
chapter 1: the end- start

Her head resting on my lap breathing her last few breaths , that's when she said it those three magical words , which would have made me the happiest person on earth but now it just broke my heart, with tearing rolling down from both of our eyes , she signed me to come closer to her face and she whispered " I love you" and took her last breath before I could even say it back, all the memories from the past rushing down in my head making me realize that I never told her how much I loved her. Burying her next to her parents was the only thing I could do for her.

with no hope in life now, I felt like I was being pulled back to the darkness I was in as the emotionless killer that I was, but I didn't want to go back being the same as I was before I met her , I couldn't do that to her.

I was in front of her grave as any other day just talking to her about how much I am struggling to live a better life and live the way she had hoped me to live if she was alive , and about how much easy things would have been that way{ I was lost in thought} suddenly everything became a blur, before I could even realize the surroundings just became dark, thinking" wait, am I dying? , nono I still have to live for her , is there nothing I can do?", I felt broken I couldn't even move now, my head was on her grave where her legs might be, it was ironic but I felt relived that at least I am taking my last breath here, thinking that if I get a second chance at life , I will live it to the best of my abilities the way she would have wanted me to live, I took my last breath, before I could be completely enveloped by darkness, I was seeing light , by the time I could see clearly I was in the arms of some little girl with a man behind her supporting her to hold something , I tried to see if she was real trying to touch her face and what I saw when I tried that were unbelievable, I had baby hands .

The little girl was not holding something with the help of her father, she was holding me, I was a baby again which filled me with happiness and I started crying . technically as a baby that was the only way I could express myself at that time { I thought to myself}. I touched her face , she had the softest skin with her sky blue eyes and dark black hair and a fair complexion, she was really pretty.

and from what I could make out of the situation around me, I was born in the home that the couple lived in, who are my parents now so I was home delivered for free{ the lame joke I cracked in my head}, and my parents were well off , the interiors were beautiful like in a palace and both of them were good looking , and I had the most beautiful big sister ever, who is the girl holding me now and the man helping her hold me is my father, a muscular man with brown hair and green eyes while my mother looked like a grown up version of my sister, she was beautiful, that were the only things I was able to notice now as a newborn, then my father took me from my sister's arms and laid me next to mother who was lying on the bed tired after the delivery, but she still had that smile of satisfaction to see my face. I wonder what I looked like , if I had a choice I would prefer to look like my mother and sister but I guess I have to wait to see how I look.

two months passed by from the day I was born, the language they speak is the same so I guess I am not in some fantasy land, at least that's what I thought until I noticed that I am a prince!!, I always thought that my mother looked like a queen, and she actually is, her name is Lia airstrom and my father is Edgar airstrom the king of aerial kingdom and my sister is Bella airstrom who is 4years older than me.

now after 2 months I was able to crawl, though whenever I tried to the maids would pick me up and put me back on the bed, so I just tried crawling on the bed and tried to stand but failed miserably, watching me trying to stand up made my mother happy saying that she has a genius child. the most important thing for me now was to look how I am in this world wherever that is in the mirror, I was shook from my reflection in the mirror thinking is that really me, I didn't have pitch black hair like my mother and sister, I had brown hair like my father and my eyes were bicolored,

my right eye was sky blue like my mother's eye and my left eye was green like my dad but it was slightly different it looked like it had other colors present around the green color.

I wanted to grow up fast but I couldn't manipulate time here, so I waited just learning whatever I can about this place that I am in now from the talks of maids and the stories my mother used to tell me.

