
Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there lived a happy couple.

They were ideal and simply perfect.

You can see it in their eyes, the love, and the affection they beheld for each other.

Well, until you entered their bedroom.


“How does it look?” I asked as I admired myself in the mirror. One of the trending jingles rang in my head, ‘timeless dikhne ke liye khud ko art banaye’. Well, I didn’t buy this dress from Flipkart, but the jingle sounded so apt. I was wearing a high-neck, shoulderless, knee-length red cocktail dress. It had a perfect fitting on my body and a wavy swirl waist down. The white-gold stones in the neck collar with matching earrings flirted with my complexion. I had carefully chosen my red lace-up heels, which looked very elegant and not at all slutty. Finally, the makeup—oh—make-up, it just brought back the spark in my eyes. I decided to wear a bright red shade lipstick as it just toned up my face. With accessories matching the studded jewels in my collar, I looked nothing less than perfect. Admiring myself, I realised how narcissistic I must be sounding, but I could not care less. After a long journey of one year, which was full of persistence, exercise, and diet, I had lost all of my excessive weight and tonight was the first event I was going to attend with my brand-new self. I wanted to look beautiful, and thankfully, I did. I wanted to share this night with my prince charming but sadly my husband, Daksh, couldn’t accompany me, but I looked up to him for some compliment.

“Looking good,” he replied with a smile. The same compliment, as usual. He said the exact same words when I weighed more than 80 kilos. I expected a little more awe and surprise: tad more of admiration. I guess so many years into marriage make you lose the charm. I sighed!

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he looked up, finally putting his phone away. As usual, he was playing games! I wonder what kicks he got out of wasting hours and hours on his stupid games. As I was starting to get annoyed again, I decided to fix my make-up. Well, just to keep me occupied. As per my boss, tonight’s event was a very important one, and I had to put on my best face. I clicked a selfie and posted it on Facebook and Instagram. Let us see what people had to say, maybe I was over-admiring my new look, and maybe I was just ‘looking good’, I thought sadly to myself.

“Car’s here, I am leaving,” I announced and he immediately came to the door to wish me luck. He kissed my forehead lovingly and bade me farewell. I really liked this gesture, him kissing my forehead always made me feel loved, cared for and adored. However, lately, that was all the action I was getting. It was very haunting and extremely dissatisfying. ‘I lost all the weight to bring back charm and sex in my life but looks like it didn’t do any good. He still sees me as a little girl who needs protection and care—only God knows when he will start seeing me as his wife again.’ I stepped into the car cribbing internally.

“My God Kaya, you look so beautiful, Wow!” Rohit complimented as he sucked in a huge breath, ‘Now that’s what you call a compliment.’

“Thanks Rohit, you clean up really nice too,” I replied flattered, laughing lightly. Rohit Arora was my boss and head of my department. It was on his orders that I had dressed up tonight. ‘Kaya, only we are invited to this party and this is the biggest event ever hosted. We are the face of the company now. Let’s show the world how well we can party,’ these were his exact words last week. I took his each word literally by its face value.

Talking about this event, it was in the honour of the owner of a billion dollar multinational, the ‘Malani’ group. It was they, who were on top of the pyramid and every other conglomerate was trying to cope up. Luckily, I have been associated with this client for more than four years now (two years in India and two years previously in Chicago) and much to everyone’s surprise, including myself, they loved me. Hence, they have invited my boss and me. They too have specifically asked us to maintain a good impression on the ‘big boss’—after all, he was the one who sanctioned the research budget.

“Daksh must be overwhelmed by looking at you,” Rohit pointed as we drove together and it saddened me. I wanted to reply, ‘you would imagine so!’ but instead, I lied with a smile, “Oh, you have no idea.” Daksh and I worked in the same office but in different departments. For the whole office, we were one of those couples who, even after so many years, were still entangled in their love cocoon. However, what no one knew was that this love cocoon was empty, as the butterfly had flown away a long-long time ago.

