
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Hanging out and killing some bandits.

Around ten minutes later, Li Xian appeared in his view. Compared to before, he was slightly thinner, like a pencil that was bulging from the middle. His fast pace surprised Trevor, but he quickly regained his composure. After all, I am way faster than you he thought.

"Yo, Trevor!"

Li Xian shouted loudly. Some people around looked in his direction only to not be bothered. People who can run at that speed and shout at the power are now not fascinating nor impressive. A few days ago yes but now...

Not long after Trevor could see Li Xian's silhouette, a soft rumbling sounded from behind him.

A tall stick like man with light brown skin wearing a dusty white thobe appeared next to Li Xian. The two looked at each other and started running faster.

Unfortunately for Li Xian, he is only at the most basic skin-refining realm whilst Mohammed was at the muscle-refining realm.

Mohammed finally started to slow down around 50 metres from Trevor. A small dust cloud flew over to Trevor which he swiped away with a small movement of his hand. Now that he is at the pinnacle of the body refining realm, he is able to somewhat control the Qi inside of his body and use it externally. In fact, just being at the meridian-refining allows one to do that. However he hasn't tried doing so for a long time, thus hasn't fully gotten the use of it.

Mohammed was impressed by the fact that Trevor could do that. He himself was still under the controlled system and thus didn't know anything more than the level one authority he had after breaking through. Nevertheless, he still knew that rank 2 cultivators were the ones that could control energy.

Mohammed himself was a Mana cultivator and could barely control it to any degree.

Hours and hours later, Li Xian finally came.

"Damn you. You beat me this time, but you most certainly won't do the next."

Mohammed grinned at him. "Isn't there some old saying about how a defeated person can be defeated once more."

Li Xian grimaced and looked away towards Trevor. "Hey Trev, what's up."

Trevor simply snickered and ignored him.

"Guys, let's go hunting now. It is going to be just like going to Disneyland like that one time, but now we just kill some beasts. Hope you guys don't piss yourself when some blood lands in your eye."

Trevor quickly ran off, leaving an evident trail of footsteps for the other two to follow. They both ran after him with Li Xian falling behind.

He stopped next to the forest. Now, there was a basic wooden fortification, probably the work of some of the palace staff. Compared to the plains after exiting the gate, the walls were full of people. Many were bustling about selling their stuff and some where injured and being rushed back to sub-city 1.

Of course, amongst the thousands and colliding people, there were many profiteers trying to snatch stuff from people. Most of the time, they won't get anything as people would put it into their bag and those that were willing to display their objects were going to be powerful.

Nevertheless, stuff happens and some found that their hard looted goblin ears that they left in the pocket disappeared. Heck, even people disappeared, pulled into the crowd by some. Outside of the walls, everybody was at risk. Be it nature or their supposed allies.

However, unlike the majority of the rag tag group of people searching for opportunity, there were some large and organised groups holding up flags.

"Do you see that bro. It's your first time here so you may not have seen them yet. They are the infamous skull bandit guild. They group up and bully people and take people's stuff when they return here. When you return, make sure you go up north more to not meet with these criminals. They have too much blood on their hands."

Around twenty men were sitting near the open entrance of the fort. The wall itself was not very tall, only a metre or so, and thin enough to break, however no one dares to jump over them in this area. The bandit guild has men patrolling to make sure that no one jumps and tries to run off without paying their entrance toll.

Many of the people here were angry. Either they heard of their stories or were personally robbed by them. Some of the more furious ones had family or friends killed by them. But, they do not dare confront them as the last time they did so, the protestors were 'invited' away to resolve the problem. Guess what, they didn't return. The only ones that returned were smug guards with a smirk on their face, their sheathed blades evidently dripping with blood.

Suddenly, some shocked and surprised voices came from the crowd.

"Hey look, it's the palace guards, they came to deal with these bandits again."

"Yeh. Perhaps they can deal with them this time. I heard that they destroyed the other bandits and looted them. Although they didn't return the loot stolen from us, at least they make sure that we won't get stolen from."

"You may be right, but this is the fifth time that they came to deal with them. The last time, 3 of the palace members were killed by them before the bandits retreated into the woods. I dare them to go to the city. Their evilness will make their red aura evident from anywhere in the city."

"..." "..." "..."

Trevor was greatly angered hearing the people talk about his employees deaths. Although he doesn't really care about the palace affairs, they are still his people. He wouldn't allow them to die so needlessly.

Mohammed had already reached him and frowned listening to the people talk. Li Xian was leaning onto his knees panting. He was too tired to hear.

"You two, give me a bit. I'm going to look around more and see what is happening."

Mohammed and Li Xian didn't say anything. They knew that Trevor should be stronger than them because of his speed. They nodded and waited for him near the outskirts whilst Trevor snaked through the crowd.

If only they knew that Trevor hadn't properly tried.

People were already starting to move away as the platoon neared, leaving members of the bandit guild clear and easy to see as they drew their weapons to attack the guards.

Trevor however isn't one of those idiots that prance around and wait for an opportunity to show off. He summoned his sword from the bag and activated his physique. He drew his sword from the shield, preparing to strike all of them down at the same time.

The people around glanced and looked at him, not caring. He probably just wants to defend himself.

Muttering under his breath, "one, ten, twenty, fifty three, not too bad."

The bandits were not looking at the crowd too much and didn't take notice to Trevor, watching as the platoon drew closer.

Whilst everyone was observing the guild, everyones mouths dropped as they suddenly saw that all of the heads of the guild slowly slide off of their necks onto the ground. Their faces still showed the same expression of excitement when they were about to face the palace guards as they fell on the into the dirt.

"Oh shit. There's an expert amongst us."

People started looking around. Somebody had asked Trevor but he simply shook his head and went to return to his friends.

They were simply too weak. A single swipe without him having to move already caused them to die. They had no sense of danger whatsoever. Whatever, it is me reaping the benefits after all. My employees get stronger.

If others were to hear him, they would want to strangle him whilst pouring molten silver down his throat.

Weak? All of the members were in the organ refining stage, the leader was even at the meridian refining stage. How are they weak? However, in comparison to the talented pinnacle body refining stage cultivator, the bandits were just lamb at a slaughter.

The platoon soon arrived as Trevor and the other two walked into the forest. They too were surprised by the deaths. They had specially invited on of the generals to help kill the leader. The general is about to break through to the second refinement and is one of the strongest people in the new military.

However they were still joyous as they suffered no losses and only benefits. After some perfunctory questions for the public, they gathered the loot and left. The general was disappointed as he didn't have the chance to fight and kill a good enemy, an expert with the strength of at least his leader, the general king.

He shook off his thoughts. This person cannot harm him if he is in the city. He imagined the person as a big bulky man carrying a great sword long enough to decapitate all of the bandits.

He would have never expected it to be a pretty boy walking around and chatting in the forest. He was also, you know, his King.