

This is the story of a man named Noah, who is reincarnated as a thousand-year-old tree! Reincarnated as a poor tree, he later becomes a superpower that no one can intimidate or ignore! The story of a small tree that becomes a super-powerful tree, even more powerful than a World Tree! DISCLAMER! The beginning may seem similar to "Tree of Aeon" for the simple reason that it's inspired by it, except that it uses the same concept but a different world! No invasions every ten years, at least for now. *** One chapter/Two days. You can find also the story on RoyalRoad

Behemot · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Chapter 6: Reunion

The two elves got closer, and entered the forest. Noah had overheard their conversations, and heard familiar names. "Mary, and... Christine? »

He looked at the faces of the two elven women, and was able to recognize some familiar features on their faces. A decade was neither long nor short for an elf, but enough for a little girl to reach maturity. And Christine always carried an aura unique to herself.

Noah had made sure it was them, and was beginning to be thrilled, to meet his old acquaintances again. He indirectly opened the way, and then waited.

The two women continued to go deep into the forest, then to come across animals they had not seen for many years. "There's a monkey, hanging on the trees! There are wild boars, again, and...! »

Mary was still excited, and could not concentrate on the surroundings, not knowing that they were heading indirectly to Noah. Christine was more attentive, and cautious. "I feel like I'm being watched... »

Later, they arrived in the middle of the forest, and were able to see a huge tree, and impression encompassing all the trees. Mary was the first to react. "Such a huge tree! How could we ignore such a tree?! »

Noah was hidden inside the forest, leading outside travelers to not be able to visualize his real body. During the last years, it had increased in size, and became thicker, becoming a tree sixty meters tall.

A significant evolution that allowed him to acquire a unique title. [Title: Single Tree]. He has gained a significant increase in his mana reserve, and a particular resistance to corruption, and damage caused by magical beasts.

Now he could take many attacks, and projectiles, before retaliating by throwing vines. Because he had become strong, no one was equal to him. He could continue to live like this, and to develop his territory.

Noah's powerful, amazing voice echoed throughout the forest, making the birds fly away, and the animals flee. He was the master of the forest. "Christine, and Mary... It's been a very long time since we crossed paths more. »

The women were warned, and were frightened by an existence that had spoken to them telepathically. Mary retaliated by unwrapping her wooden spear. "Who would attack us, do you reveal yourself?!" There was a strange calm inside the forest. The animals remained silent, making Mary even more fearful. "Stay behind me, Mother Christine!"

Noah had fun watching them, overreacting, and continuing to talk to them. "I don't wish you any harm."

Mary continued to remain cautious, but Christine stepped between the two of us. She wore an expression of hesitation, then turned in his direction. "Spiritual tree... Is it you? Mary was shocked. "You are the ancient tree that protects us...?"

He replied. "Indeed. And it's better to put the stick down in your hands, if you don't want to hurt yourself. »

Mary blushed with shame, and lowered her spear. Christine was delighted, and approached. "Spiritual Tree, we thought you were dead 12 years ago!"

Noah wanted to know more information. How had he fallen asleep? "Was I dead 12 years ago?"

Christine shook her head. "There were chances. At the event of the Great Catastrophe, corruption invaded you, and you cried out in pain. Then your body shriveled, then your roots became soft, and dried out, before you no longer responded to our words. »

Mary intervened. "We were scared, when you stopped advising us, we didn't know what to do! There was very little fruit left, and food, and some of your fruit had already been eaten. " she said in a sad tone.

With difficulty, he stretched two appetizing fruits, and fed the two women. Mary, and Christine rejoiced. "It's been a while since I ate such a delight!"

Noah nodded, delighted. "I fell asleep, to avoid death. How did you survive all this time? »

Christine replied. "We were staying inside your vineyards at first, and we discussed many problems that had erupted within the group. Most of the women, and children, had left us, to embark on their own journeys. »

"There were only about a hundred people left in the group. After eating the last rations, we fled when monsters approached, and joined other groups to form a small community. »

It was therefore the most logical choice to make during a global catastrophe. Obviously, he did not know their current situations, but could sympathize with their current states. "I feel deeply sorry for you. You must have encountered countless difficulties. »

Mary shook her head, and pulled a familiar out of her arm. "The familiars you had granted us, helped us greatly! We have become the main focus of our group, and have been able to enjoy central authority. »

Christine nodded, and smiled. « Without your subordinates who accompanied us, we would already have died under the teeth of monsters, and buried in the stomachs of hungry beasts. »

The little tree root under Christine jiggled around her, rubbing her roots with her body. Noah felt a short bond form, and was able to connect with his memories. He was able to see before the eyes of the familiar, various critical situations.

