
Trials of the Orc

Shibou Butaro, a mountain of a high-school student with a heart of gold was chosen to get transported to another world to become a hero and save it from destruction together with his personal harem... NOT! What's this!? He's not completely human? Huh?! A descendant of the orcs!? The pig people feared by the gods and demons alike!? Hey! What do you mean he will be disposed of and someone else will be summoned to fulfill the role of a hero!? WHO DOES THAT WRETCHED GODDESS THINK THAT SHE IS?! ONCE HE WILL DESCENT FROM THAT MOUNTAIN, HER WORLD WILL FALL! ****** The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Sound_Hammer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

An abslute unit even before the summoning (part 4)

Butaro was waiting for the streetlight to change. Suddenly the western car that was supposed to wait for the green light entered the crossroad with the roar of the gasoline-hungry engine getting everyone's attention and got in the way of the speeding motorcycle that had full right to be there, crashed into it, and send it flying!

Flying right at Butaro!

|Huh?! Where's the driver?|

With no time to react properly, Butaro instinctively reached out to grab the oncoming motorbike, thinking to himself in confusion after realizing that there was no one on the motorbike, to begin with, even before the western car crashed into it...!

His hands brushed against the bike's body, getting a good grip on the safe-to-touch parts.

|I got it!|

Butaro thought triumphantly and then...




A loud screech came from the engine but Butaro didn't have time to think about it - his muscles hardened as he threw the bike down the now-empty street lane.


Then he froze as shouts of shock came from all over - and his actions were the main subject...

Butaro clicked his tongue and looked at his hands.

"Great. Just great..."

He complained more bothered about the state of his uniform than about tens of smartphones snapping pictures of him without his permission.

His left sleeve got torn in two and there was no trace of the button anywhere.



Suddenly the roar of the car engine made everyone forget about Butaro's insane feat of throwing the motorbike away as if it was a dodgeball.

"Hey! He's trying to get away!"

Someone has shouted.

And they were right, the driver of the foreign car was clearly backing up and readying for escape.

As if Butaro could let that happen!

"Oi! Don't you even dare! You have to wait for the police, scum!"

The giant boy shouted and run in front of the car.

"What the fuck?! Back off or I'll run you over, fatso!"

The man behind the wheel shouted and pushed the gas pedal to the metal.

"Who are you calling a fatso, you rude bastard?!"

Butaro felt the rush of blood to his head and growled furiously, lowering his body as if he was going to tackle the car.

The car pressed against his enormous belly but instead of getting pushed aside or run over, unaffected Butaro put his hands under the bumper and dug his feet into the asphalt.

The engine roared, and the tires of the foreign car with massive horsepower started burning rubber trying to defeat the boy in the bizarre reverse tug-of-war.

But despite the car's engine howling at maximum capacity and the cloud of smoke from the burnt tires filling the air, the mountain of a boy did not budge in the slightest!

"Wh-what the hell?! M-monster!"

The driver screamed in falsetto as he stared at the annoyed face of Butaro glaring at him from above the long hood.

"You...Will... Wait for the..."

Butaro was growling through his teeth which was shockingly terrifying.

Massive veins popped up on the boy's neck and forehead and he could feel drops of sweat emerge on his skin just to get absorbed into his clothes.

That was something he never experienced while going to the gym every day.

An actual strain!

Only competing against a large car Butarou's body started to show a reaction!

Who knows how the clash between a high schooler and a car would have ended? Would car prove to be the winner, or would a round high-schooler discover a workout regime that would finally let him lose some weight?

But that particular question was to never be answered.



Because the unmanned bike that was thrown to the side, after a few spectacular somersaults and graceful landing, roared its engine, its back wheel spun like mad, and it brunt some rubber on the asphalt as it made a couple of loops to lose the force of the throw.

"You...! As if I let a target get away from me like that!"

A low female voice growled over the sound of the engine and the bike shot straight ahead at the Butaro facing against the car.


The motorbike shouted as it performed a backflip and rammed its back wheel against Butaro's head.


The crowd gasped in terror as Butaro instantly lost consciousness and his body was flung to the side right into a flashing light that appeared out of nowhere.

