
Chapter 6

Emma looked at David and gave a smile. "I'm going to finish my hot chocolate first, I'll see you soon though." She told him knowing that her and Killian just got their drinks and didn't want to waste it, it also gave her a few minutes to spend with Hook, she just hoped her family wouldn't think anything of it and that she just wanted to finish her drink. Killian smiled and looked down at his own warm drink, it was evident that they'd just gotten theirs and everyone else's were pretty much finished. He gently moved his hook up and down Emma's leg and looked at the Charmings. "I will be finishing my drink before I go back out there too." He said, wondering if his ship was still somewhere along the docks, for as far as he could remember, he believed that it was. Regina stood up and kissed Henry's cheek before he could leave, wincing a little as she bent down to do so. She glanced at the others before quickly making her way out of the diner before anyone else, one hand under her shirt pressed to her ribs. She was certainly sleeping with a ice pack to her side tonight. She didn't want to risk Henry seeing and knowing she was in pain, she'd keep it a secret if she had to, for as long as she could.

Henry smiled some as he got up, smiling at Regina. "Goodnight." He told her. He watched her leave but still felt like something was wrong with her but he decided not to question it. David smiled and nodded softly, he wrapped and arm around Snow's shoulders and walked out of the diner with his wife and grandson. Henry nodded hearing what Emma say that she'd be there a little later and headed out of Granny's. "Come on, kiddo. Let's get you to bed. I think we're all just as exhausted as each other." David said feigning a yawn himself. Snow leaned into her husband's side, though she was a little worried about Regina she decided to try and not to be since she knew the mayor didn't want that. "Getting into a warm bed does sound nice. Let's hope it isn't as cold as it is now tomorrow." Snow said. Henry smiled up at his grandparents and gave a small nod. "Who knows the last time we actually did sleep, and getting under some warm blankets sound nice right now." He agreed.

David nodded with a heavy sigh. "God knows." He said to Henry as they all walked home towards the loft but at least it wasn't too far from the diner. "At least we're home." He said as he walked up the stairs and into the loft. "Hopefully nothing too much has changed." Though as he walked in everything seemed to be where they left it, he couldn't be bothered fully checking. He saw his bed and immediately yawned, rubbing his hands over his face. "At least we're home." Snow agreed and chuckled as she grabbed David's hand. "Come on, let's get you to bed." She said although a small yawn escaped her. Henry followed them in and realised it was warmer, he took off his shoes and looked towards his grandparents with a smile. "Goodnight." He told them. David let out a small sigh and kissed the top of Henry's head. "Let us know if you need anything." He said. Henry smiled. "I will." He said and turned to go upstairs and go to bed, though it didn't take him long to fall asleep once there.

Regina had seen her car on the street, she went to her into it but noticed a clamp on the wheel, they must have been gone a while, she certainly didn't feel like there was a clamp on there yesterday, or that's how much time felt like had passed for her. She wasn't sure anymore. She ran a hand though her hair and slowly kept on walking, wishing her magic would work. She finally made her way home, it took a little longer than she would have liked though. She walked into her living room, grabbing a thin blanket from the side and laid down on the sofa, on the side that thankfully wasn't bruised. Her mind was racing and she wasn't sure how fast she'd be able to fall asleep. A few minutes later she began to doze off, the blanket draped over her loosely, she didn't have the energy to even start the fire or grab the ice pack. She was sure that with at least some rest that she would he able to heal herself in the morning.

David followed his wife into their bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed and turned to face Snow. "What did Regina want?" He asked, he couldn't say that it hadn't been on his mind at all. Snow sat down on the bed and looked over at him and shrugged. "She was just wanting to talk." She lied, hoping that David couldn't tell. Regina had asked her not to say anything and so she wasn't going to. "Just wanted some girl talk is all and seeing how everything was." She said. She did feel bad for lying to David since she always tried not to, but she wasn't going to break Regina's trust with this and not letting anyone else know the real reason she wanted to talk to her. David nodded with a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. "Alright." He said with a smile. "As long as she's okay, she's worked hard to get to where she is, even if I don't show it I'm proud of her." He climbed into the bed on his side. "I'll stay awake until Emma gets back so you can get some rest, darling." He said and placed a hand on her cheek.

Snow nodded and smiled at the kiss, giving his arm a squeeze before she nodded and got into bed, pulling the covers up. "She has worked hard." She agreed with a small chuckle since she knew David still didn't show he was proud of the former evil queen. Hearing he'd stay awake, she nodded, falling asleep moments later. David draped an arm over Snow and made sure Emma got home safely, even if she wanted to go to sleep he wouldn't go to bed himself until she was there, besides, he was interested to see what else he could remember. "She has indeed." He replied softly before Snow had fallen asleep.

Killian raised an eyebrow and smirked looking at Emma. "So is the hot drink the only reason you decided to stay? Miss Swan?" He teased, being quiet so no one overheard, he ran the top of his hook through one of her trouser bent loops and gave it a little tug. Emma had watched her family leave before her eyes turned back to the pirate and smiled at him shrugging. "there might be another reason why I wanted to stay longer." She said softly, giving him a small chuckle when she felt his hook tug her trousers belt loop. "Will you be alright at your ship tonight?" Emma asked. She knew how cold it was getting outside and she couldn't help but he concerned about him. Killian chuckled a little and laughed. "I'm sure I've handled colder weathers out at sea, Love." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

Hook nodded with a small chuckle and drank a fair amount of hie hot chocolate, licking his lips afterwards. "I'm sure I'll be fine, Thank you." He said. "Henry got me one of this mobile device things." He pressed a kiss to her cheek and sighed standing up. "Get some rest Emma, you must be exhausted." Emma finished off her hot chocolate and nodded. "Just want to make sure you don't end up freezing." She told him and gave a small laugh. "A phone?" She asked a little amused hearing what he called it though she smiled at the kiss before she stood. "I probably should get to bed. I'll see you later." She told him and since no one else was really around, she reached out and squeezed his hand before she met go and started to head out of the diner, she knew that she didn't have a jacket bur she was glad it was only a short walk.