
TRAVELING across the world

what will happen when a lazy otaku gets the ability to travel across the world. ------ English is not my first language. I. Bad Grammar too. If you can keep up then continue to read. ————————————— This novel is 70% Hentai, 10% adventure, 15% Slice of life, and 5% killing. ---------- tag: movie, anime, novel, hentai, strong to stronger, multiverse, harem like Pokemon,

dewon07 · Komik
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26 Chs

chapter 21

" don't worry, uncle goku. we are also strong. look at us, how we beat this uncle." Illyana said while carrying her soul sword. making a stance as she did. she disappeared and reappear in front of Raditz who got tensed by a newcomer.

Illyana hit him on the face with her sword flat side. which loses his grip on Gohan. as he is about to fall on Rachel appears behind him. making a punch that is coated with her dark energy hit him on his back.

they started playing with Raditz ping pong.

in a minute, Raditz loses his consciousness.

goku and others got dumbfound. after seeing it, as they all got beaten by raditz, who got beaten to lose his consciousness. which horrified them.

" goku, it looks like you are still not strong enough. then how can you get your revenge on Frieza" hearing it, goku is about to say something. he stops and clutches his grips in shame. he almost forgets about Frieza.

" then I will tell you how strong is Frieza he can easily destroy a planet with his one energy bomb in the base form. now do you understand "

after knowing a little bit about Frieza to goku. Goku's fighting spirit got ignited.

" hey goku, can I take your brother with me? n

he needs some medical treatment and I will discipline him. how about it."

hearing it, goku got delighted. as he knows not only Alex control over many businesses. but the main is medical. Although they have Senju beans Alex also re-educates raditz, which also helps him to communicate easily. thinking of it, goku agreed with it.

what I say is true. but the main reason is to try to clone Saiyan genes. as long as it can work. I will have an army of fighting nations. I didn't expect to try to experiment on fasha or star. as they are already mine. why should I put them on the experiment table? moreover, their genes got combined with God's genes.

putting my thoughts aside. I said goodbye to goku and others. and left with Rachel and Illyana also with raditz.

" dad, why did you lie to them"Illyana asks me.

"princess, when did I lie to them. I tell them the truth." I look at them sincerely as I am telling truth.

" humph, like I don't know you, you will never help them with you will get anything." Illyana looks at me, saying at me with a smug face. Rachel nodded in approval.

hearing it, I appear in front of them and take both of the little cuties in my arms and hug them. " haha, I knew my daughters knew me best. well, I have a plan for him. I hear he works for prince Vegeta who work for Frieza who destroyed his planet. isn't will be funny if this raditz beat Vegeta. who works for him. "

I put my finger on my lips to let them stop asking. they are a little confused but nodded.


on another side

" so my guess is correct Frieza is the one who destroyed our planet. but a Saiyan named Alex dares to mock me. I will let him know, who is prince Vegeta. since he dares to mock me, maybe he has some strength, also his children can transform, is it super Saiyan. no, from the video clip, I can see both have different transformations. so most likely they get it from their mother or mothers. " Vegeta analyzes video. " Nappa, after we are done with this planet. we are going to earth."

" yes, prince Vegeta" Nappa nodded in agreement. as a loyal follower of prince Vegeta, he follows every order of him.


Frieza also sees it. but didn't take it seriously. as he has the same thought of Vegeta. but he didn't take them as threats. moreover, he hears a rumor about dragon balls. he has to find them.


as we reach headquarters, a group of guards greeted us. I take raditz to the scientific research center. while I let Rachel and Illyana wait outside.

" boss" Isaac greeted me, as he saw me coming. " boss, we need some time to finalize the experiment."

" ok, also check him, see if you could get his DNA. and make a new clone out of him. also see if they can react with the virus or serum" virus is stable with the human body. but I don't if it affects Saiyan. if it does, even with help of the white queen. the experiment will stop there.

" ok, boss it will take an hour to clone him. since you just want the clone to live for a month as an experiment. " Isaac nodded.


" dad, today is our turn to sleep with you. "

illyana says to me. which make me coughed.

"*cough* ok, then." I nodded.

" how about sleep with you to baby." bulma interject.

" no way, today dad is ours, right Rachel" Illyana refused immediately, without even thinking, and ask Rachel for her opinion. in which, Rachel nodded in agreement.

as night come, both Illyana and Rachel take each side of the arms and sleep with them. in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping a thief cat came into our room.


next day

after completely cloning raditz, I change a little behavior of raditz and send him back to Goku

while cloned raditz, who volunteered himself to us for becoming the experiment subject. if he became a monster, he was eaten as a snack by Android 21. since the virus can not affect Android 21. I don't have to worry.