
Blood of a god.

As I stare at Trun-er me floating in front of the building, everything begins to click. The monster that lured me into the forest. The voice calling me a heroic spirit, me waking up in the body of a teenager who can blow up planets on a whim.

Everything makes sense now, it's like that voice knew my deepest desires and granted them, throwing me into some random world that I don't know a thing about.

Eyes widening as I see a middle-aged woman walk up to the window and gawk at me, I scratch the back of my head nervously before shooting off.

Flying at 30% of my top speed, I reach a nice clean city called 'Metropolis' flaring above the city. I hear a crash and a beam of green light as I watch a girl in a red skirt, blue shirt, and a cape fight a guy with a glowing green thing on his chest.

Taking a closer look at the girl, I realize something: "She's beautiful..." Watching as the girl dodges every regular person around before being grazed by the green beam and gasps out,

Despite my inexperience while using this body, I move forward, moving so fast that to others it may have looked like I teleported.

I resist this body's muscle memory of drawing his sword and opt to kick the metal man in the back, sending him flying into a nearby fountain. "Woah... I'm freaking strong."

I kneel down and offer my hand to the downed blonde-haired girl.

"Er uh, nice to meet you. My name's Trunks and I'm kinda new here. Can you tell me your name?" I ask as the girl stares at me before muttering, "Supergirl," nodding. Something pretty warm washes over my body as I look around and notice that me and the girl were just hit by a green wave of energy.

Noticing the girl begin gasping in pain despite the fact that the green energy was no different than a warm breeze for me, I quickly grab her and fly over to a nearby tall building before dashing towards the tin can.

"What's another one of you super freaks doing around here?" He says with a grumble as I appear floating in front of him albeit a bit awkwardly but I'm getting used to it slowly but surely.

"I'm not one of those 'super freaks' you're speaking about besides. Since when was it a crime for helping the innocent?" I ask as the metal man growls before shooting another beam of green energy at me

"I hope you know that has zero effect on me" I tell him as I blitz forward my hand zooming towards the glowing green rock in his chest. My palm going through pure reinforced steel like it's a wet piece of paper.

Grasping the green rock, I pull it out as the metal man gasps before falling downwards in a heap. Before making my decision,

To seem cool, I throw up the rock into the air and slice it into tiny bits. Opening my palm, I release a wave of yellow energy, destroying it completely. As I hear a whoosh and notice the girl that was gasping for air not long ago seems to be completely fine,

"Well, uh. It looks like you handle things well, trunks?" She says rather awkwardly. With a red dusting gracing her beautiful cheeks, I slowly nod. "Yeah, we did well, supergirl!" I say as we look away, "what the hell is this embarrassing feeling?" I think as I slowly floated upwards before zooming off.



Watching the video of Supergirl being saved by a mysterious teen with abilities akin to a Kryptonian, I grimace. "He's definitely not Kryptonian," I hear Robin mutter to my right as we watch the teen shrug off a blast of pure kryptonite.

"Whatever he is, we need to assess if he's a threat or not." I tell Robin as I can hear my protege grumble something under his breath that I don't bother to speak on.

"Superhuman speed, superhuman durability, superhuman strength, flight, energy manipulation." This young man can be a massive threat in the future if left unchecked.

Normally I would confront a new individual with abnormally strong abilities to figure out their motives, but that was the issue.

Out of 7 billion people on earth, this boy's facial scan matches with absolutely no one. It's like he didn't exist before today.

"Alfred, call Superman and Supergirl. I want a rundown on this new boy's capabilities." I ask as my father figure answers, "Right away, sir." Before heading off.

Listening in on the rather awkward and brief conversation with Kara, I could tell they were somewhat attracted to each other. This would be an issue if the boy turned out to be a threat.

So his name is Trunks... Tell me, Who are you?



Sighing as I 'stole' 100k from some mob bosses in the middle of New York, I took a look on the Internet to find how I can get a fake id (note, it's easy for someone like me to access the dark web as I was always Good with computers and this body's brain seems to be smart as heck making it even easier.)

