
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

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35 Chs

Chapter 11 - Luck girl, a small problem, and side effects?

For some goddam reason, a witchcraft museum does exist. And not just that, the artifacts are fucking real. Gwen being a magic and history geek, almost begged for Grampa to bring us here. I kinda like this side of her. When i see her so excited like this my heart melts. Silly girl! We followed the guide, and she kept talking about the story of the book. Without noticing, Gwen started to lecture us and interrupted the guide, that asked her why she didn't work there. That made me laugh! Hahaha! I put my hand on her shoulder, and gave her a thumbs up. She blushed and punched me in the chest. Che is so cute!

Then i put my mouth on her ear and with a hot breath i said:

_ You're cute! - I whispered.

This time she blushed so much that all her face got red and she got goosebumps. Seeing this i couldn't control myself and hugged her. Watching us from the side Grampa showed a big grin. When looked at him and saw his grin, i almost punched his face! Calm down Jay, you can't just attack seniors! A few seconds later Hex attacked, right in time. So i let Ben take care of this, while i analyzed everything, the Archamada book, the charms, Hex's physiology, the staff composition, and even his clothes! With eyes wide open, i stood still only caring about recording the information, to recreate it later. Meanwhile Ben transformed into XLR8, and beat the shit out of him, and took the charm of luck. Then i let everything go as it should be, and i only saved some people that would've died because, Ben is too slow and naive. Gwen was so cute having luck powers and that black cat suit. I got close to her ear and whispered: Meow! She jumped again blushing and punching my chest. Then she said:

_ Stop doing this, hunk! Now, it's not the time for this!

_ Hahaha! - I couldn't help but laugh.

After the haunted mansion part, we all ended up in the cemetery. Hex animated the statues, then Ben as Four Arms grabbed a stone great sword, and had that badass scene from the intro song. Finally Hex was defeated, and the moment of the truth finally came, the time for Gwen to destroy the charms. Then i said:

_ Hey, yo, what the haaail! Y'all never went to schooool? That's why you're all acting like faaailures! Destroy the charms!? Stuuupid! What are y'all trying to do, kill me from emotional damage!? Here give it to me!

I quickly grabbed all the charms, turned away, an left. Letting everyone with gaping mouths. They just couldn't comprehend, why a Professional Asian Dad, appeared out of nowhere, and started to lesson them. I turned back to normal that said with a smile:

_ These charms are safe in heroes hands!

Everyone started to laugh, and we got back on the road. After we left, i started to investigate the charms whit Gwen, and i suggested that we make a stop somewhere deserted to train with them. I didn't needed the charms, now that i acquired their powers, and not just that, i got mana generation, control, and adsorption. So now i can use magic, and even better, i learned some spells from the book! Gwen was shocked, when she learned, that she could use magic too. I divided the charms this way: luck, lightning and fire for Gwen, and telekinesis and resurrection for Grampa. Perfectly balanced, i should say. What about Ben? I gave this moron home work to do! I told him to study how to control the Omnitrix better, because only an idiot would think that, an incredibly advanced device like the Omnitrix, only had the transformation option, and with such dumb limitations like cool down. I slapped the back of his head, and said:

_ Stop smashing the dial, you moron! It's the same thing, as trying to operate a laptop with a sledgehammer! Never even once passed through your limited mind, that you always turn into the wrong alien, because you beat the watch to death?

Whit a dumb face, Ben seemed to finally have understood everything, like some sort of mind blowing information was said to him. Argh, come on! While i was trying to teach a rock how to fly, i helped Gwen and Grampa Max with their charms. Grampa didn't need any offensive charm, because he will have the Plumber's weapons. That's why I gave the two offensive ones for Gwen to use, because i want her to take care of herself while i'm not close to help her.

Later, after the training, i decided to leave and train myself, after all, Vilgax is coming and together with him my new combat form. That's right i'll use his enhanced form as my new main form. Armstrong is good, but it became obsolete. When i finished my personal training, i noticed that now i'm able to access 50% of the power from the Omnitrix's aliens that are the apex of their species respectively. That's a good progress! Pearl Jam, is doing his work well, as even Ben and Gwen are looking older, and the body more toned. Damn it, even Grampa is looking younger, more slim, and muscular.

When i came back, i found the team talking about a relaxing day, in a water park. Gwen wanted to buy a new swimsuit, and she asked me to go with her, like on a date. I immediately agreed, and we went to the mall to buy the swimsuit. She started trying on several swimsuits, and parading in front of me sensualizing. What the fuck? Is this girl really 10? After a lot of time changing, she decided, and we came back, but not before kissing for a while.

The next day, we went to the water park, there, Ben and Gwen recited an advertisement from a rather large water slide attraction, clearly excited about it. They headed to the entrance and this time both have the right height to go on the ride. Small problem? Not on my watch! We had fun the rest of the day, and i took the opportunity to relax.

