
Truth and Treachery

When Adrien discovers a photo from his mom in his room, his curiosity leads to the downfall of the superheroes. Hawkmoth figures out the heroes identities and attacks. Will his wish come true? Is Hawkmoth the true villain behind everything? Find out in Truth and Treachery. This story is a miraculous, marvel, CW crossover. The characters are not mine, they belong to Zag Studios, Marvel studios and DC. I hope you all enjoy! This is my first fan fiction and I had so much fun writing it.

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The Strange Photo/Prologue

It was a dark and stormy night. The sky was filled with ominous thunder and lightning crackled in the air above the Agreste mansion. "Ahhhhh!!!!" Chloe screamed as the loud rumble of thunder shook the home. "I want my mommy!" Adrien sucked his thumb in the corner of the room and whimpered. Emilie barged into the room talking on her cellphone. "No, Gabriel don't do it. I'm in charge here not you!" "Come on Emilie it will be good for all of us." "No! I will not let anyone invade our private space like this." "Mommy?" Adrien said. Chloe crawled over to Adrien and clung to him. "Sorry Emilie, meet me in the creepy warehouse tonight and bring…. Well you know what it is." Emilie hung up and plopped down on the couch. "Oh, Gabriel you are so over the top." She muttered. "Momma why you yelling?" Adrien said. Emilie smiled and picked Adrien up. Chloe followed and Emilie brought her up on the couch too. "It's okay honey Mommy's gonna go meet daddy. Nanny Nathalie is gonna come watch you guys until Chloe's mommy comes tonight." Nathalie, who had just arrived, came into the room. Emilie passed by her giving her a glare as she left. "Time for nappy nappy," she said in a monotone voice. Emilie got into her fancy car and zoomed away into the rainy evening. Audrey Bourgeois arrived an hour later after the two kids had been napping. Nathalie answered the door. "Where's Gabriel?" Audrey said in a stern voice. "Gabriel is not home at this time. Here is your daughter." Audrey squinted over her sunglasses at the serious woman, but Nathalie did not flinch. "Hmph" she said and marched away.

Adrien, alone in his room, headed over to a box that Emilie his mom had left lying on the couch. He knocked it onto the floor and stared at the photos inside. The first thing he saw was Gabriel and Emilie's wedding photo which he threw aside, but then he came across a photo that enthralled him. It included a strange object and Emilie smiling but in the background, there was a creepy building that looked like it was in Paris. On the photo there was a code and a warning which read, "Beware of the warehouse of doom." At that moment Adrien heard footsteps. He stuck the strange photo in his mouth and Nathalie entered the room. "Oh, Adrien what a mess help me clean this up now." "Mmmm hmmm." Adrien said he walked over to his desk and spit out the photo that was now covered in his drool. He slipped it under his desk and walked away, smirking at his success.

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