
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

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35 Chs

Chapter 7 - And Then There were 10

In deep space, in a galaxy, far, far away...(-*-$&!:*#@#) *Cough* *Cough*

*Laser shots* *Explosions*

In outer space, two spaceships are locked in a firefight. One is a large brown ship, dominating the fight against a smaller teal ship.


_ Hull damage: 20%, but the system's still operational. *Robotic voice*

_ I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way!- Said Vilgax dramatically.

*Inserts Ben 10 Opening*

"It started when an alien device did what it did. And stuck itself upon his wrist, with secrets that it hid. Now he's got super powers, he's no ordinary kid, he's Ben 10!"

(A/N: Ok, ok sorry i couldn't control myself.😅 "So if you see him, you might be in for a big surprise... Alright, alright i'll stop".)

*Laser shots* *Explosions*

The spaceship's battle continues.

_ Their propulsion systems have been destroyed. *Robotic voice*

_ Prepare to board. I want the Omnitrix now! - Said Vilgax, with a deep and raspy voice, dramatically.

The opponent's ship, lets out a powerful blast, destroying the control room and engulfing Vilgax in a fiery explosion, severely wounding him. In retaliation Vilgax's ship open fire, and destroys the smaller ship with a giant blast, but not before it's able to jettison a pod that falls to the Earth below.

- Meanwhile - *Inserts SpongeBob board*

The RV arrived at their first destination: a campsite in Yosemite. And the events happened almost the same way but with my presence. When Grandpa Max showed the mealworms and telling them sheep's tongue, i intervene and said them that i studied cooking methods. I took the pot with the worms, and called Grandpa to help me to prepare the recipe, leaving Ben and Gwen free to follow the original plot.

_ I'm gonna take a walk. Smell you around Gwen. - Ben said while leaving.

_ Hump! *Gwen snorted*

Meanwhile Ben was walking in the woods. Then, suddenly, he heard a sonic boom.

**Ben's Pov**

_ Whoa! A shooting star! - I said surprised.

Suddenly, the shooting star change directions, and goes straight to me. I ran, and jumped, trying to scape the impact, and i barely succeeded. I get up, and go to the crash site. I wait a little bit for the light and heat to diminish. Then the ground under my feet gave way, and i fell into the crater. I look at the object with curiosity and it opened up reveling it's insides. With even more curious i look inside and see a green light emanating from a kind of a bracelet or watch.

_ A watch? What's a watch doing in outer space? - I asked as I reached out my left hand to touch it.

Out of nowhere, it jumped up and stuck to my left wrist. I panicked for a while, and tried to remove it to not results. I started to poke it, and it made strange high pitched sounds. The dial rose and the pattern changed showing a silhouette. I decided to press it down. Then a bright green light shone, and red rocks started to grow up from it at great speeds, and heat begun to rose, but it wasn't burning, actually it was pretty comfortable. In the blink of an eye, I was on fire!

**End of Ben's Pov** **Back to MC Pov**

I just finished my worms for dinner, that was delicious with the help of "Pearl Jam", and was just waiting for the woods start to catch fire to go help bringing fire extinguishers whit Gwen and Grandpa.

- Minutes later -

We ran into the woods and i was with Gwen when we found Ben transformed into Heat Blast. Gwen tried to attack him, but i held her and said.

_ What are you doing? Are you crazy, trying to attack a fire monster out of nowhere? What if he burns you? - I warned her.

_ I-i-i i'm sorry! I just panicked! - She said scared.

_ You, flame creature! Why are you burning this forest? - I said following the plot.

_ Jay, Gwen, it's me Ben! - Ben spoke with a deep voice.

Then Grandpa showed up right next, and action like he didn't know anything. Ha ha! I laughed in my mind. The old man is really good at lying. After the whole mess was solved Ben turned back to human and Grandpa suggested that it wasn't a monster but an alien. Yes, yes old man spit it all out!

An hour later, after Ben showed us how the Omnitrix worked he decided to test another alien, Wild Mutt that we all know and love to hate. Then Vilgax's robots attacked, and while Ben transformed after into Diamondhead then, he fought the giant robot while we saved the people. At the end everything went well. Ha, ha, ha, just wait for me Omnitrix i'll study you, really, really, well. Hehehe! *Evil grin*

When everyone returned to the R.V., i begun to observe Ben's behavior whit the watch. He was so happy, that he got super powers. I know how it feels! Then i started so feel sad, about what happened between me and the Gods.

_ Don't worry Celestia, like Christopher Reeve said: "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - I spoke solemnly.

_ You know what, let's start this now! Enough with waiting for the plot! - I decided.

I snapped my fingers and called Ben.

_ Hey, dude! Can you let me take a look at the watch? - I asked.

_ Ah, man! Really? - Ben said annoyed.

_ What? Stop being so selfish! Here, let me take a look at it. Hump! - I said frowning my brows.

I pulled the watch and started to analyze it with my powers. Argh! The technology is to complex for my level of intellect! Better leave it alone for now. *Sigh*

_ Thanks man, the watch is pretty cool!

_ Thanks, any time that you want to give it a look, just ask! - Ben said giving a thumbs up.

i left and begun to train whit Pearl Jam, Hermit Purple, and Morning Experience. I used the help of Pearl Jam to strengthen my physic and mind, with Hermit Purple i trained my precision with the vines while i trained the possession,and command speed of Morning Experience. What a badass Cock! I feel thought process got faster and my decision making more precise. This time i didn't participate in the fight but when Animo attacks i won't let him off so easily.

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