My internal monologue was very distracting and considering I was travelling with my boss, I decided to divert my mind from my miserable married life. Hence, I changed the topic. “So, Shreya back in town?” I asked casually about his wife, and he paraded about her disappearances. He too was unhappy in his marriage. The only difference between his marriage and mine was—I never advertised it to the world. We chatted on many useless topics until we reached the venue. I never felt this candid with Rohit before. Effects of the dress I guess, I thought snickering inside.

The venue was the most elegant seven-star hotel in Mumbai. Yes, it was freakishly expensive, but the Malani group did have a lot of money. This Financial year they reported an average of 110% profit from all their businesses globally – if this was not where billionaires partied then where else would they.

It was an invite-only affair, and we displayed our ‘Ids’ to access entry. I was flattered to see how each camera tilted towards me the moment I stepped out of the car.

“Shall we?” Rohit asked offering me his hand. I knew him well enough to know that he was not flirting, so I gracefully placed mine on his arm and entered the dream world.

As we stepped in, the beauty of the venue literally stunned us. It was a breathtaking two-storied hall. It was covered in white marble from one end to another. Numerous statues and pillars glistened around in their own remarkable way. I had never thought white could be so pure and so serene. I was still admiring the place when we were spotted by my client, “My God Kaya, you look divine, ravishing, if I may say,” Ashok held my hand and much to my surprise, kissed it gently. “The red of this dress actually brought some life to this boring white space,” he finished, and I gawked at his compliment. I had never seen him so friendly before. Ashok was my counterpart’s boss in the Malani group. I always worked with Misha and Ashok was her boss.

“Well, thanks, Ashok,” I replied taking back my hand and wiping off his lips. I was not a germophobic person but I certainly did not like people’s dirty looks or lips on me. Rohit sensed my hesitation and discomfort, he immediately engaged Ashok in a conversation. Finally, Ashok’s eyes wandered off me and I could not be more thankful of Rohit.

Later I met Misha and her colleagues and immersed in our usual chats. I knew Misha since my college days. Although, we weren’t best of friends, however, we did get along, thankfully. We had issues in working together initially but over time we have grown quite fond of each other. In the workspace, we usually drive each other crazy but later, off work, we always laugh about it.

“Have you heard about Mr. Malani?” Misha started the flow of juicy gossip.

“What?” I asked intrigued as she pulled me aside.

“I am saying because, without doubts, you are looking the sexiest one in this room,” she started and I blushed.

“Oh, blushing queen, control,” and I did control. “You should know he is gorgeous and stunning,” she spoke.

“I have already heard that. It is not a very juicy gossip,” I replied disappointedly.

“Shh…listen,” she hissed and I sealed my mouth, “he is gorgeous and stunning but he also engages in some wild sexual activities,” she continued as I gulped.

“What wild? Like S&M?” I asked shocked.

“Ew… no. I meant like no strings attached, sex for one night and one night alone,” she whispered lifting her index finger and I gaped. Maybe, it was an acceptable culture in the country where he comes from, but it was nowhere accepted in India.

“How do you know about it?” I asked carefully checking the surroundings.

“The lead of telecom division went to London a few months ago,” she started.

“And he slept with her?” I asked open-mouthed.

“No, he is very professional, he never mixes business with pleasure,” she corrected.

“Then?” I was confused.

“Well, she met him and like every other slut she fell for him. He did not pay any heed to her so while she was there, she dug into him. She met one of the girls he has been with before. He keeps his affairs like super-secret but she somehow found one, she is very nosy that ways. She said that the girl was super gorgeous, super sexy – kind of an escort,” she finished in a hushed tone.

“Wow,” I exclaimed. I have never seen a playboy in my real life. All men I know were decent and loyal.

“So, if he spots you, just know, he is offering a one-night deal,” she finished emptying her glass.

“Not that I am accepting but what is the deal?” I asked curiously.

“Are you dumb, money what else? But she said that some girls say he gifts fancy shoes, dresses, accessories etc. as well,” she hissed and I just stared.

“Talking about Mr. Malani?” a girl in a rather revealing dress came up to us.

“Kaya, this is Natasha, the lead of the telecom division,” Misha introduced giving me a pointy look. Oh, so this was the London girl. We greeted.

