
Chapter 37: To the Vindice

Chapter 37

To the Vindice

Twinkle, twinkle little star.

I want to hit you with a car.

Throw you off a tree so high.

Hope you break your neck and die. - some meme

"Your classmates? They're a bunch of dumbasses who don't expect to get anywhere in life. You're the only one keeping the grade above a D-, with your straight A's, Leo." -My English Teacher.

Today's Reviewer Quote :D

Instead of pineapples, can I leave you a strawberry? (Fruit Day: Pineapple Mukuro, Apple Fran, Strawberry Verde) - CrimsonSkyTamer

Tomorrow is official Pi day (3/14) so tell everyone you see 'Happy Pi Day' and watch them WTF!

The second I wiped the rest of my tears away, stupid Fran, stupid birthday, I packed all my things away and ran out of the manor.

I know, I'm so weak, running away from my problems, like that would help. Of course, it wouldn't, considering how, well, Fran is a mafioso. He could track me down and find me, in a matter of minutes. But I kept going, blinking away tears, determinedly, telling myself to just go.

I'll just...I'll find a way to get there. I needed to get there, for my plan anyway.

I waved down a cab, after reaching the main street. "Take me to the corner of Setsuna Street and Kioku Avenue."

The cabbie raised an eyebrow. "No specific destination?"

"If you shut the hell up, and get me there fast, you can keep the change." I suggested, tears refilling my eyes.

I'm just so emotionally unstable today, aren't I?

The driver smiled, faintly. "You remind me of a person I used to know, little girl."

I sniffled, rubbing my nose. "Just be quiet, would ya? I'm trying to think here, lady."

"Wow, you don't see a girl for what, two years? and they instantly hate you. Glad to see the love here." the woman dryly stated.

I sat up. "Lal? How the hell did you get here?"

Lal Mirch snorted. "Who the hell do you think I am? I was waiting for you to explode, even before you decided to."

I sighed. Once Lal, always Lal. "I haven't seen you in a long time. Two years, was it?"

A few years back, part of the Giglio Nero HQ had kind of exploded (way to go, Gamma), so I had to go stay with the CEDEF. Basil was really polite, and decided to teach me traditional Japanese culture, Iemitsu said that I was like a daughter (which was weird, and creepy, since I was there for like a week), and Lal almost shot me with a gun. Twice.

"Yeah." she nodded, still headed for the corner of Setsuna and Kaze. "Care to fill me in on what went on just now?"

"No thanks." I smiled, awkwardly. "But can I ask for a favor?"

"Depends." she eyed me, in the rearview mirror. "What are you up to now?"

"Well, I need to get to Monte Bianco." I laughed nervously.

Her eyebrows shot up. "'The White Mountain'? Why in the name of Vongola Primo would you ever want to go there?!"

"Umm, educational purposes." I lied with hesitation. She could probably see through it... "I'm eager to learn about topographical prominence. And Monte Bianco is twelfth for its incredible height, I believe."

"Eleventh." she corrected, immediately, swinging around a corner, sharply.

"See?" I pressed. "I need to, uhh, see the topographical prominence in person. My, err, prodigiousness might like, uhh, drop or something, if I don't."

Lal scowled. "I'm not taking you to the Alps, if thats what you're asking."

I groaned. And just when I thought I had had a lead... "Then can you-"

"But I won't tell anyone where you're headed." she went on, as if I hadn't spoken. That was just Lal for you, I guess. "Want to get away from your troubles, was it?"

I swallowed. How could she already figure that much out? That wasn't the official plan, more of a benefit, but...really?

She smiled, suddenly sad, in the mirror at me. "You can't run from your problems, Yuni. I've learned that, firsthand. You're really just gonna...you're going to regret it all, when it matters most."

I suddenly felt clammy, like I wasn't...shouldn't be hearing such things. "Umm...Lal, you don't-"

"It's alright." she cut in, again. "It...It might help you, later on."

"T-Thanks." I said, turning a little red. Why, I wasn't necessarily sure. "Really, Lal. Thanks."

She nodded, almost approvingly. "Yep."

