
Training the Trio - Christmas break.

[Also, slight change up how the system works. Jokes will still reward points because I deserve payment for being funny. (This is a joke.) But instead of having a multiverse type store, instead, his coins can help him buy things that can help him in the current world he's in. I.E. in Harry Potter, if he spends a number of coins that could be anywhere from astronomical in price, he could just 'Find' a phoenix egg. This does not mean he can't just save coins for other worlds and just 'Stumble across' other things. This will not change Jack's thoughts about just pulling out the gat. Though occasionally he might receive a 'Gift' from the 'Gods'. Meaning if enough people comment on things they think it would be cool for Jack to get, and as long as it isn't world-breaking like giving him something that could end a world with a snap, you might see your idea get sent as a gift, with your username and some bullshit thing I decide you will be the god off.]

When the next morning came the first thing he did was have them all eat a breakfast meant for the betterment of their health, there were some complaints from Ron, but he was quickly silenced when Jack fired back.

''And when your belly is as round as a barrel, and you groan just to pick something up because you forgot your wand, you will remember back to your younger years wishing you treated yourself better.''

Ron thought to his own father, who did the very same thing around the house, but his Mother despite being as old as she was was still as if she was a young sprout, dancing around with excitement and vigor, he ate silently, he found it tasted good, it just wasn't the sweets and many other fatty foods he was used to.

After that they made their way to the headmaster's office, the Gargoyles spoke in a hushed whisper. ''Little Jack brings friends, what a surprise.'' When they finished they opened for them as he leads them up. Jack raised a hand as he waved at his Grandfather as they passed, the old man looked up, seeing Jack wasn't new, he knew of Jack's workout routine but seeing others join him brought a smile to his face, especially on seeing who it was. But he gave them all a nod before he went back to the pile of work on his desk.

Walking to a Bookcase, Jack lifted his shirt, starting to flex before it. The trio behind him confused before there was a loud creak before the bookcase began to fade away, whispers being heard. ''Welcome back, Young Jack. The room is ready for you."

They soon entered into a room, that didn't feel like a room at all. When they stepped in the passage behind them seemed to vanish, before them was a massive field, under the crisp morning sun, the field trimmed down as Jack drew in a deep breath before he exhaled loudly. "Come on! Join me in a deep breath!"

The three of them at first were confused but followed him, soon they were all coughing, tears in Harry's eyes.

"What is with the air in this place?" Harry asked, it felt like his throat was on fire.

Jack grinned before he spoke. ''You may not have noticed it in your awe-struck states upon seeing Hogwarts for the first time, but the muggle world is full of dangerous fumes, that is also harmful to your development."

He raised his hands to his training field, something he found in his many memories that have been slowly placing together. "Hogwarts naturally isn't affected, as its wards filter out such harmful things and let only the good air in, however. The air is still polluted, even if a little. The air here, however, despite it burning the first time for a few minutes, is as pure as the years of Merlin's time. Back when exhaust didn't exist, and only the fumes of the world existed."

"There is something still in this air, it is a training room after all, in the air are very, very minor fumes of potions meant to energize you, help heal previous injuries slowly, and over time help heal things that might otherwise harm you, such as defects."

He then turned to them with a grin. "You might not notice it right away, but you will once you leave this room, the effects last a while, but after too long, you will grow to love being in this room as much as you enjoy learning about magic. Hogwarts has, many, many rooms much like this, this is actually used for extensive training, be it physical, magically, or mentally."

A much large grin came forward, one of a man looking at new toys. "Also, time passes faster in here without affecting our age, ever wondered how Dumbledore can fit all his work as headmaster, and still have time to seek his own strength? Here's his secret, well not so much a secret. Many powerful wizards have such things."

Hermione was astonished, though it was quickly calculated in her head that it was obvious such things would exist, after all, she had read on some items that affected time that was not only regulated but also illegal.

Ron and Harry, on the other hand, couldn't wrap their mind around it, Harry it was easier simply because he didn't know much about the wizarding world to start, Ron, however, was in a pureblood family, diluted of course and near poverty, but even he didn't know such a thing existed.

Hermione was the first to speak. ''How much time passes outside compared to in here?"

"As of right now? Only a difference of 2 hours, One hour outside, equals two in here. It can be adjusted, depending on the strength of the wizard that requests access, their right to the magic of the school, and many other small factors, but it's recommended you keep it small for the first few weeks, even if it may not affect our physical state, our mental state is a different matter.''

"If you were to spend days in here, training, honing your skills, fighting things some wizards could only dream of, months even, and then walk out, and only a few hours had passed? How mentally shocking that would be for your first time? Imagine going through years of life and death battles, only to come out in a friendly environment?"

Harry seemed to be the first to understand that, which was kind of surprising. "I could definitely suspect how much that would be worrying, I'm going through the same situation.''

When Jack heard this, it clicked but he told Harry to explain, after some coaxing, and the confirmation that they were his friends, Harry began to spill out everything that happened to him from as young as he could remember, up until he got pulled to the wizarding world by Hagrid.

