
Chapter 34

Killian opened the door and smiled a little. "Hey Snow" he said and opened the door, stepping aside to let Emma's mother in. "You heard about the fever then" Killian said as he moved back around to the side of the bed.

Snow gave a smile and nodded as she stepped in but could see how pale Emma looked and redness on her cheeks from the fever. "I did." She said with a nod. "I won't stay long though." She added as she pulled the medicine from her pocket and held it out to Hook. "Regina had this with her in her bag, she said it will help with the fever." She told the pirate. "I figured I'd bring it now before it gets any worse." She said and moved to be next to Emma and reached down, giving her hand a small squeeze and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her daughters head before straightening up and looked at Hook, giving him a smile. "Thank you for taking care of her." She told the pirate.

Killian smiled, well he certainly couldn't argue with her wanting him to look at her. He sat beside her on the bed once Snow came in and held one of her hands softly squeezing them. He wanted her to try and get some rest after this, staying awake and even talking to people must be exhausting when one was this weak. Hook looked up at Snow mentioned medicine and thanked her, he immediately took it off her and began to open up the lid, he would much rather be safe than sorry with something like this. "Thank you Snow, and you're welcome. I do love her", hook said with a small smile, it was the first time he'd admitted out loud to Snow that he in fact did love her daughter. He turned to Emma and passed her a few of the tablets and her glass of water, guiding it to her hand carefully knowing that she'd used a lot of energy today.

Emma gave a smile and gave his hand a small squeeze in return before she gave her mother a smile. When she saw the medicine. She took the tablets and put them in her mouth before taking the glass, giving Hook a small smile when she felt him guide it to her hand. She took the glass of water and drank some of it to help swallow the tablets and once she got the medicine taken, she slowly laid back down after giving him the now empty glass.

Snow nodded and watched but hearing what Killian said, she looked at him though she smiled. "I'm glad you do." She said softly knowing that was the first time he had said that. She looked at her daughter but saw Emma was trying to stay away. "Get some sleep, Emma. I'll see you tomorrow." She said but saw the saviors eyes already started to close as Emma began drifting off to sleep, not fighting it anymore. Snow looked at the pirate and reached over, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad she has you. And even if David doesn't accept this yet.. I do. I'm happy you two found each other." She told him. "I should go do she can rest." She added before she turned and started to head out of the cabin and back to the loft.

Killian took the glass off her once she took the medicine and filled it back up before placing it on the bedside table beside her so that she could have a drink whenever she got thirsty. He smiled and looked at her noticing she was already beginning to fall asleep, he fixed the blanket around her, tucking her in before removing the cloth off her forehead and feeling it with the back of his hand to check her temperature so he could see if it was getting better later. "Thank you love" he smiled to Snow and squeezed her hand in return. It truly meant a lot to him, he opened the cabin door for her. "See you tomorrow, thank you Snow."  he said and then shut the door, hook himself them climbed into the bed and laid next to her, carefully resting his head on her shoulder and closing his eyes with a small sigh. Snow gave him a smile and nodded. "You're welcome. See you tomorrow." She said as she left.

Emma moved a little bit when she was tucked in but she stayed fast asleep, one hand moving from usher the blanket and to hold onto his when she felt the bed move knowing he was laying there next to her even if she was asleep, her head moving a bit to be laying against his head once she felt it against her shoulder. Though her fever hadn't gotten any worse and the wound hadn't reopened yet.

Killian smiled softly, he felt Emma move a little closer to him, he rest his head against hers and let out a soft hum feeling comfy and for the first time relaxed that at least they could enjoy a little time together and not have many more interruptions. His fingers linked with hers and gave her hand a soft squeeze and let out a heavy sigh. "goodnight my love" he said knowing that they'd probably both benefit from a few more hours of sleep.

Emma had a small smile on her face as she slept, giving his hand a tiny and weak squeeze since she was still fast asleep but she went to go to move a bit though a quiet whimper escaped since the sudden movement had sent a pain through the gunshot wound, having forgot about it with her sleeping state but to avoid anymore pain she had stayed laying on her back, going still again.