“Do you know the worst thing about him?” she asked. I couldn’t help but notice the way she was standing. She was desperately poking her breasts out, I wondered why and how!

“You mean over and above money for sex?” Misha asked sarcastically and I listened intrigued. I too wondered what could be worse than one-night stands with ‘no strings attached’.

“It’s a big hush-hush secret but he is very nifty when it comes to picking up women. He also never uses a condom; instead, he makes all his sexual partners take a pill before he sleeps with them. No chance of pregnancy at all,” she finished with animated gestures.

“How do you even know that?” I asked surprised.

“Girls talk babe!” she winked in the sluttiest way. It made me feel dirty.

“I will not take a pill, like ever,” she continued with a dismissive shrug.

“But you will sleep with him?” Misha asked sarcastically.

“Babe, have you seen that guy?” she asked raising her eyebrows.

“I think I have actually seen him once but I don’t remember that well. It was like ages ago,” I tried to remember and she stared as if I have personally insulted her.

“You forgot him? What kind of weirdo are you?” she asked gawking unbelievably. It took all of my energy not to punch her.

“Well good luck with whatever,” and she left giving me a very disparaging look. I could swear she passed a rude snide comment under her breath.

“I don’t like her very much,” I replied in a judgemental tone.

“Yeah, neither do I, but I think she is drunk,” Misha spoke after Natasha.

“I think you too are a little tipsy,” I laughed and Misha almost choked on her wine.

No later than thirty minutes, someone announced the arrival of the guest of honour and with all lights dim; a spotlight fell on the top floor. I expected to see Mr. Malani, I wanted to see what the big deal was but instead, it was Mr. Rajdeep Khanna, the President of the India region.

My mind was still on how someone could have so many one-night stands. Maybe I could have one-night stand sometime and satisfy myself. Shush... Shush you slut. I scolded myself. By the time I was back to Earth, Mr. Khanna’s speech was already calling upon the guest of the hour – the playboy.

“And with my great pleasure, I would like to welcome and introduce Mr. Shaun Malani to India. As most of you know, he lives in London but his roots are deep in the Indian soil. This is his first visit to India and I hope you all will make it a grand success.” And with that remark, the man himself stepped forward. As my eyes fell on him, all the other sounds dimmed. My heart beat rose and all I could hear was my own heart thudding… How could I not remember this man? I have had heard he was breath-taking but it was an understatement. He reminded me of all the super-hot ultra-sexy lead characters of Mills and Boons books series that I have read in my teens. From what could I see from this distance—he had an oval-shaped face with a slightly pointy chin, his jaw was set in a perfect manner and his full lips complimented his face. His white complexion had tanned evenly, and there was something very flirtatious about his hair. He was wearing a black jacket, white shirt and a designer tie. Every inch of him screamed royalty and he looked nothing less than a Greek-God, who, if I was not hallucinating, was staring at me. I quickly averted my eyes and focussed on the words that surrounded the hall. Mr. Khanna was still talking about him and as much I could tell, well from what I heard in the next few seconds was, Mr. Malani was one of the most accomplished men the world has ever known. Of course, he was, ever since he took over his father’s company, the profits have been skyrocketing. Man-oh-man what won’t I give, shush, you are married. While I was still struggling to keep my hormones in my own pants, Mr. Khanna handed over the mike to the Greek God. He was welcomed with a huge applaud. Slowly, gingerly I looked up and yes, he was still looking at me. I must be imagining this; maybe he has one of those eyes, like in portraits, who follow you wherever you go.

“Thank you very much for having me here,” he began in his sexy British accent. A couple of women let out a cry of desire at his first words. After a small pause he continued, “I think someone down there needs immediate attention,” everybody laughed, “anyways, firstly my apologies for forcing you all to be here on a Sunday evening. But if you all make sure your bosses are drunk enough to skip tomorrow, you all can take a day off too,” he finished laughing and everyone roared harder. Hmm, very charming, I thought to myself. “I don’t want to bore you with a lot of words, so let’s not waste any more time in speeches, we have next two days for that,” he paused with a smile. “So, let’s get this party started and I look forward to knowing each one of you personally,” he finished raising his glass. If his each word in sexy British accent did not arouse me, his wink at the end definitely made my heart stop with a jolt. I looked sideways and Rohit was staring at me curiously, I hope he did not notice my lusting.

