
True King of the Pirates

Orion Kartia's life was cut short and he was now forced to transmigrate into the wonderful world of One Piece but thankfully he has a few gifts to help him get started! This is purely fan-fiction. It's just a way for me to practice my English whilst writing something enjoyable. This book is targeted at avid One Piece fans as there is a lot of terminology that can only be understood by people who follow the manga/anime. The release schedule for normal working weeks will be as follows: Mon - 1x Chapters Tues - 1x Chapter Wed - 1x Chapters Thurs - 1x Chapter Fri - 1x Chapters Sat - 2x Chapters Sun - 2x Chapters Any mass releases or dead periods will be announced in advance. Thank you for all the support so far but please don't hold back with the criticism as well... I need it to improve my writing. I welcome all criticism, as long as it's constructive! I'm mainly using this to test the waters and improve my writing, as I'm also working on the story I'm most proud of and looking forward to releasing! I won't be releasing that one for the foreseeable future as I want to have written the majority of the story in advance as the goal is to get paid on the back of it. And there are too many potentially good novels that finish half way through for one reason or another. I don't want my main novel to be one of those!

christa · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
140 Chs


Under a secluded waterfall there was a young boy who looked as if he was about 6 or 7 years old. He had mixed race skin, black dread locks that reached part the way down his back and big black eyes that could melt the heart of any woman.

The only thing he was wearing was of baby blue shorts. The topless youth was stood in horse stance atop a rock under the waterfall allowing for the water to crash down on his body. Though he was clenching his teeth in pain, his eyes were firm and determined.

He stood under the waterfall for 1 minute before being forced off the rocks and into the stream below where he was carried by the currents to the edge.

He climbed out the water and lay on his back gasping for air as he started reminiscing about everything that's happened during his training.

[It's been 9 months since we started training. My physical strength has seen a dramatic rise, to the point where I even managed to break through to the E- rank 3 months ago, which in turn gave me the strength I needed to accomplish the task dad gave me 6 months ahead of schedule. After that the intensity of training sky rocketed. Now I have to stand in horse stance for 10 minutes while the water crashes down on me, I've been training like crazy for the past 3 months, but I can still only hold it for a minute at most before falling off, but at least I can feel myself getting stronger.

Other than that, both my skill level with my devil fruit and my swordsmanship has increased. I'm able to move around on gale cliff, even if it is still a struggle. At my current rate of improvement, I reckon I should be able to move around freely in the next couple of months. As for my swordsmanship…

I've reached the peak of the first stage and touching the Sword Student boundary, but I still have no idea when I'll actually break through. Dad says not to think too hard as if I want to make a break through I need a clear head and my current pace of improvement is incredible, it's only a matter of time now. Even though I know he's right I still can't help it. I'm so close I can feel it!]

As he was lost in thought, Marcus walked over to him with a smile as he said.

"You're still thinking about how to breakthrough to the Sword Student boundary aren't you?"

Orion didn't reply but the look on his face spoke a thousand words.

Marcus continued with a sigh.

"The only way for you to break through is to com…"

"Completely clear my head of all distracting thoughts. I know, I know but it's easier said than done!"

"Haha nothing worth doing is easy."


Whilst the father and son duo were speaking, Roger and Walter appeared not too far away.

Orion was just about to greet them when he saw the frowns on their faces.

Seeing the look on their faces, Marcus knew that whatever happened was serious.

"Ori, you're going to have to finish up your training and head home by yourself."

Before even waiting for his reply, Marcus and the Gol brothers had disappeared. Orion looked in the direction the trio disappeared with curiosity.

[I wonder what happened to get them so worked up.]

While Orion allowed for his mind to wonder, the trio had made their way to a secluded valley where Marcus finally asked.

"So, what happened?"

Walter and Roger looked at each other for a moment. Walter then nodded hinting for Roger to speak.

"I just got word from one of my contacts in the new world… The celestial dragons are close to retrieving it!"

As soon as he heard that Marcus' usual light hearted mood vanished without a trace, as he sunk into deep contemplation.

"How close exactly?"

"According to the information gathered, 2 years if they're fast but no longer than 3 years."

Walter frowned as he said.

"I know you wanted to wait till Ori was 5 before we set out again but if we wait, then things will be too late!"

Marcus wanted to argue but he knew that his right-hand was right. Just as he was about to reply Roger cut him off.

"I have an idea to delay them."

Hearing that Walter and Marcus both looked at him slightly surprised.

"I give myself up!"

"Absolutely not!"

Without even taking the time to consider his proposal both men shut it down.

Roger knew they were doing it for his own sake, but he was determined.

"This is my decision and I've already made up my mind."

Seeing the look in his eyes both men knew there was no way to change his mind, but Marcus still tried.

"Rouge is already 2 months pregnant with your child, if you give yourself up now, not only will your child grow up without a father, but you will never get to see them either. Not to mention the fact that if you do that, the world government will undoubtedly make a show of it and your family, your crew and more importantly your wife will have to watch your public execution."

Roger sighed emotionally as he knew what Marcus said was true. But his eyes shone with determination as he replied.

"Me and Rouge have already spoken about it. We've made our minds up! I only have a year left to live and if I don't do this then my son will be chased and persecuted for not only bearing the sins of his father but also for carrying the will of D.

Back then if I had chosen to stay and fight with you, then things may have been different. The true king may be sitting proudly on his throne.

Although I don't regret my decision, I've already had my moment of selfishness. Let me do this, not just for you but also my unborn child. This may well be the only thing I can do for them!"

Hearing his reasoning and seeing the unwavering resolve in his eyes, both Marcus and Walter couldn't bring themselves to even try and talk him out of it.

Walter's eyes were watering as he looked at Roger.

"Roger, even though I never said it, I truly was proud of you and everything you managed to accomplish!"

"Nyahaha, big brother this is the first time I've ever heard you being sappy!"

"Haha you little brat."

Seeing the two brothers interact with each other warmed Marcus' heart. Then thinking about the reason he was going through with such a crazy plan made his blood boil in rage.

"Roger, I swear on my life, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain!"