
Chapter 12: Omake Chapter: What if? Part One

Chapter 12

Omake Chapter: What if...?

"Bel - What happened to your box weapon?

Fran - I tried my best, but...I couldn't think of a pose for opening it.

Bel - Pose?

Fran - Don't all the heroes who transform and the magicians who cast spells have those? I'm the type of person for whom doing that is necessary.

Bel - I'm going to kill you. Better yet, commit suicide right here.

Fran - But the thing is, I can't lift my arms because of this hat. So what I'm saying is, can I remove it?

Bel - No way! You'll die wearing it!"

You're welcome.

Here's Chapter 12: Omake Chapter: What if...?

What if all of the Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters were actors and they were at a Rebocon?

"Ushishishi~" a loud laugh filled the bustling theatre, making fangirls squeal.

"Bel-sempai~ Try not to be so disturbing to the general public. You're creeping all those girls out." a voice suggested, but his emotion-less tone of voice kind of contradicted his statement.

A quick flick of the wrist and the sound of something lodging into another something.

"Itai, Bel-sempai. Stop throwing your knives at me." the monotone voice complained.

"Shut up, you uncute kohai." a man with messy, but stylish blonde hair stepped onto the stage. "I have to greet all my adoring fans, but your stupid voice is ruining my spotlight."

A boy, with a giant frog hat (...the hell?) and straight green hair followed him. A knife was lodged into his hat. "Bel-sempai, can I take the hat off? The knives lodged in it make my balance off~"

"No, you'll die wearing it, stupid frog." 'Bel-sempai' spat.

"Can I at least take the knife out? It hurts." 'Stupid frog' whined.

The girls in the audience started chanting. "Take out the knife! Take out the knife!"

Belphegor seemed to remember that they were supposed to be giving a performance. "Ah! I forgot about you all! Welcome to Rebocon BLUE!"

Backstage, I tried not to facepalm at Bel's stupidity.

"Bel-sempai." Fran called, holding a bent knife. "I took out the knife and now my head doesn't hurt anymore~"

Bel's forehead pulsed. "I told you not to take it out-!"

I was getting fed up. "Belphegor-san! Fran-san! You're at a fucking concert! And Bel-san, you're 24! Act like it! And Fran-san, if you don't want people to treat you like a kid, stop acting like one!"

Belphegor and Fran turned to me. "Shut up." Bel commanded.

"Princess-sempai, I wouldn't get in the way of Bel-sempai if I was you. He might be a pervert, in secret." Fran deadpanned, walking over to me and patting my shoulder, with good-intentions.

"Like you're not." I shot back, with ease.

Bel cursed and threw a knife into Fran's hat. "Shut up!"

The girls gasped, murmuring amongst themselves.

I closed my eyes and stepped onto the stage. "Hello, everyone!"

Everyone cheered back, "Hello, Yuni-sama!"

I grinned. "Since Belphegor-san and Fran-san are such incompetent hosts, I'll accompany them and keep them in line!"

Bel scoffed. "And how will a peasant like you threaten a prince like me~?"

I shot him a glare. "I'll whip out my ultimate defense. Xanxan."

Bel froze. "...please, Yuni-san, continue."

I beamed, turning back towards the crowd. "Since Bel-san is being so cooperative today, he can take care of the first song!"

Bel cursed, "What the hell are you doing-?!"

The crowd began cheering. "Bel-phe-gor! Bel-phe-gor!"

Bel sighed, giving in. "Fine. But the stupid frog and the stupid bitch-"

I narrowed my eyes. "Maybe I should call Xanx-"

"I mean, Fran and Yuni-san have to leave the stage."

I nodded, dragging Fran behind me. "Good luck."

Rock music began playing as Bel started his song, Bloody Prince.

I reprimanded Fran behind stage. "Fran-san! You can't go around pissing off Bel-san. You know he's stronger than you and could kick your ass-"

Fran interrupted me. "Princess-sempai. I'm stronger than you and could kick your ass."

I waved his (faint) threat off. "I'd set Pineapple-san or Tunafish-san or hell- Gokudera-san on you."

Fran's expression was blank. "Gulp. I won't kick your ass."

I grinned. "Good choice. Now, we need to find Squ-chan. His song is next."

"It won't take long." Fran deadpanned, as I began checking dressing rooms. "Just follow the sound of his 'voi's."

I blinked, listening. I could actually hear a faint 'VOIII' coming from the bathrooms...

