.

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86 Chs

Cool it Hot Head!

After a very long night of fucking, Me, Ruth and Uni were all wiped out by the time we were done as we found ourselves sleeping next to each other.

We were so throughly drained dry that none of us got any morning wood, not only that but all of our crotches ached after what had happened.

Though the look on both Beeg and Smol Ramia clearly said they were very satisfied with what we all gave them last night, I actually saw Smol Ramia's legs shake a bit as she walked around us.

"Mmmmm, you guys really are good, if the main body wasn't busy off in Runala dealing with the problems over there she would definitely take you guys all out for a spin herself, especially you little man, I'm surprised you were able to make even one of me even a little bit weak in the knees." She said before laying down on top of me as she looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"Ugh…. I've never felt my crotch hurt from cumming so much before…." I groan while Smol Ramia just laughs while Beeg Ramia takes both Ruth and Uni into her arms as they both could barely move either and all of us have insane stamina and endurance and we were all worn out.

Though I lift myself up while holding Smol Ramia who seemed a bit confused what I was doing, before I went over and plopped on down on top of Beeg Ramia as I used her massive breasts as pillows, doing so made Ruth and Uni roll in closer to me in return.

"What? You feeling threatened I'd take them from you?" I heard the Beeg Ramia say but I just leaned my head backwards with only an eyebrow raised.

"I couldn't care if any of my girls fucked other girls, I know for a fact that they wouldn't leave me for anything in the first place, I just found this more comfortable than laying down on the ground." I say which makes Uni smile a little where as Ruth nuzzles her head into my shoulder while they both held me close.

"Heh, looks like they love you very much, and your confidence is respectable, but besides that, how are we going to deal with her." Smol Ramia says as she points over at the Volcanic Empress whose name was Flagartha.

"Right, I almost forgot about her, also why is she still out like that?" I ask but Karelia appears by us along with Orbie.

"That would be my doing, being here I can control other peoples consciousnesses, and since she was out cold while she was in here I just kept her that way and just let her sleep even though it's been almost a day since then." She goes onto explain as I decide to pull myself up along with the rest of the girls joining me as we redressed.

"Well luckily it's the weekend and nobody will question what we are doing at least, so…. What are we going to do with her? She's not going to attack if we wake her up anymore right?" I ask as I approach her as I start to sweat as her bodies natural body heat was very hot, luckily her skin wasn't causing the ground to burn from it.

"Well she might try to attack, but since I consider her hostile until proven otherwise she's much weaker than she was outside, and I took off that heavy armor of hers so her defense isn't impenetrable as it was for you before." Karlia went onto say as Flagartha began to awaken from her slumber.

And as soon as she opened her eyes and saw us, before we could say anything at all, I saw her throat turning a bright orange color as her eyes dialated.

Reacting faster than even her, Ruth smashed her fist into her throat, making her eyes comically bulge before her cheeks swelled before she opened them as a puff of smoke came out before she grabbed her throat and began to cough hard.

"You need to cool it already! We've had more than enough time to do whatever we wanted to you, but we left you alone, we didn't do whatever the government was trying to do to you so take a deep breath and calm down alright?" I said as she looked at us while she kept coughing.

*Cough Cough!* "You say that, but the girls behind you are giving me some evil looks." (Flagartha)

"You think I wouldn't be ticked off that you were planning to burn my boyfriend?" (Ruth)

"Your lucky she only hit you once, even more so that she hit you and not me, cause I'm not so merciful." Uni said while cracking her knuckles.

"Now, now, I think we should explain what's going on to our guest and where we are, after all the place we are in right now is the best place for this Flame Empress to put down her roots without being bothered by the outside world." Karelia chimes in doing what she could to ease the tension.

Though Orbie soon came out of a portal and floated on over as she looked over Flagartha who was shocked to see one of her kind.

"What's a Twisted Being doing here?" She said with an incredulous look as she pointed at Orbie who flew on over to me before sitting down on my left shoulder.

"Who? Orbie? She's been around for awhile now she's uhhh…." I said trying to think of a good word to call her.

"Sex friend?" (Ruth)

"Onahole?" (Karelia)

"Cum Dumpster?" (Uni)

#^o^# Orbie holds the sides of her head while she fidgets around with a blush on her face from hearing how they see her which from the wetness of my shoulder, is turning her on.

"All of the above I guess since she seems to like being treated like that." I said with a shrug as Flagartha was left slacked jawed at hearing that.

"Your telling me, that you somehow tamed a twisted being into willing being your what? Cocksleeve or something? Don't you know that those things are always up to no good? They destroy planets you know!" She says which makes me look at Orbie who looks back at me in return.

"Orbie, are you trying to destroy the world?" I ask and she just shakes her head no making me look back at Flagartha.

"See? Everything is fine." I as to which Orbie moves her head over to open one of her mouths to kiss me on the cheek as she rubbed herself up against me.

Flagarthas eye twitched from seeing that as she grabbed her face as she slowly got up, "Great, so I'm surrounded by crazy people, just great." She muttered to herself before she looked down and crossed her arms under her massive breasts, making her stop and look down only to notice she was completely naked before looking back up and rolling her jaw.

"I'd like to have my clothes and armor back please."


Wow! A chapter from me on this one? Well I did say this month would be focused on my other two fics, but I felt that I should try doing more fics at one time to diversify what I'm working on.

That and it will keep me from getting bored with stories so quickly in the first place, those other two, the Hazbin Hotel and Palworld fics will be the ones I work on the most for now but expect chapters from this one and The Tale of Hifumi Yamada to come out as well.

But anyway see you guys later!