Hook smiled feeling the squeeze, though he woke up a little hearing her whimper. He proposed himself up on his elbow, he couldn't sleep, what if she moved in her sleep and she opened her wound and she bled to death. He frowned hearing the whimper knowing that she'd just done something that hurt her. He gently pressed on her shoulder and pulled the blanket aside, with his hand he started to gently massage and rub the skin around the wound, leaving a considerable gap around it so it wouldn't affect it too much, hoping the massages would help to ease any tension in her muscles there. "Easy now swan" he whispered quietly extremely worried, at least her fever didn't seem to be getting any worse.

Emma had her eyes closed tightly but tried not to move. The savior tensed slightly at first when she felt his hands massaging but after a few minutes, her body seemed to relax a little bit against the mattress but could feel he had kept some space between his hands and the wound. Emma had let herself relax against the mattress, some of the tension going from her muscles as she fell asleep peacefully, her breathing slowing down though there was a small smile on her face since she felt better knowing he was right there next to her.

Killian kept his eyes on Emma as he massaged the skin around the wound, hoping to release some of the tension and pressure in her body, she seemed to relax a little and he smiled. After a few minutes he pulled the blanket over her and nuzzled his face into her neck pressing a few kisses to her neck, humming softly, glad that she was still with him and that nothing more serious had happened.

Emma stayed asleep, though she remained on her back since moving made it hurt worse and she was letting him massage the skin which helped the tension. "Thank.. you." She murmured in her sleep, one hand holding onto the blanket when she felt it over her again.

Killian smiled, he knew full well that she was still asleep, that her body was exhausted and that it had made her go to sleep to rest, but the little thank you coming from her made him smile. He pressed another few small kisses to her neck and closed his eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep himself next to her glad that he'd been able to help even a little.

Regina let out a soft groan as she woke up after about a half an hour nap and stretched, it hurt a little bit but she felt a little better for moving her body. She looked down beside her glad to see that Henry was still there, his head resting on the pillow, she reached down and cupped his cheek softly, brushing her thumb over it, he looked so peaceful sleeping and she wanted him to sleep as much as his body would allow.

Henry moved a bit and smiled a bit at the touch but he was still tired so he wanted to be able to sleep a little longer, one hand holding his side of the blanket around him.

Regina smiled softly and pressed a soft kiss to his head, she took the blanket off herself and she draped it around Henry, with a bit of a struggle she moved herself to the edge of the bed, trying to be slow so that she didn't wake Henry up or hurt herself too much, she pulled herself up, whimpering slightly and holding her ribs, her body slightly hunched as she couldn't stand up straight, she walked around the bed slowly with a few pained whimpers but she couldn't stay in bed all day. "Regina what the hell!" He shouted in a whisper since he saw that Henry was still asleep. "you shouldn't be walking about" he said immediately going over to her and grabbing her arm to help her stand up, he reached her just in time as she collapsed against his chest, his arms going around her hips to hold her up.

Once Snow got back to the loft, she slowly opened the door and gently closed it again as she took her shoes and coat off before she saw Regina and David and walked over to them. "You should be resting." She said to Regina, noting David was needing to hold her up.

David looked over at Snow as she walked back into the loft. "sorry...I didn't even know she'd gotten up" he said supporting Regina who's legs went weak briefly, he grabbed onto her arm as gently as he could not wanting to add to any more pain she was already in.

Regina let out a soft groan and shook her head, she fell briefly into David's chest again before standing up a little straighter, a hand over her stomach and pushed herself away from David a little though he still held onto her arm. "I'm fine" she insisted.

Snow looked at David and nodded, giving a small smile before she looked at Regina with a shake of her head. "It looks like you are hardly able to stand up." She told her. "You need to allow your body to rest and get some strength back." She added. She didn't want Regina hurting herself any more than she was already hurting. "If you won't stay in bed, at least sit on the couch?" Snow suggested hoping she might agree to that but could tell that Henry was still fast asleep in bed so she was trying to keep her voice low to not wake him.