Time passed by quick and it was my 1 year birthday, now I was able to walk and even talk fluently, but since I was year old today , it would shock others if I could talk fluently, even though there were cases like that, but my mother didn't want me to be treated as a genius by others as she was always worried about something, my mother dropped me down near the food court arranged for my birthday ,my sister who was there sat me on her lap and asked the waiter for food , since I had to hide the fact that I can talk I just signed the guy in charge pointing at the food that I wanted to eat, that is when I saw a girl who looked exactly like her, the one to whom I couldn't say I love you to, this baby looked exactly like her when she was a baby, her mother was holding her, I wanted to know what her name was and I don't know if its destiny my mother happened to call her mother Linda and my mother approached her saying" how's my little Ellie" "Ellie.." I said repeating what my mother said and the people nearby heard including my mother, people got excited saying was that his first word, my mother gave an awkward weird smile saying " ya, how weird ellie being his first word" to which the other ladies said " well , this might be a sign about both of them", to which my mother just smiled and picked me back up to my room .

I was a bit scared that my mother might be mad, but she was not instead she smiled saying my cute little boy and patted my head and said that she doesn't want others to treat me differently from birth and she wanted a normal life for me at least until I come of age to go to school, I didn't understand why she said that but I nodded saying yes thinking I might find out the reasons later as I didn't know anything about this world yet.

but one thing I knew was the fact that ellie looked the same as she did back then, she even has the same name as she did back then, her black hair and her scarlet eyes sparkling like the most precious thing to exist, I was happy seeing this version of her , so I thought to myself that I wont waste this chance in my life even though this is a different person who looks like her to me it felt like she was born for me in this world just the way I was, I sat in the room waiting for the party to be over since I had already made an appearance there was no need for me to be in the party so I waited for my parents to return so I can ask them about the promise they made about showing me the outside world since my mother had been so overprotective she never let me out of the house , it was always either just listening to stories or playing flute that I passed my time in my room, the only thing I saw outside of my home which is a palace to others is the sky as the roof of my room was made of glass.

soon the party ended and my parents entered my room" so , mom and dad do u remember the promise I want to learn about outside not just caged in here" I said " I know son, which u will soon but first you have to know some things since you can talk and walk just in a year after you are born , I guess you might have felt some kind of power within you", "power?" I asked being confused, well I did feel different than my last life but I didn't try to check anything , but then my mother made a small waterfall out of thin air, I was in shock " how?" I had believed till now that me being able to talk and walk so early since birth was because of my reincarnation in this world, that's when she explained that the color of our eyes depict the elemental magic we possess, mother's eyes were blue which indicated water and dad's eyes were green which indicated air, whereas scarlet represented fire and brown represented earth, learning that small bit of information raised a lot of questions in my head "how?" my right eye was blue whereas my left possesed all the other remaining colors in a mixture ," so I possess all the elements?" I asked my mother happily , tears rolled down her eyes, she wore a look of worry and sadness and replied "yeah" , " why are you sad mother, is it bad that I possess all the elements should I hide it?" I asked , " no child you don't have to hide it, I am just worried" she said with a forced smile.

so what will I do from tomorrow I asked to which my mother replied that there will be a lot of training to be done before I can step out and that only after going through the training for 2 years will I be able to step outside of my place, " so will I get a tutor?" I asked since the only people I met other than the ones who live in the palace are the guests on my birthday and that was it, so I was excited to interact with someone." no, I will be in charge of training and Sofie will assist me" Sofie was the maid who was always with me taking care of me since the beginning of my life here, that's when I saw Sofie's eyes , they were brown which meant her magic element was earth. After briefing about my training and patting me on the head saying goodnight while I was laying on the bed my parents left my room. Thinking how stupid I was not to notice even the smallest things I dozed off.