Reactions? Hermione was furious, demanding that they find a way for Harry to stay with her instead, they had space since both her parents made quite a bit of money being dentists, and her parents were nice people, if they heard what Harry had to go through, they'd be more then willing to bring him in, Ron was the same, depending on that they could somehow find a way to fit him into the Weasly home, if his Mother heard such things, she might very well head off to go torture the muggles herself.

Jack on the other hand was very calm, calculating even when they turned to him in his silence, they noticed a fire burning in his eyes, something he's noticed recently is he's a lot more suspectable to his emotions, something he learned was an adverse reaction to being a changeling, along with the 'Memories' that might not be his, or were his, he was feeling more and more like his age.

In moments like this, it helped him being in character, as they could all tell he had a wave of fierce anger worse than their own, but he would need to learn occlumency sooner than later, he can't let his overflow of emotions affect him during a certain time and cause an adverse effect.

"Harry, instead of training today, I want you to rest here in the magic of this place, your first class is potions, correct? I will deal with Snape, during this time we'll have my Grandfather and Madam Pomfrey have a look over you with medical spells to see how much damage you have had build up over the years, in your story you never once mentioned visiting a hospital for your injuries. For now, don't worry about the Dursleys, I promise on my family name that I will find you a place you can stay that won't limit you as such.''

Jack released a low breath before he then spoke. ''Now, we'll start with basic exercises. Ron, Hermione, with me.''

With that, they started what would be known as 'Hell' for the first few months, only to eventually later become a time they looked forward to. It helped them mentally that no matter what, Jack joined them in what he had them do, and even went further since he was already in far better shape.

After their training Jack didn't let them rest, instead, he trained their minds, their magic, and their very understanding of the world.

This continued on every day, and only increased on days they had off where it was focused more around finishing their homework, questions, and helping them in their studies.

Between that was Dumbledore being furious after finding out about Harry's treatment, and himself and Madam Pomfrey working together to get Harry healed up and filling him with proper nourishment, it wasn't showing many improvements yet, but something that got better was his eyes sight, though he said he had some problems with his right eye, which Jack had a few ideas as to why, but he wouldn't be able to bring up that just yet without it being weird how he knew.

But, what he did was a hint at also searching for any curses on Harry, just in case, and he could tell by the muffled reaction of both Albus and Pomfrey that they needed to use the full scope of their occlumency to keep their emotions in check.

With that small seed planted he moved on, it felt more and more he was in a far different world than the books and the movies. Was it because instead of it being a forced action behind a writer, or director and these people showed much more emotion, and all this was real? He would need to look more into things, there had to be a lot of things that could be considered powerful or fun things he could get himself involved in.


A few months later and it was finally Christmas break, the only thing different from canon is Harry did leave, with the help of Jack they had already discovered the philosophers stone, but instead of going to the Dursleys He and Ron both went to the Weasleys to have a big Christmas dinner, Jack was invited but he said he had things to do, which in hindsight, he did.

Not only did he get to try the Invisibility cloak, finishing one of his missions, but he also was able to get a duplication of the sorcerer's stone. Which, actually a lot easier than he thought? It was a duplication, but it was the real thing, just being near the cabinet he got the notification that he had it now.

Sure enough, after checking his inventory, there it was. He could've bought it, but apparently, this fucking thing was expensive, which is understandable. If he so wished, he could abuse the absolute hell out of this, but he didn't need to. Not only was he already filthy rich, but there was only one real reason he wanted was it's naturally very useful elixir of life, he didn't plan to make it his path to never aging, he didn't need to worry about such things, what he wanted it for was to create an actual panacea, the original goal for the elixir of life. Basically, a 'Heal everything' bullshit potion along with his abilities and future endeavors? That's where it would be fun to mess with.

Now that he had his own sorcerer's stone, he began to use the time of Christmas break to dive into learning everything he could, from books, fighting in the 'Training Field' which he's opted to call the 'Dungeon' either it is mystical creatures or other wizards.

Using his free time he cracked small jokes, bleeding that one guy who apparently laughed at every little joke.

His next goal was to get a flying familiar that he could basically make into anything he needed.

Jarvis was doing well, he was now much bigger, of course not when compared to the Serpent below the school, he was also starting to learn parseltongue to help him communicate with Jarvis, who was happy to help him as much as the small snake could. As of now, it was a little under a foot, almost an inch wide, a little boop noodle.

Apparently, Jarvis had fit into his 'Backstory.' as a gift from his grandfather. He didn't need to hide it but was asked not to randomly bring it out in the middle of school, after all. The teachers don't want to see him flashing his snake to the students.

[40 coins deposited.]


He looked around the Dungeon, expecting to get a response. Seeing none he clicked his tongue, muttering to himself. "Should I just start making more inuendos?... I need to start focusing on how I'm going to make a magical rifle...''

(Pa-treon. Which has also been slightly changed, instead of 'Extra' chapters, the more donations and the more money, motivates me to more actively push out work.)