
True Dragon Reincarnation

This is a revision of my previous story, "A New Tempest". I making making lots of different changes here. Changes such as events taking place earlier than it is supposed to.

Astra178 · Komik
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24 Chs

The Beginning and End of War (Part 1)

(Before the chapter starts please keep in mind that none of the art below and featured in any chapter is not of my creation. Also, webnovel does not allow chapter past 20k words, so I had to split this in three parts. Thank you and good day or night✌️)

Velzura POV:

The estimated day of reckoning has arrived. A week has passed since Velraiha has officially come into existence. She had been introduced to our people and received quite the warm welcome from our citizens as the newest member of the royal family of Tempest.

According to Raphael, the combined forces are indeed on their way here. But it will take the main force a few more days to fully move here. But they are still having a reconnaissance force arrive first.

We have already told our people of whats to happen, but I don't want to use my army on such a pathetic force. So it will just be some executives fighting with them. Then I, along with Velzard, Veldora and Velraiha will be taking on the main force together. I know it may sound quite sadistic but, think of this as us spending some time together. Heh, slaughtering an entire army as a family. I truly does sound crazy but it will happen.

It is a coalition force between the Kingdom of Farmus, Kingdom of Blackwater, Kingdom of Gatom and Kingdom of Souria. They are more like the main force while, they are also being supported by the Holy Empire Ruberios. From Raphaels knowledge, each army from each kingdom aside from Souria has a total of 300,000 soldiers apart of the main army while Souria has 500,000.

'Damn. That kingdom is truly trying to secure victory over us. I guess they chose to because of the birth of a new True Dragon that gotten announced.'

But lets get back to our statistics.

We are looking at a main army comprised of 1,400,000 soldiers looking to end us. And they are being supported by Ruberios. They didn't decide to give many of their knights to assist, but they have given some knights being a total of 4,000. But that is still not all. Raphael has been trailing these forces for quite sometime. Through that she has noticed the presence of quite a few strong individuals. Ones that are called Heroes. She has sensed roughly six of them. And there seem to be even a few more, being weaker and stronger.

Due to those presences it might be slightly difficult to overcome this. But, If there is anything that will happen.... That will be their deaths.

Shuna POV:

Then plan has been set into motion. In the distance I can ascertain a group of three five people. 2 girls and 3 boys. They are causing quite the stir among our people. They are trying to accuse one of our guards, Gobzo, of assaulting this girl. The human visitors have no idea of all this, but our citizens do. Currently Gobta had just arrived and is trying to dissolve this conflict.

'It is exactly as Velzura-sama had explained.' I thought to myself. Our master truly has both strength and the intelligence to predict these kind of events. I wonder just how far both of those aspects goes.

"Princess, should we join in now?" Shion, who was to my right had asked. Her expression was dark. She was seething with anger as towards their actions. Since Velzura-sama had explained what would transpire, Shion had hoped that his words were wrong due to the fact she believed no one would be foolish enough to go against him. I can't blame them for not knowing though, they have no idea that our royalty are four True Dragons.

"Not yet Shion. We need to ascertain the nature of at least one of their abilities." Hakurou who was at my left had answered her. She seemed to be a bit disappointed as she wanted to be rid of them already.

But something else had begun to transpire. The short haired girl, by now had appeared to use her ability.

"WHY DONT ALL OF YOU JUST DIE?!" She had shouted. Her voice booming enough to have reached even us as we were distanced away.

"So that is her skill. Truly despicable."

"What is princess?" Shion had asked.

"Lets go. I'll explain once we are there."

After walking up to the crowd I could see how distraught this child was.

"Why?! Why aren't they dying?!" She shouted filled with both rage and distress as she tried to reason out what had happened.

"I see. That is your ability. Truly a dreadful one." I began to speak as we were still approaching. The crowd made way for the three of us. The monster spectators had moved to the side and even bowed in respect as they noticed our entrance.

"Who the hell are you?!" The girl shouted once again.

"Show respect to princess Shuna." Shion had said in a rage as she was beginning to grip her Ōdachi.

"Hoh, so you are royalty here?" One of the foolish boys asked with a smirk. His gaze directed upon me as he licked his lips with lust written all over his face.

"Disgusting humans. I am not royalty, I am akin to a maid or secretary." I said with a disgusted expression directed towards this group. They seemed to get furious as I saw the rage burn brightly in their eyes.

"Your skill allows you to convert your voice into a wavelength that interferes with brain waves. Allowing you to order your targets to do whatever you want. In this instance..... you tried to kill our people."

The group appeared to be stunned as they listened to my words.

"How.... How did you know?!" The girl asked before stumbling backwards. I refused to answer her words. If she is this distressed from this ability not working, it is proof enough that she is no longer a threat.

"Is this how you treat human visitors?" One of the other boys joined in with a sadistic smirk.

This all could have been avoided had they possessed even the tiniest bit of brainpower.

Third Person POV:

A standoff was now taking place.

Shion had completely unsheathed her Ōdachi, signaling for the bystanders to flee as a battle was about to take place. The area was clear, leaving only these groups.

"Well then, before we kill you, may as well give our names. I am Shiki." The only other female apart of this group had said. Her tone was completely filled with arrogance and distain for the people before her. On her waist was a katana in its sheathe. She had removed her blade from her waist and held it outright towards the group of monsters.

"I am Bellion. Pleasure to be killing you." He spoke with quite a bright smile. But behind that smile was nothing but cruel intentions. Intentions that would make him seem like a monster among monsters. On his hands were what appeared to be brass knuckles. They were of special grade. He bashed his fists together and through that it produced red lightning that went completely haywire all around his body. Nothing this display, the opposing group was not impressed as they simply stayed with neutral expressions.

"Theres no need for our introductions you will be dead soon anyways." One of the other men had spoken.

"Yeah so lets get this over with. Not to quick as I wish to test out my unique skill." The final man had spoken. He unsheathed his sword and prepared for the battle to come. Seemingly going unknown to the group of monsters. A double layered barrier was placed above their kingdom. One of the barriers originated from the inside while the other was placed outside. One prevented the monsters from either entering and leaving. While the other purified them with the holy attribute and was weakening them.

While all of this was transpiring, a green haired woman was witnessing another fight.

It was between a two individuals fighting to protect her. This woman was responsible for the barrier placed on the inside. They were the champion Youm and a servant to Demon Lord Carrion named Grucius. They were protecting this woman from an executive of the monster nation. Some would think of this as a betrayal towards Velzura. But it was the opposite. In fact, she was ordered by Velzura himself to kill this woman.

"Gahh!!" Youm shouted as he was thrown backwards. He crashed into a wall violently as he coughed up blood from the impact.

"Come on you two. There is no need to do this." A beautiful, calm, and serene voice could be heard. It came from a bewitching woman with hair as black as a night without stars. Her eyes were as pure of a green as emeralds. Her outfit was similar to that of a shine maiden. Coming from her backside were nine distinct snow white tails. Two of which were holding a Tachi. This woman was Kiyoko, the fox beastman named by Velzura.

As she had her back turned to the wolf beastman Grucius, he used this opportunity to attack her from behind. Grucius raised his dual daggers in the air and violently brought them down onto Kiyoko head.

This would have worked, yet Kiyoko was not a foolish fighter. In situations like these she has never dropped her guard even in training with Benimaru and even receiving praise from someone like Veldora.

Kiyoko used her tails to completely disarm the beastman. She used one tail to wrap up his hands, squeezing them enough for him to drop the daggers. Another tail had bound his feet together.

With him completely disarmed Kiyoko used her third tail to swat him away like nothing more than a gnat. A loud crash had came as Grucius had hit a wall in this alley putting major cracks in it. He fell from this position and fell to the ground in extreme pain.

"Please give up. I have my orders and I will not fail them."

Youm had gotten up from his position albeit slowly due to the amount of pain he was enduring. His sword right next to him, he used it so he could stand himself up like it was a cane.

"I will not. She is.... An ally of mine...." Youm said as he raised his sword once again in defilement towards Kiyoko. Its not like he wanted to do this, he knew this may count as a betrayal, but he would not abandon what he stood for.

He quickly rushed towards Kiyoko with his sword, completely enduring the pain he was in and slashed vertically towards her.

The strike was powerful enough to shatter the ground and send a minor shockwave damaging the ground several feet back.

Kiyoko had successfully dodged the attack by sidestepping to the left, the most damage she got was to her clothing as specks of dust was gathered on her clothing.

In his damaged and exhausted state Youm appears to barely be able to move as he simply stood there after his strike.

"I respect what you stand for. But...."

As Kiyoko was speaking, she delivered a punch straight to Youms midsection. He coughed up large amounts of blood immediately from her powerful strike. His grip on the sword weakened as it had finally fell from his grasp.

"I... will..." Youm tried to speak at the moment. He tried his hardest to stay conscious, but with each passing second it was only getting increasingly difficult.

"I have my orders, I hope you understand." Kiyoko gave her final words to the champion before he passed out from his injuries. Kiyoko removed her hand from his midsection, allowing Youms body to fall to the ground.

Grucius had just regained himself from his attack and was preparing to protect Mjurran. He used his skill to transform into his beastform. His form in specific was a werewolf.

"I will not let you hurt her!" Grucius shouted as he stepped in front of Mjurran and was ready to sacrifice himself for her.

"You don-" Mjurran was about to speak, but was inevitably cut off by Grucius.