Lal Mirch dropped me off at the Giglio Nero HQ with specific instructions not to do anything drastic (for example: running off to the Alps) without contacting her, claiming that I required a 'person on the inside'. Like, really? I have Mukuro, he can worm his way into the inside, to be honest.

And like I'd go to Lal, of all people. We were barely on an acquaintance basis, let alone best friends forever. I might've told Fran...that is, before our big argument/fight thing in his freaking mind. But over the years, he had become accustomed to my spontaneous disappearances, and told me as long as I didn't come home with fifty tattoos and some random strangers, he's cool with it.

No offense to Lal, but she'd probably be off to tell Iemitsu, or Reborn-ojii-san almost immediately. The last thing I needed was Reborn finding my false identity (according to this license, my name is Yei Venezia. What a fabulous name, right?), all the credit cards (I had at least a half billion dollars, from my allowances [Gamma pays well], gambling [they'd never suspect the pokerface that lies underneath the expression of a kitten] and the hundreds of plane receipts.

According to my drivers' license, I was eighteen-year-old Yei Venezia, a dual-citizen of Japan and Italy. I had half a billion dollars to my name, a bad habit of gambling and had been, literally, all over the world.

Imagine Reborn finding out.

I shivered.

Yeah. I'd probably be shot. Repeatedly.

I dialed a phone number on 'Yei's' iPhone. "...Shizuka? It's me, Yei."

"Yei-chan! How've you been?" Shizuka Tsukioka was my agent, who took care of all of my money/gambling/plane trips. "Where you off to now?"

"The Alps." I clarified. It may seem strange to you, but I've truly been to stranger places.

"Specifics, honey." Shizuka whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Monte Bianco."

"'The Snow Mountain'?" Shizuka translated (or attempted to) awkwardly.

"'White', Shizuka, not 'Snow'." I corrected, adjusting my seat. These stupid chairs were too hard. Fucking mafia.

"That big one in Europe?" she confirmed, the sound of typing loud in the background.

I sighed. "Yes, Shizuka, the big mountain in Europe."

"All...right...you're in, honey." Shizuka announced, triumphantly. "Faxing you the details now. Got you a flight later today, is that right? It's on a supply plane, unfortunately, so you're stuck with the chickens, darlin'."

"Perfect." I replied, snatching the details from the fax machine. I scanned over it, briefly. "Great, thanks, Shizuka."

"Hey, you pay me." she laughed into the phone. "Talk to ya later, hon."

"Peace out, home skillet." I saluted, glancing at my bag. Mother didn't know I was home, and I was already packed...

"Bye!" Shizuka hung up.

I prepared to leave the building, before tossing in a coat and a wooden box into my bag. It'd be colder than frozen hell, at the Vendicare Prison.

The plane ride to the Alps was relatively boring. Other than my brief conversation with Tsuna and later on, Squalo, over the phone. To correct myself, over Yei's phone.

"He-Hello? I-Is this thing on?"

"Yes, Tsunayoshi-chan. The phone is on."

"Is this...Yuni-chan speaking?"

"No, Tsunayoshi-chan, it's me. Jesus."

"Okay, good, now listen up, Yuni-chan. When we left Fran-san's...mind, and I woke up, and went off to find you, you weren't there. I called the rest of the Varia - and Lussuria-san was pretty steamed I lost you - and your mother's place - Gamma-san was going to kill me... - but they all said you weren't there. Where are you?"

"La Dame Blanche is what the brochure said."

"Is that French?"

"Yeah. It means 'The White Lady'."


"Whose the racist, stereotypical one now, bastard? I'm not in America. I'm still in Italy. Don't worry. I'll be fine, dear."


"I have people on the inside, Tsunayoshi-chan. Don't worry yourself. I shall be safe. You shall be too."


"It makes sense in La Dame Blanche, dear, La Dame Blanche."

"Where is that?!"

"Figure it out. Oh, and if you're going to try tracking this phone, let it be known that if you try, I can shut down the Vongola systems with a tap of my finger, dear, a simple tap."

"Are you...threatening me? You're...you're turning into Reborn!"

