
Nepali horror stories!!!

Hey guys !! Today I'm writing a horror story which my grandfather told me when I was child and I can still remember this story. So, I will tell you about it in short .

My grandfather used to live with his mother and little brother in a small village of Nepal. His father died when he was 3 years old. When my grand father became 12 years old he felt something terrible at midnight in a way to his house. That day my grandfather's brother became ill and my grandfather and his mother take his brother to priest's house to find out any ghost or soul is behind his brother's illness. When they reach there they worshipped God to make his brother fit and fine. But suddenly they remember that they should go house to feed grass to cow and buffaloes because they hadn't gave them to eat anything thaf evening. So, my grandfather came home around 10 o'clock at night without any fear and gave grass to all animals in house and went back. When he was going back to his mother and brother it was around 12AM. In the way he felt like someone is following him but, he didn't looked back because in village area people tell that if you look backwards if something(ghost or spirit)is following you, you'll die. So he began to run and he suddenly heard the terrible sound of some big trees falling down. He told to himself that he will come tomorrow and chop that fallen tree to make firewood. He reached to his mother and told her everything and his mother told him that it must be ghost which was following him. Then both of them became scared . Because of that incident they waited till morning and went back to their house with his brother. In the way to their house they searched fallen trees but all those trees which were falling at night were standing with no harm. Then they realized that those tree were fallen by ghosts which were trying to scare my grandfather.

This is a story based on a true event.