"Mjurran run! I will hold her off!" Grucius shouted. This action surprised Mjurran yet she did not heed his advice. She simply stayed sitting down in her position. Ready to accept her inevitable judgment.

Grucius rushed down the alley towards the fox woman in front of him. He threw punch after punch at her. Each punch packed enough power to easily knock off a humans head.

However each strike was easy for Kiyoko. She simply used her own hands and knocked away each strike like nothing more than a mere annoyance.

Grucius was growing frustrated from each strike that did not connect. The slight smirk on Kiyoko face was causing even more frustration to this beastman. He sped up his attacks to the point where each strike was producing shockwaves but die to Kiyoko slapping them away, the damage was getting caused to the surroundings as holes were put in buildings and the ground was cracking under the pressure.

"I am growing tired of fighting you. Though your own resilience and determination are admirable." Kiyoko spoke as she moved faster than Grucius could perceive and gave him a simple chop on the neck. She put enough power into that strike to simply knock him our than to cut his head off.

Kiyoko turned her back on the knocked out warriors and focused her attention on to Mjurran who was still sitting on the ground.

Each step she took carried immense weight and tension. However Mjurran did not get overwhelmed by this. She simply stayed in place as she had this entire time. Kiyoko had stopped her advances roughly six feet from Mjurrans position.

"You are not running?" Kiyoko asked in a cold but curious tone. Mjurran simply shook her head from side to side.

"No. I have made my choice. What I had done was wrong, so I will accept my punishment." Mjurran said with a content smile on her face.

"But I do ask one thing." Mjurran asked Kiyoko. She simply stayed silent as she waited for what Mjurran had to ask.

"Please spare Youm and Grucius. They had nothing to do with this." She asked, her eyes closed as she bowed her head downwards. Kiyoko merely stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.

"That is not up to me. That is up to our royalty here. They will cast judgment upon them. Whether it is to put them down or pardon them." Kiyoko answered in a cold tone as she had resumed her advance towards Mjurran. She could hear the footsteps getting closer. Each step Kiyoko took only put more fear into Mjurrans very soul.

Once standing right in front of her, Kiyoko picked her up by the neck and raised her high in the air. Mjurrans feet dangling as she was essentially getting choked. Kiyoko then raised her free arm and raised it back all while looking at Mjurran completely emotionless.

It was at that moment that Mjurran had met her end. Her chest was pierced through by Kiyoko. Her heart destroyed.

Back to the Groups before the battle:

The dual barriers had just been erected. The group of monsters facing these measly humans had surprised expressions on their faces.

"Dual Barriers?" Hakarou uttered while looking upwards.

"Hahahaha! Thats right! Surprised foolish monsters?!" The man called Bellion had shouted. However, the group remained rational and neutral to this phenomena happening.

"No. It is exactly as our master had said prior to this." Hakarou uttered.

"Yep. You don't know this but our master knew what you were going to attempt from the very beginning and countered it." Shion had said with a bright smile.

"Your master? Oh! That monster that I will kill before we take over this place!" The man named Shogo had said in quite the arrogant tone.

This single statement hit them like a freight train. They were the epitome of absurdity. A mere pathetic and pitiful human like this being able to even scratch one of their masters was already ridiculous. But this fool said he would kill him. The group took these words he spouted very seriously. Especially Shion.

At this point Shion was seething with pure rage. She was barely able to contain her anger as she was ready to give him the beatdown of the century.

"Princess.... May I?" Shion said while gritting her teeth. She was attempting to keep a cool head but was failing to do so.

Shuna turned towards her friend to see her current state. She was in a bit of surprise seeing her in such a way, but found it reasonable. She gave Shion a friendly smile before speaking.

"Sure thing." Shuna had said while covering her mouth with her dress.

In that instant a slight smirk could be seen completely visible on Shions mouth. She instantly dashed forward towards this arrogant fool much faster than he can perceive and delivered a punch straight to his stomach. The power behind that punch sent him back greatly as he crashed into a building, nearly bringing it down. In the distance Shogo could be seen, coughing up blood and bleeding from the mouth.

His allies were shocked to see him be left in such a state. But they were more shocked to see that Shion made it past their perception very easily.

"Why you!" Bellion shouted as he raised his fist upwards and brought it down on Shion.

"Very well then. I will take two opponents." Shion uttered as she caught his punch and wrapped it back around him. Essentially twisting him up like a pretzel and kicking him away towards Shogo. After this she rushed off towards her two opponents.

One person, still on the ground could not believe what is unfolding before them. That was Kirara.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE WEAKENED!" She shouted filled with disbelief and hints of despair.

Towards her words Shuna simply smiled towards this and said nothing.

Meanwhile both Shiki and Kyoya were looking at what happened to their allies still in disbelief that a mere monster did that.

It was during this moment that Hakarou had sped off towards the two and slashed Kyoyas chest and Shikis stomach area.

Both of them jumped back in both surprise and pain from the sudden attack. But they stood back up nonetheless.

"Hoh, I must be getting sloppy. I could swear I was aiming for a lethal attack." Hakarou said with a smirk as his eyes remained closed.

"Hoho but why end the fun there?" He added while raising his blade towards the two of them. Kyoya and Shiki raised their swords in defilement, still with their wounds on their body.

"Dont mock me old man!" Shiki shouted as raised her blade high in the air. The wind began to flutter rapidly and violently around her. Her sword began to glow a bright green color as the fluctuations in the air began to speed up and become more violent.

"Aerial Devastation!" She shouted in determination as she swung her sword in Hakarous direction. The attack discharged from her sword as it closed the distance between the two of them. It was an attack that built up many strikes as it was being charged and discharged those strikes in the direction of the swing. In short, many powerful and quick strikes was headed towards Hakarou.

"Hohoho, it seems you are a better swordsman than that fool over there. Although this is impressive, its not enough." Hakarou said as he copied her attack in a similar but different fashion. He simply grabbed his blade and swung it in the same direction of this attack. His created much more and faster aerial strikes than this technique of hers. It destroyed her attack overall and made it to the two of them before they could realize. Many cuts both deep and shallow appeared on body of their bodies. Blood was splattered all across the ground and nearby walls. Their bodies had fallen to the ground, completely lifeless.

"KYAAAAA!" Kirara screamed at the sight of her allies being not only defeated but killed so easily.

"Dont be shocked missy. They could just not hold a candle to us. Now where is Shion?" Hakarou questioned.

With Shion:

A completely one sided battle was taking place. Bellion and Shogo were both utterly beaten, battered, bruised and bloodied. But even then the two of them weee not giving up.

"Pathetic. If you cant beat me then what makes you think you have a chance against our masters." Shion had mocked, her voice as cold as it was earlier although her anger was slowly diminishing.

"DONT MOCK ME BITCH!" Bellion shouted in anger as he punched his fists together, causing blood red lighting to go haywire once again. He rushed Shion with this energy from his attack and threw a punch towards her face. But she blocked it effortlessly with a single finger. The lightning from this attack had discharged into Shions body but she felt almost nothing from this.

"Ha! That tingled." Shion mocked. Only making Bellion angrier. He sped up his attacks, rapidly punching Shion but she continuously blocked each attack with a single finger. Each attack felt a little stronger but nothing made a change in her posture.

"Gahhhh!" Shogo shouted as he jumped in the air and brought a kick down upon Shion. She noticed this and readied herself to receive it.

The kick landed near Shions head but she raised her open arm to block it.

"What!" Shogo shouted in surprise.

Shion then grabbed his leg and squeezed, breaking the bones underneath.

"GAHHHHH!" Shogo screamed out in pain.

While the punches towards Shions face were still going on, Shion proceeded to throw Shogo by his leg towards Bellion. Knocking them both backwards.

"I am not mocking you. Your just pathetically weak." Shion spoke with a smile.

This statement enraged Bellion even further, Shogo on the other hand was whimpering on the ground in pain.

At that moment he used his unique skill [Berserker]. With its activation his leg had begun to heal his broken leg due to its subskill called [Diamond Body]. From this he got up and faced Shion once more.

"Your better?" Bellion asked still in his rage.

"Yup, lets just kill this bitch already. I want to use her as my toy after." Shogo said, although he just had his ass kicked beyond belief, he did not lose his spirit.

The both of them rushed off with their strength increased towards Shion who was standing still with a smirk on her face.

Their attacks inched close to Shion but she brushed them aside without effort. Both of them now behind her with her back still towards them.

Shogo turned back around quickly with a kick to her head. Shion ducked under it and grabbed his leg once again and began to swing him into the ground rapidly.

"Gahhh!" He screamed out in pain. It seemed that Shions strength was bypassing his durability granted from [Diamond Body].

Bellion turned around from this and punched Shion square in the chest, however she had caught it and and twisted his arm around putting him in massive pain. Before finally tearing that arm off with her brute strength.

"AHHHHH!" Bellion screamed in horror and pain as his arm was torn straight off. Shion proceeded to kick this man away while still holding Shogo by the leg. She lifted him up even higher and looked at him in pure disgust before speaking.

"Those who mock our masters will not get any mercy from me."

She had said to Shogo in a cold and threatening tone.

"It was..... just a joke..... we didn't mean....it." Shogo managed to get out even though his entire body was bleeding profusely and bones were broken once again. He managed to speak through the unbearable amount of pain.

"A joke?" Once Shion heard this, she became even more furious.

