
Chapter 8: Completing x The x Trial

"Why did you have to come along with me?" Ging heaved a sigh as he boarded the airship.

"It's because I can't trust you not to fuck up in front of Netero," Cheadle said, swatting Ging over the back of the head.

"Fine, jeez Little Pup, you don't have to hit me," Ging rubbed the spot where Cheadle can hit him.

"I told you not to call me that," Cheadle growled as they sat together at a bench facing the window.

"Yeah, yeah," Ging waved his hand dismissively.

"Anyways, how the hell did you son become that strong?" Cheadle said.

"Beats me," Ging replied. "He shouldn't even have unlocked Nen at this point."

"Well, I'm interested in this kid, nonetheless," Cheadle looked at the window.

"Yeah," Ging said, turning his head to face the window as he saw the sun rise. "He's going to become a really good hunter someday."


"Let me at 'em," Johness said in a low voice.

"A-are you sure?" Lippo asked, visibly shaking.

"I might as well," Johness replied. "I haven't taken a life in far too long."

"I-if you insist," Lippo said, taking off the handcuffs that chained the burly man, stepping back in fear. The blond man took a step, then another. As he started to walk out of the hall, he shoved his hand in the wall, letting it train as he continued to walk, his hand creating a trail through the wall. As he reveals himself, he takes off his hood, showing an intimidating blond man.

"T-that's Johness the Dissector!" Leorio said, taking a step back.

"Oh, interesting," Killua looked at the burly man with childlike interest as the man entered the ring.

"Who wants to die first?" Johness asked, cracking his next.

"I want in," Killua said, walking down the platform.

"W-wait! Killua!" Leorio extended a hand, his face full of fear.

"Don't worry about him," Gon said, the nostalgia almost undetectable in his eyes as the interest shown through. The first time around, his eyes were too slow to track Killua's movements, but now was different.

"Whatever you say…" Leorio grumbled, his eyes flooded with concern for his new friend.

"A mere boy wants to fight me?" Johness flexed his hand, chuckling softly as his muscles bulged. "How pitiful."

"Whatever old man," Killua smirked. "Whoever loses this match will die."

"Whatever you say," Johness said, entering a fighting stance while Killua sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

Time slowed down for Gon as he concentrated Nen into his eyes. Hisoka, his interest piqued, followed in suit. Johness lunged for the child. The protective coat of Ten immediately faded as Killua instinctively entered an instinctive state of Zetsu, as an assassin must be undetectable when making the kill. As Johness extended a burly hand toward Killua, he evaded to the left, shoving his left hand in his pocket. He then weaved underneath his arm, punching his right arm through the man's chest. He moved his left hand to Johness's back, his right hand shoving through Johness as he passed his heart from his left hand to his right. He then took his right hand out of the man's body, tying the small pouch into a knot as he skidded to a halt.

"Sir, you seem to be missing something," Killua smirked as he held the mass-murderer's still-beating heart in a neatly tied leather pouch.

"M-my heart…" Johness managed, extending a hand towards Killua. "Give it back…"

Killua took a step towards Johness, then another, then another. As Johness fell to the floor, his arm extended, he placed the pouch on his hand. "Here you go," he said, looking towards Gon and his group before putting both of his hands behind his head. "That settles that."

"Killua…" Hisoka licked his lips. "Though he's not as strong… he is still very interesting."

"You're disgusting," Kurapika scoffed, seemingly having calmed down from the previous incident.

"Considering how strong those two were, they must be the two strongest ones in that group," Bendot said, cracking his knuckles. "I think I can take on anyone else, though."

"Oh! I would like to fight!" Gon raised his hand enthusiastically. "I haven't gotten a real fight in so long!"

"Do you think you can take me on, kid?" Bendot said, walking down the bridge to the arena. "I'll be disappointed if you keel over after one hit."

"Likewise," Gon smirked. Walking down the bridge, facing the bald man. He activated his Zetsu as he looked up at the man. Gon was a lot weaker than he once was, but he was confident he could take Bendot on. I can't always rely on my Nen, Gon thought to himself, remembering Knucke's APR. Gon didn't want to be a glass cannon, so he decided to practice fighting without Nen.

"You ready, kid?" Bendot smirked, crossing his arms. "I'm going to enjoy tearing you limb from limb."

Gon smirked in response, dashing and jumping up so he was at the bulky man's level, aiming a kick at his face. Bendot was surprised at Gon's speed, only barely managing to block the attack. 'Damn, I'm slower than I thought,' Gon thought to himself.

"You're not bad, kid," Bendot said as Gon landed. He then started throwing a flurry of punches.

'With how weak my body is, I'm not sure if I can take a direct hit,' Gon thought to himself. Instead of traditionally blocking the attacks, Gon would redirect the attacks by pushing them aside with an open palm. He then dodged another punch, grabbing Bendot's hand. Before Bendot could react, Gon pushed on his elbow with his free hand, breaking it.