Reaching the guy that offered me a good fake ID that no one would be able to tell is fake unless they dug deep for hours, I walk and then ring the doorbell to a broken down house.

Soon I hear bustling on the other side of the door and a raspy voice speaks on the other end, "slide the money through the mail slot then I'll slide you the id and birth certificate." He says as I slide him 50k out of my 100 and he slides a birth certificate and id.

Looking at the id, my name is Trunks Briefs, I just recently turned 17 years old according to the current year, and I'm 5'7, 210 pounds. I know that majority of that is pure muscle.

Now that I have what I need, I make a burner account and register my 'son' me into a high school in Metropolis. I'm planning on staying low and only helping when I'm needed.

I already bought out a house for about 10k, apparently it was some old gang's trap house, so people are too afraid to rent it or buy it. And that leaves me with 40k left, which will be used on clothes, a nice car, and food because I am fucking starving.

I can't just fly everywhere now that I have an ID, so people can just identify me and find where I live, which would deserve my peace.

So instead of flying, I run all the way to Metropolis, which now that I think about it, may have brought on even more attention than flying would have. But hey, at least they didn't see my face, just a blur.

Fumbling with the keys a bit as I'm still getting used to controlling my new body's strength, I crushed a doorknob once trying to buy myself some food at a local restaurant.

Entering my home, I grimace as I realize it's a mess. Trash is everywhere, and dirty stuff is scattered on the ground. But at least I have super speed.

(1 week later)

After fixing up my house, I have taken to training in my backyard by doing some simple meditation so I can get more control over my ki, helping me control my strength.

Along with meditation, I have estimated my physical limit in my base state, since I know Trunks has a Super Saiyan form. That I haven't been able to turn on yet.

My top speed is roughly a bit faster than light, which I know is fucking insane, but I discovered it myself. I'm aware that Saiyans can't breathe in space, but who said they can't hold their breath? I can hold my breath for about a week and a half. So I simply flew to the moon and back in 6 seconds, meaning I'm a bit above the speed of light.

Now onto my strength, I'm durable enough to eat a nuke to the face and just shrug it off after, and I'm strong enough to bench press an aircraft carrier. Don't ask how I know that.

I also know that if I so wished to I could blow up the planet right now and survive the explosion. But I'm not stupid, superman would beat the hell out of me. From what I saw he's a good deal faster than me and stronger than me at least in my base state. And he along with a few others would also survive the explosion if I decided to blow up the planet.

Also in this week I have about another week before summer break is over and I have to attend metropolis high school.

Though currently I'm in Egypt since here there is a supplier who can give me the right materials I need to make capsules that my body knows instinctually how to make.

Walking through Egypt, I find the guy I'm looking for. As he stands near an alleyway, his hands are in his pockets, and we make eye contact. He smiles and gestures for me to come ahead.

Once I reach the alleyway, he speaks to me, "Are you the guy who wants to buy?" I nod at his question. He leads me deep into the city, heading towards a warehouse of sorts.

As we reach it, he abruptly turns around to me. "The boss would like to meet you before selling our materials to you. He's scary for a normal twerp like you. So you better worship everything he does so he spares you." The man tells me.

I raise an eyebrow and internally scoff. As we head inside, he leads me to a secret underground tunnel. Inside, I spot a throne made of gold and a buff bald dude sitting on it. The man is wearing black clothing with a lightning bolt in the middle.

"So this is the man attempting to buy some of my precious materials?" The bald guy asks the person who led me here.

"Yea, I'm here to buy," I say, pulling out 30 thousand dollars I so graciously extorted from a mob boss before tying him up and calling the cops with hardcore evidence that will have him locked up till 2200.

The bald guy raises his hand and stops me. "Don't you think you should bow when speaking to me?" He says. I let a laugh slip past my lip. "Hah, yeah no." I say. He seems to glare at me a bit before relaxing in his throne.