"A joke is supposed to be funny and have a punchline. What is funny about mocking our master? What is funny about killing us and our people? Where is the joke?" Shion said as she gritted her teeth in anger again.

Shion released her grip on Shogo, his body falling to the ground only causing more pain to travel through his body.

"This ends here." Shion said as she grabbed her Ōdachi out of the ground. Shogo could only watch in horror as she retrieved her weapon and returned to him. He tried to move but the pain was completely unbearable as it prevented him from moving. Even if he could move, he was paralyzed from the fear.

Shion was now in front of Shogo. He could only look up to see her with her Ōdachi raised and piercing the very heavens themselves.

"You don't deserve to even reincarnate." Shion uttered as she was about to bring her weapon down on him and split him in two.

In the middle of her finisher however she was rushed by Bellion behind her.

"DONT COUNT ME OUT BITCH!" Bellion shouted as he charged her with everything he had. Shion, in the middle of her strike stopped it and swung horizontally towards Bellion who was perfectly withing striking distance.

Bellion got perfectly split in half from this strike. His waist was cleanly separated from his upper half. He died instantly.

"Foolish." Shion uttered while looking dowm at his separated corpse. She turned around to look smd finally finish Shogo off.

Shogo stared at the scene in front of him. His fear of this monster has risen to completely new heights. He stared at the corpse of his ally and saw how easily she could have killed them. It occurred to him that even at their strongest, they were still nothing to these monsters. The reality check kicked in at the worst time.

She resumed her attack from earlier as Shogo was still to petrified and seething with pain to move. Shogo was then split perfectly down the middle by Shion.

Blood covered the area but not a drop of it dared to land on Shion. As if it was afraid of her.

"Hah..... well. Time to go rejoin the others!" Shion shouted to the heavens in excitement. Her usual self had returned as soon as the nuisances had met their end.

Velzura POV:


That was surely interesting.

Currently, Veldora, Velraiha, Velzard and I are inside the castle watching what had transpired in the kingdom.

How is this possible you may ask. That is simple to answer. We are watching through some observation magic. Within a given distance Velzard is able to freeze any kind of moisture which can act as the source for what we are viewing through. Of which I have many Magic Eyes of Destruction. Each one serves a different purpose though they are not all powerful. One of them is an observation eye. It allows me to be able to peer to anything within my determined territory. I was able to introduce that aspect to Velzards and this is the result. Our own real time observation crystal.

It was quite the sight to be honest.

They killed four out of the five of the offenders.

"They should have tried to get more info before attacking us." Veldora had commented with a slight smirk.

"Agreed. They simply believed since we are monsters that we are weak. But monsters are typically stronger than humans are." Velzard chimed into Veldoras comment.

"That would not have been enough. Attacking this kingdom is the epitome of foolishness." Velraiha voiced her thoughts as well.

"It appears the four of us are in agreement about their foolishness." I added.

"Of course." - Veldora

"Indeed." -Velzard

"YES!" - Velraiha

"Well, we could get a move on now and destroy the main army or we could continue to watch the other battles." I said.

"Hoh, the executives are on the move?" Veldora asked.

"Yep. Roughly a group of 300 knights are supposed to ride in any minute to assist the ones that died. Sakame will be facing them."

The three of them gasped at this information.

"Hurry, turn it to him!" - Veldora

"We can go after the fights." - Velzard

"I agree with Aunt Velzard." - Velraiha.

"Alright, Alright." I said as I was switching our point of view over to Sakame. He was roughly 200 feet away from the entrance of Tempest as he waited for the knights to approach. He stood there, his sword still in its sheath, arms crossed and eyes closed.

The sound of much clomping which could only be coming from horses could be heard. From our vision he had slightly opened one of his eyes to see what the noise was.

A slight smirk formed on his face as he could see just exactly what was coming into view.

With Sakame 3rd person POV:

Sakame, now with his hand on his the hilt of his sword continued to look at the approaching army.

Many people for him to slaughter for their misdoings.

The army appeared to have noticed his presence and proceeded to stop about 20 feet on front of him.

"Just who the hell are you?" The apparent leader of the knights spoke.

"My name is Sakame. I am protecting my new home from the likes of you." Sakame said as he fully brought out his sword and pointed it towards the knights.

They noticed what he was doing and proceeded to laugh at him. Not even thinking of what this one individual might be capable of.

"Hahahaha! That is a nice joke. We are knight of the great kingdom of Farmus. You and your royalty shall all die here!" The leader named Folgen said.

Similar to with Shion, Sakame got highly irritated by this display of arrogance as well. But he managed to keep it under control, for a given time.

"Shame for you. But good for me. I wont let a single one of you escape." Sakame said in a calm and collected voice.

"CHARGE!" The knight leader shouted for his army to attack the seemingly foolish monster before them. But that was just the beginning.

Sakame coated his sword with his signature red lightning and swung it towards them. The lightning had discharged straight for the group of knights. The knights had not expected this attack whatsoever, so they failed to make it out of the way in time.

The attack barreled right through the knights in a straight line. All who was in its line of fire were instantly evaporated. Similar to Benimarus HellFlare, Sakames attack left nothing behind of them either, not even ashes.

The attack caused an uproar among the knights, they fell off their steeds and lost their footing, landing on the ground beneath them. Luckily for the leader 'Folgen' he made it out of the way in time.

The attack dissipated after a few seconds after discharging. The ground was torn apart. Trees within its path were evaporated. Static was roaming throughout the ground in its path.

All while Sakame raised his sword up and perched it on his shoulder.

"Hahaha! Do you get the difference now? You will all die here as I stated earlier." Sakame said to the still fearful soldiers.

Sakame coated his sword in his red lightning once again. He proceeded to walk over to the knights as they were still on the ground in disbelief.

The humans looked at the beastman in front of them in utter fear. They tried to run but they were to afraid to run away.

With this the massacre had began.

Sakame rushed off straight for each soldier. Moving faster than the measly humans could perceive. With his sword coated in this lightning he slashed each of them on their chests. Not enough to kill them.

The strikes that hit these knights had sent waves of his lightning throughout their bodies. The lightning within them started going haywire and attacked everything within them. Their nervous systems and all their vitals were attacked by the lightning relentlessly. They were even unable to scream as everything was attacked instantly. Due to this their bodies had combusted and splattered blood everywhere.

But their suffering did not end there.

Sakame had applied thought acceleration on them. As they were nit able to voice their pain and suffering, they went through weeks of pain of feeling their entire body shut down as a response to Sakames attack.

Even the knight leader was unable to get far. He managed to make it 50 feet away before Sakame destroyed him like he did the rest.

With his mission finished he put his sword back in its sheathe and began his return.

Velzura POV:

"Kuhahahaha! Sakame surely is impressive!" Veldora shouted.

"Indeed he is, he broke those humans from the inside." Velzard said with a hint of praise in her voice.

"He even made them suffer by adding [Thought Acceleration] to it. Though it was well deserved." Velraiha said with a slight smirk.

"That was more one sided than Shions fight." I added.

"Indeed three-hundred knights died so fast and so easy." Velzard said.

"When can we join?" Velraiha had asked. It was apparent in her voice that she wished to partake in this massacre.

"Dont worry sweetie. We will be joining after all battles are won." Veldora said. I have to say, it is somewhat weird hearing him call her sweetie. He did not seem like father material. But he is doing his best.

Velraiha seemed to get happy about being called sweetie as she had snuggled up even closer to her father. It was a sweet sight to behold as Velzard and I smiles had widened.

"Ara. It is nice to see my first little brother being a good father." Velzard said with a hint of teasing in her voice.

"W-Well. W-Why wouldn't I?" Veldora said with a little panic and nervousness in his voice. It is noce we can be this peaceful in a time of war. Hoh, to make that seem worse, we will be slaughtering the main army as a family later.

"Lets go onto the next fight shall we?" I suggested.

"Who are they uncle Rimuru?" Velraiha had asked me.

"Well there are four pillars keeping up one of the barriers right now. I sent Benimaru to west. Souei and his team of Shadows to the south. Geld, Gabiru, Ranga, Raiga, Gobta, and Rigur II. Lastly Apito is taking the east alone." I explained.

"Is that all? Then it is us?" Velzard had asked. However I smirked. There was one battle I have yet to list.

"No. Thats not all." I spoke, my smirk clearly visible to them.

"Your smirking. What, rather who is left?" Veldora asked.

"We have yet to execute those two responsible for the orc lord. They have been being beaten about every day by our executives. But it would appear they are apart of a group. That group would be using this chance as for us without our executives to snatch them up and probably attempt to end us. I have planted someone to guard them if they decide to go through with this plan."

Both Velzard and Velraiha seemed confused as to who would have been planted to defend that area. Veldora had his hand on his chin thinking as to who was put there. But it appeared he figured it out.

"Wait! You put him there?!" Veldora shouted filled with surprise as well as having an expectant look on his face.

"Of course I did. I figured he was perfect for the job." I said. Velzard and Velraiha looked at our exchange in confusion.

"Excuse me, who are you talking about?" Velzard asked us.

"Just wait and see. He will be quite the surprise." Veldora had said to ease their curiosity.

"Lets get on to the next one shall we." I said as I begun to switch our observation crystal to our next show.

To the North, 3rd person:

Currently, these six individuals were slowly walking down below. Not giving a damn of they run into a few of the soldiers. Gobta and Rigur II were specially given Ranga from Velzura and Raiga from Veldora for this specific task.

