
Meet The Trickster

Jensin narrowed his gaze on the tiny child like creature that had come into his path. He had been at a stand off with the creature for some time trying to decide how he wanted to do this. He knew that if he did what he was thinking it would set his magic, and probably get him more than a few looks, but well it was hard not to consider it. Setting your magic was hard, and usually took at least a year or two of concentrated training, but there was one way around that. He hadn't considered it before now, not really, but looking at the bold little thing and seeing the way it was basically daring him to try how could he not?

Still he had to think and it wasn't until the little humanoid started trying to back away that he realized he had to act now or the choice would be made for him. So he did.

He threw his magic towards the little Kobold reaching out and ensnaring it before it could get more than a step backwards. He could feel it fight back trying to pull away and escape back to where it had come. He was strong though and he wasn't about to give up easily. He tightened the magic around the creature using it to pull the little thing close even as he started to take careful steps towards it. It took several long moments before he was able to force the wood brown skinned creature to actually meet his gaze and the the hard part really started. He could feel the mental battle start as it fought the connection, but he wasn't going to lose!

He pushed and shoved, mentally and magically until he was right in the creature's face his magic holding it steady even as he reached into his belt pulling out the knife he kept there for just this reason. He could feel the hold slip a bit as he was forced to look away from the Kobold's gaze to find their hands, but it wasn't enough, he knew he was winning. He cringed at the bite of the knife into his hand and ignored the stinging of the dirt that got into the fresh wound when he used the same hand to grab the Kobold's. He made a matching slash on the Kobold and forced the wounds together feeling his magic immediately start to work on mixing their blood. This wasn't the only way to do this, but it was the quickest and he was going to take advantage of it.

Jensin could feel his magic straining as the Kobold continued to try and fight him, could feel the strain draining his reserves, but he forced himself to hold on. He knew he could do this and he knew he could make it work he just had to hold on a bit longer. He was glad he had already been working on his reserves though because he could feel them draining, and quickly too.

It was a rather sudden thing when he realized he wasn't standing any longer. He didn't know when he had stopped, but he was rather suddenly on his knees on the ground and the kobold was rather close to being on the ground, his magic losing its grip on his as it continued to weaken and dissipate rather quickly. Jensin gritted his teeth and forced all his mental will into the bond he could feel trying to form, doing his best to force its completion before he lost his power to remain conscious. He had yet to lose a fight in his life and he didn't plan to start now!

The darkness was creeping into his vision, but he forced his gaze to remain on the brown eyes of the spunky little Kobold. A grin crept onto his face just as he passed out when he suddenly found himself staring into one green and one brown eye, only barely feeling the mental bond snap into place as he faded into darkness.