
Chapter 1:vol 1

As I began walking towards my school I began feeling more anxious than ever, please don't be another day of bullying, I prayed to whoever I hoped was listening.

Hello there my name is Lloyd Parker, I'm a very short boy who loves comics,books, and I'm very smart, like I'm really really smart, but that doesn't mean I'm popular by any means. I get bullied alot by other boys and I'm very weak physically and emotionally compared to other people, I also don't weigh alot as compared to other people I'm as light as a feather, I weigh 73 pounds, and I'm petite and skinny but not as much as you would think, I have a perfect tight body but it's skinny, and I have perfectly clear skin tone and it's texture is as soft as pillows, I have divine royal jet black starry midnight hair and eyes, and I wear black glasses as I can barely see without them.

And in this planet exist everything you could dream of and more, magic powers skills arts even stuff from fiction and infinitely more.

And their exist several other races and more but overall everybody and everything has powers and anything and anyone and vice versa exist.

I have an passive intrinsic ability called True gamer but I don't know what it does and it's like a gaming leveling system.

My level is 0 and I haven't leveled up since birth but that doesn't really matter, tommorrow begins winter break and all I want to do is go home.

After entering the school I quickly went to my locker in hopes of my bullies not finding me quickly enough.

I quickly looked around and saw them nowhere, *phew*, finally I made it in time, I rarely ever get to be this lucky, I quickly put got my stuff and looked around to see if the coast was clear, and it was, thank you! I said in my head to whoever saved me from my bullies.