"Hey Gabiru." Gobta said abruptly.

"Yeah Gobta?"

"Are you perhaps.... Nervous?" Gobta asked causing both Rigur II to snicker. Gabiru however was surprised his colleague would ask such a thing.

"HUH?! Why would I?!" Gabiru shouted back.

"We are going against an camp of 500 people after all. If we fail to do this... I don't think it is our masters we need to be afraid of." Gobta said as a few drops of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

"Why do you say that Gobta?" Ranga asked exactly what Raiga had been thinking. Gobtas eyes widened at the statement.

"Have you seen the old man?! He is an absolute and relentless and merciless demon!" Gobta shouted to the heavens. Though they were still quire the distance so the camp could not hear them yet.

"That may be true..... but you don't know how scary the presence of a True Dragon can be." Raiga responded to Gobta.

"Raiga is right Gobta. After all groups destroy their designated crystal. Velzura-sama, Velzard-sama, Veldora-sama and Velraiha-sama said they would be having a family outing." The rest of them got confused at to what Geld had meant by this.

"Um, Geld..... what do you mean by that?" Rigur II asked.

"I think to mean they are going to slaughter the main army together. As some sort of family outing" Geld explained with a slight smirk.

"Oh, well. Its fine to look at it that way." Raiga said.

"What do you mean?" Ranga asked his father.

"Our kingdom may be accepting to humans, but these people are not humans currently. They are simply enemies or nourishment. Their purpose is to lose this war so we can prosper out of it." Raiga explained.

"Yeah, I guess thats a good way to look at it." Gabiru said with a hand on his chin.

"Indeed it is. I recall Veldora-sama boasting how their strongest members were located in the army when Velzura-sama called for us." Gobta said.

"Is that so? Well, our masters are True Dragons. As far as I know, there is power that surpasses them." Rigur II said.

"All right now. Lets continue so we can end this once and for all." Geld said. In that instant the group became quiet and simply walked towards the designated encampment. Ready to annihilate their enemies.

10 minutes later:

The group of determined monsters began to approach the encampment of soldiers. The entirety of the group still unaware of their presence during their encroachment upon them.

All until a single soldier noticed them.

"Enemies approaching!" The single knight shouted. His shout caused a chain reaction among the soldiers as they all looked forward and saw the six monsters approaching them.

Everyone began to scatter all around their camp for their gear and prepare for battle.

"Halt fools! Come any closer and we will show no mercy!" The knight said as they were still approaching.

"Well, nows the time. Ranga, Raiga." Gobta said in a calm voice.

"Got it." - Ranga

"Understood." - Raiga

Ranga and Raiga began their assualt by creating over a dozen mini tornadoes that were relentless as they sucked in the opposition. In a sense, the tornadoes just pulled them in and prevented them from getting away.

"Well then, lets go." Rigur II said. While still riding both Ranga and Raiga, they rushed the unable to move soldiers and dug their swords deep in their chests. Killing the soldiers unable to move while Geld and Gabiru focused on the soldiers not being sucked into the father and son wolves attack.

Geld activated a rot based skill to immobilize the opponents while Gabiru. They soldiers screamed in utter pain as they felt their limbs corrode away and becoming unusable.

"Now Gabiru." Geld said.

"Understood! [Vortex Crash]!" Gabiru shouted. Gabirus attack mercilessly and relentlessly tore through the soldiers as easy as paper. His attack consumed them without paying any mind to who they were.

The assault on the camp continued this exact same way. No one was able to do anything other than scream out in pain, for help, or for mercy. Even then, their hopes had never arrived.

Shortly, the encampment of 500 knights had died without being able to even landing a single scratch on the monsters. Blood covered essentially the entire area as it was thrown around and scattered by the mini tornadoes.

The six of them regrouped in the center of this carnage after destroying the crystal.

"Well, that was easy." Gobta said with a little disappointment.

"Well yeah, we had a plan of how to take them out." Rigur II said.

"Yeah, but even then. They lacked the proper power and resistances to respond to our attacks." Gabiru proceeded to add.

"I dont see why they believed they could attack us." Raiga said in slight disappointment.

"They did have some semblance of rationality right? What was the point of this foolish aggression?" Ranga said.

"To add to that..... we killed them easily. So what do they believe to achieve against our masters?" Raiga added on to Rangas words.

"Yeah. The old man is bad enough, but the four of them are a completely different story!" Gobta had shouted.

"Geld, any comments?" Gabiru turned to ask Geld. But Geld did not have his focus on them. He had his head turned to somewhere out of sight.

"What is it?" Gobta asked him. They rest of them noticed what Geld was looking at and turned their heads in accordance.

"Strange isnt it?" Geld asked with a hint of shock in his voice yet he remained calm.

"Indeed. It should have been blown away like the rest." Ranga said.

All of a sudden some kind of movement could be seen inside the tent from their position. They figure raised itself upwards and stretched like they just woke up from a nap. That figure put their hand over their mouths like covering a yawn. They then stood up and began to walk outside the tent.

Out from the tent stepped a blonde haired man with piercing golden eyes wearing a vest.

"Oh. So thats all the noise I heard from my dream. I was wondering." An arrogant tone came from this man as he looked at the monsters in front of him.

"So, you came here to die. Great. That makes my job all the much easier." He said with a smirk.

"State your name human." Geld said in a booming and threatening tone. But this fool simply looked at him, smirk still intact.

"Hoh, a feisty one here huh. Fine then. The name is Gabriel. That is all you will be getting from me." He said in an arrogant tone.

"Why did you not assist your comrades?" Gabiru asked looking at the man with a cautious expression with his Vortex Spear in hand and pointing it at him.

"Oh. They are beneath me. They should be glad I am in their presence alone." He said with his hands in pockets.

This response only caused the monsters to grow furious. They know they just killed all those men, but if you are apart of a team you should always have eachothers backs. That is something they all have known or been taught by Velzura and Veldora.

"Your a disgrace to as a warrior." Rigur II said to the human in complete and utter disgust.

"They should feel honored they died so I can gain more strength." He spoke. In that instance, a black orb formed directly in front of him. The orb was the size of his hand as it landed on his palm. The orbs own aura began to radiate and reveal itself to the monsters. The aura began to branch out towards all that remained of the knights who perished. There were few bodies remaining, but the orb still covered their bodies with its aura.

The group looked around as the aura began to retreat. To their surprise. The bodies it covered had disappeared. The aura had absorbed them and brought them back to the orb.

Once the aura had dissipated completely, the man tightened his grip on the orb and it it shattered like glass. The aura now free from its entrapment began to take hold of this man. Wrapping around him and merging with him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! SEE THIS MONSTERS! THIS IS THE POWER I POSSESS! I TAKE HOLD OF THE DEADS POWER! HAHAHAHAHA!" He shouted in pure triumph like he had just won the battle already. However, they did not look impressed or enthusiastic about this.

"Is that all?" Geld asked in a cold tone. The man stopped his maniacal laughter as he heard Gelds voice break through.

"What?" The main said with a little bit of anger in his voice.

"Is that all? If that is all then you cannot beat me?" Geld pointed his finger at the man while he spoke.

"I take hold of the deads power. You dare to call me weak?!"

"You take hold of the weaks power. Every soldier you absorbed here died effortlessly. And you believe yourself stronger than us after that pathetic display." Raiga had chimed in.

Gabriel looked down at the ground. Not in sadness at being called weak, rather the opposite. He was seething with anger, humiliation, frustration at being called weak. His ego would not allow such things.

In a moment rushed off towards Geld with a punch ready for his head. But thanks to [Thought Acceleration] he dodged without any problem. His lunch his the ground and created a minuscule crater. The others had jumped away as well.

He continued his assault on Geld by following up with a barrage of punches. Geld did not move from this attack however. Because the attacks were at random and not thrown with any sort of plan of attack. He was angry and let that overtake him. Such a state would not be enough to beat Geld who specializes in defense among Velzuras executives.

His punches were thrown directly at Geld as he stood still. They had enough power to reverberate through Gelds armor and penetrate the ground and knock trees free from the ground but not harm Geld in the slightest.

This man became enraged to the point where he lost his mind. Truly unsightly.

All these punches packed with this amount of force has yet to harm even Gelds armor.

"Enough." Geld said calmly as he begun to move his hand forward and caught his punch. His other hand still punching Geld and trying to shatter his armor. Unlucky for him, during these months Gelds armor has grown to that of Legendary Status.

"I said enough." Geld spoke with an irritated tone as he raised his free arm and punched Gabriel in the stomach, sending him far back. His body traveled both high and far. Each time his body hit the ground, it jumped back upwards like skipping rocks in a lake.

Geld chased his moving body down its path all before jumping right above him and slamming him back down to earth. Creating a massive and devastating crater sending shockwaves of their impact all across the land.

From there shockwaves were continuously producing due to each punch Geld put into his opponent. His screams of pain travelled throughout the area. Gelds allies simply watched as this beatdown continued as they were ready to leave.

Geld beatdown on the man till he was left all battered snd bloodied. His forehead bleeding profusely as with each punch it was scattered through the crater.

Now Geld delivered his final strike to the man, making him vomit even more blood.

He grabbed the man by his dirtied up blonde hair and lifted him up to look him in the eyes before giving him a few words.

"Foolish man. You should have left earlier and we might have spared you." Geld said very coldly. Gabriel had weakly raised his hand in order to punch Geld. Unfortunately, it did not connect as Geld had caught the punch.

