
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · Komik
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26 Chs

chapter 9

The town of Fairfield is located in Connecticut, USA, but due to its geographical location, it is very close to New York, and it is along the railway line that leads directly to New York.

A lot of people who work in New York live here.

The early morning in Fairfield Town is peaceful. Except for the children who deliver newspapers and ride their bicycles from house to house to earn their own pocket money, the rest are the **** shoveling officers who get up early to exercise and walk their dogs.

In the second-floor bedroom of a very ordinary independent two-story villa, a man and a woman were lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, and it could be seen that they seemed to be exhausted.

At this time, the figure under the quilt suddenly twisted, and the girl with long brown hair slowly opened her eyes and looked at the face of the man in front of her. The girl seemed a little confused, and then she remembered yesterday. Everything late.

The **** the bed was the same girl from last night and the pig's foot Jenny in this movie. At this time, she still couldn't believe what happened last night. In this way, he went to the window with this handsome man with demon-like pupils in front of him, and gave his blood.

But thinking about everything last night, Jenny felt that she had no regrets. No girl's first time was sent at an altitude of 3,000 meters above the ground. Although it was a little cold, it was also very romantic and unforgettable, right?

Looking at the man sleeping like a baby in front of her, Jenny couldn't help raising her hand to gently touch his face. He was like an unreasonable dragon, rushing in and out. Entering her own peaceful life, disturbing her heart... Thinking of the half-dead experience that she was treated by this man last night, she couldn't help but gently put her hand into the quilt, wanting to slap the one that made her love and hate bad guy.

just at the moment, she touched alex eyelids are moved and jenny was so frightened she closes her eyes.

"Have you not woken up yet?" alex, who has super hearing, instantly heard Jenny's heart beating faster because of nervousness and found her little trick, smiled slightly, and pretended to say to himself: "Then let's do it again while you are now. !"

Speaking and twisting his waist, the little brother who had been staying in a humid and hot cabin immediately rushed into the humid room and started making waves.

"I... woo..." Jenny, who was already unbearable, just wanted to open her mouth to surrender, but was blocked by alex, who tapped his back a few times with both hands, followed by the creaking of the bed. With the sound, Jenny's hands unknowingly changed from beating to hugging tightly.

after an hour--

The two people at the window slept with their necks crossed,

Mrs. Johnson, Jenny's mother, who was cooking breakfast on the first floor.

"Jenny! If you don't get up, you won't be able to catch the school bus!" As Mrs. Johnson shouted from outside the room, Jenny opened her eyes instantly, "Oh my God, I forgot it's Monday!"

After saying that , she quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, he didn't forget to kiss alex, who was still asleep.

"Morning! Darling!" . At this time, Jenny thought it was the cute, and she couldn't help turning the light kiss into a long French kiss. .

"Oh, baby, you can't put out the fire again!" alex said helplessly as he looked at the rebellious brother under him.

"I'm sorry, dear!" Jenny looked apologetic, "but I'm really leaving, or I'll be really late!"

"That night...!" alex lengthened his voice deliberately, with a look of your understanding!

"It will definitely satisfy you!" Jenny said shyly.

"Okay, I'll let you go!" alex said with a change of tone, "But there is still one person who needs your apology!"

"Who? Who else?" Jenny looked confused at this time.

"Hehe!" alex grinned badly, raised his chin, and gestured to his little brother, "You need to apologize to him [personally]!"

"..." Jenny's face instantly turned red. She had been forced by alex to serve his little brother with her mouth in the past two days. Thinking about it, she was evil. In the end, Jenny succumbed to the threat of the big devil, bowed her head and sincerely offered her apology to his little brother.


Jenny finally escaped the control of the big devil through the magic of her mother's love, and successfully boarded the last train to the pure land of the university at the last moment, and successfully escaped.

"Forget it, the time is cheap and it's time for my mother-in-law to come up and clean the house!" Not long after Jenny's victory, alex jumped up and handled all his housework within a minute, including washing his face, brushing his teeth, taking a bath, putting on clothes, etc. .

Opened the window, looked left and right no one noticed, lifted his legs and flew into the sky.

Feeling the excitement of breaking the sound barrier, alex flew towards the sky with such a swagger.

At this time, Jenny has also stepped into the gate of the school. Today, she gives people a sparkling feeling. The happy smile of a woman in love makes people smile when they see it.

"Hey! Jenny...Morning, good morning!" A submissive voice sounded in Jenny's ear, a voice that she usually felt kindly made Jenny feel a little harsh today.

"Hi! Barry!" But after being friends for two years, Jenny didn't want to make their relationship so stiff at school.

"How was the weekend?" Jenny's response seemed to make Barry feel as if he still had hope, so he dared to continue chatting up.

"Not bad!" Jenny felt that her patience was being exhausted little by little.

Seeming to see Jenny's impatience, Barry hurriedly looked for a topic. "That **** robber the day before yesterday...!"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a furious Jenny, "Enough, Barry. alex is not a robber, he is my boyfriend! Do you understand? I don't want to hear you talking about him in front of me. bad words!"

After speaking, Jenny turned around and left quickly. At this moment, she didn't want to be with this coward for a second. Even if she went to the classroom and listened to the mockery of those little bitches, she felt happier than being with Barry.

"Woooo...!" Barry bit his hand like a woman and wept bitterly, watching Jenny's back quickly leave.

Jenny was sitting in the classroom, listening to the little **** around to show off where and where she went on weekends, or who's boyfriend is more handsome, and who's in school is better at the window... "Heh, there's no such thing as my home. My dear is handsome and awesome...! But where is my dear now!?"