
Deal finalized

Suzan and Andrew are in the conference room

ANDREW :the idea you have is amazing. where is the design.

SUZAN: I was thinking that your company should make a design. we both are the advertiser so we need to look good.

ANDREW: can't your company make a good design.

SUZAN: am not disagreeing am just saying. it's not a bad idea( smiling)

DANIEL :( looking at Suzan. mind talk) Queen of liars .

SUZAN: I just want your company to be part of something. it will make me happy not just me but my whole team, right team?( her works look at each other )

WORKS: yes miss.

SUZAN: you can hear how excited they are.

ANDREW: indeed. since you accepted my offer I don't have a problem.

SUZAN: ( smile ) then the deal has been finalized ( she stood up ) we can all go to our respectful work now.

ANDREW: ( Andrew stood up) yes. ( all the workers stood up. they all walked out of the meeting room ). ( Andrew and Suzan, walking together) let's go out?

SUZAN: why?

ANDREW: no question. I want to pay for your meal.will you go out?

SUZAN: which restaurant are you planning to take me.

ANDREW: how about my restaurant.

SUZAN: then you wouldn't be paying.

ANDREW: saving money have been my bad habit.

SUZAN: I will be paying since it's your restaurant bills on me if you want to spend time with me ( smile ) you know, people do get into their trap easily if you make yourself the fool

ANDREW : I don't get.

SUZAN : I am playing a game, it's called ' REVENGE'. I love games like that

SUZAN :I do feed from my enemies pain.i don't think I love the idea of revenge.

SUZAN: I lived with mafias, revenge isn't anything ( Andrew looked at her.she kept the smile on her face) the part you are busy Walking on will surely ruin you

ANDREW :I don't understand

SUZAN :you don't have to.( they got to the parking lot) I will be driving.( he kept silent,he just followed her. Suzan opened the door for him) am being a gentle woman, don't think too much.( he got into the car.suzan sat at the driving seat) where is your restaurant located

ANDREW :get down and let me drive

SUZAN :this car is my baby I can't let you drive

ANDREW :am not going to kill your baby ( one minute of argument she gave in.they switch place. through out the ride they were silent).

Siara is on the phone with her dad

SIARA DAD :I have been calling you for the past three hours you didn't pick, what happened?

SIARA: I have been calling you for the past three days,why didn't you pick?

SIARA DAD: don't question me! am your dad.

SAIRA :dad I don't want to talk right now am busy.

SIARA DAD :you are still working at that road side job. I don't know why you are my daughter. your father can buy you anything,you just need to ask and I will give

SIARA: I don't want to depend on you I want to be independent. dad I will call you back byeee love you ( cut the call and sigh) I just want to be somebody without anyone's help.