

This is the story of a man named Noah, who is reincarnated as a thousand-year-old tree! Reincarnated as a poor tree, he later becomes a superpower that no one can intimidate or ignore! The story of a small tree that becomes a super-powerful tree, even more powerful than a World Tree! DISCLAMER! The beginning may seem similar to "Tree of Aeon" for the simple reason that it's inspired by it, except that it uses the same concept but a different world! No invasions every ten years, at least for now. *** One chapter/Two days. You can find also the story on RoyalRoad

Behemot · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Chapter 7 : Defense Against Beast!

[Year 52 months 0]

Noah was bored, but continued to watch the lives of the little beings who lived in his forest. It was interesting to study small insects, and wild animals killing each other, eating, and procreating.

He felt like he was watching the documentary videos of his old life, and going back to the days when he was still a poor student, trying to skip his partials. Unconsciously, he smiled in contentment.

Loud little voices were heard outside. « ... Ha... Grandma..., they will soon reach us...! We returned to the right place, and fled as a result, but part of our group broke away! We will not be able to hide for long from the eyes of magical beasts ...! " cried a female voice.

The other elves who followed behind were even more frightened, trying to run as fast as possible, not wanting to become a burden to the group, but to survive.

Most of their groups were killed in an ambush, and when they tried to flee to survive, a magical beast group focused on them, and followed them over long distances.

Whether for long hours, long days, or months, they could not abandon their hunts, and ran behind them like rabid dogs. Each time they turned around, they could see the beasts with their salivating mouths chasing them.

The elves felt a chill behind their backs, and kept running until they reached an important point in their destinations. A majestic forest stood tall, and proud, while some of the vegetation extended into the grounds.

The elves were surprised. "Is there vegetation?!" Mary nodded, and answered. "This is our destination! We will soon arrive in the safe zone! At the same time, the elves behind shouted. "The magical beasts are perceptible on the other side of the mountain...!"

They began to cry silently, and continued to run despite the strange silhouettes that appeared outside. The magical beasts had followed them to this place, and even if he found a way to protect himself, he had to face the magical beasts.

Christine, who was on Mary's back, went downstairs and took a deep breath, before resigning herself. "I am so sorry, and sad that we are being chased by magical beasts... My decision was foolish, and stupid, and many sacrificed themselves to let us escape... She wanted to go back, but couldn't. She wanted to sacrifice herself, but what good was her sacrifice if she could not delay the beasts even slightly?

She could not shake her head, and regret by banging her head against the ground, in despair.

A small child came out of his mother's arms, and comforted him. "Big Elder, it's not your fault!" he shouted in sadness, trying to comfort Christine.

A man also stepped forward. "Yes, that's right! If humans hadn't set a trap for us, and brought magical beasts back in our direction, then we would never have been in this situation...! The elves followed the atmosphere, and swore against the group of humans who wronged them, and sacrificed many young people.

Even though they were deeply pained, they continued to move forward, then to join the ancient foundations of Cartel Village, and study the remaining ruins of the hecatombs. The foundations were still noticeable, after so many years.

A young woman who followed Mary, was curious about the remains. There were a few houses that stood the test of time, and wells that collapsed because of past clashes. "Is this your old village, Eldest?"

Christine nodded, with a little hope, he could reuse his foundations to build fortifications against magical beasts. They could resist to the end, and perhaps survive, with the help of the Spirit Tree. "Mary, go away and notify the Spirit Tree of our arrival."

Noah, who was listening silently, joined the discussion. "I'm already here." Christine was surprised, but recovered quickly. "Do you have any instructions to order us?" she asked hopefully.

He always had good opportunities, and expanded their knowledge. Once he was a silent tree, but since the collapse of the city, he has become the one guiding them, and protecting them. Maybe this time he really could survive?

The elves began to build foundations, and wooden fortifications by layering on top of the ancient fortifications of the city, and began to collect various materials. « The fortifications will make it possible to resist against the weakest magical beasts. »

The men concentrated on setting up the logs, and lifting the trunks to the designated location, building a fortification of a few meters. Although they were not true professionals, they nevertheless had the basics of construction to cut, solidify and assemble logs.

The children who were laid aside, had the task of retrieving large stones, and gathering them in the back, while some helped the adults to advance in the construction. The women joined, and began to assemble sticks, and sharpened them to build spears. Everyone helped with their little actions.

Mary, who was the construction manager, ordered and planned the defenses. "Mary, ask people to help the back to put pikes in the centers." Christine, who was of little use, because of her lack of strength to sigh, then lay down on a tree. She looked with nostalgia at the ancient city she had built with her former comrade. "Is it really a fate, and an inevitable vicious circle...?"

As an elf, she lived countless years, and enjoyed a significant life expectancy compared to other races, such as dwarves, and humans. At the same time, they also knew the damage caused by his Great Catastrophes, and dreaded their appearances each time.

Every appearance and destruction caused him mental and physical pain. She had lived enough to tire of life, but little compared to all the Great Catastrophes that had appeared in this world. "O Spirit Tree, why do we have to live in such pain?" she sighed.

She prayed silently, and took out a small cross from her disjointed clothes, and tore in her sleeves, before lowering her eyelids. "O God of the sun, why have we forsaken and caused such a curse?"

Noah listened silently, and exclaimed. "Who is this God of the sun?"

Christine slowly opened her eyes, then looked up at the sky. "I wonder too... Noah fell silent. Maybe she was thinking deeply. Noah withdrew, and continued to assist Mary.

A few weeks after their arrival. [Year 52 months 0]

The fortification was already laid, and finished since last week, and everyone was tense. Noah was watching the area, then moved closer to Mary. "How many magical beasts are you chasing, and what types of beasts are chasing you?"