Trunks' personality rubbed off on me a good deal. I'm now somewhat arrogant, but that arrogance isn't unwarranted, seeing as I can blow up fucking planets

"I see you're a brave one. What do you say I don't take the money and your life right here?" The bald guy asks as I stare at him with a raised eyebrow before smirking. "I'd like to see you try."

Not even budging at the punch, I glare at him, "this guy thinks he can just kill me because I'm not kissing his ass?" I snarl as I grab the bastard's arm and fly up, smashing through the floor as I throw him up and then close the distance, punching him in the gut and sending him through the roof and into the sky.

Soaring to meet the man eye to eye as he stares st me in a bit of shock he then girns "are you perhaps Kryptonian of some sort?" He asks me as he seems to crack his knuckles I shake my head no before we dash at eachother meeting fist to fist mid air making a shockwave rain out.

While you see, Im new to this whole super strength and super speed thing, and while I can control my ki let me tell you in complete honesty, for the first minute or so of this fight the guy I learned whos name was Black Adam was beating the shit out of me he even hurt me with his lightning which is insane since I haven't felt pain once since being here.

But as the fight went on, I slowly adapted to Adams' fighting style, dodging his lightning, zooming towards him in an arc, feinting right then landing a left kick to his ribs, sending him soaring to the side.

Weaving through another barrage of lightning bolts, I grunted as I blocked a particularly heavy punch from him with my forearm. Slowly but steadily, I evened the odds, adapting to Adams' martial arts.

Clashing fists again as we slowly part I notice Adam looking at me in fascination "Interesting. You are one of few to stand toe to toe against me... How about you join me as the ruler of Egypt? You may be my right hand man. Someone so young with so much power can be a great ally." He says as I speak up.

"Well, sorry, but no. I'm not familiar with this world, but considering you just tried to straight up kill me for not kissing your ass makes me think you're a villain of sorts. I kinda plan on being a hero, so I will politely decline." Opening my palm, I begin shooting ki blasts after ki blasts as he dodges them with lightning dancing on his figure.

"A shame then" I hear him mutter as he briefly disappears from my view, eyes widening I barely tilt my head to the left barely dodging a punch that would've hurt.

Doubling back as Adam begins barraging me with attacks so fast I can barely comprehend them as I dodge and block as much as I can, some landing painfully on my chest ribs and cheeks.

Finally having enough of Adam's relentless assault I yell out as energy releases from me and I power up to the max power of my base state. Also pushing Adam back.

Smiling at his widened eyes, I zoom forward, landing a fist to Adam's gut. He repays me with a headbutt that dazes me, but I stay fighting. As we begin flying all over the place, trading earth-shattering blows, I spot an opening in Adam's guard. I punch towards the opening, smiling as he hastily puts up his shins to block the opening of his ribs. This was a feint the whole time. Amplifying my strength with ki to the absolute max, I land a kick to Adam's left cheek. My boot digs into his face, sending him crashing into a nearby rock formation in an explosion of dust and debris.

"Fwooo" I breath out as Adam slowly rises from the destroyed rock formation. A scratch of blood dipping down the side of his lips as he raises his hand towards it before his eyes widen comically before he looks back at me in what I can decipher as cold, hard fury.

"Not even Superman was capable of drawing my blood..." He mutters as he clenches his fist so hard his knuckles turn white as the weather itself seems to respond to his will, thunder and lightning along with rain as black Adam's body radiates pure white bolts of electricity.

"You have done something no other has achieved in centuries, boy... And for that I will reward you with DEATH!" Adams yells as he charges at me.

(Chapter 2 down let's go! What do you think about trunks? Hes not the og trunks duh but like he's still learning how to fight while being a superpowered being so I'm sorry if you expected him to manhandle everyone on the planet. If your wondering how strong he is in super Saiyan when he unlocks it, you can scale him to about star level and ftl+. For my Power scaling nerds out there. The superman of this verse is about solar system level with mftl+ speeds weak as shit compared to the comics I know but supes never goes all out even against Darkseid which is insane to me but that's just supes for you. Anyways see you next chapter!)

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