
TRTU [Temporary Hiatus]

Well Damn... I really died while taking a shit after my bath hey. I mean, really? The razor fell into the water and fucking electrocuted my ass to the end of time. I swear I even got heard at some point because of it! Sucks to be me hey. On to the void I guess since Im sure don't belong in heaven since I was never someone to go out of my way for others and I won't go to hell since I never did anything that can be considered evil. So the Void it is!

Norf · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


In the training grounds many disciples could be seen chatting about who was going to win the hunting contest.

It was the most important and difficult test for disciples since it decided whether one could become a core disciple or not.

Becoming a core disciple was the best outcome because the clan would focus their resources on grooming you by providing the best resources and techniques easily allowing disciples to grow stronger over time.

Four figures could be seen walking through the crowd of disciples.

Two extremely beautiful women walked beside a tall very handsome young man and a large even taller man walked behind them.

They walked as If they didn't even put the disciples in their eyes as they walked through a clear path to the registration table.

"Who are these 3 and why is that trash Feng Lei walking with them!?"

"Doesn't that guy in the front look like Luo Tian?"

All the disciples were whispering to one another about who those 3 important looking people could be and why they were with Feng Lei who was considered to be a trash.

Though Feng Lei was angry at them for scornig him he held back his temper like Luo Tian said he should.

Luo Tian and the rest stopped in front of the desk where housekeeper Luo Qingchan was managing the register.

"I want to sign up for the hunting contest." He spoke in an indifferent tone.

Luo Qingchan looked up and saw a handsome man who looked like Luo Tian in front of him. "What's your name young man?"

Luo Tian smiled gently at him since he doesn't have a grudge with him. "Luo Tian, I'm the Young Master of the Luo Family, Luo Tian."

Luo Qingchan was shocked but before he could say anything the crowd burst into laughter.

"Hahaha I thought he was some powerful person but he's just the trash Luo Tian that couldn't even beat a beggar!"

"You Trash you don't belong here go back and attend to the horses! You dare name yourself the Young master!"

"What is that trash doing with such fairies?!"

Multiple people scorned him which angered Xue'er and Juewang greatly.

The both of them were about to burst when they felt Luo Tian hold their hands.

He looked at the both of them and shook his head. " They are not worth it little wifey, Xue'er don't waste your energy."

Though they were still mad they smiled and nodded as they held his hands tighter.

Before Luo Tian could speak up to Luo Qingchan again. " You piece of crippled trash you are not the Young master of the Luo Family! Only Big Brother Luo Lin is qualified for that title!"

Luo Yue and Zhu Mei walked out from the crowd of disciples with contempt written on their faces.

Luo Tian looked at them and smiled coldly. "We'll if it isn't the public bus, free for any man to ride and it's current passenger. Unfortunately I refuse to be contaminated by your vile natures so I cannot pay you any attention. It will put a stain on the pure spirit of this young master."

"Young master what's a public bus?" Feng Lei asked.

"Ah, Feng Lei a public bus is something that anybody can ride as long as they can pay the fee. In the case of these two, Zhu Mei is the cheapest bus around and currently Luo Yue is it's current passenger." Luo Toan explained with an amused smile.

Hearing his explanation Juewang and Xue'er giggled. While the men around found it attractive Luo Yue and Zhu Mei had tick marks appear on their foreheads.

Luo Yue and Zhu Mei were fuming hearing Luo Tian's words. They fully understood what he said but they couldn't come up with a response.

"A trash that can't even cultivate dares name themself the Young master and insult me!" Luo Yue screamed out which Luo Tian ignored.

Luo Tian looked back at Luo Qingchan who was talking to him now. "Luo Tian in order to participate in the hunting contest you need a minimum cultivation of Profound Pupil 3rd rank so please leave and stop causing trouble." Luo Qingchan tried to get Luo Tian to leave out of the goodness of his heart.

Luo Tian smiled gently at him. "I know you are a good man senior Qingchan so I will be polite. I am participating in the hunting contest. In the Luo family rules it states that the Young master is allowed to participate in all contests and even become a core disciple directly if he so wished. Before my father passed he stood before our ancestors and all the elders and made me the Young Master and no one was qualified to abolish my status meaning I am still the Young master of the clan and all those benefits are still available for me to take meaning I am fully qualified to participate. I will not tell you again Senior Qingchan, as the Young master of the clan I would like to participate in the hunting contest."

Luo Qingchan couldn't refuse him. All the things Luo Tian said were true as he was indeed the young master of the clan.

He looked at Luo Yue who was turning purple already and sighed." I understand Luo Tian"he immidiately wrote down Luo Tian's name.

Luo Yue screamed out hearing Luo Tian's reasoning. " You Damn trash get the he'll out of the training grounds! you are not qualified do you hear me. NOT QUALIFIED TO PARTICIPATE."

Luo Tian let out a cold breath. and looked at Xue'er and Juewang. "Little wifey, Xue'er now that I have registered I don't need to hold back anymore so could you please step back?"

They both smiled since it was time to do what the two of them talked about in secret .

They talked about a way to infuriate everyone and came to a decision. Before they walked back they both kissed him on the cheek which he enjoyed very much.

"Go have fun husband." Juewang spoke up first as she walked back with a smile on her face.

"Husband go get revenge, Xue'er will be waiting for you with Sister Juewang." She followed Juewang with a blush on her face.

