
Tailed beast

Arriving to Amegakure, young Inei was sent to orphanage. Like all youngsters bought to strengthen the village she was given an opportunity to join academy.

A year went by and Inei was soon noticed to possess a decent talent in basic ninjutsu and taijutsu. Seeing this and the fact that Inei had timid and quiet character, the higher-ups in the village did not waste much time, handing her a scroll they spent time, blood and sweat to obtain. So in the afternoon, after class a teacher handed her a scroll "from now on study this after class. It's Adamantine sealing chain technique we obtained after searching the ruins of Uzushiogakure. that technique, only you can use." .

After months of work with the sealing technique Ineis chakra controll was getting better and she was slowly able to unleash the chains out of her body, but she was still in no way good enough to control chains at her will.

On a sunny day, the village got message from the scouts outside about a tailed beast sighting and the village was quick to jump to action. With the possession of 2 tails Amegakure was already ways beyond most of nations that had no tailed beast at all, still this fact meant nothing for the ones that desired more power. Teams were gathered and set to head out next day at dawn. Leader of the village did not hesitate to push his subordinates in danger in face of power he could obtain with another tailed beast. When he heard that the young Uzumaki girl they bought was not skilled enough yet he simply shrugged it off with "maybe she will complete it in face of great danger. Have her try to seal the beast within herself. If the kid fails there is no loss for us. If the lass dies just seal the tailed beast in this scroll and bring it back, we will deal with beast later." he pointed at the scroll. "Now leave."

And so, next day at dawn, among the group of well trained shinobi there was a young girl, heading into the battle that was sure to be intense.

It took the group half a day to reach their destination. There was stretch of lush green grass in the middle of a forest. In that grass has lain a giant bug like armored creature. Once sensing a group of humans approaching it, it flew up in the sky, getting ready for battle.

Bug like creature had a grey body and head with a single horn that had 2 ends. 6 orange wings were fluttering on its back and a whip like tail hanged beneath it. The pressure it gave off was something that none of shinobi ever felt before. Still, fire and greed burned in their eyes when they jumped into a battle with this tailed beast.

On the ground, captain walked to Inei with stern gaze. "This is 7-tailed beast. Our leader ordered for you to use the sealing technique you were studying and seal it in your body.". Inei was frightened just at the thought of getting closer to the beast, she started trembling once hearing the captains words and stuttering "b-but I-I can't use the tec-technique yet, ho-how...". "Just get there and do it! Prove your allegiance to the village, maybe someone will even start caring for you once you come back. Now go!". "B-but..." "Either you go there and do your job, or I'm going to kill you right there!".

Inei slowly stumbled forward on the grass field. Once she gathered her courage she started infusing chakra in the way scroll instructed and slowly Adamantine chains started coming out of her body.

7-tailed beast noticed the arrival of young girl, not thinking much about it. Killing the men surrounding it would prevent the sealing so it didn't think much of it. 'Ridiculous, they want to seal me in that girl. What do they take me for?'. It started raging even harder, soon killing 3 of the surrounding shinobi with flicks of its whip like tail. When 7-tails turned around it noticed chains gathering around the girls body. For some reason those chains gave it and ominous feeling. Following its instinct it shed shinny scales to blind the enemy and charged at the girl with full speed.

Inei noticed the beast charging at her, frightened she tried to turn around and run away. Too late.

7-tailed beast rammed its horn towards Inei that stumbled on the floor. Hitting her right arm its sent the young girl flying away.

Hi all, would appreciate to see some of your thoughts...

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Thanks for reading

SinisterWintercreators' thoughts