
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

(the begining)


I have perpetually harbored an unsettling intuition, as if an ominous event is on the horizon. This feeling has plagued me since my early years, and I remained ignorant of its true origin. It could be attributed to some past trauma or perhaps a mere manifestation of my own perceived insanity. Regardless, I have grown accustomed to its presence.

Life has an inclination to confront us with a plethora of extraordinary circumstances, both favorable and unfavorable. Regrettably, we have limited agency in altering these circumstances; that much is certain.

Chapter 1: The Genesis

Under the cloak of night, I strolled along the streets donning a black hoodie, long trousers, and a compact backpack. Let us refer to the path I traversed as "Wankers 12." This particular street was notorious for various criminal activities that transpired within its confines.

Hence, I carried a small knife discreetly tucked away in my pocket, should an untoward incident unfold. Furthermore, it was not unheard of for divine beings to grace this very street. Yes, you heard me correctly—gods.

You see, the world I inhabit comprises both gods and demigods, coexisting with humans in an astonishing state of harmony. Astonishing, for these deities possess immense power, yet they wield it benevolently.

This symbiotic relationship serves humanity well, as these gods could effortlessly obliterate us with a mere flick of their fingers, which instills a profound sense of dread within me. Nevertheless, I persist, for I am still among the living.

But I digress. At this moment, what truly matters is my progression along this street, wherein I appeared to be the sole pedestrian. Yet, from the periphery of my vision, I espied a distressed figure crawling on the ground.

The person exclaimed, "Help! Please, assist me!"

The desperate cries pierced my consciousness.

I responded urgently, "Wait! I am coming!"

I sprinted towards the individual, cautiously surveying the vicinity for any signs of additional presence.

As I neared the man, I stooped down to inspect him for any injuries.

I inquired, "What has transpired?"

My focus remained fixed on him, rendering me oblivious to my surroundings.

To my astonishment, I noticed a peculiar gash on his leg while thoroughly examining his condition.

I muttered, "Goodness gracious..."

Abruptly, a peculiar sound reached my ears, resembling that of a vehicle engine. I glimpsed an unfamiliar car hurtling towards me.

In an instant, I mustered all my strength and instinctively hurled the man aside, ensuring his safety from the impending collision.

And then, a thunderous impact!

The car collided with me, inflicting severe damage upon my legs. The pain exceeded the realm of words, propelling me several feet backward from the sheer force of the collision.

I stood there, speechless and immobilized by the excruciating agony. Unconsciousness loomed near, but before succumbing, I discerned approaching footsteps. And there he stood—my eyes fixated on the man who had previously lain on the ground.

I succumbed to darkness.

Some time elapsed.

Gradually, I regained consciousness in an unfamiliar alley. My legs throbbed relentlessly, yet they had not shattered, inexplicably defying the expected outcome.

Why did that car strike me? How did the man rise to his feet? Was this a calculated scheme? I remained utterly confounded.

Summoning all my strength, I endeavored to stand upright—no easy feat. Nevertheless, I managed to achieve this arduous task.

Grimacing, I surveyed my surroundings within the alley.

Pondering aloud, I muttered, "Where am I? Did that man purposefully deposit me in this forsaken place, intending for me to suffer and perish? How despicable."

With a determined resolve, I commenced my journey, following the alley that led in a favorable direction. Glancing to my right, I observed an absence of any discernible presence. However, an alternate alleyway veered to the left.

Perplexed by my current predicament, I retrieved my phone from my pocket. Astonishingly, it remained intact, unscathed by the collision.

A notification caught my attention: a message from my mother. I opened it, eagerly devouring her words.

My mother's message read, "Dear Liran, it is quite late. I implore you to return promptly and bring me my medication. Please expedite your return."

I sighed, acknowledging that, at the very least, I now had a purpose to guide me.


