
Chapter 33: Eight Years Later

Chapter 33

Eight Years Later

2009: jerking

2010: the dougie

2011: shuffle

2012: gangnam style

2013: harlem shake

2014: im scared to find out - some guy on Youtube.

Today's Reviewer Quote Thing :D

Is the creepy/cool voice in her head an alternate Yuni? After all, the only voice you CAN have in your head is, well, yourself. Only in parallels. I think. Not quite sure about this, because the voice in my head doesn't really talk anymore. *sniff* I miss you, Patricia... - CC

What a badass-tonfa-weilding-son-of-a-bitch. - catrinebatrine

To: TopFroggyIllusionist

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

I think I'm lost. Fuck.



Your name is...

Spit it out already!

I was crying, overwhelmed with my memories. Hanae, my beautiful mother. Ricardo, my quiet father. Alice, my perfect sister. Sebastian, the athletic brother. And Elizabeth, the little 6-year-old with the big eyes and bigger dreams.

Mama, I didn't want to leave you, you were the best mama any girl could've wanted. Papa, I'm sorry, I didn't wanna go. Alice, go marry that Adam of yours, the one you always talked about, you're perfect for him, for anyone. Sebastian, keep playing hockey, you can only go forwards. Elizabeth, dance until your feet fall off, honey, cuz that'll just make you better.

I can't tell you.

I wiped tears from my eyes, but they didn't stop.

Why not?

I was just full of questions, questions that had no answer, questions that couldn't be answered, questions that would not be answered.

Because you're not strong enough yet.

I'll never be strong enough.

No, no you won't. But I'll be there, to be strong for you.

If I will never be strong enough, then when will you tell me?

She did not reply. I stayed there, standing in the middle of nowhere, staring at my shoes, tears streaming from my eyes.

And that's where Fran found me, hours later.

I was sitting, in the middle of some...place, playing Pokemon Rangers on DSi, furiously. I had entirely reset my game (yes, I know, the horror), because fucking Nintendo couldn't shit these things out fast enough.

"...what are you doing?" he questioned me.

I cursed furiously when Gyarados beat my Vaporeon. "Useless...can't do anything against the same kind...why not? Why can't you do something useful, Vaporeon?"

"...why are you crying?" he asked.

I scowled at him. "We aren't at some kind of fucking cliche movie set here. I'm not going to tell you. Why should I?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, because you looked like you were about to tell your Vaporeon why, but then it...ran...away...?"

I pulled out a rock from my pocket (what kind of shit do I have in there?!) and threw it at him. It bounced off his hat.

"Maybe you should go away." I suggested, turning back to my game- Ah, fuck you, Gyarados!

He, instead, sat down beside me. "Maybe I won't."

"You're doing that just to piss me off, aren't you?" I glanced at him.

Fran shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"I hate you." I informed him, pocketing my DSi.

"Can we go back?" he asked me, closing his eyes, leaning back in the sunshine. "I'm cold."

"But you're in the sun." I pointed out.

"Doesn't matter."

I laughed, a surprisingly loud sound, compared to the tears that had been falling earlier. "Thank you."

He opened an eye, to peek at me. "For what?"

I smiled, brightly. "For being cold."

8 Years Later








"I didn't do it."

"Prove it, bitch!"

Yep. Fran and I were now, what, 13? I lose track of time. But he was an asshole, and I was awesome. *shrug* It's how things work.

I hissed at him, seething in anger. "How dare you! Where did you put my 3DS version of Pokemon Rangers, you piece of shit?!"

He blinked, blankly, at me. "How do you know I took it?"

I gave him a 'no fucking shit' look. "You left a note that said, 'Guess what, pineapple fairy lady? I stole your 3DS Pokemon Rangers. -Fran'. Unless Bel randomly turned into you, then you took it!"

He sighed, and pulled the game out of his Varia coat. He handed me it, with a dramatic gesture.

I kicked him in the shins. "I'm leaving, you fucktard."

We stand today on the edge of a new.

We stand today on the edge of a time.

To the never-disappearing light

I vowed in this heart I believe in you.

I just tell you my thought.

I think that is everything.

I try it for you at once. I shout. I'm calling you.

I live for the sake of protecting you

A first message. I turn around your side.

The future I believed is one

We stand today on the edge of a new.

We stand today on the edge of a time.

If this feeling reaches you

But I don't know your feeling. I don't know what you say.

We must put end to this war.

I want to be with you.

I challenge for everything.

Your smile is shine for me.

