
Traveling through worlds with a nano suit

A man dies and was given a chance to live again for a price and thanks to the limited power of the god the best choice of the three abilities he could choose from was the nano suit from the Crysis series game first world will be a zombie world. no surprise there since the god needs him to grow strong enough to accomplish his tasks

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64 Chs

Chapter 35 B'keuru, Another slap

The leader, of the group of 40 abandoned ones, was another demon that was sent here to collect Katherine's head under the request of his Master.

As for who it was heh he'll never tell even if he was tortured for months the demon was one of the death soldiers that served under the family for generations, to be used as disposal Assassins for anything from killing enemies to collecting bounties.

Unless they can grant his wish, but that's for later as it is story time~

He was one of the thousands of brainwashed children that were specifically trained to do their task until they died or succeeded only through success would they be able to return to their master to receive the promised freedom.

this was something that many of the death soldiers craved for, it was even more believable when some of them had met their seniors with families of their own.

At least that's what they truly believed in.

It was finally this one's turn, to accomplish his task and receive his freedom to finally be done with the seemingly endless struggles to survive.

This death soldier's name was B'keuru a rare hermaphrodite of their race making this person capable of using both gender-locked magics in this world, he is one of the few demons that can switch between genders or stay in between which he did before learning how to change.

With androgynous looks, B'keuru was Trained in the arts of seduction and assassination, and thanks to his/her circumstances, the training was more mentally crippling than anything, raped, beaten, trained, then a month-long mission before the cycle repeated itself this was the way of B'keuru's life until the age of 17 from 6 no love, no gratitude, just... numbness.

As for how many children B'keuru was forced to give birth to... the number was pretty high since demons have a minimum of 6 at a time with 3 months of carrying the children within their womb so you can imagine B'keuru's struggles of wanting to be free or to be 'free'.

Yes, one of the reasons why she/he wouldn't talk B'keuru wanted to die that badly... as many of this death soldier's children lived less than a year as the masters wanted to find out other ways on how to get stronger, without magic, through poison, elemental means, breaking the limits, test subjects for different medicines and countless others...

Oh how This Death soldier had longed for a chance in killing them despite the brainwashing and mental training they had given to ensure B'keuru's loyalty, it was just that NONE of those methods had worked!

So they resorted to the most expensive means... curse magic: enslavement a very powerful one at that to ensure her cooperation, as they began a decade worth of mental and physical torture since the 'Masters' were so curious about how much her children can handle, rendering all possible means of retaliation to become useless, to now only become their broodmare for more guinea pigs to experiment on for so long.

As for why they did such things to her children, Demon's may respect strength but they were greedy for power and made sure to keep control of their lands and authority, every single one of them was a potential powerhouse that could eventually bring ruin to their rule so as to make better use of their bodies thus the free guinea pigs, for any child born from B'keuru carried the same abilities of immunity against brainwashing since they currently lacked the resources, wealth and the intelligence on the term 'investments' they used the cruder choices in this situation.

So with 10 years of this, it was no wonder why B'keuru was so numb to everything, only to seek death since He had found a method to stop any possible inception within his body but the price was he had to completely switch to a single gender.

But enough about his past, his job now is to do this task at hand and hope to the unholy devil god that the damned pricks will finally keep their end of the bargain as what was said before seemed to not really apply to him.

"Stay low, move slow and keep out of sight."

He whispered to his 'loyal'(through physical persuasion) men that had followed him for some time.

So he ordered the people under him to begin their approach cautiously since the rival gang was completely eradicated judging from the lack of bodies and the church was still standing as Musfiop was known for his little hobby of burning places down especially of those that he killed.

so that meant one possible outcome as the man was too prideful to surrender while he would try to run when things are bad, it was unlikely that he was successful as that man always made a delayed reaction when things were going south for him.

He probably died full of fear before he was crushed somehow last time it happened it was his lower head B'keuru wondered what might've been crushed this time.

the sound of a whistle echoed through the air before one of his troops fell to the ground as a pool of blood quickly formed, making everyone in his group seek the nearest cover to hide from whatever it was in a panicked manner, while B'keuru, on the other hand, remained out in the open!

As he shouted out to his men since some were dumb enough to freeze in the line of fire.


By the time the survivors found cover 6 more were dead he clicked his tongue at their uselessness!

Panic and disarray began to take hold of his people before some of the idiots screamed, cried, yelled, to cope with the suddenly brutal situation.

one of the demons that was screaming while curled up heard something land on his hiding spot which made him flinch before the sound of beeping followed then a bright light!


One of the explosive arrows showed its prowess against their physique as blood and gore rained down on the other survivors further heightening the terror that filled their minds!

especially when these arrows remained invisible just like their attacker!

B'keuru wanted to die so badly yet he wanted it to be in the heat of battle but the attack remained unseen and there were more of these deadly attacks that could claim life leaving only sound as a trace and another that rivaled a fireball spell!

He roared out to attract the attention of his attacker and to somehow preserve the number of his troops as B'keuru gathered magic around his body preparing it for his stored spells, he was starting to get irritated by the slippery and mysterious means of attack against his group.


More of those whistling sounds echoed out this time heading for him, B'keuru quickly conjured a magic armor that barely deflected three long blurry objects that felt so heavy upon hitting the helmet!

His feet sunk past the snow into the ground underneath while the rest of this demon's body bent backward unnaturally to accommodate the weight and the uneven terrain!

He roared while increasing the output of his magic to resist the strange attack as his magic armor bolstered his physical strength momentarily as the snow around melted from it before getting to his feet as B'keuru's neck cracked from restoring back into place.

the sound of snow crunching was slightly not too far from him, so trusting his instinct he conjured a Spiked mace then threw it towards the direction of where he heard it as some sparks flew about a Blurry silhouette formed momentarily before disappearing again with the mace.

B'keuru hasn't realized it yet but he was smiling as to why... that brief moment that his hidden opponent had appeared the pressure from his mana was immense despite his mana core being so small.

He was a strong enemy!

Was the thought that came to mind as the sunken wish of revenge began to emerge!

He couldn't help himself before shout out full of madness and expectation!


Yes he had acknowledged him as a powerful being as well as a sign for his troops...

To run!

He cared no longer for his task, nor for anything else other than giving that family it's executioner!

While he looked around heatedly while bracing himself for his possibly last battle a figure to appear in front of him with his arm fully stretched as a Large golem had appeared that spoke coldly unlike the flat and unemotional kind that they generally do.

"Why don't you shut up?"

Even before the action was made, one thought came to the demon's mind upon seeing the large hand that was ready for a certain action to be made.

One that B'keuru had seen used and experienced many times.

"welp this is gonna hurt!"

THE large hand came smashing into his face slapping the HELL out of B'keuru as he was sent flying while spinning some distance away after crashing through a bunch of trees before his men began their barrage of magic arrows and other weak spells towards the large golem that had appeared in front of their boss.

Sadly for them, it quickly disappeared before more of the explosive and invisible attacks continued until almost all of them were dead!

Happy new year my dear readers and have fun!

Rauoncreators' thoughts