
True King's Ecstasy

"The award for the best male actor" "The national martial art karate champion" "CEO of the Keller cooperation" Young prodigy of the modern age At the age of 24 he achieved the achievements of lifetime but is it worth. A man who earns a second chance at life "This time i will live a fulfilling life with my loved ones" *DING *DING [WILL OF THE MASTER IDENTIFIED] [UNIQUE SKILL: True king] [INTIATING THE REINCARNATION] This is the story of the Greatest Emperor of the Kelleros Empire. A young man who yearns for the love. Authors note: This is my first novel guys therefore there can be mistakes please leave your opinion about this story. Well guys english is not my first language there can be mistakes sorry in advance R-18 Content are there in this story (No Netorare) Luna hate this genre. Netori | Incest | Pregnancy | Sugar Mommy |Vanilla | Yandere | Tomboy Many more Stay tuned For more illustrations https://discord.gg/kHNVDfBTJr

ElectricLuna · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
423 Chs

Reincarnated (Edited)



[UNIQUE SKILL: True king(A)]




"Hah, what is this sound like a hospital announcement system? Wait didn't I die? Did I get admitted to a hospital? No, even though I can hear this sound I can't sense anything else" I aimlessly thought about different things for an unknown amount of time. I could think about dozens of things but I can't move any of my hands or leg or sense anything. Suddenly I felt like thousands of needles piercing my body,

"Ahhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh! What the hell! It hurts like hell are they using me for some kind of illegal experiment" after a few minutes or hours pain started to vanish and I started to feel warm. A warm sensation started to envelop me. For another few days, I spent like this in the dark with no sensation. After a couple of days, I felt like something is pulling me toward the light it didn't hurt but I felt like my sensory organs started to work again, suddenly I felt the heat and liquid-like substance all over my body. I still couldn't open my eyes. I started hearing people talking but I couldn't understand what are they talking about. I slowly opened my eyes,

"Haaah, what is this roof and who are these people? Why are they so big? Wait! Wait! Wait! Did I die and reincarnate then this makes sense I need to make sure my theory is correct I have heard about reincarnation but I didn't know it was a real thing." I curiously started to observe the buildings and people surrounding me then only I saw that figure that took my breath away. A voluptuous woman with white hair looked like an angel looking at me with eyes filled with love I couldn't take my eyes away from her just by looking at her I can tell that she is my beloved mother. I can feel the connection we have just by looking at her.

"Your highness Daphnia, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy," she said and raised her hand to hit my butt.


" AHHHHHH! Why did you hit me you damn old hag, ahh my butt, don't you know that babies are sensitive"

I tried to complain but the only thing that came out of my mouth is a cry. She gave me to my mother she carefully took me into her arms. I stopped crying and carefully looked into her eyes I couldn't explain the feeling I got at that moment I felt like my 24 years of loneliness dissolved into nothingness. I felt happy I have such a beautiful and kind mother in this life.

Daphnia POV

After hours of pain, I, at last, gave birth to my child and then I relaxed for a few minutes at first I was worried that my baby didn't cry but after a few minutes he started to observe the surrounding curiously I felt my pain fade away watching him but what worries is my baby didn't cry. He suddenly look at me with his small eyes at that moment I couldn't explain what happened but I couldn't take my eyes off him. I felt my love overflowing for him but suddenly nurse hit his butt I glared at her and thought inwardly,

"How dare she, even I haven't hit my baby" but I suddenly felt weird why did I feel angry isn't she doing her job? The nurses told me that he is a baby boy I felt happy. I hinted the nurse to clean the baby and after that, he gave him to me. I carefully took him into my arms and I could feel my love overflowing for him I didn't feel this much love for my first child but I didn't mean I don't love my first child but I didn't feel this much love for anyone.

" My baby boy~ I'm your mother" I didn't know whether he could understand but I felt like he could understand. He suddenly touches my breast showing me that he is hungry. I felt so sweet seeing his little hands trying to grab my breasts.

"My baby~~Are you hungry? Haha, what a cute boy he has my white colour hair and what is weird is he has golden colour eyes neither I nor that man has golden colour eyes" I revealed my right boob and brought my nipple near his mouth. He greedily starts to drink my milk.

"Haha, my baby is so greedy slowdown or you will choke" I started to caress his small head. I need to give him a name I always had a name in mind to give if he is a baby boy.

"My darling~~ your name will be Velian"