The next day, we were in a car chasing. Ben as Upgrade, fused with a motorcycle, and was chasing a robber. Finally succeeding, Ben saw an ice cream truck, and decided to brake in, and eat the ice cream. After a while, Gwen suggested that he was in the ice cream truck, and we all knew that he was. But what shocked me te most, is that no one told Ben that he just committed a crime! He stoled ice cream, and damaged private property! Even if he got a cold, i won't let it slide! - i said:

_ Yo Ben, what life has been like, for our favorite criminal!

Everyone got shocked, but not from my remark, but because i was right. I continued:

_ Damaging private property, and stealing food! Two crimes in a matter of minutes! This should be a new record! - I said looking at my watch.

Everyone kept silent, like some kind of bomb, had detonated right in front of them.

_ Hello? Why is everyone so silent? - I said with a confused face.

_ Ben and Gwen, go to the RV, i have something to talk whit Jay. - Grampa said with a strange face.

_ What's up, Grampa? What happened? There's something wrong? - I asked.

Gwen had a guilty look on her face, and Ben as well. Then i finally realized, that i messed up!

_ You know Jay. Lately i've been worried about your behavior. Sometimes you're really sensible and that's nice, but there are some times, that you don't even look like a normal kid, but a mean bully. - Grampa said worried.

_ What? - I asked surprised.

_ Well i'm not saying that you have done something bad, but what's wrong, it's the way that you did!

_ No Grampa! Listen to me, i'm not talking only about the ice cream. I'm talking about the fact, that he didn't even thought that what he was doing was wrong! His parents didn't teach him well, now is our time to teach him responsibility! He has a powerful weapon on his wrist, and he can accidentally hurt innocent people! For example, i had been saving a lot of people, that would've died because he didn't payed enough attention. - I said exposing facts.

_ I know kid, but you need to have patience. These things take long! - Grampa said.

Ah, shit! He's right what am i doing forgetting that Ben is just a kid! I don't have any excuses.

_ You're completely right Grampa, i'm sorry. I'm going to apologize to Ben, right now. - I said reflecting on my mistakes.

Grampa gave a warm smile and said:

_ Good! Humility is the characteristic of mature man! I'm proud of you! - He said while putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, and went to de RV, and Grampa after me. As soon as i'm inside, i saw Gwen with tearing eyes, while Ben was crying. Reading the sad atmosphere, i went straight to Ben, and put a hand on his shoulder. Seeing that my words had hit him hard i said:

_ What happened Ben? Heroes don't cry, you know! They need to always have a smile on their faces, for the victims to feel comfort, and security when they come to save them!

_ Hero? I'm not a hero! I'm just a joke! I just stopped a crime, and i myself committed one right after! - Ben said really conflicted.

_ Yo, calm down man! Let me tell you a little story. - I said tenderly.

He nodded, then i started. Remembering my old life, i said:

_ When i was younger my father bought 7 chocolates. He gave 2 to me 2 to my mother and kept 3, then he said: "I'll keep only 2 for me, the other one will be yours, but you'll have to wait for a month to take it!" Then i asked: Why it will take so long, Dad? It's not for me? Why can't i get it when i want it?" He answered: "Because it's still mine, it'll only be yours when i gave it to you." That completely bugged me out, i simply couldn't understand if it was for me, why couldn't i take it? So time passed, and i became more and more anxious about the chocolate. Every day was a torture for me, but in the end, i endured it. At the end of the month, my father came to me and said: "Very good, my son, i'm proud of you!" And as a reward, he gave me not only the promised one, but 2 more chocolates!

_ What is the moral of the story? - Ben asked curious.

_ Moral?

_ Yes, every tale has a moral lesson at the end!

_ Ok! The moral of the story is: "The one who has good principles do not leave his way to do what is wrong." This means that, if a person has good principles he won't forsake his path, to do what is wrong or for his own gain, because doing good it's his most valuable reward!

After i finished my story, everyone had cheered up, and was with a positive and warm smile. Then i apologized to Ben for the mean words that i said, and he forgave me.

Later i went to the bathroom and i flew away. Today we hunt! And the hunt is a big bug! As Armstrong, i arrived at the ruined building, and quickly i found Clancy with the councilwoman Liang as a hostage. At great speeds i took Liang away, and put her on a safe place, then i went back, restricted his body and analyzed him. After the analysis, i discovered something disturbing. This man,s body is possessed buy worms kinda bugs all over his body, and the Queen of the hive in his brain, looks like a mutant worm parasite that Clancy can use his brain sinapis to generate pheromones and electromagnetic signals, to control the insects. Disgusting! I looked to see if there's still someone other than me and Clancy inside the building, then when i confirmed that it's was all clean i said:

_ The art, is an explosion! - I said exploding the whole building with flames turning Clancy and his bugs into ashes. I'm not being hypocrite here, i'm not a hero.

I looked to see if everyone was alright, around the building. When i saw that everything was ok, i went back to the RV. Later i asked Ben to turn into Heatblast, and analyzed it's ice powers. Good, this is my last hidden weapon, against Vilgax. Now i'm feeling prepared, to face him. My name is Jaden Newman, you will try to kill me, prepare to die!

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