I pointed at the mens' bathrooms. "Fran, go retrieve him."

Fran stared. "Why do I have to, Princess-sempai?"

I gave him a look. "It's the MENS' bathrooms. I can't go in there."

"Why not?" Fran asked, evenly. "You certainly aren't a girl with that flat chest-"

I kicked him through the door. "JUST FUCKING GET SQU-CHAN OUT HERE."

Fran sighed, but dragged a tied up Squ-chan out.

I just stared at Squ-chan. "...how?"

He looked pointedly away from my gaze. "That damn boss got pissed when I didn't bring him the right steak before the show. So he made a few grunts kidnap me after he knocked me out with a wine bottle."

I facepalmed. "Fran, please untie him. Squ-chan, your song is next."

Fran groaned, but did as was ordered.

Squalo swore, standing up, rubbing his wrists. "...dammit!"

He sprinted out the door.

I sighed. "Fran, who is next?"

Fran held up this notebook, the one that he keeps all of his important information in. If he didn't have what Bel wanted when Bel wanted it, Fran would've been skewered like a shish-kabob. "Next is the extreme guy."

I nodded. "Extreme-san will probably either be in the training room or stalking Kyoko-san."

Fran stared at me. "How do you know that, Princess-sempai?"

I snorted. "Common sense."

"But you have no sense. You're actually not special at all." Fran deadpanned.

I shot him a glare. "I'm fuckin' prodigious, bro."

Fran didn't even blink. "Bel-sempai killed all of his family when he was eight. He's more prodigious than you are, Princess-sempai."

"I finished high school when I was five!" I shot back.

"Gokudera-sempai could've done it by four." Fran replied, with ease.

"I'm the boss of the Arcobaleno and a mafia family." I raised an eyebrow. "And I have been since I was like eight."

"Ah, but Tsunayoshi-sempai has always been a mafia boss." Fran pointed out.

"Fran-san..." I closed my eyes, an aura of purple darkness growing around me. "Do you wanna piss off the boss of the Arcobaleno?"

Fran shook his head. "No, thank you."

"Then shut up." I suggested.

"Will do, Princess-sempai."

"Now, Fran-san." I said, glancing up and down the hallways. "We need to find Extreme-san. Where do you think he might be?"

In the distance, I heard a really, really loud VOIIIII. I told the producers that Squ-chan didn't need a microphone, because he is simply that friggin' loud, but apparently, it'd be bad for business (and just strange, in general) if a performer could sing (read: yell) over 1, 000 - 2, 000 people. I really didn't see what the problem was. But what the producers say, goes.

Fran shrugged. "I don't know, Princess-sempai. Where is Kyoko-sempai?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't know...and you don't need to call Kyoko-san -sempai, because she's not higher than you are. You guys are in different categories, entirely. I am too, but you're an asshole and don't care what I think."

"Ah, but Bel-sempai is higher than I am." Fran commented, dryly.

"Was that a druggie joke?" I deadpanned.

Fran didn't even blink. "There is a reason his laugh sounds like that."

I smiled, faintly. "Now, we need to find Extreme-san...?"

Someone ran past us, screaming, "I'M EXTREMELY LATE!", making my skirt fly up. I pressed it down, firmly, red creeping up my cheeks.

Fran didn't even look embarrassed. "Ah, cherry print, Princess-sempai?"

I punched him. "Pervert."

Fran looked into his little book again. "Ah, Tsunayoshi-sempai is next."

I sighed. "I hope he, at least, will be prepared."

I led (read: dragged) Fran to the waiting area.

Tsuna was nervously sitting there, fidgeting. Kyoko, Haru, Google Chrome and Mukuro were chillaxing too. Kyoko and Haru were talking about the best type of rice cooker (...the fuck?) and Chrome was just blushing due to close proximity to Mukuro. Mukuro's eyes were closed, but they snapped open when Fran stepped into the room. It must be a sixth sense, of hatred, or something.

"Tuna!" I greeted. "Kyoko-san, Dangerous-san, Google-san and Pineapple-san!"

Kyoko beamed. "Hi, Yuni-chan!"

Haru saluted me. "It is an honor, Yuni-chan, desu!"

Chrome smiled lightly. "Hello, Yuni-san."

Mukuro scoffed. "I don't know why you insist on calling me that ridiculous name, foolish girl. And my adorable Chrome too..."

