
Chapter 29: The Naming of Our Children (wait, what?)

Chapter 29

The Naming of Our Children (Wait, What?!)

You have already fulfilled my expectations. It appears that you're still hiding a wealth of potential. I was watching you while your Guardians struggled to overcome their trials, and I could tell from your behavior and actions that you were always putting them first. And that didn't change when Daemon set his trap. I witnessed your resolve to protect your Family, and I was impressed. Your Guardians also responded similarly. Sawada Tsunayoshi, I deem you worthy as boss of the tenth-generation Vongola Family. - Giotto

Today's Reviewer Quote Thing :D

Fran should learn that some men DO wear dresses. He IS going to be working with Lussuria. - Paigecat

"So, you gonna come with me?" I asked Fran, shivering slightly. I was still sopping wet, from falling into the water. Wringing out my dress hadn't helped, it was just damp and wrinkled now.

He shrugged. "Eh, it's probably more interesting where you go, than where my grandmother is. She sucks at cooking."

I scowled. "I suck at cooking too."

He groaned. "No matter where I go, I can't have someone make me some decent food..."

I considered it. "Well, I'm going to take you to Varia, and Lussuria-san makes really good steak. Of course, if he didn't, Xanxan would probably kill him..."

Fran gave me a flat look. "Wow, that 'Xanxan' guy sounds like a real pocketful of sunshine."

"...you've been listening to Natasha Bedingfield, haven't you?" I accused.

He pointedly looked away from me. "I'll go with you, but I need to go home to get some of my things."

I brushed a few strands of wet hair out of my eyes. "Alright, but you have to let me use a towel. And maybe a hair dryer."

"Who says that I'll let you use my towels?" he asked, walking away, probably to his house.

I ran to catch up with him, scooping up my duffel bag, not wanting to be left behind. "Common sense. Unless you want me dripping water all over your floors."

Fran snorted. "I'm not living there anymore, right? So it doesn't matter to me."

"...I hate how that is a really good point."

"But," he continued. "if you get sick, then you'll get me sick and then that 'Xanxan' fellow will probably kill me."

I smiled. "You catch on fast."

"I'm prodigious." Fran said, with ease.

I froze. "...no. You are not prodigious, I am."

He blinked, glancing at me. "There's nothing special about you, except, maybe, how you're so un-feminine."

I twitched. "I. Am. Prodigious."

"No, you're not." he casually insulted, amused with my reaction. "You're perfectly average, maybe below average."

"Wow, you really know the way to a girl's heart." I shot back, sarcastically.

He shrugged. "It's one of my many skills, I suppose."

"Go rot in hell."

"No thanks."

I stepped in Fran's house, glancing around. It was pretty neat, small and organized, but kind of...empty, almost.

A towel smacked me in the face. "Here."

"I hate you." I deadpanned, taking the towel and rubbing my hair down.

An old lady stepped out of some room. "Oh, Fran, sweetie. Who is this, your girlfriend?"

"No way in hell." we chorused together.

"He made me fall in the lake, so I needed to dry up." I explained, briefly.

"I see..." the lady smiled, slightly. "I'll get you one of Elicia's old dresses, alright?"

Fran tensed at this, but didn't say anything.

"Umm, alright." I said, kind of awkwardly.

The lady disappeared up the stairs, mumbling something about 'kids' and 'grow up so fast'.

I elbowed Fran. "Who's Elicia? Your sister?"

He didn't look at me. "...my mother."

I frowned. "Where is she?"

He sighed, not wanting to answer the question. "Dead."

"...I'm sorry." I apologized.

"For what?" he demanded, angrily. "For her death? You don't even know me."

I scowled. "Well, sure, it sucks that she's dead, but I didn't kill her, so I'm not gonna apologize for that! I'm sorry for bringing it up, but apparently you jump to conclusions, bastard!"

He frowned at me, but turned away, in a huff.

The lady came back down the stairs, holding some dresses. "Here you go, sweetheart, you can keep them."

I thanked her. "Can I go change in the bathroom?"

"Of course!"

I came back, a few minutes later, wearing a yellow sundress.

Fran had his own bag slung over his shoulder, his apple hat...thing on his head. "I'm ready, pineapple fairy lady."

"...I'm not Mukuro's sister!" I gritted my teeth.

"Deny the truth all you want," he said, lazily. "but either way, its still the truth."

"I'll kill you one day." I promised.

"Of course you will."

"Whatever, anyways, we're going to Italy now, alright?" I said, stepping out of the house, back into the sunshine.

He followed, dutifully. "Alright. But I don't have any money."

I waved it off. "I'll pay for you, don't worry."

He frowned. "Women should never pay for the man-"

"Well, thanks for the concern, but I got it." I said, awkwardly. To think, he had a sense of manners-

"Women should never pay for the man," he repeated, annoyed. "no matter how unfeminine the lady is."

"I hate you." I informed him. "But I'm paying."

"Fine. Be stubborn."

"I will."

We boarded the plane, first class (because apparently, anything lower than that was below Fran).

I collapsed into a seat, easily. Planes were quickly becoming the place where I was most comfortable, considering how I'm almost always in one.

Fran sat, less comfortable with the plane than I was, beside me, glancing around cautiously.

I poked his cheek. "Relax, Frannie."

He swatted at my hand. "Don't call me that. We're two minors, on a first class airplane. Won't people question us?"

I shrugged. "Just act all cutesy when they do, I've boarded at least four planes by doing that."