“Was it just me or Mr. Malani was talking about you?” he asked.

I shrugged my bare shoulders as I rolled my eyes, “Billionaires and their brats.” I so did not mean it but I could not display how I felt for this man. I couldn’t dare as I did not want to have a massive blotch on my character. Misha’s words suddenly rang in my ears, ‘like every other slut…’ and I did not want to fall in that criteria. I sighed with a relief as he left the spotlight and the venue was flooded with light again.

I avoided looking at Mr. Malani as much possible but I couldn’t help but drool. After an awkward moment where I found myself staring and biting my lower lip, I turned my back to him, permanently. I hoped no one noticed, but I feared he did. It was his back stare which made me realise what I was doing. I must be as red as this hot dress. He was making his way slowly through the crowd. Meeting and greeting everyone – as he closed in, I heard him flirt.

I was being acquainted with other people in Misha’s team when she pointed in a hushed tone, “Do you think he picked that slut for tonight?” I turned to look. A sexy blond-haired woman with the real short dress was caressing his arm.

“Who is she?” I enquired. I heard the jealousy in my own voice.

“Not sure,” Misha replied wondering.

“For all I care he can pick up dozens tonight,” I spat turning my back to him. I did not like how that blonde was behaving around him but it was not my place to judge.

“He is staring,” she commented and my heart skipped multiple beats. I tried to level it as I replied, “Who cares, billionaires and their brats,” and we both laughed however, someone cleared throat on our backs. Laughing we turned but only for it to vanish. His royal highness was standing not even two feet away from us and was staring intently at me. Mr. Khanna accompanied him to every group and introduced. However, this time, he was not able to.

“It is a pleasure to meet you sir,” Ashok started his flattery.

“Oh, it’s only mine,” he replied, his eyes never leaving mine. His eyes were mesmerizing and provocative at the same time. They were black with the hint of golden and co-incidentally, it matched his hair. I knew I was staring but he was staring back. Feeling awkward but a little flattered, I politely looked down.

“So, which agency are you all associated to,” he asked the group. Around ten of us were standing there and Ashok introduced everyone, including myself. I have never been more thankful to that sleazeball before. By the looks of it, Mr. Malani too was not very fond of him. However, I couldn’t care less for I knew if I had to speak in front of this Greek God, I would have blurted something very foolish.

“So, Kaya, have we met before?” he asked and my heart almost stopped. He remembered my name out of ten people. In addition, there was something very seductive in the way he pronounced it. It sounded correct but I guess his accent made all the difference. I looked up terrified, I do not like the spotlight and now everyone was looking at me. Cautiously I shook my head in denial.

“I remember seeing you,” he pointed and I just stared.

“Sir, this is your first visit to India, how could you have met her?” Ashok pointed. He didn’t like sharing spotlight.

“Have you ever been to London?” Mr. Malani asked intrigued. He had completely ignored Ashok.

“No,” I whispered.

“Hey, didn’t you say before that you met him?” Misha asked and I scolded her under my stare. Mr. Malani beamed with a huge smile. “Err… she was posted in Chicago before she came back to India,” Misha continued embarrassed but his eyes lit up. So much for secrecy under the so-called ‘gossip’ code.

“Ah yes, if I remember well, you were on our account there too?” he asked with a full smile, I forced myself not to leer at his perfect lips and jaw.

“Yes, for two years,” I replied hesitantly. Suddenly those two words felt like huge information.

“I knew I have seen you before. I will catch up with you later – I think you would be very interested in knowing what is happening there,” and there it was, he winked again before he left. I just stared at him.

“What was that?” one of Misha’s colleagues asked.

“You got me,” I wondered aloud, a little out of breath.

“You have met him before? Why didn’t you say so?” Rohit started.

“Didn’t meet. Just saw him once passing through. Back then I didn’t even know who the hell he was,” I explained regaining my focus.

