
Tribulations of the Villain Overlord

Ryota.. this name is forbidden, when the human world needs a hero to save them from the catastrophic event, the gods summoned the forbidden one. Now the most feared Villain creed appears in the human world, but not here to save it, Rather the moniker of Carnage is here to rule this new world he sees himself in. The gods has made the biggest mistake anyone could make, why would they summon the overlord of Destruction to save a world. "In this world I will dominate as the overlord" "i this world I have been summoned, summoned as a god, summoned as the overlord, summoned as the.. wait am summoned as a feeble human?!" How can the feared name and forbidden overlord rule over this world as the villain Overlord.. :::: ::::::: :::::: Author's word: gratitude for reading the not so good synopsis. A new Author on board, but I'll try in my brain and give you a good story from the synopsis, although there might be some glitches lol...but the plot would be good

Old_Manga · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

:The Overlord System

"Get him quickly"

Amidst the dark city, three sets of goons raced after an old man with a white beard, as he kept on running he knew sooner or later they would catch up to him, he embraced the box they were after and increased his speed.

Making a left turn, he saw a boy who he recognized to be a student from the spirit academia, he quickly came to a halt and handed over the box to the kid while he pants badly.

"get..get..get the box to.. to-

Before he could complete his statement, the thugs found his location, he left without saying anything again and the thugs just ran like fools past the box they were after.

"a wooden box.. really"

Ryota said he turned the box around before he saw a written word plastered underneath the box.

["Whoever opens the box will wield death in his palm"]

*scoffs.." some sort of anime rubbish"

He commented and threw the box behind him, while walking away, he stops and saw the trash disposal before looking back at the box.

"not a bad idea"

•[Spirit academia..9:50 am]•

Once again the students in the E-rank division were present and this time the teacher was inside the class, she talked about the spirits and what they would be hunting to get points as this was some sort of a competition between the divisions.

Each rank that comes out well with a good kill or a how strong the spirit is, they would be given points, whoever scores the highest points before the end of the first year session would be ranked up by one division and whoever scores the lowest would be de-ranked.

After the explanation, the teacher left the classroom and sho acting like the team leader stepped in front of the class once again and gave a suggestion of hunting one of the most dangerous spirits.

"you guys heard the lady, I reckon we hunt the big boys and get a big score"

"sho, we're the E-rank division, we're classified as the E-rank cause we are probably the weakest, the exam proved it"

"I know Bianca, but some of us failed ourselves, like Hana over there," Sho said and everyone including Hana gave a surprise look.

"yes that's right Hana, I saw the little magic trick you did, and besides the exam involves brain work, and I'm not so much of a brainiac, let the muscle do the talking"

Everyone shared the same thought, they'll go ahead with his plan as long as he's the bait.

[Kiobear Forest..10:50]

Sho was playing his music as loud as his phone's speaker could give, he danced like there was some kind of imaginary girl in front of him, moreover, he was shouting the music loud and clear while the rest of the team was hidden in different locations but close by.

"where the hell is the kiobear, the thing must be scared"


Behind him but sho was with his earpiece while dancing, so hearing the sound of anything would be a miracle. As he danced forth and back, he bumped into the kiobear and his earpiece fell off.

Although he smirked after he thought maybe it could be the kiobear. Turning around his thought was proven to be correct.

[Kiobear, three sizes of a human with goat-like horns with purple holographic skin, sharp claws made of steel, and fangs made of the same lethal steel]

"Took you long enough"

The kiobear slammed his hands against Sho's gut, sending him landing on his back some distance away from the kiobear. As he stumbles up and dusts off the dirt, he stares at the kiobear who was giving a deafening roar.

The sun began to set, it was still early but now the clouds became dark, sho folded the sleeve of this shirt and kept on staring at the kiobear.

"you hit me right..okay big guy, let's see how tough a kiobear is"

With that a chain emitting darkness aura wrapped around Sho's arm, the kiobear began running towards him and he did the same.

