
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Sword Heart and a Stupid Buffalo

Trevor for the first time withdrew his sword from the bag.

He himself has never seen a real sword before, but he was enraptured by the sight of the shining edge. Adorned with ornate tsuba (handguard) and menuki (decorative handle ornaments), the katana is not merely a weapon but a work of art, embodying the spirit of discipline and honour.

Inside, he felt something he had never felt when he drew his finger across the cold blade.

Just as he was wondering, a short prompt from Alice appeared

[Congratulations, you have awakened your innate Sword Dao Chaos heart!]

"What the shit? Sword Dao Chaos heart, bloody hell, my luck is soaring day by day! Hey Alice, what does this entail?"

[The Sword Dao Chaos heart is a Divine level physique. Physiques are divided into common, great, King, Supreme, Divine, NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY and more]

[Trevor has a great potential from using the sword and will be able to cultivate sword techniques and sword mystical powers at a far greater rate and produce a far greater strength. If you have enough materials, you can possibly upgrade your Sword Dao Chaos heart in the NOT ENOUGH AUTHORITY]

[It has another property that you do not have enough power to access nor authority to know]

Trevor was astounded by the incredibleness of the physique or 'heart'. Why is it called a heart if it is a physique? Why not the Sword Dao Chaos Physique?"

Whilst he was pondering this, he was struck with another realisation.

"Man, seriously, so much not enough authority?"

Trevor was once more in sadness.

He quickly inspected the sword once more before starting to swing it around.

Trevor's motions seemed natural, like flowing water, like the Dao.

Trevor swung his sword with effortless grace. With each fluid motion, his new-found physique showcased new strength and agility. As he sliced through the air, the rhythmic sound of the blade meeting no resistance, revealing Trevor's apparent skill and precision.

It was as if he already knew the art of the sword, being able to thrust and jab with the help from the Sword Dao Chaos heart. Paired with the basic sword skill mystical powers that allowed him to do accurate vertical slashes, strong lunges, quick parries and an elaborate feint.

"Heh, with this, I could probably destroy that buffalo. I can get some good meat..."

Trevor had some drool leaking from his mouth. He hadn't had a good proper meal other than beef jerky and water in the few days he had been here.

Quickly, he teleported away.


Within another sector of the Palace, 10 individuals had decided to set base camp.

The Palace was so large that Trevor would never have realised that he had some uninvited guests staying at his place.

"Guys, did you feel that aura, that was a physique awakening."

A short stout man suddenly said whilst looking directly at a wall.

The nine other people also opened their eyes, stopping their mental battle and peered using their soul to sense the phenomenon.

"Indeed, it is that guy. He awakened as divine level physique. How impressive." Jasmine said whilst staring through space to look at Trevor flailing his arms about. "He has some talent. With the upcoming events by the sect leaders, he will be getting even more opportunity for the next few days."

"Hmph. He is still just trash right now. I see he is trying to build a supreme body refining foundation. And though he may succeed, will he ever build a supreme Qi Condensation condenser. These peasants should simply be grateful for the opportunity that the sect leaders gave them."

A man packed with muscle and a sabre strapped to his waist spoke suddenly. At first, his voice was filled with disdain for the people from such a backward universe, but his voice grew excited when talking about the sect leaders.

The few women stared at him whilst the other men couldn't care less.

The quickly went back to their mental spar, the other nine besieging Jasmine.


Trevor appeared in between two archways and a few scattered beds.

He unhesitatingly started to travel though the growing masses of people and right out into the outside world. Many people thought that he was just a cocky fool who believed that he could do anything.

Just after stepping out of the red film, Trevor could smell the scent of blood. Trevor's face grimaced whilst looking at the crimson stained grass and rotting corpses of beasts and humans.

Nevertheless, a determined expression emerged.

"I will never face such a shit death and die from being eaten alive."

Whilst saddened by the deaths of the humans, he still carried on towards the direction of the buffalo and the tree.

Due to the great increase in his body strength, he managed to reduce the time taken to travel from a good 20 minutes down to 14.

Quickly, he came across the alcove once more. There sat the fat and juicy buffalo. It would be a great feast to eat.

Trevor pulled out the sword from the bag and steadily approached from behind the buffalo. The buffalo in deep sleep didn't realise anything.

"Heh Heh, easy prey." Trevor took step after step until... "Crack"

Trevor looked down and saw his foot stepping on a twig now in two. Then he looked backup to see a buffalo staring at him. As if realising who it was, the buffalo's eyes turned a dark red and immediately charged at him.

Unfazed by the approaching giant, Trevor stood stock still as the beast lowered its head to strike Trevor.

Just he was about to be turned into a bloody pulp, Trevor did a short sidestep, allowing his body to move to the side and avoid the entire buffalo, raised his sword even faster then used all of his stored strength to do a strong overhead chop, lobbing the entire head off.

The body ran for a few more seconds, walked for 3 more than fell down, blood gushing out of the stump of its head.

"Easy kill. Honestly a stupid beast."

[Low spirit stone +6000]

Trevor chuckled whilst walking up to the buffalo and collecting the reward. He inefficiently butchered up the buffalo, leaving tattered pieces of meat left on the bones whilst obtaining ugly pieces of meat to eat. Whilst prodding around the body to find more meat, a soft red glow appeared.

Trevor's heart skipped a beat as he immediately grabbed for the object.

Pulling it out, he saw what seemed to be red marble.

Knowing what it was, Trevor immediately stored it whilst walking further into the forest to find more beasts to kill. If he was not wrong, it was a beast core.

Whilst stepping out of the alcove, he saw a Body refining realm devil rabbit. Wanting to test something, he threw his sword directly at the unsuspecting rabbit and immediately decapitated it. After tearing it apart, he couldn't find any sort of core.

"Well, I guess that the beasts need at least a Qi Condensation Realm to produce a core. No matter, just more hunting."

He then ran further into the woods.

5 hours later, he managed to obtain 7 more cores of the Qi Condensation realm whilst obtaining 4 more energy fruit and an unguarded uncommon level star grass. He was unbelievably happy with the star grass as it will help him go from the second to fourth refinement immediately.

Finally, he turned back. Trevor had not dared to stray further than around 30 kilometres from the exit in case something bad happened.

Whilst walking through the forest to return, Trevor spotted a cave with a soft light coming from inside. Although caves aren't normally seen in forests, caves in books equal treasure. Thus interested, he walked inside.