
Premature Delivery

At night Tania felt an extraordinary pain in her stomach. He looked very agitated, the sweat on his body kept pouring down. That night King Anusapati slept with him, King Anusapati slept very soundly while hugging his wife from behind. But Tania continued to feel uncomfortable. The pain he felt in his stomach kept him moving and it woke Raja up.

"Honey, are you awake?" asked the King.

But Tania just silent. He didn't answer the King's question, but he kept moving. He moved his legs and held his stomach because the pain in his stomach really felt.

"What happened?"

The king began to feel that something was wrong with his wife. He also woke Tania's body and leaned Tania on his chest while helping to massage her stomach.

"I think I want to give birth," said Tania.

"What? Isn't it only seven months?"

The king was very surprised to hear that he immediately called the people around him.