

It has been few days since Jeanne has joined us. She has been getting along with others well and she even doesn't hold any grudge against Akeno who beat her before as they both talk to each other frankly. When Jeanne knew about Ophis' true identity she was shocked to see her and also a bit afraid but after one day of seeing and talking to everyone she also started interacting with Ophis.

Jeanne also talked to me as she acted a bit cheerful around me and tried to ask me many things about how I am this strong. She also asked me how can I get this much girls agree to be my girlfriend.

In these days We also tour Kyoto as Yasaka guided

us to many different places. Kunou also came with us as she held my hand whenever we walked somewhere. I have already told others about Yasaka already being my girlfriend and also about Kunou's decision.

Even Yasaka and Kunou has also joined while we take bath in hot springs. Although Kunou is still embarrassed but she still decided to join in. Rossweisse is still embarrassed about taking bath with me as other pulled her together with them. Serafall has also returned from Underworld to enjoy with us and her 'Son-tan'.

Today when we all are chatting with each other and Yasaka and Kunou, We all heard a news as Serafall said

Serafall :"You were right, Issei. Some Monsters have attacked Underworld. "

I knew that it was going to happen when Hades kidnapped Leonardo seeing his hatred of Devils. So I said

Issei :"Let's go then I think we also have to help them to get rid of those monsters. "

Yasaka :"I will also come with you and Youkai Faction will also help Underworld. "

Issei :"Ok."

After this we all teleported to Underworld with Serafall and Others.When we reach in Underworld we saw a nearly 200-Meter tall Jabberwocky attacking Grayfia and some other Devils who are fighting it. There are also 12 other nearly 100 metres tall monsters who are also attacking Underworld. They are Bandersnatches. I know that these are Made by Annihilation Maker's Balance Break.

Although Grayfia and others are fighting Jabberwocky but they can't do anything to it as it gets healed instantly as it never got attacked and at the same time it is also spawning small monsters to attack and destroy its surroundings. Bandersnatches are also attacking as they are also spawning small monsters to destroy their surroundings more.

Seeing all this, Rias first spoke up

Rias :"I am going to help them. "

Sona :"I am also going to help them. "

Then they all moved as they started attacking Bandersnatches and the small monsters. I was also going to move to Jabberwocky but Serafall said

Serafall :"Let me handle it. "

Tiamat :"I also want to fight it to test the increase in my powers. "

Saying this they both moved to Jabberwocky, I know that they can handle it now due to their powers together. So I didn't say anything and moved towards others to help them.

When They both reach to where Grayfia and other devuls are fighting Jabberwocky, Serafall freezes the area and small monsters around Jabberwocky to stop them from more destruction. Then she said to Grayfia and others.

Serafall :"Let us handle it you all should handle the others. "

Grayfia :"Okay. "

Grayfia :"But I will be here to help you. "

Serafall only nodded before starting to attack the Jabberwocky with Grayfia with various Ice spells as many Ice lances and ice swords attacked him. When they touched his body, his body got many cuts but they instantly got healed. Then Serafall again attacked him with more attacks as they all clashed with his body. Tiamat also started attacking him with her Dragon Breath. as she turned into her Dragon Form.

When they started fighting The Jabberwocky, I also moved to the Bandersnatches as I formed 12 Lighting Flame tornados around me and said to others

Issei :"Get away from the Bandersnatches. "

When they heard me everyone got away from those monsters as I released all twelve Tornados and guided them using my space magic to where those monsters are.

Then those tornados started covering those monsters as their bodies started getting burn with both lightning and flames and also getting cut due to the winds of the Tornado as I had increased their powers to max to kill them. And in just a few seconds all the Twelve Bandersnatches disappeared from their places without any evidence except the destruction they caused.

On the other hand, After fighting Jabberwocky for sometime Serafall started using a fire spell as it blasted a very big part of Jabberwocky and then Tiamat sent him flying in air using her Dragon body and tail. After which Serafall again used a powerful Freeze on him which freezes him in air. Then Grayfia fired a demonic magic towards him and Tiamat also used her Dragonbreath to attack him.

As the both attacks hit Jabberwocky who was in air, a large blast took place sending shockwaves all around him. after the blast disappears The Jabberwocky got disappeared without any traces. But Serafall and other two also look tired using most of their magic.