"Thats gonna cost you." Geld proceeded to grab the mans arm within his grip and began to pull. His grip was tight and was roughly pulling on his arm. The mans screams had continued to echo in the forest.

Surely but slowly the mans arm was being torn from his body. After 10 seconds the tearing came to an end as it was separated from his body. Geld let his body drop to the ground as he threw his arm away. Gabriel was flailing his other arm and his entire body in pain as where his arm used to be was spraying blood all over the ground, even getting onto Gelds armor.

Geld now unsheathed his giant cleaver and pointed it at the now one armed Gabriel.

"With this strike I shall end your suffering." Geld spoke as he raised his cleaver. Gabriel wanted to scream but everything just hurt far too much to let out anymore screams, but he remained in pain.

In that instant this boy met his end as his head was separated from his body. Once completed Geld had returned to his group to return back to their beloved kingdom.

Velzura POV:

"Well..... that was kinda underwhelming." Veldora said in slight disappointment.

"Isn't that right." Velzard added.

"But Geld did beat the stuffing out of him. It was well deserved as he boasted really nothing." Velraiha commented.

"But the ability of his was impressive." I spoke my thoughts.

"What do you mean brother?" Veldora asked.

"I think what brother means is his ability to take the power of the dead around him is fearsome." Velzard explained exactly what I was thinking.

"How so?" - Velraiha

"Just think if someone like a demon lord died around him. I don't quite know the limits to the ability but it if there is no limit to that then it would be a formidable ability."

"Oh, that is impressive then." Velraiha spoke.

"What about their teamwork? That plan they had in the beginning was nice." Veldora complimented them.

"It was indeed a good plan. But that will only get you so far." Velzard also complimented their teamwork.

"Aunt is right. But we don't have to worry about that right?" Velraiha asked.

"Kuhahahahaha! Of course not sweetie! Us True Dragons are all powerful! The only forces capable of beating us is eachother!" Veldora shouted with such pride and confidence.

Velzard and I however just deadpanned at him. Though I can guess he is correct about that statement.

"Alright onto the next!" I shouted which turned everyones attention to the crystal in front of us.

To the South:

To the south crystal, just like the North crystal, there was an enemy camp set up to protect this valuable asset.

The entire force placed at the camp was utterly unaware of their soon to be fate.

Within the tree-line was Souei with his five shadows. They were observing the army from all over the tree-line. Each of them were split up around the army and ready to take their designated areas.

They were all already to strike as they heard many absurdities coming from this group.

Spouting nonsense of how they will cleanse this world of their impure kingdom. Due to their training to stay calm under such circumstances. But on the inside they were fuming from hearing their words.

Even the usually calm and composed Souei was growing highly irritated of their words.

((Begin.)) Souei contacted his troops through Thought Communications to begin their operation.

From that moment his five shadows began to kill the enemy before them. One set in each corner of them camp. With them killing on the edge panic will ensue and push them closer towards the center.

Like they planned the panic did ensue upon the massacre's beginning. Each shadow armed with their weapons as trained by Souei were perfectly targeting their opponents vitals with the first strike. Killing them instantly and splattering blood all across the ground and trees.

"Dont let their attacks break your formation!" A knigjt shouted as he grabbed his blade and prepared to get into formation as he was trained. However, that was cut short when Souka. The co-leader of the shadows. Cut that short with a single stab to his heart.

The soldier was able to look into her eyes in fear and surprise with how easy he died. His limbs grew numb and unmoving, his body lost its warm temperature. He died with a look of complete fear on his face.

In no time at all, the army was being pushed back as they were slowly losing ground. They didn't even get the chance to attack. The attacks from the enemy were simply to fast and precise. And when they did attack, they disappeared almost instantly. To be more precise, they traveled through shadows.

Soldiers died left and right and their deaths were only getting quicker.

Soon, their plan had completely succeeded. The army of 300 knights had died without even getting to land a scratch. Souei on the other hand, he simply waited in the tree line and watched everything transpire.

Everything he watched with a sadistic smile on his face. Feeling justified and glad such scum were to be put down like wild animals.

In a short time the force had crumbled, the crystal destroyed and the barrier was weakened. In such a short time.

As Souei and his shadows had regrouped at the crystal to destroy it. They were ready to return to the kingdom. However, Souei turned his head in a certain direction.

"Is something wrong Souei-sama?" Souka had spoken.

"I believe one person still remains." Souei spoke in his usual emotionless tone as he began to unsheathe his dual swords.

At a moments notice, a shadowy individual appeared from nowhere with a dagger. His target, was Touka as his strike was aimed for her neck. Souei saw his attack coming and quickly and successfully parried it. Souei's movements surprised the shadow, though it was not visible as his facial expressions were hidden. He jumped back in anticipation for another attack. To which he was correct. Souei had attacked with his second blade attempting to pierce his skull. Touka had fallen on the ground completely surprised as she did not sense this man or his attack.

"Your quite fast.... For a monster." The shadow commented. Souei just remained quiet and stoic as usual. Not speaking, Souei made his move and used shadow movement to appear behind his opponent. The shadow man quickly sensed this and struck behind him in quick succession. Splitting him in half from the waist below.

He believed this to be the end of Souei, but his assumptions quickly faded as the Souei duplicate had vanished. Catching him by surprise his own shadow expanded in different directions. The shadow raised itself from the ground and forcibly wrapped the shadow man in a ball of obscure darkness.

Once encaged Souei appeared back outside the ball right before his shadow squad.

"Master Souei..... what is that?" Saika had asked.

"My unique skill [Shadow]. With it I can manipulate all shadows within a given radius to my will. The shadows of people are included as well." Souei explained.

"Neat trick you have here. Unfortunately." The voice of the shadow man could be heard from inside the orb. Upon speaking the shadow ball began to warp into different shapes. Until finally it took the shape of a person.

"It does not work against me." The shadow man spoke in an arrogant tone. Souei remained unmoved by his words and was only rethinking his next choice of actions to take.

However Souei's realization had hit soon for what he could do. With that realization a smirk appeared on his face.

The shadow man used the shadows to move over to Souei, but that plan had failed as he was stuck midway through the portal.

"What the hell is going on?!" The shadow man shouted in confusion.

"You are the shadows themselves as of now. I control shadows." Souei spoke as he had approached the immobilized shadow man. The man could only struggle and watch as the ogre approached the fearful man.

"In short, you are mine to manipulate." Souei finished speaking. The mans skill itself was to become the shadows themselves. He tried to deactivate it, but to his surprise his deactivation did not work. The shadows remained around him. Souei had used his own skill against him. He was now free for Souei to use as he sees fit.

"I think I will do this." Souei began to spilt the shadow man into separate pieces. The arms were gone, his torso still stuck in the shadow on the ground. He used that to separate his legs. The man did not feel any pain as this happened as he was still in shadow form. Lastly, the mans head was separated from his shadowy body. He was still conscious due to the fact he could pull his shadow form back together. But as Souei was manipulating it, such a thing was impossible to achieve.

"Now we can do this." Souei spoke. He released his grasp on the shadow man and answered his plea to let him deactivate his skill. The shadows mans form had been released. His body now split into complete pieces. His separated limbs slowly seeping out blood and staining the ground a crimson color. His consciousness gone as he died without any notice to him.

Velzura POV:

"That was an unfortunate match up." Velraiha said.

"Yep, it must hurt going against someone who can counter what you do best without any effort." Velzard responded.

"If this is truly what they believed could end us, I am highly insulted." Veldora said.

"Indeed. They are all pathetically weak so far." I spoke.

"I can only hope the next battles will be entertaining matches." - Velzard.

"It does not matter. With each passing second it hets closer to our turn to play!" Velraiha said with tinges of excitement.

"Hehehe, you are just like Milim-chan." Velzard said with a giggle.

"Cousin? Matter of fact, when will I meet her?" She asked.

"I believe it will be some time soon. I would estimate at least three weeks from now." I responded.

"You know what these battles make me want to attempt?" Veldora had said. The three of us looked at him wondering what he was gonna say.

"What?" - Velzard.

"These battles are fairly boring because of how one sided they are. So why don't we host a battle between the executives to determine who is the strongest of them?" He suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea in my opinion." I voiced my honest opinion.

"It could be fun. Then we could perhaps host a battle between us." - Velraiha.

"Well that can be determined later. For now, onto the next battle." I said as I changed the orb to the next battle.

To the East:

Heading towards the east, a lone figure could be seen flying high above the air in a carefree manner.

Circling around this individual was a multitude of bees and wasps. Some were of abnormal size and were as big as books and even fewer were seemingly the size of cars. But the many were of normal size.

Suddenly this individual had stopped and looked beneath themselves. On the land below was the army of the east crystal.

Apito stalled her insect forces and waited above and listened to whatever the force was speaking thanks to her enhanced senses.

"How long till you think some of them will try fleeing?" One of the knights asked his comrade.

"I can only hope that happens." Another responded.

"Yeah, the sooner they rush to their deaths the better." Another one added.

Each second Apito only grew increasingly angrier. Each obscenity only added more kindling to the flame. Every word from their perverse and disgusting tone only made them seem worthy of death.

"To think such scum would make me this furious. Velzura-sama kindness knows no limits to those he cares for. You all are quite unlucky to be going against him. Shame." Apito said with closed eyes as her anger began to subside.