"Phew...! And done!"

Even though the bike crashed against the corner of a building, it let out a satisfied sigh as its engine turned off.

Shocked people gathered and started looking around the scene completely flabbergasted.

"Hey... Where did that fat guy go...?"

Someone from the crowd finally uttered the question that was bothering all the witnesses.


"Hurgh...! What is that supposed to be!?"

A furious female voice asked.

"A-a human you wanted, dear customer..."

Another female voice responded.

|Funny... This one sounds just like the voice that came from the motorbike that hit me... that other one though... did that bitch retch after seeing me...?|

Butaro thoughts were freely drifting in his head while he was in a half-conscious state.

"That's right! A human! I wanted an excellent human who would be strong enough to withstand the trial of the hero! I didn't ask for some...! Lard mountain! Argh! I knew I should have asked some other motorbike girls - I've been warned bout you, while they actually know their stuff! And I thought that after that damned primordial disappeared from this realm I would have free rein over everything...!"

The high and mighty woman's voice complained.

"B-but...! But, dear customer...! He is a really exquisite specimen! The best one this cute motorbike could find! This cute and fast motorbike used all of her power and she barely managed to get him here! He is ridiculously strong even without a blessing - isn't that a good thing?"

The voice that Butaro has heard before getting here complained.

"Shut up! You had trouble with bringing him over only because he is so overweight! And stop talking in the third person, it's not cute at all!"


"Whatever! Since he is already here I will just check if this fatso is good enough for any... HIIIIIIIIIIII...!"

Butaro felt a wave of warmth engulfing his body and the high and mighty woman suddenly let out a shriek of pure terror!

"D-dear customer...? Did something happen...?"

The self-proclaimed cute and fast motorbike asked timidly.

"You...! You!"

The high and mighty voice trembled before it got filled with ire.

"You useless piece of junk! That's not even a pure-blood human! It's a descendant of the orcs! I have told you that I want a pure-blood human and you have given me someone whose blood bears the remnants of the accursed pig people!? Do you want my world to be destroyed?! Do you even realize how long it took for the alliance of gods and demons to get rid of that blasphemous species?! And you dare to bring me the most dangerous crossbreed of them all?!"


|A descendant of the orcs...? Blood of the pig people...? Gods... demons...? Why... does she sound so panicked...?|

Butaro had a hard time comprehending anything that was happening around him. Truth be told, he could barely feel his body and the only thing he could feel was a splitting headache.

"But...! This bike didn't know...! Look at him! He looks human!"

The voice of the motorbike cried defensively.

"By whose standards!? Get that filth away from my sight I don't want it in my world! That thing cannot be allowed to activate its mutation gene! My blood runs cold at mere thought...!"

The high and mighty voice trembled and it sounded as if its owner turned around to not look at Butaro.

"Dear customer..! But the contract you've signed clearly states..!"


The motorbike's voice gasped in shock but the other one was silent.

"Dear customer...?"

"Whatever. I'm going to call another motorbike girl to find me a real hero candidate!"

The motorbike asked hesitantly and the other voice flared up in anger.

"Eh!? No! What about the one that this cute motorbike has brought you!?"

The motorbike cried in disbelief.

"Oh, don't you worry, I know of a perfect place where this pile of meat will be useful! Somewhere where his mutation will never have a chance to activate!"

The high and mighty voice declared with grim satisfaction.

"Dear customer! That's not how it's..."

"Shut up! The customer is always right, right? I'm paying you anyway so why do you care whether I dispose of him or not!?"

The motorbike's voice tried to change her customer's mind, but the high and mighty one could not be convinced.

"But his hands felt nice..."


The motorbike revealed in a last-ditch effort, but she only succeeded in confusing her high and mighty customer.

|...I never felt such anger towards a woman... you bitch... if this is not a dream... I will make you pay...! GHHH...!|

The furious Butaro's body started growing hotter and hotter and he couldn't follow the conversation anymore.

Not able to either speak or move he felt his body falling once again.

And he completely lost consciousness, with red-hot anger burning in his body.

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