Christine, who was an elf who lived for many years, was curious about the surroundings. "Spiritual tree, what group of Druids came to this place to purify these lands?"

Noah was confused. "What group of druids?"

"The Druids who reconstitute the continental lands, and who are grouped into several groups, in order to restore the fallen lands. Initially, they are independent people, like Azra, the former Druidic professor. Mary felt sad at the notion of her former teacher.

The Druids had the goal of restoring nature, and the surrounding landscapes through their Druidic skills granted by the system, but Noah had not seen any groups pass by. "There were no groups of Druids. All these lands have been restored by my own power. »

Mary was shocked, and asked. "How is this possible? Can Spirit Trees restore corrupt lands, and make entire forests appear on their own? Christine shook her head. « Impossible, the Spirit Trees have good skills drawn from nature, but do not have the abilities of the druids. »

So, not all spirit trees are like him, getting skills, and some kind of levels of the system? "Aren't Spirit Trees shaped like living beings?"

She shook her head. "The Spirit Trees do not have a system like ours, so it is difficult for these Spirit Trees to be able to directly restore nature. In your case, Spiritual Tree, this is the first time I see a tree that can defend itself, and have such knowledge. »

"If nations could agree that a Spirit Tree was endowed with a power to recover, the consequences would be unimaginable, especially since wars could appear, while part of the population is still suffering from this event."

Indeed, it would be wiser to keep a low profile for now. He did not yet have the strength, nor a superpower to fight too dangerous individuals, and then it was not in his activity to cause harm to others.

Again, he looked sympathetically at the two young women, and wondered how horrible, and despairing could living in these corrupt, dry lands be?

He sympathized, and continued to stretch small fruits of consolation. Christine, who had become the new Elder of the group, had already advanced in front of him. "Spiritual tree, I have a request for you."

She sat down, and knelt before him. "We want to live under your wings, and live in the forest. The territories outside your jurisdiction are very hostile to elves, and every day a person dies of hunger. Mary followed her, and knelt down in her turn.

Noah hesitated, and didn't know what to do. They were his companions, and friends who had accompanied him, before the Great Catastrophe. Maybe it had been years since they saw each other, but for Noah it had always been anchored in his memory.

If his friends had to resort to help, then he would accept without hesitation. He decided, and approved immigration under different conditions, and restrictions. Noah exclaimed, after many inner thoughts. "I agree, but on condition that we respect the acts written under the contract."

After writing down the terms of the contract with both parties listed below, a sheet came out of life, and appeared addressing the two women who remained motionless before his body. "Here are the terms of the contract... »


[Soul Contract:

Part included: Noah and Christine

Conditions of the contract:

"The affected part must be several hundred meters from the main body of the individual in question ... »

"The party must not directly or indirectly attack 'Noah' at risk of...

"The party must swear loyalty and honor to follow honorably... »]


Christine was the eldest of the leader of her refugee group, and read the restrictions, the conditions written below, slowly unrolling the scroll that continued to expand. Meanwhile, Mary continued to eat fruit from her branches, and to watch the surroundings.

Honestly, the conditions written below did not really restrict the movements of elves who could reach his territory, but rather assurances that allowed him to obtain advantages, and legitimacy. This allows him to protect it, but to visualize future dangers that could arise one day.

In particular, the conditions were rather oriented towards the optimization of the elves, as well as mutual aid between the two parties. Normally, he had not written overly coercive conditions, nor threatened the lives of elves, like mere slave.

Unfortunately, Christine frowned, but continued to unroll the scroll before closing it, and returning it. Once she finished reading, she shook her head. Noah thought it wasn't enough, and was going to add benefits. But it was an unfounded concern.

She opened the first. "Spiritual Tree, you need not list such conditions that are too endearing, and positive for our part. Honestly, I feel like it's too good for it to be true. Maybe you should add some advantages! She laughed.

"I have never seen such strange conditions, such as worrying about showers, as well as various daily tasks... Obviously, Noah had observed for many years the elves who lived near his habitat, and took advantage of this moment to install the bare minimum of hygiene, and life for the elves. Maybe it was irrational for the elves of that time, but it was for a good deed.

Christine bit her finger, dripping her blood and putting her imprint on the loose sheet, before clarifying a few points. After some differences, both parties agreed, and the contract was signed by both parties.

A few days later, with a good rest, the two women left happy, and delighted with their transactions.

Noah stayed in the same position, and the same place, before continuing to stretch a few hundred meters. Perhaps he could soon clarify much of the territory, he thought.