"Gah!" Bendot roared in pain. "I'm going to get you for tha-,"

Bendot was cut off by a swift kick to the face. Gon then punched him in the gut. While the bulky man was stuck, Gon managed to lift his entire body and throw him off of the arena. Bendot screamed as he fell before it was cut off with an abrupt thud.

"Looks like I win," Gon said, smiling back at his group. Hisoka looked slightly disappointed that Gon didn't use his Nen, Killua just smiled at Gon, Kurapika gave him an approving nod while Leorio gave him a flabbergasted expression. Gon just closed his eyes and gave them a peace sign, his smile growing wider. He then opened his eyes as a path opened up from the bridge, leading to the next area.

"C'mon guys! Let's go!" Gon called. The group walked down the bridge, following Gon through the door.

"Ne Gon," Killua got Gon's attention as they walked down the aisle. "Was that your first kill?"

Gon's smile instantly faded, causing both Leorio and Kurapika to stiffen as Hisoka snapped to attention, his eyes drifting towards Gon with an immense amount of interest. "No," Gon replied, his reply barely louder than a whisper and his expression unreadable. "No it was not."


The obstacles were easy to pass. Although Leorio struggled a little bit, Gon and Kurapika made sure he didn't fall off into a pit or trigger any traps. In less than half an hour, they had reached the final corridor. Gon sighed as he saw the X and the O. He then turned to the door that had the sign.

"It says we can open a path that lets one person through that will be short or go through a path all five of us can go through but it will be long and difficult," Gon summarized, turning to his group. "Which one do you want to go through?"

"Well, we have a lot of time," Killua said, looking at the device attached to his wrist. "I think we can take the long way."

"Agreed," Kurapika nodded.

"As much as I would like to take the short way, I can't let all of you fail because of me," Leorio sighed. "You guys are the reason I've gotten this far in the first place."

"I'll go where you go, Gon~," Hisoka said, licking his lips. Gon noticed that Kurapika and Leorio shuddered, but Gon and Killua remained still.

"I guess it's decided!" Gon said in his normal, cheery voice as he tapped the O button on his device. The others tapped the O button as well, causing it to open.

"Hey Killua," Gon said as they walked through the door. "Since the two doors were so close together, do you think we could just break down the wall and go through the short route?"

"I mean probably, but wouldn't that be breaking the rules or something?" Killua shrugged in response.

"Well, aren't hunters supposed to be innovative and cunning?" Gon put a finger to his chin. "Whatever! There's only one way to find out!"

Hisoka instantly snapped around when he felt Gon start to channel his aura, Kurapika and Leorio doing the same not long after. Gon started to focus his aura down to his fist using Ko before punching the wall, causing the room to shake around them. When the dust settled, there was a huge hole in the wall, it being large enough to fit two people through.

"C'mon!" Gon said cheerily, pointing to the hole in the wall. "Let's go through here!"


When the five pass through, Gon sees that the only two that have already passed were Gittaracker and Hanzo. Hanzo smirked and waved at the group while Gittaracker turns his head to look at them, his eyes fixating on Killua as his head twitches violently.

"So, what do we do now?" Kurapika asked, looking at the device on his wrist. "We have a little over fifty hours."

"I want to teach Leorio how to use Nen," Gon said. "I recommend you practice your Ten."

"I can do that," Killua piped in before sitting down, letting his aura surface as Kurapika sat down next to him. As Killua closed his eyes, Gittaracker started to walk towards the group.

"Don't you dare get close to him," Gon's smile instantly faded as he stepped in between Gittaracker and Killua, his expression that of pure rage. Illumi had never been a trustworthy person, even when times got dire. A few years into the Dark Continent, he faked his death to go after Killua. Gon was the one to strike him down after he took Killua's arm. Gon let his aura explode. Leorio took a step back, collapsing to the floor as Killua and Kurapika struggled for air. Even Hisoka frowned, feeling a slight bit of fear from the sheer amount of killer intent that Gon was putting out. "If you do anything to him, I will kill you. Understand?"

Gittaracker tilted his head, staring back at Gon before turning around and going back to his original spot. When Gon confirmed that he wasn't going to make any moves, Gon let his aura subside into a normal level.

"What the hell was that?!" Leorio almost shouted at Gon as he stood up.

"Sorry, I lost my cool," Gon replied, his usual smile creeping back up. "Anyways, I was going to teach you Nen, right? Here, let me show you…"


Gon opened his eyes as the time was almost up. He took that opportunity to look at his scanner. I've been refining my Nen for almost fifty hours. I wonder what kind of abilities I have gotten since then.

Gon took out his scanner, channeling his aura into it. There were a few names that popped up, like Hisoka's, Killua's, and Leorio's, but he didn't really care about those. He already knew everyone's Nen capabilities at this point and time. He tapped on his own name. As he read, his eyes widened in shock.

Name: Gon Freeccs

Age: 12 (56)

Nen Type: Specialist

Nen Abilities: Lightning, Bungee Gum, Texture Surprise, Manifest, Doctor Blythe, Puppeteering, Terpsichora