"Well then, my children. Go play with your toys." Apito commanded towards her swarm. The swarm obeyed her orders and instantly flew down towards the camp. A loud buzzing sound followed them as they flew down.

"AH! Heads up! Swarm of monsters incoming!" A knight had noticed the constant buzzing and looked upwards to notice. His shout immediately catching the attention of his comrades. Them men prepared their arms and got ready for battle.

The bees swarmed their entire camp in an instant. The soldiers were becoming frantic due to the sheer amount of them. The small ones were hard enough to hit while the big ones simply attacked and withdrew. The smaller bees and wasps were stinging the knights all over. A simple sting would have little to no effect on them, however these stings crippled them with paralysis.

"Dont get stung! We will be at their mercy if we do!" A knight shouted in a panic. The camp of over 300 knights had been steadily infected with paralysis.

Up above, still floating with such stillness was Apito. She looked downward at their situation with a neutral expression.

"This is the might of those who dared to go against us." She said emotionless. Down below the soldiers were failing to overcome the might of her swarm. Soldiers were becoming paralyzed at a quick rate but as of now they were at least getting some pushback. For the past 3 minutes no one has gotten paralyzed. Instead they were managing to kill some of her swarm. Many of the small ones were destroyed via their mages fire magic. The bigger ones were held back by swordsmen while mages used earth magic to eliminate them. Apito saw what was happening to her children and was slowly growing enraged.

"Tch!" Apito simply uttered. She raised her arm towards the group in a hostile fashion.

"Fine. Ill end this early." Apito said. Out from her hand emerged a purple magic circle. Slowly emerging from the circle was a dozen of stingers. The stinger were large and sharp enough to tear through the human body like butter. Just as she was about to fire she felt some hostility directed towards her.

To her right a seemingly blur jumped at right at her at incredible speeds. Delivering a kick to her face. Apito was able to react to this and blocked the blurs attack. The kick was still powerful enough to knock her back although only a little.

The blur fell back to the ground and sped off into the distance. Just as Apito was about to give chase she was interrupted once more. An abundance of magic circles appeared around her at once and fired lightning at her. Apito quickly got out of the way by flying higher.

She looked to her left and saw the person who attacked her this time. She was unable to see their appearance due to them quickly retreating.

Apito was now readying to give chase to this individual but she sensed that blur making their return. She readied her attack from earlier and prepared for their approach. She pretended to be giving chase to that last person in order to fool them.

The blur was quickly making his approach. The dust from the landscape kicking up and creating a trail from their sheer speed. Once in range they jumped up in Apitos area and prepared another kick.

Apito dodged this attack and watched as their kick missed. She raised her attack towards this person and shot roughly a dozen of stingers at this man.

"GAH!" The man cried out. Losing the speed he built up and becoming visible to Apito. His body pierced by five out of twelve of the stingers. His body leaking with blood from the attack they had received as they fell down to the ground.

They violently hit the ground knocking up alot of dust as well as creating a minor crater from their descent.

The knights who just finished up her children had quickly made their way to the newly made crater.

"Mika-sama!" One of the knights yelled out while rushing to her aid. The soldiers were in confusion as to what could have done this.

"Look!" Another soldier yelled as he pointed upwards. Up above was Apito with her arms crossed and looking down on them. The knights once again prepared for combat against this foe.

"Oh please." Apito muttered as she looked at them in disappointment and disgust. The knights still kept their composure as they were ready to face this monster.

"Mages!" The knight leader shouted. In response to this, the mages prepared their own spell and prepared to fire it towards the insect queen above.

Apito on one hand remained unmoving and certain of her victory over them. Her eyes squinted as she looked at them with interest and entertainment. Completely as if this battle was nothing more than her passing the time.

"Flare Storm!" The mages chanted with booming voices. A complex amount of glowing orange magic circle's appeared on the ground, directing beneath Apito. From that formation erupted a pillar of flame that completely engulfed Apito.

Below the knights seemed to be celebrating their victory.

"Get a healer on Mika-sama." The leader shouted. Mika, the woman who had just prior gotten impaled was lying in the crater in pain. She was a pretty woman with black hair and dark blue eyes. The healer made their way over to her and removed the stingers and healed her wounds.

"Hmpf. I guess I wasn't needed." A feminine voice could be heard from the tree-line. Emerging from there was a blonde haired woman with vibrant blue eyes. She had features similar to that of Mika except more mature than her.

"No Aiko-sama. We were able to handle it. That monster was not so tough." The leader responded to her. During this time their healer successfully healed all of Mika's wounds.

"Ahh! I'm up!" Mika shouted while abruptly raising up, completely free of her pain.

"Quit fooling around, you almost died due to your foolishness." Aiko said towards her comrade as she approached her.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry I worried you Onee-san." Mika said while scratching the back of her head in nervousness while her sister was scolding her.

"Well well, I'm gonna be a tiny but sorry for splitting up that relationship." An unknown voice came from a certain direction. The knights and the sisters frantically stood up and readied for another battle. They looked around everywhere for where the voice had originated. The pillar of flames still intact.

"Don't tell me you thought that attack ended me." The voice said, causing all of the forces to turn towards the pillar of flames in utter confusion and disbelief. Within the flame pillar they could see the shadow of a womanly figure.

That figure proceeded to gently wave their hand to the right causing the pillar of flames to disperse and simultaneously destroy the magic circle to prevent it being recast.

Apito had survived their attack without any semblance of effort.

"You survived, well done." Aiko had praised the still living queen of insects.

"I don't need the praise of a lowly human." Apito said in a cold tone looking down towards the group of humans.

"Aww, don't be so cold. Perhaps I'll turn you into my plaything after your country is destroyed." Aiko spoke in a condescending tone.

"Enough of this." Apito spoke. Causing everyone below to prepare for battle against her.

"Usually I would have my children kill my enemies, but you killed them all. So I will have to do." Apito said with confidence. 100 of the knights below had already died from the prior attack leaving only 200 knights and 2 heroes.

Emerging from the top of both of Apitos wrists was a single single stinger.

Apito flew down at incredible speeds towards a soldier in the back. She sent a direct slice towards that knights throat. Not simply slitting it but decapitating him completely, splattering blood on the ground and her stinger.

"I'll enjoy this." Apito said as she landed and faced the knights with their self proclaimed heroes.

"Attack!" The knight leader raised his blade and shouted. All of the knights ended up charging her all at once.

Apito sped off in their direction and began to massacre.

The battle was very short lived. Limbs were being separated. Screams had echoed throughout the forest. The grass had turned from its vibrant and serene green color to a bright crimson color.

Apito in her state had completely shattered the hopes and utterly robbed will to fight from these knights. The knights were slaughtered relentlessly and without mercy.

The two heroes however, merely stood on the sidelines as they watched their comrades be slaughtered. One of the still living knights crawled over to the sisters spot and Grabbed Mika's leg.

"Please..... Help us...." The knight barely managed to let the words escape his mouth as his lungs were filling up with his blood. His left arm completely torn off and continuously seeping out blood. The massacre of knights still taking place behind him.

"Tch! Release me!" Mika yelled in disgust at the knight, completely catching him by surprise. He looked up at them only to see the sisters looking at him with disgusted and sadistic expressions on each of their twisted faces.

"My sister is right. Release Her!" Aiko said as she raised her hand and stomped directly on the mans wrist that grabbed her sisters leg. The stomp packed enough to force to completely sever his hand from his wrist.

"GAHHH!" The knight let out a bloodcurdling scream of both pain and pure horror at their actions. They were supposed to be allies in this endeavor and they had completely betrayed them.

All of a sudden, the battlefield went quiet. Enough to the point that a pin could fall and be heard by everyone around. Suddenly.


A zooming object came flying over towards the three of them. A speed that the knight could not track nor perceive, while for the sisters it was highly difficult.

It was one of Apitos stingers. It flew straight threw the fallen knights head. Easily piercing his skull then his brain before making its exit point. His blood was splattered all over the sisters legs.

"Ew! He just had to stain us!" Mika complained.

"Blame it on the bitch over there." Aiko said as her gaze was directed towards Apito. Her battle was over. The knights died feeling nothing but fear and regret for attacking this place. So many soldiers died to a single insect they believed was weak. And now Apito was approaching her final 2 victims.

"Are you two ready to face me or remain shaking in your boots?" Apito mocked while wiping her stingers off of her wrists.

"Hahahaha! You believe you can kill us! Its laughable!" Mika laughed, clearly displaying she is the most arrogant of the two. Apito simply ignored this and looked down at her previous victim. The man who pleaded these two for help. She noticed his hand was separated from his body and that hand was directly in front of Aiko's foot.

"You... betrayed this man." Apito said coldly. Aiko was surprised a bit from Apitos words and looked at her with a slight grin.

"Why yes. A lowly insect like him is not worthy of touching either my sister or I. Hell I probably would have helped him had he not touched us." Aiko said with a giggle, clearly displaying her sadistic and dominant nature.

Apito grew irritated with that answer. She knew if it was one of her allies pleading for help, she would always give it as that is what she believes to be best as the same goes for her masters. In short, no one in the Kingdom of Tempest will leave an ally behind or not give help when another needs it. So this answer was doing more than irritating her at this point, she was beyond livid. Deep inside her soul, she vowed that she would make these two sisters suffer in their last moments. And that vow had bestowed a gift upon her.