Then after this they all started cleaning the small monsters whichare there. Just as I was going to Serafall, Tiamat and Grafiya someone appeared in air and said

???:"So you all have already defeated those monsters. "

??? :"I thought it will take you more time than that but you all are really powerful. "

When I saw him I immediately knew who he is so I asked

Issei :"Why are you here, Pluto? "

He is the Ultimate class Grim Reaper Pluto under Hades. When he heard me recognising him, he said

Pluto :"It's good that you already know me. "

Pluto :" And for what you asked I am here to take Ophis with me. "

Issei :"Do you really think you have the power to take her with you? "

I just released my pressure on him when I said this. But then Vali appeared in the battlefield as he said

Vali :"Let me fight him. "

Saying this he moved towards him as he activated his Balance breaker thenhis Juggernaut Drive and he started beating Pluto as he cut his arm out. After few seconds of beating Vali entered in his new form Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive and Used his Compression Divider to halves Pluto continuously until nothing remained of him as Pluto dies. But after this he immediately dispelled his armor as a sweating Vali appeared in front of us. I know that his new ability is powerful but also drains him very much.

After this Just as I was going to move to Serafall again someone appeared and said

??? :"You have killed Pluto but you all will not be able to save yourselves. "

I know who he is and I wasn't expecting to meet him now, he is Hades. But as I was going to move towards him to beat him, many Grim Reapers appeared around him as they started attacking everyone there.

But then again he summoned something as a creature with upper body of a Fallen Angel and lower body of an Asian Dragon appeared in front of me. He is crucified on a large cross with nails driven into various part of his body as well as several other restraints that had ancient letters written on them. His eyes are also covered with a blindfold that had tears of blood dripping from underneath it. It is Samael, The Dragon Eater.

When I saw it I knew that it is not good for me and others so I moved away from him and also took Vali with me. Seeing me like this Vali asked

Vali :"What is that? "

Issei :"That's something which is the manifestion of God's hatred himself and a deadly weapon against Dragons and snakes-rekated beings. It's name is Samael. "

Hearing me Vali got shocked Then I put him down few meters away. Then Hades ordered Samael to attack Ophis who is standing next to Rose but just as he ordered I took out Ascalon which also has Dragon Slayer property inside it. Then I transformed into My Balance Breaker and used boost


I transferred everything to Ascalon as it started shining with a very bright light. Then I slashed it at the tongue of Samael that was moving towards Ophis. The Ascalon cut through his tongue I easily feeling only a little resistance initially. When his tongue got cut his blood sprayed all over my body and the sword.


I screamed as Samael's blood started eating my armor as it entered in my body through pores and started travelling in my body giving me an immense amount of pain. When My girls saw this they started tearing up.

Asia moved towards me and started trying to heal me while tearing falling from her eyes. But she couldn't do anything as my condition getting Seeing this Vali entered his Balance Breaker and Then Juggernaut Drive as he started attacking Hades. Then I said

Issei :"Help.... him. "

When I said all the girls looked towards Hades with anger as Kuroka, Shuri, Akari, Sara started attacking him. Rose also wanted to attack him but she knew if she did that everything will be destroyed. So she moved towards me with Ophis. When Ophis reached me she was also having a bit twary eyes seeing me and she said

Ophis :"Let me help you. "

Saying this she placed her hands on my chest as strength started returning in my body. But it was still not enough to cure Samael's poison due to Ophis also being a Dragon. In my mindscape Ddraig was also panicking due to this as she said to Jen

Ddraig :"Jen...Is there anything that can help him. "

[Don't worry, I will not let Issei die. ]

Issei :"So you mean you have something that can cure this Poison. "

[Yes, I have. You can buy a Highest Grade Detoxification potion for 100M SP. ]

Although the Price is heavy but it doesn't matter right now so I quickly said

Issei :"Buy it. "

[ You have bought a highest grade Detoxification potion. Due to your condition, I will help you use it. ]

After this I felt Something inside my body as it started healing me and fighting Samael's Poison. After it started healing me and due to Ophis transferring her power to me I felt better as I sat up and my body started recovering due to the potion. Seeing me recoverjng Asia hugged me tightly as she said

Asia :"You are....Sniff....Okay, Issei. "

I just let her hug me and then Ophis and Rose also hugged me. After sometime she Asia calmed down she released me and I kissed on her forehead. I can also feel the effect of Samael's Poison decreasing inside my body so I moved towards Hades who is fighting Vali, Kuroka, Shuri, Akari and Sara.

Hades is already on defeating side due to Vali and others as they also are strong. Kuroka, Shuri,Akari,Sara are already at level of Low -Satan -Class Devils and together they have also developed teamwork when they trained with each other.

After recovering a bit I used many wind slashes to eliminate the remaining grim reapers still fighting the Rias and others. Then I moved to Hades as I entered Balance Breaker and used boost and then said to Vali and others fighting him.

Issei :"Move away from him. "

They did what I said as they moved away Then I used my full power to fire a Fire Dragon God's Roar as a beam fired towards Hades.