“Well now you know,” Rohit finished disappointed.

After another hour of greetings, he found his way back to me. “So, what’s new?” he asked everyone and there was a pin-drop silence amongst us. Did he forget that we all were just some petty executives in his comparison, what was he gunning for?

Rohit, who was by default the wisest of the group, started discussing work and other emerging trends in the market. Mr. Malani showed interest for less than a minute when he remarked, “It’s a party man! Don’t talk work,” he laughed and even Rohit was silent now.

“Kaya, you don’t drink?” he asked and all eyes suddenly turned towards me again. Everyone had a champagne flute in his or her hands except for me. I shook my head in denial.

“Come, let’s get you a drink,” he spoke gently touching my arm. I could swear there were sparks when he touched me.

“I don’t drink,” I responded as I jerked back massaging my arm.

“Okay, mind if I have a quick word with you?” I looked around and everyone was staring at me. I looked at Rohit and he gave me an encouraging look, well he didn’t know about his playboy reputation.

“Shall we?” he offered me his hand. Confused yet mesmerised with his mannerism, I felt a compulsion and I accepted his hand. He slowly pulled me out of the group and took me aside.

“So, tell me something about you,” he asked simply, sipping on his champagne. Is this what he wanted to talk about? Me?

I still could see a big chunk of the hall, although we had been hiding behind a pillar. I looked around and everyone was staring. Not just the group with whom I was standing but everybody! Most women were eyeing me with jealousy and men, some seemed amused and some seemed furious.

“Don’t mind anyone else, just tell me,” he spoke noticing my wandering gaze.

“Well, I am a manager in Bright research firm and I lead your account,” I replied simply but at this he bent down and slowly caressing my bare shoulder he whispered in my ear, “I know what you do, I am asking who you are?” his seductive tone made me gulp my own saliva. God, what is happening to me? I have never felt such rush, such passion ever before.

It took every ounce of self-control not to jump on his perfection. I drew a huge breath as I took a step back. The champagne must have made his breath toxic because I felt light-headed.

“I need to use the powder-room,” I announced hastily. I needed a moment to compose myself. He stepped back with a sigh and after staring at me for a second, he pointed for a waitress. Evidently, all eyes were waiting on him, he just needed to flick his fingers and help was there.

“Take madam to the powder-room,” he ordered and the waitress led the way.

“You will be all okay ma’am?” she asked opening the door for me.

“Yes thanks!” I replied with a smile and entered the bathroom.

I placed myself on a small stool that was neatly kept in the corner. I was in no need to use the facilities; all I wanted was some space. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I felt so confused and my whole body was struggling to get in terms of the proximity with him. I closed my eyes for a moment but the noise of the toilet flushing forced them wide open again. From where I sat, I could see the reflection of the gap in the door. Mr. Malani was talking to the waitress. The waitress entered the bathroom for half a minute and after checking all cubicles she left with a smile. Once the other occupant of the bathroom exited, he entered – now I could only see the back of the waitress by the door. Did he ask the waitress to check the occupants of the bathroom? Did he ask the waitress to keep watch on the door while he came in? Did he really just come into the ladies room?

“Are you okay?” he asked as he noticed me shrouding in the corner.

“This is the ladies room. What are you doing here?” I demanded. He had some nerves on him acting like this.

“I thought you were not feeling too good, I was just concerned,” his polite flirtatious tone caught me off guard. This was very new for me. My mind and my body were not at all ready for such experience. My whole body was burning hot now and I knew it was not from anger. I felt a throbbing pain in certain body parts where I had never felt before, well not at least due to a real-life man. What was happening to me? Carefully I crossed my legs, hoping to contain whatever it was.

“I think I am coming down with a fever or something,” I replied wiping my forehead with a tissue.

“Oh no,” he was instantly on his knees and he gently placed his hand on my forehead. I was about to lose focus when he spoke, “you don’t feel hot? Did you eat something?” he asked concerned, in his British tone.

“Oh, I do feel hot.” Did it just come out in a dangerously inviting tone? His face lit up with a devious grin.