Mary listed many beasts, but the most striking were the strongest. "At the front of the group are gnomes, then giant crabs, and magic wolves. Honestly, the first two beasts are easy to master, but wolves are the toughest. She shook.

Noah thought about optimal strategies, and then a few weeks passed.

A few hours later, the magical beasts appeared, and approached the fortifications. The men mobilized, and returned to their posts, while the others remained in the rear.

The elves who could not fight were put in the rear, safe from battles, while the younger ones were sent to the front, with the children posed with bags of pebbles ready to throw them at the beasts.

The closer the stray wolves got, the faster and stronger their hearts beat.

A man who was motionless at the front of the fortification, tried to lower the suffocating atmosphere. "Marc, do you think it's still possible to survive an attack of this magnitude?" The beasts were very numerous, and advanced slowly towards their directions, while they looked at them with horror.

Mark, who was lost in thought, shook his head. "How do you want to survive such monsters? Gnomes, and giant crabs are easily masterable, but how can you fight such a large number of magic wolves? »

He listed the characteristics of magic wolves. "They have sharp canines, bodies as massive, and powerful as a tree, as well as an unprecedented robustness, which can lift several tons with their jaws alone.

He thought silently, swallowing his whispers. "They would be more convenient to predict that this would be a real massacre... He shook his head, and did not want to say his last sentence, for fear of losing the morality of the elves.

The elf didn't care, and continued. "And if the spiritual tree intervened, as well as our familiars we could retaliate, and increase our strength. How could the favor of the battle change? »

Marc thinks hard, doing simulations in his mind. « ... Maybe we could win. The Spirit Tree should nevertheless possess a force comparable to archmages, if we can hope to survive. Continuing, "However, the Spirit Tree cannot intervene at will. His offensive attacks are limited, and it would be unintelligent to involve him from the start. »

Mark put his hand against his chest, and felt a foreign force protect him, and increase his present strength. « We can only rely on the familiars that the Spirit Tree has granted us to defend ourselves, and to destitute the magical beasts. »

The elf nodded, and felt the familiar in his body too. "In other words, if we couldn't resist, our end is inevitable," he sighed.

Mark nodded.

An elf who was high up, and watching the surroundings saw the magical beasts reach the fortifications. "Get ready! They have arrived...!! »

The fighters clutched the spears in their hands, and the mages in the back prepared their magic, while the children waited for the report of the fires to throw stones. They heard the trampling sounds of the magical beasts, and saw the silhouettes of the beasts.

An elf shouted. "Gnome, and Giant Crab!"

Quickly, the battle unfolded, and the first magical beasts fell under the wooden fortifications, before hitting the ground, and being stabbed by the wooden spears of the elves. Elves who possessed fighting skills rolled up their fire spears, and threw them at the tenacious beasts.

Then, the magic wolves intervened, and replaced the other beasts that succumbed, before encountering the first wave of spells. While elves stabbed, and kept wolves away, mages recited spells, and threw natural elements such as fire, water, or wind on magical wolves.

Some had managed to climb the fortification, but were soon killed by the elves who used their familiars to warn them of any danger, and passage of beasts.

Noah continued to watch the battle from a high point of view, and could watch the elves hold the defensive line, not letting any beast cross the line, and destroy the inner formation. Thus, the mages inside were able to use their magic, and were able to deal with the fight rather than their security.

Normally, it would have been logical to think that they would win the battle, despite the sacrifices engendered by the fighting. However, they had not taken into account the wolf hiding at the back of the pack.

Rather than thinking they were hiding, they memorized, and mapped the fights. Noah thought this beast was different from other beasts who charged like idiots. Perhaps he possesses some intelligence.

An elf who was fighting at the end of the fortifications soon realized that a certain beast was lurking in the rear. "Alpha Wolf!"

The Alpha Wolf who had withdrawn since the beginning of the battle got up, and charged into the fortification, leaping on the wooden wall, before destroying it because of its weight, then opening a breach in the fortification.

The first to react to the accident were the stunned mages who stood in front of the Alpha Wolf, and who felt their hair pecking at their skins. An elf who was about to flee, was killed. "H-Help me!"

The Alpha Wolf roared, causing every elf to lose all sense of morality.

The fighters withdrew from the fortifications, and attempted to guard a line of defense to protect the exposed mages, and keep the beasts outside, but this was not possible. The Alpha Wolf's strength was superior to every elf present there, and the wolves that followed their leaders could hardly facilitate the fight.

The mages were destabilized, and could not cast an effective spell, making their effectiveness less, while they were distracted by the astonishing size of the Red Wolf that stood in front of them, with ferocity.

Eventually, the wolves broke through, and began a massacre, killing many elves in their paths. The elves who could not help in the fighting, and who was in the rear could not continue to watch this one-sided battle, and could only swear on themselves of their inactivities. The children withdrew to the command of their parents, and the elves despaired.

They thought their wives, men, and children would all die in front. They already imagined their dead, after their loved ones had been killed. All of them address a resigned face, even Christine. "It's too late... It's over. " she cried at the end.

While the elves were overwhelmed by the number of wolves surrounding them, the Alpha Wolf slipped between the elves, and moved closer to Christine who were kneeling on the ground, and crying tears.

The Alpha Wolf opened his mouth, and prepared to dismember the old elf in front of him. Christine closed her eyes, and thought about her whole life. She was so miserable, expecting her death, then after a few seconds of waiting, and fear, she felt no pain, and patted her body, still alive, and warm.

When she decided to open her eyes, Christine caught a glimpse of an incredibly shocking scene in front of her eyes that unfolded in front of her, causing all the elves in battle to hallucinate, and lowering the jaws of some.

Christine sighed with relief. "Ha."


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