"No, Tsunayoshi-chan. I'm just telling you that I can. And it'll fry your tracking systems to dust."

"How did you set that up?!"

"I designed your tracking systems, genius."

"Oh yeah."


"Wait, Yuni-"

Then I had hung up on him. La Dame Blanche was 'The White Lady' in French, and another name for the Monte Bianco mountain.

Minutes later, Squ-chan, queen - I mean, uhh, king - of the long-haired people, called me himself.


"To what do I owe the honor, you long-haired shark captain?"


"One of the Seven Summits, Squ-chan, dearest, the European one."


"If it's not McKinley, Vinson, Aconcagua, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Everest, Puncak Jaya or Kosciuszko, then what is it?"



"VOIII- Wait, what-"

Yeah, I didn't really let him finish.

I turned off my phone, only keeping Yei Venezia's phone with me. Gotta keep my 'identity' up. I'm still impressed with the fact that I can pass as an 18-year-old. I guess I'm just that prodigious.

Hours later, I was with the other climbers of the Voie Des Cristalliers tour.

"Fucking mountain..." I grumbled, trudging through the snow. "Fucking snow, fucking Vindice, fucking Mukuro, motherfucking Hell Rings, fucking Fran, fucking Tsuna, no he's alright I guess, fucking-"

"Why is a child here?" someone demanded. "She's clearly not meant to be as amazing at hiking as I."

"Shut up or I'll slice off your fingers." I said, flippantly, not even glancing back.

The man gasped, offended. "Why, you little-"

"I'll fucking shove you off this mountain, you bastard, if you don't shut the fuck up right fucking now, you motherfucking asshole." I snarled, glaring at him.

His mouth snapped closed.

I turned away, continuing to stomp, even more annoyed than I had been.

"...bitch." I heard the man mutter.

I whirled around and kicked him in the chest, sending the guy rolling down the side of the ten metres we had gone up. Just 4, 790 to go.

The rest of the group stared at me, in relative horror.

"Take a fucking picture, assholes," I sneered, marching ahead of the tour guide. "it ought to last longer."

An entire day later, we were about three-fourths of the way up and I felt like my legs would fall off. I noticed a cluster of edelweiss flowers and stemless gentian flowers, the symbol of the Vindice.

Why flowers, I didn't really know.

"See ya." I saluted the rest of my group, breaking off right. They stared at me, clearly thinking 'good fucking riddance' before trodding off, presumably leaving me to die. Wow. Love you guys too.

I had to deliver a certain something to a certain pineapple king.

Hours of walking later (just gotta love these time skips), I arrived at a giant towering gate, lit on both sides with magnificent fiery torches. Pretty intimidating.

So. How to get in was the next problem.

However, I was cold, hungry and tired. I waltzed right up to that big, intimidating door of badass and knocked a little tune. It sounded suspiciously like Pirates of the Caribbean 'He's a Pirate', but I ignored it, choosing to shiver instead.

A man, wearing a long black coat, with a top hat and white bandages bound tightly around his face, answered moments later. He looked down (or at least, I think he did) at me.

I swallowed, forcing all my nervousness away, replacing it with as much casualness as possible. "Hi."

"Yuni of the Sky, Tenth Boss of the Giglio Nero, Future Sky Arcobaleno, Princess of Knowing." he spoke bluntly, without emotion. Fran's voice held at least sarcasm. But the Vindice-man...held nothing. "You have traveled a vast distance to approach us. Who have you come for?"

I attempted to smile. "C-Can I c-come in? I t-think my t-t-toes are freezing together."

The Vindice-man did not move. "Who have you come for?" he repeated.

I sighed. "Rokudo Mukuro. He's my home skillet, you see."

He floated (yes, that is how he moved) out of the way, allowing me entrance.

Stepping inside, I was immediately swamped with warmth. I peeled off my frozen coat, holding it, and my box, tightly to myself.

"How are you doing today?" I asked the man, as he began leading me, deep into the prison.

He did not answer.

"Not much of a small-talker, that's cool." I nodded, as if he had replied. "So what am I going to trade for?"

