
I too have a stash!!

{[Objective: Main. "Thou shall not pass!"]

A leach had worm it's way up in your head, only a selfless sacrifice had lead to your protection thus far.

Condition: found a way to expel the vile thing that it is without dying!

Reward: the establishment of your stat to its normal state.}

"Huurrrg, my head, why it's always headaches? wait don't tell me..." Looking around him only to see the dark cramped closet, Hyo brain momently freezes before realizing just how much he was in for.

-Yup, we are in for a lot of tosh on this one.-

"How this is possible, I had a completely different body not too long before! How came I became Harry bloody Potter!"

A loud blow shakes the door of the closet, threatening to actually cave it, taking him by surprise."Silence your Freak, don't disturb the honest people with your shrilly voice!"



"Can I go back to one piece?"

-Nope, no can do, sorry bro.-


-That it is.-

Both sigh at the situation before resuming in low voice.

"How long do we need to stay here?"

{[Objective: "To the next great adventure"]

Lord Moldyshort is still in the mist, as long as he and his dead muncher are still here no one can live will the other exist.

Condition: get rid of Tommy boy in order to go further.

Reward: Universe key.}

-Does that answer your question?-

"Yes, thanks. Still, how come I take over harry body?"

-Vernon, a too hard blow on the kid head, not enough time had passed between his passing and our coming to get rid of the leach. As for your body, I don't know, only the asshole on the other side of the screen know why.-


-"Sigh" You don't even know the last of it. Anyway, we need a plan of action, and, starting now try thinking, speaking alone is not good for your health with those animals around.-

"Right, thank buddy."

-Don't mind it.-


{[Name: Harrison James Potter]

[Age: 10]

[Race: Homo magicae]

[STR: 1(-3)] [END: 4(-3)(-3)] [VIT: 4(-3)(-6)] [AGI : 6]


[Cooking: B]; [Broom riding: A]; [Parlsemouth: SSS]; [Item box: I]


[Magical leach: -3 END, -3 VIT, 80% drain on mental defense]; [Blood wards: -3 END, -6 VIT, 60% drain on magic ]; [Magical bind: 30% drain on mental fortitude, 80% drain on magic, 20% drain on mental defense.]}

Looking at is new stats, Hyo was speechless before a grim suspicion arose in his mind.

'CS, do you have an idea of who put the bind? and how old?'

-It's a foreign magical signature who strangely is the same as the one of the blood ward-


-Yes, most probably, but you won't like the second part, it around nine-year old.-

'Why would I don't like the second part, if it nine years old, I was around one, it could have been because of wild magic...' He grows silent for a moment as the cold truth slowly came to mind and grip his throat.' I'm near eleven right?'

The silence ensuring was all he needs to know.

'I was two when he put it and they were no reason to do it. With how the Dursley are, I'm still having bouts of accidental magic. If he put one at two he is clapping hard on my potential.'

-That about what I was thinking too. The problem, we don't know what version of dumbles is out there, ether it to stop Tommy boy to take over, or he wants to limit you. But nothing can be done as long as we are not in hogwart.-


Just as they seem to finish their conversation, the door leading out of the cupboard open, a large meaty hand popping in and roughly extirpate the young boy out of it, nearly throwing him again the opposite wall.

"Now that you stoped your freakishness, go make the meal, boy."

Lowering his head and going in the kitchen he mechanically starts to prepare the meal.

'So what do we do now?'

-Like every self-respecting transmigrator coming in this situation do, abuse the shit out of the situation. We need to go to Diagon Alley, see the goblins to ask if they have any of those hindrance tests and see the picture, with enough chance and how inbred and dumb those animals are, the Potter is sure to have more than a line in them. With the last war, the chance is that some dead houses are for the claim, this way you can make some money out of Gringott without the old coot knowing anything.-

'Good, problem, how you expect me to go to London at an age where I have never been, to begin with.'

-With enough chance they haven't still gone to the Zoo for the whale, it should be easy to ask to go there while they go on their way.-

As they speak, the sound of light clapping could be heard behind him, turning is head, a horse face, dark-haired woman appear at the door.

-She really ugly as fuck, how does the two of them come to breed is out of me.-

'Urg, to say it, I can do without the image, thanks.'

"Tomorrow, his the birthday of Duddleykins, we are going out to the Zoo, I want the cake made before we go so you will need to make it tonight, are we clear?"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia."

Nodding stiffly, she turns around, but before exiting the kitchen his squeaky voice could be heard, making her turn her head.

"Aunt Petunia? I was thinking if I can go to London, and let you enjoy the day, I'm sure I can make the way back."

She didn't move for a moment before exiting and returning a few minutes later with a five-pound note in the hand.

