
I was a kid when i met her

This is the first time i met "her" on social media ( facebook ) later ( instagram) and then on phone calls ... texted her like i do before to other girls i find fine . She took 14 days to reply , don"t either she was offline or ignoring me . Casual

words like " Hii , wass up , where you from to "i can"t live without you Please don"t leave me" took me 4 years of time .

As much as i talk to her she started getting into my head . She was feeling it too but never acted like she cares . She always calls me friend ( DOST ) but i know she feels someting too . I thought she was a girl of values that is why i never taked any mean thing said by her on my heart . I was lil like its ok if she gone there are many more . But sir here is the thing ,, i don"t know if i be a fool but

her 2 word reply on my hundreds of words text were making me satisfied it was not like i hve never had a girl before but it was something i can"t explain. I wait whole day for one reply of her . It literally took 2 years of talking and then she was able to trust me to reveal where she is from . Bruh " I thought this girl took this much time to jus reveal this then how much will she take to be mine . But she started feeling my love too . Slowly started explaining herself , trusting me maybe that ( DOSTI ) was turning in love and we both knowed it . I proposed her she said i need time and guess what she took 7 straight months to think and then accepted me . Can"t say an exact date coz she was bit a confused after saying no for some months. I found her So freaking innocent and swear to God

( SHIVJI ) that every othergirl in the world is on a side and this girl is on other for me , I will never let her down .

It was so beautiful after she knowed me trusted me like i did her , she started loving me too She always said i love you more and i reply with ( not as much as i did her )

I fully forgetted myself in her chats till 2 am at night . Life was ruining i didn"t have any job not any type of wealth for future all i did in my 5 years of teen age was talking to her , make her feel good , finding new things to make her laugh . i knowed i am drowning in life but didn"t care coz i was so in love . All i wanted was her for life . I wanted to marry her and she promised me too that she will never got marry to any other and will wait for me .

Then a day she said my parents are finding well settled man for me to get married with . That was the saddest day of my entire life i wasn"t willing to eat food at that time everything was trash and then" a message came it was like " MY father is going to fix my marriage if you can come and talk then come home or otherwise i will get married to this man with good job and wealth .

That hitted me hard , She din"t even thought about the promises made by her all she wanted was a wealthy future and comfortable life . I cried , i cried a lot whenever i thought of her my tears drown down . I felt that if i"d focus on myself and on my future that time the things won"t be the same as now . I am not a writer i didn"t even wrote anything ever .

This story has a lot of corrections , wrong sentences wrong pronounsation

But i jus wanted to express myself .

All i wanna say is


Focus on yourself and you will get everything which are willing to have now .

You can either Chill today and struggle later OR HUSTLE today and Chill later ❕