Regina swayed against David's grip, she wanted to be strong but she nodded, she could feel herself getting more faint the longer she stood up. "Alright" she whispered. She slowly walked over to the couch with David's help, he grabbed her arms and gently lowered her down. She used one arm to steady herself on the couch arm, gripping it as she closed her eyes, her ribs didn't feel great but she didn't want to be weak, especially not in front of the Charmings.

David smiled a little as Regina agreed, helping her to the couch and frowned. "The last thing you are Regina is okay, I didn't hold back..." He said meaning when he fought her. "what hurts?" He asked seeing her holding her stomach and clenching her jaw trying not to show that she was in pain. "Regina?" He asked placing a hand gently on her knee.

Snow was a little relieved when Regina at least agreed to go to the couch and followed them but saw she was trying to hide the pain. Snow wlskdd to the fridge and found a small bag and used that to put ice in it before wrapping it in a towel to use as a sort of ice pack knowing it would help with the pain. She went to look and see if they had any medicine for pain but was a little relieved they had some and grabbed a couple of tablets since she hoped this would be enough to help with the pain as she walked over to her and looked at David. "Could you get her some water?" She asked him as she sat next to Regina. "Put this against your ribs." She said handing the ice to her

Regina groaned a bit, closing her eyes trying to keep her mind focused on keeping her breathing steady, everything for a few moments blurred and she done out, it wasn't until she felt the couch dip next to her that she came back to the present. She blinked and looked to her side a little confused but saw her with the make shift ice pack. "Thanks" she said, she lifted her shirt up a little wanting it directly on her skin, her stomach covered in bruises and her ribs swollen a little. She hissed in pain slightly as she pressed the pack to her ribs. "I don't need baby sitting guys" she mumbled.

David nodded and he went over to the sink, filling up a glass full of water and made his way back over to the couch, he handed her the glass of water which she took with her free hand taking a small sip and handed the glass back to David.

Snow looked at her and gave a smile. "You're welcome." She said but then handed her a couple of tablets. "Take these also.. they should help relieve some of the pain." She told her and watched David with a small smile. She knew she had to eat but that could wait a few minutes. "We know you don't need a babysitter. But we want to make sure that you do rest." Snow told her. "Did you want to see about eating something?" She asked before she stood and went to the kitchen, grabbing out her own plate of food from the microwave.

Henry had woken up but didn't see Regina in the bed next to her. He slowly sat up and got out of bed and followed the voices seeing his grandparents and mom on the living room as he rubbed the rest of the sleep from his eyes although he had slept, he still looked a little tired and like he wanted to go back to bed soon.

Regina winced a bit, holding the ice pack to her side, she didn't mean to be so defensive she was just in a lot of pain. She took the tablets from Snows hand and popped them into her mouth, taking them with the water. She felt nauseated at the mention of food and quickly shook her head. "no thank you...not yet" she said, she didn't think that she'd be able to keep anything down right now. "Henry" she said seeing him coming out from the bedroom, she held her arm up to him and patted the other side of the sofa. "you still look tired darling" she said softly with a frown.

David frowned a little but he grabbed the now empty glass and took it back over to the kitchen to fill it up. He sighed and looked over at her. "She needs to eat something" David said under his breath so Regina wouldn't hear and Henry wouldn't worry. "I know it's my fault but still....", he said worrying about the extent of her injuries.

Snow had nodded hearing she didn't want to eat right now before she looked over at David. "We'll just keep some food put up for her and have her eat a little later." She told him softly as she took a bite of her food before she reached out and gave David's arm a gentle squeeze. "She's going to be fine." She whispered to him, knowing he still felt bad about what he died but Snow didn't feel angry anymore about it. "How are you?" She asked her husband as she sat down on a stool at the counter, going back to eating.