"That is a question that I should ask you. What shall you be requesting for?" he said suddenly, turning his gaze, through the bandages, on me.

I squirmed. "I just wanted to give Mukuro-dearest this." I showed him the box.

"Open it." the man ordered, chains randomly appearing in his hands, as he prepared to totally take down the box's contents.

"It's just a few rings." I said, lightly, opening the box and displaying two seemingly-harmless, but truly deadly, Hell Rings.

The man's attention flickered back to me. "Yuni of the Giglio Nero. Tell me the identity of the person who gave you these."

I tried to look confused. "I don't know. It was a man with a hat of iron with checkered patterns. He called himself 'Checker Face'."

The man continued to lead me, but at a much faster pace. "Follow."



Evil as plain as the scar on his face

Deception (An outrage!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

He asked for trouble the moment he came

Deception (An outrage!)

(He can't change his stripes)

Disgrace (For shame!)

(You know these Outsider types)

Evil as plain as the scar on his face

(See you later, agitator!)

Deception (An outrage!)

(Just leave us alone!)

Disgrace (For shame!)

(Traitor, go back with your own!)

He asked for trouble the moment he came(See you later, agitator!)

Born in grief

Raised in hate

Helpless to defy his fate

Let him run

Let him live

But do not forget what we cannot forgive

And he is not one of us

He has never been one of us

He is not part of us

Not our kind

Someone once lied to us

Now we're not so blind

For we knew he would do what he's done

And we know that he'll never be one of us

He is not one of us






-He is Not One of Us, Lion King, by a chorus of people...

Turns out that the Vindice-man was leading me...straight to Bermuda von Veckenstein.

I had only seen the fucker - I mean, uhh, child - in the small clippets of the manga I had skimmed through and the wiki page, but I was not prepared for his voice.

"Yuni of the Sky, Tenth Boss of the Giglio Nero, Future Sky Arcobaleno, Princess of Knowing." he announced my titles, in this adorable squeaky voice.

"If you are wondering, Bermuda von Veckenstein, Former Strongest Arcobaleno, Founder of Vindice, Holder of the Clear Pacifier, Bermuda of the Night, I did not know that I was referred to as 'Princess of Knowing." I said, shortly, sitting myself upon a black couch.

Bermuda and his guards tensed, incredibly, but did a decent job of hiding it. "Imagine that." he said, a mixture of surprised and amused. "The irony."

"Indeed." I nodded. "Thank you for allowing me to approach your...humble abode."

Bermuda frowned, severely (or at least, I think he was frowning...) at that. "You are most unwelcome, I assure you, Yuni of the Sky. My guards have alerted me that you have come for Rokudo Mukuro, the scum on the lowest level."

I tried to not let my temper get out of hand, and try and fucking throttle that baby. "I have come for Rokudo Mukuro, the 'scum on the lowest level' as you say." I mocked, polite as possible.

Bermuda looked triumphant. "In order to remove one such as the likes of Rokudo Mukuro from this prison, you must pay quite the fortune, Yuni of the Sky-"

"Oh, my dear Bermuda." I laughed, like an old lady might. AKA, CRAZILY. "I do not wish for Rokudo Mukuro to leave the prison at the current time period. I need him to have a few items that he will need."

He scowled at me. "What do you mean, 'he will need'? My prison is the most secure place in the world, you insolent-"

"I do agree, Bermuda." I said, quickly. "Your prison is pretty much inescapable. But I am the Princess of Knowing, correct? I know all."

He looked annoyed. "What deal are you proposing?"

I shrugged, before smirking at him. "Give Mukuro-dearest..." I opened the wooden box, displaying the two Hell Rings with pride. "...these."

Bermuda looked slightly nervous. The Hell Rings' powers were the powers of Hell itself, and considering how Bermuda had narrowly escaped Hell himself, he most likely feared being pulled right back towards it. "And why would I allow Rokudo Mukuro to have such powers? What would be the-"

I interrupted him, with the little phrase taken from the Fullmetal Alchemist. "What would the Equivalent Exchange be? I'm so glad you asked, my friend." I set him with my gaze, the bright blue one of intensity. "Why, I would tell you any one thing in the world."