<<Notice: The Individual Apito has gained the Unique Skill [Transition]>>

The voice of the world had spoken to her and bestowed a new skill upon her. A slight smirk appeared on Apitos face as she was spoken to. Knowing that these pathetic humans in front of her now stand no chance in hell of beating her.

"LETS GET STARTED!" Mika shouted as she ramped up her speed towards Apito. Apito responded to this by matching her speed as well. The two were inching closer and closer due to their matched speed.

"Ice Prison!" Aiko shouted and cast a magic circle that appeared a few feet in front of Apito. Once Apito stepped on it, only her leg was caught in ice. Mika still running at her was ready to completely tear Apitos head off.

Apito let her leg remain trapped in the ice and let Mika run at her.

Mika sped right past Apito.

But her attack utterly failed. As she was running towards Apito she fired one of her stingers into Mikas leg causing her to lose all momentum due to her pain as her she began to fall. At the speed she was falling she passed by Apito to which Apito Severed her arm.

"AHHHHH!" Mika screamed out in sheer pain and disbelief. She looked to where her arm was and saw it was gone and landed right next to Apito. As her tumble had continued for a bit, her blood trailed right behind her.

"MIKA!" Aiko shouted as she rushed towards her sister. Though before that she encaged Apito in the same lightning cage she did earlier. The lightning went off and seemingly disintegrated Apito.

However, just as Aiko was about to approach her fallen sister. She felt a piercing pain in her abdomen. She looked down to see that she was pierced by a stinger. She looked above and behind her saw Apito floating with her arms crossed.

"YOU!" Aiko uttered.

"HOW DID YOU ESCAPE! YOU WERE COMPLETELY AT MY MERCY!" Aiko shouted in pure anger at the insect queen.

"Hehehe, I simply matched your sisters speed you know. I saw that entrapment coming and let it get hold of me. Sorry, I am just far out of your reach." Apito mocked with a grin. This only caused more anger to surge forth from Aiko.

"Oh, that reminds me." Apito muttered to herself. She turned her head in the direction of the crystal she was suppose to destroy. She fired off three total stingers at it and shattered the crystal.

"Now you have my full attention." A smirk formed on Apitos face as her gaze was now on Aiko again.

Aiko grabbed the stinger from her stomach and tore it straight out of her abdomen. Enhancing her physical strength with magic, she threw the stinger straight for Apitos head. Apito slightly tilted her head making the stinger miss and pass her head. After missing its mark, it proceeded to tear threw a few trees and split them in half.

Apito noticing this had then praised Aiko while clapping.

"Nice one. When enhancing yourself your strength is rather admirable." Apito said mockingly. Aiko just ignored this and proceeded to heal her sister. Apito did not want that, so she fired another stinger.

The stinger pierced its targets leg while Apito had applied [Thought Acceleration] to her.

"AHHH!" The target screamed out in anguish as its was feeling even more pain every second that passed. However, it was not Aiko who screamed in pain.

It was Mika.

"Sorry, but I can't allow that." Apito said coldly.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" Aiko shouted at Apito in a rage. For her it was completely unbearable to hear her sister scream in pain. Though they were cold and didn't care about anyone around them, this made it clear that they truly cared for eachother.

"You have not earned the right to heal her yet. Slay me and you will have earned that right." Apito said, her stingers still extended from her wrists. Aiko gritted her teeth in frustration but nonetheless had decided to face Apito.

"Hell Blaze!"Aiko shouted. A aura of flames began to surround her and by the second was burning brighter. Her surrounds were beginning to catch on fire as well as the deceased knights corpses burst into flames.

"Hm, impressive. But it will take much more than this to slay me. Even more than that to slay my masters." Apito said in a calm manner.

However as she was speaking Aiko rushed down for her and threw a powerful punch towards her head. Apito simply tilted her head and dodged the strike before jumping backwards and landing 10 feet away from her.

Aiko did not stop her assault upon Apito. She swore she would kill this monster and torture her until she is satisfied.

Aiko placed her hands flat on the ground, causing a ground itself to erupt in a line of lava before completing erupting right below Apito.

Apito sped out of the way and appeared right behind Aiko before whispering in her ear.

"You will be unable to save your sister." Apito whispered.

"SCREW YOU!!" Aiko shouted still in a rage as she swung her hand behind her. Causing multiple fireballs to eject from her hands at incredible speeds that completely incinerated whatever it came into contact with. Apito had dodged this effortlessly and reappeared in front of her.

"Benimaru is better and more proficient in utilizing flames than you." Apito mocked.

"DONT UNDERESTIMATE ME BITCH!" Aiko shouted as she plunged even deeper in her rage.

"I guess I shouldn't take too long. My masters need to take out that army after all." Apito said in a casual manner. Both her words and how casual she was acting had confused Aiko.

"What do you m-" As Aiko was speaking she was abruptly cut off by a powerful punch to the jaw. Apito had send an uppercut to her jaw. The punch sent her approximately 30 meters in the air. Apito followed this up by following her in the sky and sending her downwards with a kick and creating a massive crater with a large smokescreen.

On the ground below, Aiko could be seen laying in a crater. Her body contorted to extreme lengths. Many broken bones. Blood pouring out of her body consistently. She was barely able to even hold onto consciousness and even less hold onto her life.

Apito floated downward towards both of the fallen sisters with her arms crossed and looking at them with both disgust and disappointment. Disgust due to their own arrogance and the way the acted this entire time. Disappointment because they failed to live up to their so-called expectations. They boasted their power as if they were all powerful yet they could not beat a kings subordinate. Truly pathetic indeed.

"Hah, I almost feel sorry for you girls. You had no idea of the kind of force you were going against. I am not even close to being the strongest. Your quite lucky it was me you got. Had it been anyone else your fates would have been much harsher." Apito said with a slight smirk forming on her face, yet she pushed it down and kept a neutral expression apparent.

Aiko could only listen to her adversaries words. Deep in her mind she was only worried about her little sister. She was unable to form words or even move. Yet all she was concerned about was her little sister. Apito had noticed that Aiko was trying to speak as she saw her mouth twitching.

"Are you perhaps worried about your sister?" Apito asked. Aiko's lips stopped twitching as she heard Apitos answer.

"Well you don't have to worry. The two of you will be in the same place soon enough." Apito spoke in a cold tone and keeping her face neutral. Both of the sisters were down for the count and in two separate areas. Both unable to continue this so-called match.

Apito simply threw two of her stingers from her wrist at the sibling team. Each stinger pierced their skulls. Aiko had the front of her head pierced while Mika had the back of her head pierced. Neither could let out a scream as their voices had already been lost. Both died instantly from Apitos attack.

Apito had turned her back on their corpses and began her return to Tempest.

Velzura POV:

"An interesting fight for once." Veldora had commented.

"Indeed. The two sisters were fairly strong for humans." Velzard had commented.

"They sure did put up a decent fight." Velraiha said.

"To think you had trained Apito this well Veldora." I said while grinning.

"HAH?! What is that supposed to mean?!" He retorted. Velzard and Velraiha were giggling at Veldoras misery at being mocked.

"I meant nothing by it." I said while stifling my own laugh.

"Hoh! It looks like the next battle is about to start!" Velraiha said as it was visible that Benimaru was about to begin his battle.

To The West:

To the west had remained the final of the pillars holding up the barrier.

But that knowledge was not known to the camp of knights stationed here. They had not received a notice of requesting support at all from any of the prior camps. So naturally, they were blind to the attacks on their camps as well as not knowing of all the casualties they have suffered thus far.

With all of that yet to come to light to them, they had absolutely no idea that they were next on the chopping block.

Currently, the knights have been relaxing this entire time. Doing nothing but enjoying their time and taking shifts for searching for attempted escapees.

"Ah, so far this expedition seems to be going off without a hitch." - Knight One.

"Of course. Pathetic little monsters cannot defy us." - Knight Two.

"When will the main army arrive? I want to get this over with." - Knight Three.

"Only the commander knows that." - Knight One

"Damn. I'm not trying to keep this going o-" Knight Three was speaking to his allies when he was abruptly silenced. His allies had been splattered with blood on their faces. They flinched from the sudden splash of something on their faces. They wiped their eyes to removed it and found out the horrible deed that had taken place right in front of them.

The knights head was completely separated from his body. His body still standing and even twitching, seeming like the body has yet to realize the fact its head was gone. It stood still for a few seconds before falling to the ground. Now lifeless.

"ENEMY ATTACK!" - Knight One.


The both of them shouted to alert their forces, causing a minor panic among them. But nonetheless they maintained their calmness as the trained knights they were.

Knight One and Two were facing the tree-line when they heard some rustling among the foliage. They cast their attention to that area and were able to see a shadow moving towards them. As they were slowly coming into the light, they were able to see a man wearing a red samurai-esque outfit. He had bright red hair and two black horns protruding from his forehead. Crimson colored eyes with markings that looked like bloody tears coming from those eyes. Unknown to them, they had the commander of the Tempest Army, Benimaru to end them.

"HALT!" - Knight One shouted towards Benimaru as he was still approaching them.

"CEASE YOUR ADVANCES OR WE SHALL SHOW NO MERCY!" - Knight Two shouted as he pointed his sword at Benimaru. Upon hearing those exact words. "No Mercy." A slight smirk had formed on Benimarus face.

"Apologies. It shall be I who will not be showing any mercy." He spoke in a calm tone as he unsheathed his Tachi. Once unsheathed he covered it with Black Flames. This one action had made the knights quite uneasy. A monster appeared with the confidence of killing 300 stationed knights. It was something to look at as completely foolish or something you should not take lightly.