Henry looked at Regina and gave a small smile as he walked over to his mom and sat down on the couch next to her before nodding hearing his words. "I am still a little tired." He admitted figuring since she had mentioned it that there wasn't any use in trying to hide the fact that he was before he carefully laid his head against Regina's shoulder but made sure not to put too much pressure. "How are you?" She asked him

David nodded a little at the fact that they would try and have Regina a little later. "I'm..." He placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I don't know....all that time I wanted to hurt her and that in the enchanted forest...and now i have...and i hate myself for it" he said and looked at her then looked at her hands. "not just her either, Emma and Killian, you...this just isn't me" he said and sighed. "I'll be alright though" he said.

Regina nodded, she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and stroked his hair softly, one hand still holding the ice pack against her ribs. "Feel free to go and get some sleep" she said kissing his temple. She gave his arm a little rub and rest her head gently on his. "I'm okay, a little sore, it's not as bad as it looks" she said, it wasn't a complete lie but Henry was still a kid, he didn't need to worry about everyone, it wasn't his job. "thank you" she said and gave him a little nudge.

Snow nodded some as she listened to him before she offered a small smile. "I know you didn't mean to hurt her like you did." She said softly before she reached out and put a hand on his cheek. "Will you be?" She asked softly, she wanted her husband to know she was still here for her despite everything that had happened. She went back to eating before she stood once she finished she pressed a kiss to his cheek and moved to get her some of the pie he had brought back. "We just need to try and move on and maybe once Emma is a little more healed you two can sit down and talk.. we can find a way to get through the last few days and move on. Even if it takes some time." She said

Henry smiled some as he felt her arm around him and nodded. "I'll try to here in a few." He told her and smiled up at her, closing his eyes briefly at the kiss but nodded hearing what she said but wasn't sure if that was a lie or not so he decided not to ask any questions about it. When he heard her thank you, he titled his head up a little to look at her with a small smile. "For what?" He asked her

David nodded and pressed a kiss to Snows cheek. "I will be...eventually" he said softly and pulled her into his arms, he took a small bite of the fries that he had also ordered from Granny's. "Thank you...for being there for all of us" he hummed and kissed her cheek softly standing behind her and pressing a few kisses to her neck and looked up to watch Henry and Regina on the couch.

Regina smiled and looked down at him. "Just for everything. You're amazing and I'm so proud of you. For the way you handled things. For how brave you've been" she said and kissed the top of her head. "hey, David got granny's while you were asleep, I'm sure there's still some left if David hasn't eaten it all yet" Regina said softly rubbing Henry's arm, she felt a little sick but just disguised it pressing the ice pack to her ribs a little more.

Snow smiled at the kiss and nodded. "I'll be right here with you." She said softly as she took a bite of the pie, letting out a small hum when she felt the kisses and looked at Regina and Henry on the couch before she glanced up at David, leaning back into him slightly. "Can I ask something?" Snow asked her husband.

Henry looked at him and smiled some with a nod. "There were times when I didn't feel very brave." He admitted with a small smile but heard about the food, he nodded. "I'll go see if there is any." He said and sat up and gave a smile before pressing a kiss to his moms cheek. "I'm glad you're alright." He said before standing up.

David pressed a soft kiss to her temple as he stood behind her, hands wrapped around her waist and resting on her stomach softly. "sure...you can ask me anything" he said, but he did wonder if this was something that had been on her mind a lot, he gave her hands a small squeeze and looked at her. "What is it?" He asked with a small frown.

Regina smiled and closed her eyes at the feeling of the kiss, she reached out and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. "I am" she promised and smiled at him. "Go on, get something to eat" she told him with a soft laugh. She wanted nothing more than to sleep but she didn't want to worry the Charmings or her son anymore.

Snow gave a small nod as she took another bite of the pie and swallowed before she asked. "I know what you had said but.. if Emma did want to, would you let her come back home?" She asked. She didn't even know if Emma would want to but Snow had to ask.

Henry gave her a small smile and returned the squeeze, glad that she was okay. He nodded and stood up before pausing slightly. "Do you.. need anything while I'm up?" He asked. He didn't think she'd want to eat but figured he'd ask if she needed anything else.

David thought for a moment, he looked down at her hands. After everything he had said to her, about not being his daughter, about shooting her and nearly shooting hook, and she still had to.