Upon reaching the spirit, he vanished, vanished with the darkness surrounding him. From behind the chain coiled around the neck of the kiobear and as he began turning around to find sho, it could only see the chain was coming out from the ground.

Slowly sho began to rise from the ground, out of the darkness, his body was still emitting the darkness, and without hesitation, he dragged the chain as the kiobear came flying at him, at a good range sho punched the kiobear and sent it back but the chain was still wrapped around its neck.

He dragged it again as he began walking towards the incoming kiobear, he punched it again and sent it crashing into the poor trees, the chain was still strangling the kiobear like a tormentor's chain.

He dragged again while walking, this time his fist was covered in a dark gauntlet, he punched again and sent it destroying the trees. The kiobear began giving wails of anguish, it tried breaking free from the chain but its efforts were ineffective.

The chain began to uncoil and coiled around Sho's arm like it was summoned, as the kiobear was free, it ran in the opposite direction but stopped when the rest of the team jumped in front of him.

Looking to its right, four hunters, and at its left just one hunter which was sho, but it still decided to escape through the side of the four hunters.

"How is it scared of Sho already LoL"

Hana commented as she stepped in front of them, she rose two fingers up at her face and two purple needles appeared.

As the kiobear began running towards them, she released the needles at full speed which caused ripples in the air, cutting through the air before connecting with the kiobear's chest.


Like a lifeless doll, it fell, sho had already caught up to it, he engulfed his hands with a blade made out of darkness and stabbed the chest of the kiobear as he grins with the feeling of they killed a stupid spirit.

Ryota wasn't surprised at all, this was another scene in the novel, a scene he knew how it would end.

"do you mind bringing the sun back up?"

Bianca pointed out and with that, the sun came back and the darkness was out.

"told you the muscle would do the talking, next time we should go up against one of the legions"

Bianca just rolled her eyes and walked away from Sho, but instead of thanking him, Bianca told Ryota he did a good job.

"Bro..you gotta teach me how to get around with girls, Bianca is into you, man"

"I dunno what you're saying, dude"

"What, pff.. shuddup Ryota, the girl just thanked you for no reason, that's how it goes when a girl wants to speak with a guy she likes"

"you think, well I think she was only tryna make you jealous"

Sho's face quickly elevated and asked to confirm his doubts.

"wait..so you're telling me she likes me?"

"How should I know, try asking her out, there are three girls over there, you might as well get one if not Bianca"

"yea I know but Bianca is damn hot"

Ryota massaged his eyebrows as he sighs and walked away from Sho before the girls would realize they'd been up to no good.



As Ryota got home, he dropped his bag on the floor and about heading upstairs he heard something wooden fall from his bag.

Walking back it was the box the old man gave him.

"this thing again"

He picked up the box and tried to find out how to open the damn box. He became more eager to know what was in it. Brought a knife and stabbed but the knife shattered in pieces, this only made his curiosity grow.

He dropped it on the floor and smashed it but the ground was the only thing that crack.

"This must be one of those dumb artifacts"

He walked upstairs and came down back with hydrochloric acid, he stood at the top of the chair and poured the acid, after a few smokes, he looked at the box but it was still unscathed. He took it upon himself he couldn't be defeated by an ordinary box.

He sat on the chair, not wanting to touch the box after it has been touched by an acid.

"how on earth can this thing open, what if it's the magic word that opens it"

He cleared his throat and began saying random words that comes into his mind.

"open box.."

"box open"

"unlock the box"


He sighed after seeing his defeat, lividly stood up, and kicked the box as he lamented.

"I wish you could just fking open"

As the box hit the leg of the table, it vibrated and opened up, as it completely opened it lit up causing Ryota to protect his eyes before would get blinded by the light.

As the light gradually began fading, the box was also fading as Ryota began losing sight of his surrounding.

He could barely pick up the words before he fainted, but he still heard some parts of the words that resounded in his head.

{Your wish as being granted..you have received the overlord sy...}

Unable to keep his consciousness for long, he saw himself in darkness, and with that, he fell flat to the ground.