I wake up to see my mother holding a bunch of books in her hand and with a smile she dropped all the books next to me on my bed saying to finish reading all of it in 7 days and that she will ask me questions on the 8th day , only after passing my test will I be able to attend the next training. now this felt even worse than before as I was not even allowed out of my room this time until I finish all the 7 books in 7 days which meant one book per day, these books were about geography of land ,politics and magic . As I wanted to know where I am exactly I chose the geography book as my first book and started reading, there are four kingdoms in the continent of Elias the aerial kingdom, aqua kingdom, kingdom of forest, fire kingdom, the kingdom where i live is aerial kingdom as my dad is the king of this kingdom , but the city where I live fiore is the neutral city for all the kingdoms this city alone was the size of the other kingdoms . I read that after the war 20 years ago my father claimed the throne as the strongest battle mage in all of Elias and created this neutral zone . my mother is from the aqua kingdom , she is the youngest princess of the three and also the strongest mage in the whole kingdom. after reading that the only thought ran in my head was how strong could I grow up to be, I couldn't even wait . so I finished reading and learning about the geography of this land and from what I know no one has gone outside of continent fiore ever in the last 2000 years as they couldn't pass the barrier surrounding fiore , it is believed that there is a clan called the heavenly clan outside of the barrier and the barrier was placed to prevent war between us by the strongest mage in history 2000 years ago.

Apparently he was the only Quadra-elemental mage in history and there has been no other mage since him in this last 2000 years. both his eyes were a mixture of all the four colors but in my case only one of my eyes was a mixed with 4 colors where has my right eye was just blue which symbolized water. so after reading the history and geography of land , the first day came to an end.

so the week passed by with me reading all the books , magic seemed to work in a way similar to how Ki used to work in my old world, which was a land of martial arts, the difference being that Ki did not have any creation properties like that of mana in this world, but there are a lot of similarities which I can make use of in this world. I guess carrying memories of past life is both a gift and curse.

the mana core had various stages starting from bronze , silver, gold, platinum, diamond. Bronze and silver had 3 substages each and above that from gold each had four sub stages, but there was one stage where a core was like that of a glass which was called legendary core , only one person had that core in history , that was obviously the strongest magician Edward Silverman who was the hero of the war 2000 years ago, there was little to no information on that core.

today was the 8th day, the day of the test my mother arrived to my room and sat in the chair in front of me" are you ready for your test?" " yes I am" I answered, she then started asking questions and I answered all of them , now was the time for the final question, suddenly the atmosphere in the room became cold, my mother was serious then she asked" do you like ellie?" my mother asked

" huh?" " haaaa... mother what are u asking to a kid who is just a year old?" my sister said with an irritated expression" he is my little brother, no girl is taking him away from me" my sister said by taking me in her arms and patting my head. " well he doesn't behave like a kid who is just a year old and you little girl is just 5yo now so don't go acting like a lady" my mother said to which my sister replied " well I am a lady and it may be so that he isn't your normal 1yo but it doesn't change the fact that he is just a year old". my sister who will be 5 in a few days was four years older than me, I rarely saw her in this one year life span of mine as she was busy training the whole day, she used to start training before I woke up and end after I went back to sleep again, but I would always feel her warmth when I was asleep as she hugs me like a teddy bear and sleeps. it felt nice to have a family like this.

my sister was apparently a genius for her age reaching silver core at the age of 4 when kids usually awaken there mana core at the age of three, by that standards I was already at the end of breakthrough to my silver core without any prior training in mana arts." so mother what training will I do starting tomorrow?" " well you will starting training in magic and combat for the next three years, don't worry I wont make u read any books, I have seen how u struggled and made Sofie explain everything to u in simple terms instead of reading", " I am worried about how you will do in school" she said " hehe" I chuckled scratching my head. " so he will start training with me from tomorrow, that's great I will be able to spend a lot of time with him, it will make up for all the time I lost with him" my sister was still holding me , she looked genuinely happy and I felt happy watching her, I had started over before my death and now I will continue that here instead of moping over the bad things that I cant change , I will return the love I receive and try to keep all the ones that love me happy and safe. that is what I wanted to do in this life just to keep my family safe nothing else matters for that I know from the way this world works I have to be strong.

Even though being the prince already gave me power , that also means I might already have a target on my back which I don't know yet. so after the talk with my mom and sister I went to sleep, my sister didn't let me go even then , she held me close like kid holding her toy afraid it might be taken away. it felt nice to be held by her, being the person I was in the past life I never even could have dreamed that a fragile and beautiful girl like her could make me feel safe in her arms. with those thoughts of feeling safe I went to sleep.