
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Komik
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28 Chs

Chapter 16

I look up and smile a little when I see my home above the ground. I look at the massive golem in front of me with a smile. This is the workforce of [Merchant of the Nine Worlds], an endless golem.

This is an item I got from Niðavellir, also known as the Dwarf's world, where the largest factory and any kind of workplace are located. These golems are level 55 monsters that work in all workplaces of Niðavellir.

They have unlimited stamina and can work every day without stopping. But, sadly, they cannot move automatically and need to be ordered around every time a new direction needs to be done.

Currently, the golem is constructing another palace for me. Unfortunately, it looks like my guardian decided that only a grand palace is worthy of me.

Sometimes I hope they do not treat me as if I'm a god or something.

Anyway, the construction has been going on for seven days, and with more than a thousand workers and the help of magic, the construction is almost over.

"What do you think, my lord?"

I look to the side and see Yue Yamamura, the guardian of the second floor, standing next to me. She is the one who is controlling all the golems that are currently active. She usually takes direct control during the day and lets the golem work automatically at night.

Right now, she is controlling all of them using her class called [Orpheus], the highest class for [Puppeteer] class. She can control a thousand Golems under level 60.

Sadly, in the game building, a level 50 Golem is hard enough, and to build a thousand of them? It will take a long time and resources to make. I'm lucky to have that item that can summon a thousand golems at once.

"How is it? Is there any time limit on these Golems?"

I ask this question because, in YGGDRASIL, there is a time limit for each summon unless it is an NPC.

"I don't feel my connection to the Golem weakens, my lord. I don't think the Golems army will go away soon."

"I see."

Does that mean all of my summoner creatures will not get away? I will test them later.

"How is the construction?"

"The progress is within our expectations. Daedalus is working overtime because of your order, my lord."

"Oh? Tell him not to force himself, okay?"

Daedalus, a level hundred support and the head butler of all the maids in my guild base. I cram a lot of support jobs into him and one fighting class called [Striker] with two more advantaged jobs to make him able to defend himself.

"I don't think it was possible, my lord. If you come personally to us and give us an order directly, we will do our best to fulfill your order."

"Even without sleep?"

"Fufufufu~ You know we can stay awake for a month, right?"

"I know. However, sleep is a privilege, you know?"

I know this because many people cannot sleep in my second life. The people in the poorer area need something called 'Brain Rest' because of how bad the pollution in that area is. It was some kind of drug that let the human brain rest.

Sadly, it can only be used three times a week, and their eyes cannot be closed during the duration of the rest. Because of this, they also need to buy a special eye drop that makes their eyes relax a little.

It was not the way to live your life. It was torture. I don't want to experience that life.

"I see. Then I will inform him to take a nap once in a while."


I look at the construction side for a few seconds before saying.

"How about the other guardian?"

"They are doing their job, my lord. The first-floor guardian is busy going to the north and checking if there is something they can take for your collection. The second-floor guardian goes to the east, and the third-floor guardian goes to the west. The fourth and the fifth are busy making a perfect barrier around your new kingdom."

"My new kingdom, huh? You decide to make me a king?"

"Of course! We remember how the nine worlds fall because they cannot agree on one action and keep bickering. The world needs a strong leader, and you are the only one who deserves the title of king because you are the King of all Kings. You are the ruler of Death and Life, Space and Time!"

I ignored her rant as it was getting to a dangerous level. I know that I have a job that sounds like that, but I will not admit that I'm a ruler of Death and Life, Space and Time.


"Ah! I'm sorry for my rambling, my lord."

"Don't mention it. Anyway, I will leave the project to you, okay?"

"Leave it to me, my lord."

I nod and rub one of the rings on my finger. This guild ring lets me teleport to every floor inside my guild base. A second later, I arrived on the first floor of [Himinbjörg]. Hmmm, I really need to change the name of this place because it was no longer [Himinbjörg] as the dev already changed it.

I can name this place, Arcanum! The palace of magic and wonder! Yes! Let's do that.

I shake my head and walk through the first floor of Arcanum. The first floor is the military place. After the change, we got a lot of space to renovate. Because of this, I changed the first floor to a storage room for any low-level items and a hidden garden at the back of the first floor. This floor is also where the kitchen, bar, and training area are located.

This is also the floor where the maid and butler of Arcanum sleep. At least three hundred empty rooms can be used for anyone to stay. It might sound possible since the palace looks like it is not big but has a bigger interior than the outside.

It was bigger on the inside than the outside; on each floor, it got even bigger the higher the floor.

"My lord."

I look to the side, and Lorelai and Natasha bow at me when I arrive.

"Raise your head."

When I see them raise their heads, I nod my head.

"What can we do for you, my lord?"

Natasha and Lorelai say at the same time.

"I'm hungry and want to go to the dining area. Will you two accompany me?"

"Of course, my lord!"

I smile at them, and we walk toward the dining area, where I can see many maids and butlers having some lunch. However, when they see me, they abandon what they are doing and quickly bow in front of me.

I sigh tiredly. This is really tiring.

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