
10,000 Coins For My Girlfriend

Drake Chwe trembled as he looked at the location pinned by the Tribute System. It was an unfamiliar place, and he had a gut feeling that something was off. The RedLutos Motel was definitely not where a Bellrox Corp. front desk worker should be during office hours. Not entirely trusting the system's accuracy, he decided to return to Bellrox Corp. and get more information.

Drake approached the front desk and politely asked, "Excuse me, do you know where Merlyn Spenser is?"

The front desk receptionist gave him a scrutinizing look from head to toe before responding with an obviously fake smile. "It's still 3 p.m.; she's at work."

"But where is she working right now?" Drake pressed.

"We can't share our colleagues' whereabouts without a valid reason," the receptionist replied, still smiling insincerely.

"I'm her boyfriend, and I can't reach her," Drake explained.

The other receptionists behind the desk burst into laughter. Their amusement was obvious, as if Drake had cracked a joke. Drake cleared his throat, trying to regain their attention, and the same receptionist spoke again.

"Sure, we all know she's your girlfriend. Everyone knows about the stray dog following her around the office," she said with a polite tone but a hint of mockery. "But that's not a valid reason to disclose her location. She's at work, so please don't bother us."

It was clear that the front desk wasn't going to help. The situation was getting more puzzling and worrying. With a heavy heart, he decided to go to the RedLutos Motel to find Merlyn himself, uncertain of what he might discover there.

Drake stood outside the motel, staring at the location marked on his Tribute System's map. He even spent 10,000 coins to double-check the location, and it still pointed to the motel. His anxiety grew as he considered what could be happening inside.

Feeling lost and unsure, Drake turned to the Tribute System for guidance. "Hey, system," he began politely, "do you have anything to help me find out why my girlfriend is in the motel?"

The system projected a holographic shopping cart and urged him to click on it. Drake did so, though he had no idea how these items could help.

“So what am I supposed to do with these?” he asked.

The system explained, "This is the Tribute System Marketplace. You can use your coins here to purchase celestial items, but because your system is in default user mode, you can only buy low-grade items. To unlock more features, you'll need to offer more tribute to the miniature temple."

"Why show me items I can't buy?" Drake asked, frustration in his voice. “Like I said, I can’t remember where the miniature temple was, so I can’t offer any tribute.”

"You're in luck. The item you need is available!" the system responded cheerfully.

Drake leaned closer to the holographic screen, eager to see what it suggested. The item was called "Otherworldly CCTV," and its description read, "User gets a 5-minute view of a specific location you want to monitor."

A spark of hope flared in Drake. This item could give him the answers he needed. He chose it without hesitation and made the purchase. The system confirmed the transaction, and Drake now had a way to monitor the RedLutos Motel and find out what Merlyn was up to.

"Is it really okay to spy?" Drake muttered to himself, seeking some justification for his actions.

After a moment, he decided to proceed, reminding himself that he had the Tribute System on his side. He looked at his phone, which displayed a message from the system. It said, “You can view you’re desired place for monitoring through your phone.”

Drake entered the room's location and watched his phone screen eagerly. His face lit up with amazement as he marveled at the system's capabilities. But that joy turned to a grim expression as he saw Merlyn comfortably reclining on the bed with another man.

"What else did I expect?" Drake scoffed bitterly to himself, struggling to come to terms with the painful betrayal unfolding before him.

Drake's heart broke as he continued to watch the live feed on his phone, showing Merlyn in a motel room with another man. He couldn't help but think, "Of course, it's a love motel. What else would a woman do here?"

He watched Merlyn genuinely laugh and giggle with the other man. It was an expression he hadn't seen on her face in a long time, and it hurt. He blamed himself for not being able to provide her with the happiness she seemed to be enjoying now. He felt like he had failed to give her the life she deserved.

Just as he was about to stop watching, he noticed the audio feature of the system. He hesitated for a moment but decided to listen in.

That's when the other man in the room spoke. "Sweetie, are you not done playing with that dog yet? What was his name again? Drake Chwe?"

Merlyn snorted and took a puff of her cigarette before responding, "I'm not playing."

The other man seemed puzzled. "You don't? Don't tell me you wanted that kind of disgusting man?"

"Ew. No," Merlyn said with disdain. "I just need a loyal dog in the office, and it's fun to play with the company's punching bag. I don't know why he thought I loved him. Ha, so stupid."

Drake's eyes widened as he listened to his girlfriend's callous words. The pain he felt was immeasurable—a mix of heartbreak and anger. His fury and heartache reached their peak as the five-minute duration of the system item ended, cutting off his ability to monitor the conversation.

With the information he'd gathered, he knew exactly which room Merlyn was in. He didn't hesitate and went straight to the elevator, ready to confront her.

As he reached her room, his emotions were a whirlwind of anger, betrayal, and a desire for answers. Drake knocked on the door loudly, his frustration and pain evident in each pounding rap, as if he were determined to break down the door if necessary.

The man in the motel room opened the door and glared at Drake with irritation as he asked, "Who are you?" He was taller and bigger than Drake, but that didn't deter Drake's anger in the slightest.

Drake pushed the man aside, catching him completely off guard due to his unexpected actions. Drake walked into the room, and his presence caused Merlyn to look at him in shock. However, her surprise was short-lived, and she quickly regained her composure, flashing a smirk as she said, "Surprise."

Drake's heart continued to pound as he faced the woman he had once loved but now saw as the person who had callously betrayed him.

"How... how could you do this, Merlyn?" Drake's voice trembled with a mixture of anguish and anger. "After everything we've been through?"

Merlyn stood up, her demeanor oozing confidence and arrogance, as she approached Drake with predatory grace. Her face was inches from his, and her words dripped with venom.

"Drake, darling," she purred, "I've grown tired of your pathetic excuses. Your family problems, your never-ending bad luck—they're just too much to bear. I deserve better, and Mr. Johanson here can give me everything I desire."

Drake's fists clenched and his jaw tightened, but he refused to let the tears welling in his eyes spill over. He wouldn't give Merlyn the satisfaction of seeing him break down. He also knew that Merlyn was oblivious to the fact that he had overheard their conversation earlier.

"Fine, Merlyn," he said through gritted teeth. "You've made your choice. But remember this: I won't let your betrayal define me. I'll rise above this, and you'll regret the day you turned your back on me."

Merlyn chuckled coldly, her hand caressing Drake's cheek mockingly. "Oh, Drake, you always were the dreamer. Good luck with that, but I highly doubt you'll ever recover from this."

Drake glared at Merlyn because of what she said, but he couldn't reply to her because the security personnel of the motel arrived, summoned by Mr. Johanson. Drake found himself unceremoniously dragged and thrown out of the motel. Despite the humiliating treatment, no tears welled up in his eyes. Instead, a steely resolve settled within him.

He stared up at the neon sign of the Redlutos Motel, his jaw clenched with determination. "You all will definitely pay," he declared, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.

With that vow hanging in the air, Drake turned his back on the motel and walked away. His steps were filled with purpose, and his heart was fueled by a burning desire to change his life completely and make those who had wronged him pay for their betrayal.