
Traveler's Traveling Companion

Am I supposed to achieve something in this world? Or am I free to do whatever I want? Am I a pawn in someone else's game, or am I thinking too highly of myself? What is my purpose in this land called Teyvat? I suppose accompanying the Traveler would be a great way to start, but bad things will undoubtedly happen to me if I were to accompany the Traveler. But hey, it can't possibly go any worse than how it originally goes, right? ...right? Cover art by pottsness : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97621718

Evfrnet · Derivasi dari game
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87 Chs

Whether here or back there, great minds think alike

"A bookstore?"

"A bookhouse, actually."

"Is there a difference?"

"Not that I know of. But it's in the name so it's only proper to call it so."

Walking up the stairs towards the upper area of Liyue once again, our group eventually arrived at a small shop built at the top, located ways away from the other stores, creating a relatively quiet atmosphere compared to the area below us.

"And why are we here?"

"I figured it'll be a great place for the two of you to study."

"I was under the impression we were supposed to be taking things slow for a while? You know, relaxing?"

The shop, on top of the small building that houses most of the books they're selling, also has an open area that displays a selection of books. Next to the shop itself, close to the connecting bridge, is a balcony overlooking the plaza that serves as a seating area, most likely for customers to enjoy the books they've just bought.

"Well, compared to studying outdoors or inside an abandoned ruin, a bookhouse such as this is comparatively much more relaxing, don't you think?"

"I mean, you're not exactly wrong, but–"

"And there you go." Xinyan said, patting my shoulders before turning her attention towards Lumine. "What do you think, leader?"

"I'm all for it. What about you, Paimon?"

"Sounds like fun!" The little fairy exclaimed, as she now wears the small glasses she always does whenever she goes into teacher mode. "Come on, let's go!"

With me being outnumbered three to one, I begrudgingly followed them, lamenting that the supposed vacation has turned into something akin to a summer school.

Paimon, now floating next to Xinyan, immediately ushered our resident rockstar inside, while Lumine whispered some comforting words to me before making her way towards one of the many bookshelves located near the entrance.

Left to my own device, I began exploring the open area.

True to its atmosphere, there weren't many people visiting the bookhouse aside from a handful of people. The store itself is only managed by one person sitting behind a desk close to the books on display, quietly reading a book of her own, occasionally giving a glance to her surroundings before returning her gaze to the words written on the bundle of papers on her hand.

Walking towards the books on display I saw that they seem to be of different genres, judging solely by the titles, though the majority of them seems to be local folklore stories or a straight up fantasy novel. The most popular ones being 'Legend of the Shattered Halberd' and 'Rex Incognito' if the way the display is being set up is any indication.

"'Rex Incognito'?"

"Are you interested, dear customer?"

The aforementioned lady, who was previously nose deep in a book, now had her attention directed towards me as she stood up from her seat and began making her way closer.

"Perhaps. What is this book about, anyway?"

"It's a fantasy novel that tells the tales of Rex Lapis' incognito excursions in the mortal realm, with each volume depicting the different adventures Rex Lapis went through alongside the people he met." The lady explained. "It's a very popular one, dear customer. Why, it's currently the highest selling book in the entirety of Liyue."

"Is that so?" I said, as I examined the drawings of Mora and the symbol of geo on the cover.

'Lady, if I want to know about what the God of Geo is doing in the mortal realm, I'll go and look for Zhongli.'

Seeing my lack of reaction, the lady pointed towards the shop behind her. "Or if that doesn't interest you, we do have some books from Inazuma on the back shelves if those are more to your liking. A lot of them, actually."

"Oh? Do they not sell?"

"Not really. At this point, they might as well be collecting dust." The lady said, shaking her head. "This particular batch of books we received from Yae Publishing House long ago is mostly of the… less interesting variety, let's just say." She suddenly pauses, before adding to her explanation in a hurry. "Oh, no offense to your country's literature, of course. I'm sure they have their demographics. It's just not for the locals here."

"None taken. Though that makes me wonder just what kind of books they are?"

"It's better for you to see for yourself." With that, she began walking towards the entrance as she motions for me to follow.

Walking closely behind the lady, I stepped inside the store, noting the relatively antiquated interior. Then again, after visiting the closest thing to a modern department store yesterday, anything would seem old fashioned.

As I looked around the interior, I saw both Xinyan and Paimon, with the former holding several stacks of books while the latter happily flew around, examining each and every title while the two of them talked among each other in hushed voices.

"Here we are, dear customer."

After following her for a while, the lady led me deeper into the shop before stepping in front of a single bookshelf all the way in the back. Contrary to what she previously said, all of the books here, despite their lack of interest, are all well maintained.

"Please have a look."

Taking the book she offered me, I slowly read the title that was thankfully not written in Inazuman.

'Oho, what do we have here?'

"'The Good Thing About Being Reincarnated As A Hilichurl Is That I Only Need to Eat Sunsettias to Become Stronger.' Huh. I guess I can understand why people wouldn't be too interested in something like this."