“I think I should go,” I announced as I started to get up but he pulled me down.

“Mr. Malani, what are you doing?” I wanted to shout but it came out as a whisper. My mind had totally lost its power of comprehension.

“It’s Shaun please and I want to know you,” he tilted his head with a sensuous look.

“What do you want to know?” I offered, losing the battle of self-control.


“I am just me Sir.”

“No Sir, no Mr. Malani, just Shaun,” he ordered raising his perfect finger and I nodded.

“Well, introduce yourself,” he insisted and after composing myself, I obliged.

“I am Kaya Malhotra, I am basically from Mumbai but my parents were in a transferable job so I am kind of from Maharashtra state. I like to read, write and I live here with my husband,” suddenly his expressions changed and his smile absconded.

“You are married?” he asked standing up.

“Yes,” I whispered. His words brought me back to my senses. Oh my God, what am I doing? I am married.

“For how long?”

“Seven years,” I found weightage in my own voice.

“How old are you?” he asked confused. Normally women took offence with this question but given my career and status, I took pleasure in rubbing my age in people’s face. However today, the question seemed to have a different motive.

“I am 28,” I replied simply.

“You got married at 21?” he asked in an insulting tone.

“More like 20 but how does it concern you?” I took offence to his tone.

“Do you love him?” he asked.

“Of course!” my immediate intense answer took him by surprise. He stared at me for a moment then asked, “Any kids?”

These two words always brought sorrow to my life. “No,” I replied under my breath.

“Why?” he dared.

“It’s personal and it’s none of your business,” I hissed angrily.

“You are married for seven years and you are 28. Your husband must be at least 2–3 years older than you are. Even in England people pressurize you to have kids after this long, I believe India is worse. Moreover, when I asked, your eyes turned sad. What is it? Why do you have no kids?” he asked and anger rose in me. How quickly and easily he dissected my whole life!

“It’s none of your concern,” I barked standing up.

“I just want to know,” he demanded and I shrugged him.

“Why?” I demanded in equivalent tone.

“Because your eyes have a depth of sadness. I can feel a void in your life and it clearly is not just because of kids. What is wrong Kaya?” he finished the sentence in a whisper. It felt like his eyes were trying to read something deep in me. His gaze penetrated mine and the way he whispered my name in his sexy accented voice, I almost lost control over myself.

“What is it to you?” I asked controlling myself and he paused for a moment.

“I don’t know. It’s like I know you,” and his words rushed a wave of confusion in me. My knee gave in and I sat back.

“I need to leave,” I whispered.

“I will take you home,” he offered immediately.

“No thanks.”

“Please, Kaya. Let me help,” he insisted. He slowly tilted his head sideways, flirting.

“I don’t need your help,” I spoke with as much courage as I could muster.


“Listen, I am married and I not available for one-night stands, okay? No matter the price you offer.”

“What?” he was clearly alarmed.

“Yes, and I have a husband, he will pick me up,” and I pulled out my phone and dialled.

“Pick me up now,” I barked into the phone.

“What’s wrong? Is everything ok?” Daksh asked worriedly.

“Yes, sorry. I am not feeling too well. Please, will you pick me up?” I requested this time. His voice usually calmed me but this time, the effect was a little less than usual.

“On my way,” he started to hang up but I stopped, “and honey, please wear something decent,” I smiled at his reply and hung up.

“You really love your husband?” Shaun enquired. He looked terribly upset and I took a deep breath to control my urge to console him.

“Of course!” I had no doubt in myself that I loved Daksh. I fell in love with him the day I met him, but… well, these buts were something that should stay behind our bedroom doors.

“I will let you be then,” at this, he stood back up and held out his hand to shake. The moment I touched it, I don’t know what happened but I felt a strong definite jolt.

Either my expressions gave away or he felt the same because he gasped suddenly and his lips parted. It took all of my self-control not to jump on them. I started to take my hand back but he bent and gently kissed my cheek. A dreamy state fogged my eyes for a moment and my throat went all dry. Failing to compose myself, I hurried outside hoping he would not follow.