He looked skeptical. "Why would I want to know anything in the world? What is to say that I don't know everything? What if I killed you right here?"

I swallowed, praying silently, but I wasn't sure who I was praying to. "I am to say you don't know everything. I know the Future, Bermuda, and the identity of that who sentenced you to such an eternal damnation."

Bermuda considered it. "If you are lying, Yuni of the Sky, I assure you, your eternal damnation will suddenly find itself longer, as you will locate yourself in the lowest level of my prison."

"I am a fairly truthful person." I said, honestly. "I am of the Sky. We accept all. How can we accept all, when we lie when the truth is necessary?"

"Find, child." he spat, leaning forward. "Tell me this; who is he?"

"Checker Face goes by many names." I said, telling the truth. "He is most-known by the name of Kawahira. He owns a small realtors shop, in rural Japan. However, if you tried tracking down Kawahira, he would know, immediately, because he can recognize flames and flame power levels. He would run. Run far. Not to mention, when I tried to find him, by using the Vindice database - oh yeah, I broke in, sorry about that, but it was for your benefit - I could not locate him."

Bermuda seemed to be mulling this over. "Show her to Rokudo Mukuro's tank."

The same Vindice-man - or a different one, they all look identical - lead me away, once more, leaving the image of an upset Bermuda etched into my mind.

I approached Mukuro's tank. The poor man was locked up, tightly, in chains, wearing a faded uniform, and an oxygen mask. His right eye, the one with the magic numbers in it was all sealed up, so he couldn't produce any illusions.

True to his story, there was, in fact, a shitting tube hooked up to him. I didn't want to know how it worked.

"Take out all of the water." I ordered.

Dutifully, the water level lowered, the glass lowering along with it, leaving Mukuro to collapse against the floor, his muscles deteriorated over the years.

A Vindice-man stepped forward and injected him with something. "To nullify his flames and to prevent him from attempting to attack us." the man clarified, as I glared at him.

I pried off the oxygen mask and tubes/health regulators off of him, ignoring the freezing water that was sopping off of him, onto me. "Mukuro, wake up." I suggested, squeezing his cheeks, or at least, what was left of them. "Mukuro! I don't have much time, you asshole!"

His blue eye pried itself open, taking in everything. "Narghh..."

I exhaled. Good. He was alive. "It's me, Mukuro-dearest. Yuni-chan, remember?"

"Yuni..." he murmured, closing his eye. "Save...me?"

I snorted. "Of course, dearest. Only for a little while. But I'll be back, alright?"

Mukuro nodded, seeming to be drunk. "Yup, yup, Yuni-chyaaannn."

I laughed, but continued to talk to him, propping him up against me. "Here, Mukuro, keep these on your fingers, alright?" I pushed the Hell Rings onto his hand, making sure they were secure.

He blinked, looking down at them. "What...what they are, Yuni-chyan?"

"They're going to keep you safe, Mukuro-dear." I promised, squeezing his fingers, trying to be as motherly as possible. It was like I was talking to a child, and had to be careful of what I said. "You'll be okay."

"Promise, Yuni-chyan?" he stumbled over the words. "Promise?"

"I promise, Mukuro." I smiled, tears filling my eyes. He reminded me of the child Fran. "Now, will you be a good boy and wait for me to come back?"

"Yup, yup, Yuni-chyaaannn." he grinned, stupidly. "Then...then I protect you, mmkay? Me...me and the frog boy protect Yuni-chyan. And Nagi-chyan."

I swallowed, but nodded, for the half-dead, half-conscious man - no, boy - in my arms, who hadn't stood with his own strength for eight years. "I would like that, Mukuro-dear."

The Vindice-man stepped forward, taking hold of Mukuro, who began panicking. "No! No, Yuni-chyan! Help...help!"

I took a half-step forward, as if to help, but the other Vindice-man shook his head. "Do not."

I winced, looking away, as they injected him with another syringe, forcing him into unconsciousness. "No, Yuni-chyan...I protect you and Nagi-chyan now..." Mukuro muttered, as he fell asleep.