In a moments notice Benimaru disappeared from their sight. They looked around frantically for this man but he was nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden rapid booming sounds could be heard. The knights turned around towards the noise only to see a pillar of black flames. But as the booking sounds continued they discovered that these were no pillars of flames. The knights had been combusting into flames. Large doses of fear had been planted into the knights very souls as this was taking place.

"GROUP UP!" Knight one shouted for them to take a certain formation. But it was a fruitless endeavor. Anytime a single knight moved they would be the next to combust and die.

The knights were being slain left and right without any kind of notice of who would be next. Their force was quickly diminishing right before their very eyes.

"I was not informed this is what we would be going against." Knight One uttered. Suddenly a single gash could be seen on his chest. It was incredibly shallow and it was quickly dealt to him as he was unable to know it was even there. The slash on his chest had glowed a black color before combusting and engulfing him into flames before he could realize he was struck a deadly blow.

All of the knights are dead.

The Camp has fallen.

All in less than a minute since Benimaru appeared.

With the knights slain Benimaru stopped his fast movement and stood in place.

"Hm, truly unimpressive. I hope no-one else had trouble with these weaklings." Benimaru uttered before noticing the crystal he was sent to destroy. He raised his Tachi back and quickly destroyed it with a single slash.

The crystal caused a minor explosion behind him after slashing it.

"Hm, to think they believed they could battle us." Benimaru spoke in a quiet voice. However just as he began to walk away he felt a presence emanating from behind him.

Benimaru turned around and was met with a single man. He has short black hair that parted to his right. Red eyes that was barely visible due to the hood he was wearing since it was obscuring his view. On each side of his hips were two sheathes. Each one having a dagger within them.

"And pray tell who might you be?" Benimaru asked the mysterious man before him with a smirk clearly visible.

"The name is Dagon. I am not interested in talking to a measly monster." The man spoke. His voice sounding both cold and calculating.

"That's disappointing. But I won't waste any time and I will kill you here and now. Apologies, for it is what my masters desire." Benimaru said before disappearing like he did earlier. He aimed his slice for the mans chest like he did to everyone else, but to his own surprise. He had his strike blocked. Directly by the dual daggers the man named Dagon was holding.

'Impressive. He's the only one to have been able to perceive me at that speed. He is clearly a step above the knights here.'

"I am aware that you have killed off the other camps and destroyed those crystals." Dagon spoke. This mere statement surprised Benimaru a bit and made him take a step back. However he did regain his composure shortly.

"Hahaha. Well, you can thank my allies for that. They are not to be underestimated." Benimaru spoke seeming all casual. But his guard did not drop for even a second.

"Those so-called heroes stationed at the other camps were pathetic. But you will not find dealing with me so easy." Dagon said. His daggers began to get coated with some sort of bluish aura. Benimaru felt danger emanating from that dagger as he readied his Tachi for combat.

Suddenly, Dagon used his dagger to pierce the ground. The ground of the entire area began to shake violently. Benimaru not fazed had stood his ground, appearing to be unmoved by his enemies movements. All of a sudden a gigantic magic circle formed beneath their feet. On the edge of the circle, many pillars of light had erupted and shot upwards. The pillars were swirling majestically as they connected in the center high above the two of them.

'This is a barrier. No sort of chant or anything. This guy may prove to be a challenge. But lets see just how far that strength goes.' Benimaru had thought to himself. A second did not go by where he was not observing this mans moves.

"To be able to make a barrier this stable and quick. You must actually be a threat." Benimaru said.

While this exchange between them was taking place the crowd within the castle had been reacting to this with great interest.

Velzura POV:

"Kuhahahaha! It seems this one will prove to be a great watch!" Veldora roared in excitement.

"This Dagon is certainly an exceptional individual by human standards. But I have confidence Benimaru will come out unscathed." Velzard said casually.

"I hope there are people like him in the main army, otherwise it wont be any fun for us." Velraiha said.

However I just kept my mouth shut and was observant on what this skill of his was.

'Raphael, do you have any idea what he has done or what that skill is?'

{From observation I have concluded that it is a Unique Skill. It would allow the user to separate himself from the outside world by essentially creating his own world. This world however is not free from the laws of this world so it acts as a separate but still connected extension. All the user can do is freely manipulate the laws of his world to fit his advantage.}

'So the user simply create their own copy of this world that they can manipulate and control. Do you think Benimaru and his Unique Skill can pull through on this?'

{Without a doubt.} Raphael had answered simply and quickly. A small smirk formed on my face as the information was processed.

'Would there perhaps be any way for me to make his skill my own?'

{There is but it is unnecessary due to the [Imaginary Space]. The Imaginary Space is far superior to this unique skill as yours acts as its own separate dimension from this skill that acts as an extension to this world. His still follows the conventional laws of this world while yours has no laws in place yet until you allow it or create the laws.}

'Oh. I did not think the Imaginary Space was that far superior to this skill. Alright then, I guess I don't need it.'

Back to the Battle:

"Your an interesting adversary. But this will mean nothing." Benimaru said full of confidence. A smirk had appeared on Dagons face as he looked at Benimaru like he was biggest fool in the universe.

"I have already made the law of Unique Skills in the world null and void. You are helpless here." Dagon said while approaching Benimaru with his daggers drawn and held to his sides.

"Not quite." Benimaru spoke with a smirk. This weird amount of confidence coming from Benimaru had stunned Dagon a bit.

"And what do you mean monster?"

"Your skill allows you to manipulate the laws of the world to your own advantage. But thats only within this space you trapped me in." Benimaru said.

"I am surprised you have figured it out. But if you know that then you should know that this is your end." Dagon instantly rushed Benimaru and slashed him with his daggers coated with his aura.

Surprisingly Benimaru blocked this strike still with his sword. During this Benimaru began to speak again.

"Unfortunately for you..... There are people in this world who can do such without a crutch like you." Benimaru said.

"You speak nonsense. There is only one person stronger than me and they are within this army." Dagon said as he jumped backwards to create distance from his opponent. Benimaru spoke again, completely ignoring whatever this Dagon had to say.

"Those people are Ultimate Skill users. The Laws of the world are their plaything. I am not one of them. But even my masters complimented that my unique skill could compete on the same level. The same goes for an ally under the same master." Benimaru spoke.

"You are clearly delusional." Dagon spoke as he began to charge Benimaru once again with the intent to sever his head directly from his body. Benimaru saw this and simply looked at his opponent with an excited look.

He looked on in anticipation before coating his Tachi in Golden flames. Flames as Golden as the Tempest Royal Family's eyes. Reflecting the amount of respect and admiration he has for them. He raised his blade and slowly swung in a horizontal motion as Dagon was still rushing him down center.

All around them, this false world had begun to shake quite violently. Dagons speed didn't matter anymore as he fell to the ground.

"What the hell?! What did you do?!" He looked at Benimaru with both surprise and anger. Benimaru didn't find his comment worth answering but due to this ability Dagon possessed he did decide to answer it.

"Simple. My Unique Skill is called [Will]. To put it simply, it works in accordance to my willpower. If I will it my flames will burn it. And I am burning down this world of yours." Benimaru said in a calm tone.

This very false world around them was crumbling. Crack after crack appearing in the barrier. As well as flames bursting from the ground beneath their feet. Dagon was constantly growing worried that his abilities were not working against this monster. He looked around in panic.

"Do you see the difference in our abilities now?" Benimaru questioned as he looked at the fallen so-called hero on his knees, unable to get up due to the pressure.

"This is the difference between Genuine and False strength." Benimaru spoke as the false world continued to shatter from the flames expansion. Soon the entire world was engulfed in Benimarus golden flames. Engulfing even Dagon in them like he was completely nothing. The world was reaching its limit as its creator had been engulfed within a golden sea of flames. The bubble shattered like glass. The flames disappeared as did the entire false world.

Benimaru was now in the true world once again. Standing exactly as he was prior. He sheathed his blade back within its scabbard and walked back to Tempest to report his easy victory.

Velzura POV:

"Kuhahahaha! Benimaru won as easily as I expected!" Veldora shouted.

"It seems with his skill he would be quite the opponent for future enemies." Velzard said praising him.

"Hahaha, I might need to fight him later for training." Velraiha spoke in excitement.

"It will be interesting to see his growth in the future. He is this strong even without an Ultimate Skill. Just imagine when he does obtain one." I said.

"That would surely prove to be great for his growth." Veldora said.

"Indeed, it would. He would perhaps become stronger than most of the current demon lords." Velzard said.

{I have a notice.}

Suddenly Raphael had spoke to me.

'What is it?'

{It would appear that a group of four is making their entrance through [Spatial Transfer]. I assume its the group attempting to free the captives.}

'I see.' A slight smirk had formed on my face. That did not go unnoticed by my family. Neither did the use of Spatial Transfer.

"It would seem we have some visitors." - Velzard

"Should we go and greet them." - Veldora

"There would be no need." I said.

"Why is that uncle?" Velraiha asked.

"We already have someone guarding them remember? That person is prrhaps even stronger than Benimaru. I am sure they won't escape." I said.

"Oh right. They definitely won't have a chance to escape from him." Veldora had added.

"That should be the final battle to watch, then it is our turn to play." I said. I turned our crystal to the next location and our final presumed battle to observe. Our prison with its two captives.