"Yes." The lady nodded. "Although there's nothing inherently wrong with its setting, considering its genre, every customer that comes across this selection of books is immediately put off by the strange titles. Not to mention some of their plots are a bit too outlandish."

"And a story about Rex Lapis going on an adventure in the mortal realm is not?"

"Comparatively? No. Not even close."

Hearing her answer, I was once again reminded of the kind of world I'm living in now. A place where all seven nations are each ruled by their respective god. It should've been obvious, but then again, it's not something I think about often.

"But still, to not even sell a single copy?"

"It did, actually. I said it didn't really sell, not that it didn't sell at all." She said, before tapping her chin in thought. "I believe a gentleman from the Feiyun Commerce Guild came by and bought one copy of each of these books."

'Feiyun? Could it be Xingqiu? Have I perhaps found a fellow man of culture? Come to think of it, doesn't he have a novel of his own?'

"So, dear customer, what do you think?" Before I could get lost in my thoughts, the lady politely asked.

"I think I'll look into the books over here for a bit."

"I see. In that case, please browse to your heart's content." As she starts walking a way, the sound of her footsteps suddenly stops. "Ah, one more thing, dear customer." Turning around, the lady began to clear her throat. "I am obligated to remind you, as per the rule of the shop, to please refrain from running, shouting, folly, noise-making, dirty hands, and dog-earing the books prior to purchase.

"Most importantly, however," with a gaze akin to a hawk, she stares directly into me, "pay first, read later. Just because I am not present to see, I will know whether or not someone broke this particular rule.

"I always know." With that final warning, the lady makes her way outside back towards her station, book still in hand.

Gazing at her disappearing back, I felt the cold air that at some point permeated around the shop suddenly disappear. "Huh. Not menacing in the slightest."

Turning back towards the bookshelves, I continue examining the other titles.

"Let's see what other masterpieces the writers over at Inazuma have come up with.

"'My New Life as a Vagabond ~ After breaking my back several years for the country, I ended up being framed by my colleagues and was exiled for something I didn't do. So I packed up everything and decided to wander around and take things slow for a change ~.' Ah, it's one of those slow life tropes. It usually has an interesting start, but most of the time it gets boring later on.

"'Garbage Reincarnation. ~ Despite the gods giving me a second chance in life, I ended up being the black sheep of a famous clan. Although the people around me called me trash, with this blessing the gods bestowed upon me, I will slowly and quietly grow stronger. And once I become the clan head, they'll see just who is the actual trash around here! ~.' Another reincarnation novel. And boy do I remember binge reading these kinds of stories numerous times.

"'So I'm A Murderer, So What? ~ After being betrayed by my lover and my best friend, I fell into despair and somehow ended up in the Abyss. After several years, I have successfully returned and shall now exact my vengeance with the power I've gained ~ .' Hmm, revenge stories like this usually like to stretch their plot for so long that it gets tedious. Sounds like a fun read though.

"'That Time I Got Reincarnated As An Electro Slime.' Alright, stop the count. We have a winner."

If the title alone hasn't already sold me, then the illustration on the cover depicting a small electro slime held by a tribe of what looks to be overly beautified tribes of maskless hilichurls would be more than enough incentive for me to buy this piece of art.

Were it not for the warning the lady has just given me, I would've started reading this right now.

"Now I'm strangely motivated to start studying, if only to read some of these light novels."

"What are you mumbling to yourself about?"

The sudden voice of Lumine coming from next to my ear startled me out of my focus.

Feeling the added weight on my shoulder, I restrained a laugh that the ticklish sensation brought as she continued talking. "Have you found something interesting?"

"Oh it's interesting alright." Reaching a hand over, I gently patted her head and slowly brushed my fingers along her hair. "How about you?"

"Here, take a look." She said, before holding a rather thick magazine in front of my face with the title—

"'Teyvat's Travel Guide : Liyue Edition.' Hmm, what are the chances that Paimon will throw yet another tantrum if she knows you're buying this?"

"Pretty high, I'd say." She nonchalantly replied. "But enough about that, let me look at yours."

"By all means."

With the books taken from me, I began browsing the other titles in the shelves as I waited for her reaction with great anticipation.

The cheerful humming she let out slowly died down as she began reading the 'title' of the book I handed her. Even if I can't see her, I can practically feel her furrowing her eyebrows as she moves from one book to the other.

"What the hell is this supposed to be?"

"A masterpiece of our generation, delivered straight from the land of thunder."

"Yeah right." She scoffed. "If this can be called a masterpiece, then every single child might as well be a bestselling author over there. Wait a minute." Her scathing words suddenly ceased as I felt her gaze boring into me. "You're not actually thinking of buying these, are you?"

"Why not? I've read something like this before, why would I stop now?"

"You do realize this is a dumpster fire of a book right?"

"Of course I do." Taking another book from this batch of trash light novels, I briefly glanced at its title before mentally putting it on my buying list. "It doesn't take a genius to know that. I'm reading it precisely because it's a steaming pile of hot garbage. Ever heard of the phrase 'it's so bad that it's good?'"