The Vindice forced the oxygen mask over his mouth, and raised the tank around Mukuro, water filling up.

I touched the glass. "I'll be back, Mukuro, to save you. Promise."






The sky can't save everyone, no matter how much they desire to. Of course, that doesn't mean that they can't try.

Reviews -

RikiRenaH42 - Just wait for inspiration to hit. Then you're stuck, writing about Yuni and Fran.

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - Before she is mind-raped? Noted.

Firetrail - After she is mind-raped? Hmm...

coldgazeproduction - I'M NOT ON STEROIDS. Geez, never thought I'd say that.

catrinebatrine - Mind-raping. Happens all over the world.

xXMentalPancakesXx - 'Too bad, so sad'. Yeah, he'll probably not give a shit. He is Frannie after all.

UnfadingPromise - Hmm...I'll definitely consider it, thanks.

Eurwen de Vrill - Not the marshmallow man! *hides*


Moira Sahou - Whodoesn'tloveHibari? That should be a #hashtag

shirokuromokona - After, for added drama?

FreeWeirdGal - After the final battle, for the climatic-ness? Good reason, good reason.

CuteDork - PEOPLE WHO LOVE ME? Such a new idea.

wolfsrainrules - A minute or two to wake up in her own body...or ten minutes, for climatic-ness.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - You cried? DON'T CRY, I'LL FEEL BAD D: I can't draw, psshhh.

Aquamarine Lacus - After the battle for suspense. What's up with people and suspense these days?

CC - Fran has evolved! Into...REAL CHARACTER! *shock* Byakuran may or may not know of Mao-chan.

NAO-chan33 - *Yuni hugs back* Yuni: I'm so glad I'm loved! Me: They tell you that just so you'll smile for real, instead of that creeper one. Yuni: I feel offended. Me: Good.

sweetchill - Everyone loves drama. *jazz hands*

MeWubFranxx - After the final battle? WHY DOES EVERYONE LIKE THE SUSPENSE? IT KILLS ME.

Bel's awesome principessa82 - Ao No Exorcist? Never seen/watched/read it.

Michiyo - Don't cry, Michiyo, dear! After all, Mukuro is here! (I just said that cuz it rhymed 0.0)

Rui7 - The second chapter...I'm so proud of you.

KatoKimeka-chan - I hope I didn't offend you or your mother's memory by writing a similar situation out in my story. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, so I apologize, sincerely.

cielovalkarie - After the final battle. Got it. Suspense may be served, cold.

MeLikesROFL - I just use Wikipedia because it's too hard to scroll down and find other information. *shrug*

The Ice Sorceress - Xanxus and a clueless girl. Very well may be my next story. *shrug. again* About the Sky Arcobaleno curse question, I didn't want to answer it, because everything will be answered in the end. PROMISE.

CrimsonSkyTamer - A strawberry will be accepted, in place of the pineapple.

Lanaught - Yeah, dying can really bring a person's day down.

Chocolate-Tama - Voi, back. WHAT NOW, CROCODILE? *eats chocolate*

Paigecat - RETURN ME ALPHONSE. Please, I beg you! *gets down on hands and knees* I will have something similar, but Yuni still has to be held hostage by Byakuran, because he needs to know of her power with the pacifiers that can light 'em up and he has to be beaten by Tsuna in the end. They can't be beaten by Tsuna if Tsuna isn't ready. Young Tsuna needs to defeat Byakuran. I HAVE A PLAN.

Asumi Ayumi - You are my 444th reviewer. WIN AT LIFE. Tsuna's adorable, I just wuv that mafia boss.

Today I drew a picture of a pineapple in a mafia suit. I felt like AWESOME afterwards. People asked me what it symbolized and I'd adapt an announcer voice and be all like, 'Rokudo Mukuro, the Tenth Generation Vongola Mist Guardian.' and they'd be all WTF.

QUESTION: Longer, less often chapters, or how it is now?

Leave a review :D

And some fanart *hint, hint*

And some TACOSSSSSSSSSSSS (with that many S's)

Expect an update on Friday. Some Japanese person is coming to my house tomorrow. *shrug* Might write some of it out though.
