
Travelling To A Different World

Arthur was your normal college student on Earth. But somehow got transferred to a completely different world! The world which is thousands of years ahead of Earth in terms of technology. A world full of Aliens, Monsters, and even Vampires. Join him in his journey of exploring the unlimited possibilities. 2 chapters/day _____________________ **I don't own the cover photo. If it's yours and you want it removed. Please tell me :)

eternaldream · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


"I will talk to her tomorrow... No, I will talk to her now. I am going, See you later." Nicolas quickly stood up and literally ran towards the exit.

"Okay, keep me posted of the follow up" Arthur shouted and waved his hand. He didn't tell him that Lana also liked him. He wanted Nicolas to be completely honest with her.

Sometimes this kind of nervousness is the funny part about a relationship that we remember for life...

"Now back to business. But before that let me change the venue again. Nothing is better than staying in my own room. I don't want to be disturbed again." Arthur also got up to leave.

After following the same path, he smoothly arrived at his room.

As he entered the room he suddenly remembered something very important.

"Adam. Can you show me my body's data? I remember reading some novels regarding this matter. I always thought it was pretty cool."

[Sir, I don't know much about the kinds of novels you read. But... If you are talking about the digitized version of your body's data, then I can definitely show it to you. ]

[Would you like to see it now, sir?]

"Of course I want to see it now! Show it to me." Arthur became excited.

[Digitizing Data>>>]

Name- Arthur

Race- Human(male)

Gene Class- A

Current Gene Sequence- [6%] Unlocked

Stage- Apprentice

Strength- 650 KG

Height- 184 cm

Evaluation- Too weak for Evaluation.

Tip- Unlock genes as soon as possible.

"That's fucking great! But what the fuck do you mean by too weak for evaluation? I have unlocked 6% Gene code..." Arthur was surprised first but soon became depressed.

He had a strength of 650 KG that meant he could lift this much weight. While he was on Earth, he could barely lift 100 KG... forget about lifting 650.


Apprentice- [1% to 10%]

Master- [11% to 50%]

Grand Master- [51% to 100%]

Apprentice: every % increases 100 KG strength

Master: Every % increases 1000 KG strength

Grandmaster: Every % increases 10,000 KG strength


Apprentices could increase their strength by 100 KG with each percent unlocked. There were three stages of gene code unlock. Limiters were placed at going from one level to another, such as from Apprentice to Master. These limiters were very hard to break.

"According to the normal scenario, I should have only about 600 KG of strength, but where does this extra 50 KG come from?" Arthur was again confused with the date reflected in front of his eyes.

[Because you were baptized by the cosmic energy, you have extra 50 KG strength. As your strength increases, this difference will also increase. That's just one of the benefits you got.]

[The human's genes need to be unlocked to achieve the full potential.]

[This can be done by absorbing cosmic energy little by little.]

[Cosmic energy helps is unlocking the gene sequence.]

[But the energy absorbed is not properly refined so the strength of humans is limited. Because you absorbed extremely refined and pure cosmic energy, your genes have got an unprecedented improvement.]

"The Cosmic Energy again... Wait! Do you probably have some way I could earn some credits real quick?" Arthur suddenly got a wonderful Idea. Maybe this Adam could help him earn enough credits to buy cosmic coins. After all, he was a living AI.

[Let me check the network of this planet.]

Arthur's smart ring shined briefly and just after a moment, it went normal.

"Hey what the fuck are you doing?" Arthur got scared because he found that he couldn't access his smart ring. It was literally needed for every fucking thing on this planet. If it broke, he was fucked.

[Infiltration successful.]

[Scanning Information.]



[Scan Complete.]

"Hey! You hear me? Is my ring okay?" Arthur constantly tried to access his ring but he failed every time.

[I have just infiltrated the Skynet of this planet. To do that I had to access your smart ring and through it, access the Skynet.]

[Don't worry your smart ring will reboot in a few minutes. It's perfectly fine.]

"Thank god!" Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

"So did you find anything?" He asked again.

[Yes there are a total of 112098 possible ways to earn credits.]

[Modifying result based on your qualification and strength.]



[Total results-3]

"Okay, show me." Arthur was eager to earn credits.

[1: Sell your body for experiments to the R and D department of Jean Labs. You will get 1 million Federation Credits plus a retirement benefit.]

"FUCK. What the fuck do you think I am? I want to live to enjoy that much money. Next" Arthur exploded as soon as he heard the first option.

[2: Sell the formula for gene serum to the Jean Labs. Although you don't have any formula, But I have the formula for all kinds of gene serums in my database.]

"Jean Labs again... as you could expect from a huge company like this." Arthur rubbed his chin. Although this option was by far the best, the amount of risk involved was also greater.

Gene Serum was used to incorporate the genes of different species with the human genes. Just the task of production of Gene Serum was by no means a small matter.

As different genes were very hard to merge, in case of any kind of rejection from the user's body... the only result is death.

So the new formula for Gene Serum was in very high demand. If he sold it to the market, he will surely be tracked and hunted for the source of information.

It was nearly impossible to hide in this era of modern technology. He wasn't sure of hiding from the Skynet which was literally watching over him at every point of time.

"Quickly tell me the last option." Arthur pinned all his hopes on the last option.

[3: Participate in the Race that is about to happen tonight. I can control all the vehicles through your smart ring's signal so you wouldn't need to do anything.]

"That's great. Just fucking great." Arthur grinned, he finally found a way to buy cosmic coins.

[Well, except having a car as you don't have one.]

"..." Arthur