
True heavenly primordial inferno dragon emperor

mc form normal world gets reincarnated in dxd this will be multiversal maybe omniversal novel

omnioutergod · Komik
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18 Chs

reincarnation edited a little

The MC floating around in a void of nothing. He's been there for 10 trillion years. This is a man who has an IQ over 3500. The father technology brought humans to interstellar travel and harnessing stars for power and even galaxies for power made a cure all for any sickness/plague he also saved the planet earth making humans leave there to reverse the damage done the humans eventually evolved into high humans living for ten thousand years that most that how he did all this he lived along life but had no lover He had many regrets, caring more for his work than his family never giving any of his female friends a chance to be with him. The one that hurt the most was not giving his childhood friend Emily snowfall a chance. He had died from old age.

MC : (I'm have many regrets but technology I'm made bring my kind way beyond what it was discovering new elements and metals and inventing more is not one of them. I wish I'm can apologize to my parents and siblings for barely being there for them.)

As he was thinking, a Huge blind light appears in the void of darkness. He looks up to see a humanoid made of light looking at him.

MC: who are you?, what are you? He says to the being.

The light being: I'm alpha and the omega, the primordial light, father of angels, I'm god archer.

Now name archer says no you not god don't exist

God: you like Rias and akeno and Kuroka from dxd once had a dirty dream involving them and in high school you. Arch stop him.

Archer: find I didnot believe in you, so am I going to hell. I didn't believe in you, which is a sin, I believe.

God: I'm can't send you there even if I wanted to you're Karma points are the highest I'm seen with 1000 zero in it, so I give you any wish beside omnipresent, omniscient,omnipotent omnifarious or any of the OS.

Archer: okay, can I think of my wishes?

God:okay I'm give you time. He's said as he disappeared. Leaving him to think of his wishes.