
Truth of Origin

In the tapestry of existence, a beleaguered sovereign endures the weight of endless lifetimes, each attempt to achieve an elusive goal met with failure. Now, with the sands of time slipping away, Arion embarks on a final odyssey. Faced with dwindling chances, he must defy convention, undertaking a journey where every risk, every divergence from the past, becomes a thread in the creation of a new era—a realm purged of its prevailing corruption. Amid the crucible of death, sacrifice, and war, Arion seeks not only renewal but answers to profound questions that echo through his soul. He questions the very purpose that has guided him through countless lives, wondering if it is the right path, the true calling that will bring about the betterment he envisions. Through the metamorphosis of self, Arion endeavors to forge a life reborn—a testament to resilience and a beacon for a better future. This is the saga of a king's desperate quest for redemption, where the echoes of countless lives converge in a symphony of renewal, transformation, and the pursuit of a truth that transcends the boundaries of time.

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2 Chs

Despair and Destruction

In the waning embers of twilight, Arion found himself in an otherworldly realm, the atmosphere tainted by the acrid scent of burning wood and the harrowing cries of a clan caught in the throes of chaos. The air hung heavy with despair, and the flickering flames cast eerie, dancing shadows over the remnants of a medium-sized settlement, now ensnared in the clutches of rampant destruction.

Observing from the periphery in his ethereal form, Arion's eyes took in the scene with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. The world around him pulsed with a violent energy, an ominous undercurrent to the devastation unfolding. The assailants, mere shadows themselves, moved with a ruthless efficiency, their path marked by devastation and sorrow. The crackling of the flames harmonized grotesquely with the anguished cries of the clan's inhabitants, forming a macabre symphony against the backdrop of a crumbling world.

"So this is the start of my next life," Arion said, a wry but knowing smile touching his ethereal lips. His voice, barely a whisper, carried the weight of countless lives and deaths.

Hidden amidst the crumbling ruins, a young boy, no more than 13 years old, witnessed the onslaught with eyes wide in terror. His family, once respected leaders within their community, lay scattered around him, their lives extinguished as callously as the flames consuming their homes.

The cold, sharp voices of the assailants cut through the chaos, echoing with malice. "Search every corner! Leave no survivors. We cannot allow anyone to escape and bear witness to our presence."

In a desperate act of love and sacrifice, the boy's parents, their faces etched with a blend of love and despair, hurried to hide him. "Hide, my son. Seek the underground tunnels. They will lead you away from this madness," his father whispered, urgency lacing his voice.

The boy's mother, with tears streaming down her face, implored, "You are our hope, our legacy. Survive, my love. Survive for us."

With trembling hands, they guided him to a concealed entrance, sealing his fate as they sacrificed their own lives to ensure his escape.

As the boy navigated the labyrinthine tunnels, the walls seemed to absorb the echoes of his clan's despair. The damp, cold earth beneath his fingertips served as a tangible connection to the world he was leaving behind. His heart beat rhythmically, a drumming reminder of the survival against insurmountable odds that awaited him.

Emerging into the cold night, the boy was confronted with a world transformed. The flames of destruction painted a haunting tableau across the sky, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out towards him. The tunnels, his subterranean sanctuary, had morphed from a place of refuge into a testament of the tragedy that had unfolded above.

In the eerie glow of the burning embers, the boy's journey continued. Each step he took was laden with the weight of survival as he navigated through the shattered remnants of his home. The air around him hummed with the whispers of lives lost, a melancholic symphony that accompanied his escape.

Amidst the ruins, the boy found himself standing at the threshold of what was once a thriving community, now reduced to rubble and echoes of despair. The flickering flames cast an ethereal light on the devastation, revealing the silhouettes of the assailants, their cold voices orchestrating the destruction.

"Keep looking. Ensure no stone is left unturned. We can't afford any witnesses," one of the assailants commanded, his words dripping with malevolence.

The boy, hidden in the shadows, strained to hear more. The assailants' conversation was a chilling counterpoint to the tragedy that had unfolded. "This clan thought they were safe. Foolish mortals," sneered one. "Perhaps if we leave some survivors, they will serve as a cautionary tale to others who dare defy us," another added with a sinister laugh.

As the boy listened, a mix of fear and anger surged within him. He became a silent witness to the malevolent plans of those responsible for the decimation of his world.

Retreating back into the tunnels, the boy's escape route led him deeper into the underbelly of his shattered home. The walls bore silent witness to the fragility of life, each cry, each plea, etched into the very stones that framed his path. The darkness enveloped him like a shroud, amplifying the weight of his solitude.

In a hidden enclave, the boy stumbled upon a chamber filled with relics from his clan's past. Flickering candles illuminated forgotten memories—a testament to lives extinguished and a community erased. The pain of loss gnawed at him, but he pressed on, driven by an unspoken promise to honor the sacrifices made for his survival.

"Why has this happened to my clan and me? Is this the price for trying to start anew?" he whispered to

 himself, his thoughts echoing in the silent despair around him.

The echoes of the assailants' voices faded as he traversed the winding tunnels, yet the anguish of his clan lingered. The journey became a solitary pilgrimage through the catacombs of his past, the walls whispering tales of resilience and despair.

In the depths of the tunnels, he overheard fragments of conversations among the assailants. "Did you see the fear in their eyes? Pathetic creatures, thinking they could escape the inevitable," one of them jeered.

"Leave no stone unturned, indeed. We must erase every trace of their existence," another added, his voice cold and heartless.

The boy's heart raced as he clung to the shadows, absorbing the cruel dialogue of those who had brought devastation upon his world. Amidst the darkness, his determination to survive grew stronger.

Finally emerging into the night air, the boy found himself standing at the outskirts of what was once his haven. The landscape, now an unrecognizable tapestry of ruin, stretched out before him. The scent of smoldering embers filled the air, a constant reminder of the inferno that had consumed everything he held dear.

As he ventured further into the desolation, he stumbled upon a hidden enclave—a secret haven where survivors gathered, sharing in the shadows and echoes of the past. Hushed conversations filled the air as the boy recounted tales of the assailants' cruel intentions and the relentless destruction they left in their wake. The boy, now a witness to both tragedy and defiance, felt a spark of determination ignite within him.

"It is time," said Arion, deciding to cease being a mere observer. His form began to dissipate, merging with the boy.

Memories flooded the boy's mind, pieces of a life not entirely his own. The river of space and time had intertwined his destiny with a legacy that spanned beyond his comprehension.

As the night deepened, the boy, now bearing the weight of Arion's memories, stood at the precipice of a destiny intertwined with cosmic threads. The stars above bore witness to his tale, the night holding within its silent embrace the echoes of both a tragic past and the potential for a reborn future.

"It seems despair and destruction are my constant companions, even in this life…" the boy murmured, his voice barely a whisper in the vast darkness.

Continuing his solitary journey, the haunting whispers of the past echoed in his mind, blending with the darkness that surrounded him. Yet, within that darkness, a glimmer of resolve shone brightly, steeling him for the challenges that lay ahead.