
True heavenly primordial inferno dragon emperor

mc form normal world gets reincarnated in dxd this will be multiversal maybe omniversal novel

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breaking through to heavenly dragon class and off to the familiar forest


Cadmus finished training his body and broke through to the heavenly dragon class. There

He's sitting on a mountain.

Cadmus: okay now to train my abilities and Power's Stella show me my status.

Name Cadmus

Tiles son of CROM Cruach and Naamah Sparda Lucifer and grandson of Ddraig and Abion grandson of Sparda and grandson of Lucifer the one who gain Lucifer will and power and riches and the favorite of Sparda and youngest heavenly dragon the sliver crimson black heavenly dragon of domination and Supremacy and favorite of Albion and Ddraig the last descendant of Ablion and Ddraig and the dragon who figure out how principle of domination and Supremacy was made and created his own.

True titles

Reincarnation of XXXXX'XXX


💪 middle heavenly dragon class

Durability peak Demi dragon god class

Agility low dragon god class

True titles

Reincarnation of XXXXX'XXX


💪 middle heavenly dragon class

Durability peak Demi dragon god class

Agility low dragon god class

Power's and Abilities primordial killing poison mastered, dragon breath blazing hell flame mastered , sacred gear remover, hellfire manipulation, dragon power manipulation, dragon magic manipulation, Demonic Power Manipulation, Demonic magic manipulation, holy magic manipulation, fire manipulation, bloodline purifier, devil trigger 80 percent learned, sin devil trigger 5 percent learn, Shin Majin sin trigger 0 percent learned, arch devil trigger haven't made it yet still figuring it out, arch devil demon trigger (just an idea currently for the MC.) Arch devil demon duke trigger (the just an ideal for the MC currently.) Arch devil demon king trigger (just another ideal currently for the MC) arch devil demon demigod trigger (just an idea for the MC currently) arch devil demon god trigger (just an idea currently for the MC), Angel trigger 50 percent learned, Seraphim trigger 30 percent learned, archangel trigger 0 percent learned, holy trigger (not learned the MC slowly learning how to make the form) nephilim trigger 85 percent learned and semi holy Seraphim trigger (just an idea for the MC currently.)

Holy Seraphim trigger(I'm Mike gave it to him later) semi holy archangel trigger (another idea, I'm Mike give it to him.) holy archangel form (another idea for a trigger I'm Mike give him.), semi arch angelic god trigger (another idea for a trigger I'm Mike give him in the future.) Arch angelic god trigger (another idea for a trigger I'm Mike give him the angelic and holy ones won't destroy anything unless he wants it to, but it will create plant life fast and even living life fast depends on what trigger semi holy arch angelic will create new stars and life on other planets and the next one create galaxies easily and planets in the new galaxies and life on said the planets and next a universe and life in said universes and the next one will create multiverses and life in those multiverses

I think you get it now.),

Evilsense,Weather Manipulation,

Resurrection, Mental Manipulation learn .

Bloodline 100 percent of Sparda & Welsh & Abion & Lucifer & Biblical God & Crom Cruach.

Cadmus: what are true titles, and why can't I see them, Stella?

Stella: Cadmus true titles are titles you either are given when you are born in your first existence or earn or gain by first existence. I meant your first life, and the reason you can't see them is you're too weak to see them. When you become stronger, you gain some memories and eventually, you see will be able to see them.

Cadmus: wait how many lives have I lived then I'm thought I only live one Stella?

Stella: you reincarnated 65 times, making this one the 66th time Cadmus.

Cadmus: then why can't I remember any of them then, Stella?

Stella:you start remembering them soon, but in your first life you got a long way to go for you to remember any of those memories, Cadmus.

Cadmus: okay Stella.

3 weeks later

Cadmus over united Kingdoms heading to the United States planing on going to the familiar forest to fight a few dragons there a Half hour later. He finally made it to the United States a half hour ago and headed to New Orleans before it was found and became New Orleans.

1 and half hours later

He finally where New Orleans will be in the future, he stops and lands in the woods.

Cadmus: okay, I'm ready now to fight, my blood is pumping.

He then cast a magic circle his magic circle has the symbol of Sparda behind dragon form under his dragon form is the name Cadmus Lucifer Sparda Cruach and on sides are Welsh and wyvern and Elohim and with satanic symbol of Asmodeus and Lucifer and Beeblzebub and Satan and Leviathan and Belphegor on Welsh and circles to Elohim

And dragon form had a cross on his chest with archangels names on it, he then disappears to the familiar forest not knowing someone that been watching him since he gains 100 percent of the biblical god bloodline.

????????: I wish you luck Cadmus, the one who gain father's bloodline. The figure Flys off.

Cadmus arrives in the familiar forest starts walking around choose to send out his some of his aura to see who will fight him he sees a golden dragon coming towards him

Cadmus: who are you?

Dragon:I'm am Fafnir you wanted to fight young drake I show you your place

Cadmus:you be the one eating the ground. He says while smirking

Fafnir get piss that this young drake for disrespecting him.

Fafnir: I teach you some respect, young drake. He's saying while narrowing his eyes that him.

( he don't have the biblical god divinity yet but will in the future)