He facepalmed. "You have a strange way of working, Yuneth."

I snickered. "Yuneth? What kind of name is that?"

Fran scowled at me. "You called me Frannie."

"Fine, Frapple." I hissed.

He snorted. "You suck at names as much as I do. Your kids would have the worst names ever, like...Herisaldailey or something."

I scrunched up my nose. "No. If I have two boys, then they'll be Edward and Alphonse."

He sneered. "After that Fullmetal Alchemist show?"

"Edward and Alphonse were two sexy beasts." I confirmed, crossing my arms. "And then my sons will be two sexy beasts as well."

"What if its a girl?" he challenged.

"If I have a boy, it's Edward, then if I have another one, its Alphonse. If I have a girl, I think it might be either Aria or Hinata. I'm really torn between those." I admitted, starting to feel awkward with the conversation.

He considered it. "I like Hinata better. Alphonse is German, not Italian, you know. My son would be Achille. And my daughter would be Marie-Elise."

I choked. "Achilles?"

"Achille." he corrected.

"In Greek mythology, Achilles died because he had a bad heel or something." I informed him.

He blinked. "Okay, fine then, I'm stealing the name Alphonse from you."

"You bastard!"

Fran and I squabbled for a while, arguing on names (well, I argued, he just gave calm replies, bastard.), genders and all sorts of shit.

I finally leaned back into the chair, exhausted.

"You lose." Fran told me, helpfully.

I shot him a look. "I pity the woman who will marry you."

He said something, probably rude and sarcastic, but I jammed my headphones into my ears, drifting off to nap. This guy took so much energy out of you.

A Fullmetal Alchemist (of course.) song began playing.

Fran snatched an earbud and put it in his own ear.

I ignored him.

The sky we saw that day. That madder red sky.

Hey, do you still remember it?

The promise we make is engulfed within the winds of the early summer,

as we cuddle close together.

A worsening pain is hidden behind the smile you forcefully showed.

Thats why I pretend not to notice.

I choose to restart from scratch

I continue to wait for the unsurprising news to arrive on my table.

I wait through the vacant night and the morning that shouldnt arrive even though I knew everything.

The sky we saw that day That madder red sky.

Hey, have you forgotten about it?

The promise we make vanishes within the winds of the early summer,

and yet, the two of us cant return to how it was.

Be it the sound, color or temperature in it.

This room is a pale shadow of what it used to be.

What is left scatter in today is once again fear, tiredness and sleepiness.

You tricked me completely. I liked you because you hate lies

Those were your words.

As things are now, our love is becoming nothing more than a pain.

Thats why we have to say goodbye.

Even though I hope to someday hold your hands again, after we say goodbye,

but we probably wont meet again, right?

The last lie I made was a white lie.

Don't forget that.

The sky we saw that day That madder red sky.

Hey, you'll remember it someday, right?

We cling on to the promise that we weren't able to fulfill,

as we walk away.

-Uso by Sid

Fran shot me a weird look. "You have a bad taste in names and music."

"I hate you." I snapped, snatching back the headphone. "And to think, I shared with you!"

He rolled his eyes. "Way to overexaggerate."

"Go to sleep. This is gonna be a longer trip than I wanted." I snarled, annoyed.

He held up his hands, in an 'I surrender' gesture. "Sorry."

I blinked. "...really?"

"I didn't know it was that time of month for you." he said, blankly. "I just realized it, because of your temper."







How helpful it is, to have a friend as perfect as him. It makes me notice my own flaws, and lowers my pride. I think I needed that.

I think Fran came off as a douche, but he is a douche. But a lovable douche. LOVE YOU, FRANNIE, DARLIN'!


shirokuromokona - Nothin' better than some good old Ichiraku Ramen. I didn't know Giglio Nero meant that. Thanks for that tidbit of info. I'll probably use that to my advantage.

hello-totoro-ninja - Thanks:3

Paigecat - I miss like every other day of school, lol, there's so many snow days, sick days and days off, I love it.

CrimsonSkyTamer - I can't cook ramen either. I had this spasm, and I was like 'HOW MUCH WATER?!' 'WHEN IS IT BOILING?!' and my dad told me to shut up and google it. I did. And the ramen tasted like cardboard.

Michiyo - Thanks for da ramen, bro~ Stuff Fran, yall, stuff 'im.

MeLikesROFL - Does their arguing count as fluff? I really can't wait until they get to troll everyone (except Xanxan, otherwise they die.) in the Varia.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - Those fucking invisible rocks just piss me off. I hate it when that happens. Yeah don't piss off Gamma. He'll get you with his balls.

CC - If you want, I can put those paragraphs in my story, because they made me smile :) Of course, only if you give me permission.

sweetchill - At long last...lol.

Chanaenae17 - lol, yeah.

CuteDork - Annoying people is my favorite pastime. It's the best.

forgot passqord - (you spelled password wrong, ahaha) Alphonse is the best.


Furionknight - Aww, thank you:3

Lanaught - I've finished Pokemon Rangers in 4 hours and 57 minutes. PRODIGIOUS, WHAT UP!

Kufufu no Fu - Bitch, please, lol.

Kuhahaha - Fran be here and he be stayin'.

I think 2 chapters ago, I was celebrating over 200 reviews. Now, I have 250. Wow. You guys are the best. If I asked for, uhh, 270-275, would that be too much?

Anyways, you guys are the best. THE BEST.

Thank you all, so much!

Leave a review, thats all I ask for.

Expect an update soon, my friends, soon.