Hearing them both call him husband all the men in the crowd were getting pissed off. How could someone crippled get such beauties? Seeing them both kiss him on the cheek only made it worse

Luo Yue was infuriated seeing Luo Tian get so much attention from the fairy Xue'er and an extremely beautiful mature woman who was much better looking than Zhu Mei.

"Those two..." He smiled and shook his head then looked at Feng Lei who was grinning widely.

"Feng Lei your Young master is finally doing it."

He said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Hahaha young master is finally making a move!" He crossed his arms and moved back also.

"Zhu Mei move back a bit and watch how I teach this trash how high the heavens are!" Lio Yue exclaimed.

"Big Brother Luo Yue just kill him with one punch his presence upsets me." She spoke in a scornful tone.

Luo Tian disliked wasting time so he immediately released his Absolute Rulers aura.


A Loud crashing sound was heard throughout the training grounds which pressured Luo Yue and Zhu Mei to their knees. Neither of them could move an inch.

The disciples in the area were extremely frightened the pressure and didnt dare move a single inch.

The men who were thinking of ways to take Luo Tian's women were immediately put in their place.

Some of the weaker ones even pissed themselves, needless to say Luo Yue and Zhu Mei who were taking the brunt of the pressure pissed themselves too leaving puddles on the ground.

Luo Tian slowly walked towards Luo Yue."Luo Yue according to the family rules you must be punished. You have insulted me the current Young Master of the clan repeatedly and even dared to publicly denounce my title as the Young Master of the clan. It was sworn to our elders and ancestors that until my death I will be the Young master of the clan so you denouncing my title counts as treason and rebellion to the clan. As the Young Master I cannot allow such wrong doing to go unpunished, I sentence you to be crippled just like i once was." Luo Tian spoke in a voice brimming with his rulers aura.

The temperature around the training grounds turned extremely cold as Luo Tian let out another breath of cold air he materialised an ice sword in his hands.

He had an extremely cold gaze in his eyes and was grinning wickedly.

Luo Yue was panicking. He didn't expect that Luo Tian had become so strong.

He couldn't move or even speak, he couldn't do anything at all.

Luo Tian picked Luo Yue up by the collar and stabbed the ice sword through his dantian.

Luo Yue felt his profound energy dispersing and was panicking even more than earlier but didn't have time to do that for long.

Luo Tian grabbed Luo Yue's arm and froze it solid as he broke it off. It was only then did he leave Luo Yue to fall on the ground and removed the pressure which finally allowed Luo Yue to speak.

"AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH" Luo Yue screamed out on the ground as he pulled out the ice sword and tried to keep his profound energy in.

His right side which his arm was removed from was frozen solid which made him numb and kept blood from flowing out.

Zhu Mei had passed out from the pressure since she was weaker than Luo Yue.

"Tsk as much as i want to kill this bitch too i want to take out the whole family at once so ill suck it up for now " Luo Tian said looking at the feinted body of Zhu Mei.

Luo Yue soon fainted from all the screaming. " You mix-breed dog you dare cripple my son! I will Kill you!!"

A loud shout came from within the crowd and soon an middle aged man ran out.

He released all his profound energy into the atmosphere it was Luo Xiaoshan.

Luo Xiaoshan was the father of Luo Yue, one of the 5 great elders of the family who was at the 2nd rank of Profound Master realm and younger brother to Luo Jianshan.

He dashed forward at what should be blinding speed to any disciple but Luo Tian could see him clearly. Xiaoshan raised his right Palm which made a tigers roar as he moved forward.

He was attacking Luo Tian with the intent to kill which made Luo Tian grin. He was just handed another justifiable reason to cripple one of the people who plotted against him which made him very happy.

"Chidori" As Luo Tian said that a loud chirping sound was heard throughout the training grounds as black lightning coated his hand.

Seeing him prepare an attack everyone in the crowd though he was overconfident in his strength but as they thought back to the pressure he released they couldn't help but shiver.

Luo Tian dashed forward at a speed much faster than Luo Xiaoshan and they clashed within a second.

Luo Tian's Chidori met with Xiaoshan's tiger palm and in an instant Luo Tian's Chidori overpowered him and broke through the technique.

His momentum continued to carry him forward as he pierced the dantian of Luo Xiaoshan causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Tian immediately dodged since he didn't want to get it on him. "A Great Elder actually dared to threaten to kill the Young Master of the clan so openly and even openly call me a mix-breed dog, for your violation of the clan rules and going against what was sworn to our ancestors you have been crippled.If I wasn't so strong I would have died from that attack."

At this moment everyone was in panic. They too had openly insulted him meaning Luo Tian had every right to cripple them too.

Luo Tian was grinning widely and anyone could tell he was enjoying this.

Luo Xiaoshan couldn't even reply since his arm was broken and his dantian crippled.

"Aaarrggghh" Similar to Luo Yue he screamed out in pain.

He was greatly shocked that he was defeated in a single blow by Luo Tian.

"What is happening here!" A loud shout was heard from the crowd which cause Luo Tian to grin again.

Luo Jianshan had a bad feeling as he walked out from the crowd and saw what happened. He was watching from afar so he couldn't see what happened clearly but seeing this scene he almost rampaged.

His Little Brother Luo Xiaoshan was losing his profound energy and his arm was broken while Luo Yue his nephew was lying unconcious with a missing arm and crippled dantian.

"Well if it isn't Acting Patriarch Jianshan." Spoke out Luo Tian as he emphasised the Acting Patriarch part.