I wanna go. No matter how deep the wound I'll bear

I'll go through it. Don't be afraid of defeat.

All things that I do for you.

We stand today on the edge of a place.

We stand today on the edge of a time.

To the never-disappearing light

Keep burning, I believe in you.

We stand today on the edge of a new.

We stand today on the edge of a time.

I'll keep protecting this feeling eternally

We stand today on the edge of a place.

We stand today on the edge of a time.

To the never-disappearing light

I vowed in this heart I believe in you.

-Believe in You by Gamma (Kazuhiko Inoue)

"Tsunayoshi-chan!" I sang, kicking down the door of the Vongola office.

Sawada Tsunayoshi had been given the title of Vongola Decimo at the age of twenty and was now twenty-two. Let me just say that there is a reason that Akira Amano didn't include a picture of older Tsuna in the anime/manga. Fangirls would be all over him.

Of course, just because Tsuna randomly decided to become drop dead fucking sexydoesn't mean he randomly decided to be intelligent. Nope, he was still the same old, Dame-Tsuna.

He jumped, papers flying everywhere, as the door slammed open.

Gokudera was napping in the corner, but only twitched.

I snickered. "Way to fail, Tsunayoshi-chan, way to fail."

Tsuna sighed, standing up to retrieve the papers. "Yuni-chan, when did you arrive? I thought you were going to be here at noon, and it's only 11. And wasn't Squalo, Xanxus and Fran supposed to be with you?"

I shrugged. "Squalo was taking a shower, which means hours of time wasted, Xanxus was bitching about Squalo showering and I just ditched Fran altogether."

"They were your bodyguards." he deadpanned.

I grinned, slyly. "Your expressions are just adorable, Tsunayoshi-chan! If I was oh, ten years older, I would have practically been in love with you-"

He plugged his ears, singing, really off key. "LALALALA, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, THAT'S LIKE INCEST, JUST NO."

I burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, Tsunayoshi-chan."

He set the now-collected papers onto his desk, shooting me a look of disapproval. "That's all you do, Yuni-chan. You're eleven now, you need to grow up."

I sneered. "When you were eleven, I was two and already taking on the Varia, sweetie."

He spluttered. "Well, weren't you litigious, or whatever?"

I rolled my eyes, stepping forward and collapsing into an especially comfortable desk chair. "Prodigious, Tsunayoshi-chan, prodigious. Litigious is, to quote Google search, 'Concerned with lawsuits or litigation' or 'unreasonably prone to go to law to settle disputes'."

Tsuna blinked. "Why do you have that definition memorized?"

"Because you screw it up so many times, that I finally memorized it." I snarked, tracing the leather chair.


I froze. I hadn't heard from that...voice in over eight years.


Yes, Yuni-chan.

Where the hell have you been?!

Here, always, Yuni-chan, I've been preparing.

For what?! I'm ready! I've always been ready, regardless of what you say-

You know how the Giglio Nero are on one side of the war at the moment? Against the Gesso?

A few months ago, a new family had appeared, the Gesso Family, led by none other than Byakuran himself. Upon hearing that, I locked myself in my room for weeks, trying to break into the Gesso's systems, but Byakuran's knowledge of other worlds defeated my extensive computer knowledge and I couldn't break in.

The Gesso had challenged the Giglio Nero, most likely for the Mare Rings, that belonged to Aria, Gamma, Genkishi, Tosaru, Nosaru, Spanner (who I STILL haven't met!), and me. I had the cloud, Aria had the sky, Gamma had the lightning, Genkishi had the mist, Tosaru had the storm, Nosaru had the sun and Spanner had the rain.

Why they decided to give me a Mare Ring, I don't know.

So the Giglio Nero was fighting against the Gesso Famiglia. A mafia war.

Tsunayoshi was under constant surveillance, as boss of a major family that could be easily assassinated, and was almost always accompanied by a Guardian. He would probably be able to hold his own, against anyone, but Gokudera refused to take no for an answer. He had offered to assist us, but we had refused, out of pride.

I, on the other hand, was a 'personal friend' of Tsuna's (and ya know, a mafia boss in the making) and he decided that I was too young to be associated as the next boss of the Giglio Nero, Mare Ring or not. So, Fran and Squalo were to be my guards. Haru, Hana and Kyoko were watched by Trident Shamal and Bianchi.

Aria, my mother, was under Gamma's constant protection. She had been feeling a bit under the weather lately, and had sent me off to the Vongola HQ, so I wouldn't 'catch the bug', as she had said. She assured me that she would get better, and to have a nice time.

