
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasi
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82 Chs

am i beautiful?

There she stood, Eve, the girl I had known since middle school, the one who had been rude to both me and Brock. Yet, here she was, just a few meters away from me.

Myself: Eve? Is that really you?

Eve: Of course. What brings you here?

I couldn't help but notice that Eve seemed different. She appeared calmer and more at ease, as if she had undergone a transformation. There was a newfound sense of peace about her.

Myself: Just taking a moment to relax here, you know, the usual.

Eve: Really? I've never seen you in one of these alleys. Can we talk, perhaps?

Myself: Sure, go ahead.

Eve entered the alley and made her way towards me. Within seconds, she was standing beside me.

Eve: Liran, it's been a while... after everything that happened...

Myself: Heh, I know. Those were crazy times. So, how have you been?

Eve: I'm doing fine. I've distanced myself from those "friends" of mine. They were just a bunch of jerks. I don't need fake friends in my life anymore.

I was taken aback by her statement. Eve had left behind her fake friends, which surprised me in a way, but also filled me with a sense of pride. She had once sought attention and centered her life around those superficial relationships. Now, hearing that she had broken free from that toxic cycle, it felt like a positive change for her.

It was heartwarming to witness Eve actively making changes to improve her life. Her desire for personal growth was admirable.

Eve: What about you, Liran? What have you been up to lately?

Myself: I've been keeping busy, engaging with different activities and meeting new people. Overall, things are going well for me.

Eve: That's good to hear. You know, after all that has happened between us, I just want to apologize...

Myself: ?...

Eve: I apologize for everything I've done, for making you feel bad and worthless, for attacking you and your friends, and for being rude to you and Brock. I'm sorry for all the hurtful things I did to you.

Do you forgive me?

I was taken aback once again. Eve, the girl who had been so harsh and disrespectful to me and my friends, was finally offering her sincere apology.

I didn't know how to react at first, but a sense of pride and peace washed over me upon hearing her words. I responded:

Myself: Eve, it's alright. I forgive you.

I then looked up at her towering figure. Eve was an exceptionally tall woman, standing at 9 feet with a curvaceous physique. I hadn't paid much attention to her size in the past, but now I began to understand why she sought the validation of those fake friends.

As I gazed up at Eve's face, I noticed a genuine smile spreading across her features. She appeared genuinely happy.

Eve: Thank you... Thank you so much.

Myself: You're welcome.

Eve moved even closer to me, crouching down to bring herself to my level. Without hesitation, she embraced me tightly, holding me close. Her knees touched the ground as she enveloped me in her arms, and I reciprocated the hug.

She pressed my head against her ample bosom, continuing to rub my back with a soothing motion.

Myself: ?...

I hadn't expected such an intimate embrace from Eve, but I found myself comforted by it. I allowed myself to remain in her embrace, feeling the weight of her remorse and her desire for reconciliation.

Myself: Eve, it's alright... I forgive you.

After our extended hug, Eve eventually released me and stood back up, regaining her towering height and size. She peered down at me, her cheeks adorned with a bright blush.

Myself: Are you feeling better now?

Eve: Yes, I am... Thank you.

She hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before speaking.

Eve: There's something I want to tell you...

Myself: What is it?

Eve: You know, despite how I acted towards you in the past, I've always liked you. You're so cute...

I was taken aback once again by her words. I recalled hearing that sometimes when girls tease or annoy you, it might actually be a sign that they have feelings for you. I wasn't sure if that was the case back in middle school, but now, as she stood before me blushing, it seemed like it could be true all along.

Myself: Really?

Eve: Yes, really. Even though I acted like a... well, let's say not very pleasant person towards you, deep down, I've always liked you. You're such a nice human being, cute, small, and smart...

Myself: I... I'm glad to hear that. Can I show you something even better?

Eve: Really? Show me...

Myself: Watch my face closely...

Eve fixed her gaze on my face, displaying a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

I: So, am I deemed aesthetically pleasing, I ponder?

Subsequently, I gently rest my hands upon my countenance... and commence to vigorously abrade my visage with forceful intensity.

Eve: ?!... Pray tell, what are you engaging in?!

Without faltering, I persist in escalating the ferocity of my facial abrasion, causing fragments of epidermis to dislodge from my countenance, accompanied by rivulets of crimson.

Eve's countenance adopts an expression of profound horror and astonishment, beset by trepidation...

Eve: Cease this at once!

Despite Eve's valiant attempts to wrest my hands away from my countenance, her efforts proved futile.

I persisted in the relentless act of scratching my face, unyielding to her interventions. As a result, copious amounts of blood and fragments of dermal tissue cascaded from my visage, reducing it to a grotesque and bloodied spectacle.

Eve, engulfed in escalating horror, exhibited an expression on her countenance that hinted at an impending scream of terror...

Eve: Cease this madness immediately!

Her terror grew exponentially as she observed my self-inflicted carnage. I continued to ruthlessly rend my face apart, extracting my very "eyes" and other anatomical features. My once pristine countenance lay in ruins, an abomination of flesh.

Then, I raised my gaze towards Eve's visage...

Me: Do you find me beautiful now?

Overwhelmed by sheer terror, Eve's scream pierced the air, prompting her to flee. Just as she was about to escape the confines of the alley, I called out to her:

Me: Eve! Wait!... I was jesting!...

Eve halted her escape and turned back to face me, her expression a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Eve: What?!...

Me: It was all a prank!... I was merely jesting!

Swiftly, I tidied up the remnants that adorned my face, and within moments, my countenance was restored to its original state.

Eve: ?!...

My face returned to its normal appearance—my eyes, mouth, and all other features intact. Eve glanced downward, surveying the floor strewn with blood and fragments of flesh and skin.

Eve: What!?... Was this all a fabrication?

Me: Indeed, it was. In actuality, it is quite an amusing tale. Allow me to explain. Come closer.

Eve cautiously approached until she stood before me.

Eve: What have you done?

Me: Well, I had a premonition that our paths would cross again... thus, I decided to orchestrate a practical joke.

Eve: And that object on your face... was it some sort of lifelike mask?

Me: Something along those lines. I intended to startle you momentarily... and, well, it worked! Haha!

Upon hearing this, Eve's hand swiftly met my cheek in a resounding slap.

Eve: You despicable person! Do you have any notion of the sheer terror and dread you instilled in me?!... You frightened me to no end!

As Eve's hand connected with my cheek, I didn't flinch or display shock. Truth be told, I felt a sense of deserving that repercussion after subjecting her to such a distressing prank.

Me: Hehe, I sincerely apologize for my actions. I fully understand why you felt the need to slap me...

Do you find it in your heart to forgive me?

Eve: Fine... solely because you apologized genuinely, I will forgive you...

I noticed a lingering trace of displeasure in her demeanor following the prank. After a few seconds, she unexpectedly embraced me once again...

Eve: I'm sorry for striking you like that. Just promise me that you won't engage in such pranks with me again, alright?

Me: Of course. Hehe...

After a brief moment of embracing, she gently released herself from the hug, positioning herself in front of me.