"...you can't be serious."

"Come on, give it a try. You'll come around to it."

"Thanks, but no thanks." With clear disgust in her tone, she rejected my offer. "I'd rather you not infect me with your shitty taste in literature."

"Just give it a chance!"

"Not in a million years."


After having to deal with the incessant crowd and their never ending commotion every time we step foot outside, it's nice to finally be able to have a moment of quiet for a change, as both me and Lumine is once again being lectured by the Great Teacher Paimon in the art of language.

"This time around, what you have to do is read the pages Paimon selected and then rewrite them using your own words." Paimon explained, as she pushed her glasses up slightly. "And we have a lot of books to go through, so don't waste any time!"

Looking at the towering pillar of books, even Lumine, who was usually rather energetic when it comes to learning, currently had a stiff smile on her face. "Paimon, if this is about the travel guide–"

"No, this is not about that." Paimon huffs. "It's definitely not because of that stupid magazine, and definitely not because Paimon feels like she's going to be replaced."

"No matter how you look at it, it can't be anything other than that though, can it?"

"Hush, white mask." Paimon snapped, as she pointed the wooden rod that she pulled out from somewhere towards me. "Less talking, more writing."

WIth that, Paimon flew back towards Xinyan's shoulder and rested both of her hands and head on top of the rockstar's own, staring at us intently like a teacher would when they're supervising an exam. Xinyan, on the other hand, seems amused at the whole situation, judging by the quite snickering coming from her.

As I began to dip the quill into the pot of ink, I couldn't help but mumble. "You just had to go on and buy that thing, didn't you?"

"I didn't see you stopping me." She remarks in a whisper, as she flips scans through the pages in front of her. "Besides, how am I supposed to know she's going to do something like this?"

"Fair. But maybe next time, try not to poke at the hornet's nest, yeah?"

Hearing my words, a visible pout starts to form on her face. "I thought her reaction to it would be funny."

"Yeah well, are you laughing right now?"



While the two of us had to endure Paimon's wrath, Xinyan pulled out the guitar she brought with her for today's excursion and began to strum a slow and quiet tune. Despite the owner's warning about noise-making, she herself didn't seem to be all too bothered about it. Yet.

In any case, as time goes by, it became apparent that Paimon is taking the whole replacement thing a bit too seriously, considering how she didn't even stop for a lunch break this time. And wasn't that quite a shock?

We only managed to finish by the time the sun started to set.

Granted, it's not all doom and gloom, since we did at some point manage to finish everything to Paimon's satisfaction and was finally given a very short break, allowing me to take a brief glimpse at the holy text that is Inazuman light novels. And boy do they not disappoint.

And so, amidst Paimon's yammering about going to Wanmin and the sound of her stomach rumbling, our group began to make our way towards the other side of the harbor.

With the strained atmosphere nowhere to be seen, the other three began to chat with each other once again. As for me? I'm currently nose deep into a particular light novel that has a very striking resemblance to the once back home.

"I still can't believe you even bought something like that." Xinyan suddenly said, her voice tinged with just as much confusion as the time she saw the kinds of books I placed on the cashier back then.

"Just say if you want to read it, Xinyan. I'll gladly lend it to you." Feeling a slight tug from my left hand, I moved accordingly as I felt yet another person brushing against my side.

"I'll just stick to my music, thank you very much." She scoffed.

"You don't know what you're missing out on."

"A headache and a half, that's what."

"What? Come on!" Taking my eyes off the pages, I looked at Xinyan as I spoke with a tone of mock disbelief. "Are you telling me that you are not interested in the adventures of the unfortunate protagonist who, after being reincarnated as an electro slime, managed to undo the curse placed upon the hilichurls, hence making him their de facto leader?"

"See, I know that there are words coming out of your mouth, but for some reason I can't seem to understand what they mean." Sidestepping a particularly burly man that was about to hit her, Xinyan continued. "Anyway, the answer is no and will always be no."

"Suit yourself."

"Why do you even like that book so much, white mask?" Paimon, who was floating next to Lumine, suddenly asked.

"Because it's good?" I said, tilting my head in confusion. "What else do you want me to say?"

It seems that that's not the answer Paimon was hoping for, as the look of disappointment on her face is all too clear. "Sigh. Paimon thinks you should stay away from stuff like that and read better books."

"I also think you should stop eating so much as to not drain our Mora reserves, yet here we are."

"Maybe taking you to a bookhouse was a mistake, Yuu." Lumine remarked.

"Tell me about it." Xinyan groaned. "If I'd known you'd be even more insufferable, I would've just taken us straight back home."

"Maybe if you'd just give it a chance, you'll understand its greatness."

"You're an idiot, white mask."

"No thanks, Yuu."

"Music is way better."

Seeing their vehement denial, I shrugged and returned back towards the paragraph where I left off. "Hmph, uncultured swines."

Coming up with long light novel titles is surprisingly hard. I now have a newfound respect for those japanese authors and their ability to make synopsis-like titles

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