So I had gone to the Varia, to be 'escorted' (more like kidnapped...) by Fran and Squ-chan dearest, but I had ditched them and took a taxi.

Do you know what event is next?

Umm, in canon? And don't change the subject! I'm still angry with you for randomly disappearing for eight fucking years!

Yes, in canon, Yuni-chan, and hurry.

Why was Mao-chan so urgent sounding...?

Uhh, Byakuran gets me stoned?

No, Yuni-chan, no! Think Mo- Aria, think Aria.

Aria, Aria, Aria-

My heart plummeted.

Mother dies.

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, and now what will you do?!

I...I can't do anything.

No, Yuni-chan. You can't do anything.

To: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

From: TopFroggyMagician

Yo. How's that war of yours holding up? If you ever need someone who is actually strong, just come find me, alright?

I'm lying, I don't want to help you. That's way too much work.







I closed my eyes, leaned against the wall, and fell to my knees. Useless. I had never felt this kind of distress in my life. My mother was about to die, but I could do nothing. Everything was slipping through my fingers. How could I forget? What kind of human being am I?

I know this is really confusing, but please, bare with me, and if you have any questions, or see any plot holes, let me know, or go ahead and ask, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability, or I'll patch up the holes, with duct tape.


coldgazeproduction - You can call me Leo. Pokemon and DBZ are both pretty hardcore...with awesomeness. Have fun watching me...from my window, lol.

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - Everyone loves Black Butler, lol.

SAraLeE - Don't fuck with Yuni's Monopoly. Lesson? Learned.

Saskicheez - Just don't give the girl fruit...unless, of course, you're looking to be entertained, I could understand that. And Monopoly rocks. It just does.

CrimsonSkyTamer - Oh. My. God, Zero is so sexy. He is just...amazing, I just...oh, sweet baby Jesus, I could talk about that boy ALL day.

Lanaught - There isn't much of a bond between Yuni and Aria, I know, but that's because Yuni is so busy with making sure that the plot isn't all screwed up. Watch out for bears, Aria, watch out for bears.

Paigecat - Fuuta is mine! MWAHAHAHA! FMA:B does follow the same manga plot, but ended already. I sobbed when Al sacrificed himself, I was screaming at the screen, "NO, MY LOVE, NO!" and my sister told me to shut up 0.0

Rd - Mao is Chinese for cat? Thanks for that tidbit...

anyandeveryanime - Don't judge my noticing skills...or lack of them... Gokudera is good looking, I will admit.

catrinebatrine - Hibari. The badass-tonfa-weilding-son-of-a-bitch. Makes sense, makes sense.

shirokuromokona - Zoro is really, really awesome. I've started One Piece (motherfucker, its long) and his voice is sexy, with a capital SEXY.

FurionKnight - Thanks :D

CuteDork - A...voodoo...doll? WTF. lol.

xXxMentalPancakesxXx - Glad to know I screw with your feels. And that you love me. XD

Sexyhibarilover - lol, the sexy lover has been attacked by the lovee.

TheParadoxicalOtaku - DO THE HARLEM SHAKE. Probably flashbacks whenever I feel like it. Flashback arcs take too long... and I'm too lazyyyy.

CC - NOT PATRICIA, DON'T LEAVE US, NOOOOO. I've never finished a Monopoly game in my life. They're far too long and I don't have anywhere near enough patience, lol. Mukuro was probably just being Mukuro, stalking Chrome, stalking Tunafish, you know the drill. My favorite anime guy? Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. He's just so kind, and sweet, and so handsome, and has such a soft voice, and he has a brilliant personality, and he can sing really, really well. I just love him- shutting up now, lol. Yuni, on the other hand, worships Hibari-sama like...like Buddha. *nods*

Michiyo - I prefer the LEON part. Of course, lol. Everyone loves Hibari-sama (even Yuni).

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - I've never finished Monopoly...what do you get when you win, fake money, lol?

ResyaAfhirsa - Fran is OOC, I think! Glad to know you like :)

Randomanimeluvr - Poor Yuni is right, ahaha.

The Ice Sorceress - Fran's not good at Monopoly either, so he just cheats his way through with illusions.

Sora Rai - I'm so glad you like it :D

I have a really important question this week, that I want everyone to answer.

What should Yuni's name, from her previous life, be?

Leave all sorts of suggestions, and the one I like best will be the one I keep.

Leave a review?

Leave an offering for Fran-sama?

Expect an update...TOMORROW! WHAT UP!