"We will be home at seven, I want the dinner ready when we came back, I'm clear?"

"Would uncle Vernon be alright with that."

"I have spoken with Vernon, we will leave you on the way."

"Thank you."

He rapidly takes the note to one of his too-large pockets before actively make the last touch of the dinner.

After a meal that he didn't see any, much less eat, he was left to prepare the cake and his late evening cores. While alone in the house as the Dursley were out to the Polkiss to finish the last preparation for the day, Harry quickly climb the stair straight to Duddley's room.

-Why are we here?-

"I have too few, I'm sure I can liberate a few pounds out of the whale oppression for tomorrow."

-Good thinking.-

During the meal, the last remaining of what was Harry Potter have slowly came to his mind without too much burden, being a little boy of near eleven years with only seven or so years of memories, the influx was easily absorbed by a completely matured mind in a matter of minutes.

What was not was to face the phantom pain of the physical abuse he has faced during to years, he completely shrugs the verbal and mental one put the matter of flesh was something else.

As one could think, being the little boy he was, Duddley's room was is responsibility along with the other cores, the bright sides? he knows of every stash the family has made out of the eyes of the others. So like any self-respecting being, a little payback was in order.

Swiftly entering the room, he directly goes for the desk. While everyone in the house knows Dudder never uses it so for him it was the perfect hideout, well for an eleven-years-old. Opening the last drawer and rummaging in a large amount of stashed sweets, he easily found a few five-pound notes that would not be a miss or discover anytime soon if ever.

"While I'm it why not go for Vernon safe as well."

While the elder Dursley could be said to be quite intelligent, it's, until now, never came to his mind that giving a young boy the key to access various important documents was a good thing. Well, when one never give the poor boy the notion of money, one would be quite lax to let say boy clean and account it.

Making his way in the study of the larger whale, he carefully retrieve the documents to access further in the little safe.

"In some fanfics, it says that Vernon actually stole for Grunning."

-Seeing the amount he had inside it wouldn't surprise me, what the amount he has here?-

Looking at the wads of ten, twenty, and fifty neatly arranged in piles." Surly around a few thousand, hell, with just the ones of fifty he has around he is near ten thousand. There no way he had that much in a safe for is work, or rather his salary."

Taking two of each he takes care to replace the document in their place before making the last stop to the kitchen, and liberate few packs of dry biscuits and dried fruits that were originally for Duddley.

"Last time the pig see them he whine and squeal until he had ice cream, no one gonna miss them, better make good usage of them."

Happily carrying his loot to the cupboard after making the cake, he closes the door and lights the bulb.

-So, how much your first heist had brought?-

"Let see."

Taking out the notes from Duddley's room and the wads from the safe he rapidly goes through the crumpled notes while munching on a few biscuits and fruits.

"Forty-five for the pig and three wads of ten, twenty and fifty so, six hundred, one thousand two hundred and three thousand for a grand total of four thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds."

-Wouldn't that too much?-

"Nah, we don't know the exchange rate of Galleon, it could be five or thirty, I even read were some made fifty to one. Let go with five, I'm sure it would not be less than that so that around nine hundred seventy Galleon if they are not exchange rate which I doubt. If they are around five percent, it will be around nine twenty.

-Again, why five?-

Shrugging" I don't know practicality?"

-Good chance that is it. But again, wouldn't it be suspect for a child to have this much on him, while we didn't know the rate, their also the economy, the price of magical England could and surely are completely different that mundane one.-

"Your right, that why I was going to look at the different prices of the articles and see how much I need to exchange, but before entering the alley I will need to go and buy better clothes."

As he was starting to put aside the cash, CS warns him of an overlooked skill of his.

-Use your item box to put your thing away.-

"What Item ... box..." He immediately calls his status before finding the overlooked skill.


-Before we quit one piece, on your status they were a glitch on the skill line, I don't know if it due to the dimensional jump or something but now you have it so use it. Think about it that should be sufficient to make it appear.-

Following the advice, a square appear out of fine air and we looking at it from above, he could see a metallic case of ten per twenty with a depth of ten centimeters. While not huge it was large enough to acclimate the pounds and a box of two of biscuit.

I got completely carried away and before I was satisfied I'm here with a near two thousand word long chap... Well, enjoy it. I was thinking of starting with highschool of the dead but I found myself unable to go there to start fanfic with an MC that had nothing for him and an I'm more comfortable with a Harry Potter one so... What do you think of it, Does is it strange that Duddley and Vernon have their own stash?

I have done again some change, I have reflected on the fact and think it better if I don't start to quantify willpower magic energy and the lack, I will be headache-inducing, the other four are still there as they can be physically measured have fun.

Linrimcreators' thoughts