I shot him a glare. "You sound so creepy when you call her that. Creepy, perverted old man."

I patted Fran's shoulder. "I now see where you got your perverted-ness from. Damn you, Mukuro!"

"Ah, Shishou." Fran noticed. "You're not stalking people's dreams, how impressive."

Mukuro snorted. "As if I could teach such a stupid boy."

"He's your student." I deadpanned. "If you don't teach him anything, you're a fail of a teacher."

Mukuro shrugged. "At least I tried."

"Anyways," I turned back to Tsuna. "Your song is up after Extreme-san finishes."

Tsuna looked nervous. "...h-hai, Yuni."

I screwed up his hair. "Stay cute, brah. Stay cute."

He turned red. "E-Err, I'll try?"


I waved Gokudera down. "Down boy, woof."

Gokudera fumed. "Are you asking for death?!"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "You thuck."

Gokudera snorted. "You can't even speak right."

I retracted tongue and repeated myself. "You suck."

I glanced at Tsuna. "Good luck."

Tsuna nodded, his cheeks still pink. "I-I'll try my best!"

"I'M FINISHED TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei shouted, probably to the crowd.

I kicked Tsuna out the door. "Good luck, Tsu-kun!"

Kyoko smiled. "Have fun, Tsu-kun!"

Haru nodded, approvingly. "Tsuna-san will try his best for his and Haru's love-love, desu!

I sweatdropped at that, glancing at Mukuro. "End:Res, next, k? And don't kill anyone."

Mukuro shrugged. "No promises."

I flicked on the screen, watching Tsuna sing.

"Oh, Tunafish." I squealed. "You're so cute!"

Fran gave me a blank look. "Ah, Princess-sempai has such bad taste."

I punched him. "DIE."






To be continued...

The songs that they sang went in order: Bloody Prince, by Belphegor, Requiem Rain, by Squ-chan, Kyokugen Fighter, by Ryohei and Hitotsu Dake, by Tunafish.

This is part one of a many part omake chapter-thing. It will be continued, whenever I feel like it.


GreenDrkness - I...don't know. Tsuna FO SHO will meet Not Yuni. FO SHO. Thanks for the review. Go vote on my poll if you haven't already.

TsubakiTwilight - If canon Yuni acted like this, I think I would die laughing, lol. Thanks for the review and go vote on my poll if you haven't already.

Ingmina - I don't get inspiration! This story writes itself, I swear! Thanks for the review and go vote on my poll if you haven't already.

XSkyeStarlX - HDWM Tsuna makes me want to go like die of happiness, he is so hot and just...awesome. Thanks for the review and go vote on my poll if you haven't already.

Michiyo - Double, triple updates? *SHOT* so much work...Yuni's going to Japan. There ain't no way she's missing out on Hibari. lol, thanks for the review and go vote on the poll if you haven't already.

shirokuromokona - Reborn's reactions to Yuni's...Yuni-ness will probably be included as A, a flashback or B, a regular omake at the end of a chapter. BUT IT WILL BE SHOWN, IF I DIE TRYING. Thanks!

MeLikesROFL - I love Squ-chan! I do, but he got like...two votes...and it's like NOOO, NOT THE SQU-CHAN! But then again, if he got together with Yuni...he'd be breaking the law. But then again, he's mafia, laws can go fuck themselves. Ahaha, thanks! Thanks for the review!

moonglazerz - Fun-ness is my goal *bows* Thanks for the review and go vote on the poll if you haven't already.

KatoKimeka-chan - Her hair is like shoulder length, contrary to Yuni's bob-cut. Otherwise, they're identical. Thanks for the review and fanart, and go vote on the poll if you haven't already.

Meli-Chan27 - Lol, Yuni is now my hero, ahaha. Hibari is perfect. Even if he is kind of violent and likes beating people up for fun. He's perfect anyways. Thanks for the review and go vote on the poll if you haven't already.

Solera - Ahaha, thanks! I feel flattered... thanks for the review and go vote on the poll if you haven't already.

Poll So Far~

Fran - 7

Tunafish - 6

Takeshi - 4

Mukuro - 3

Belphegor - 1

Shoichi - 1

Since Fran was being loved so much (MIGHT I ENCOURAGE YOU TO VOTE FOR HIM.), I added some Fran into this chapter, for yall.


Question: is Fran OOC?

Thanks for the support!

Leave a review?

Expect an update, err, sometime this week.
