
Traveler's Traveling Companion

Am I supposed to achieve something in this world? Or am I free to do whatever I want? Am I a pawn in someone else's game, or am I thinking too highly of myself? What is my purpose in this land called Teyvat? I suppose accompanying the Traveler would be a great way to start, but bad things will undoubtedly happen to me if I were to accompany the Traveler. But hey, it can't possibly go any worse than how it originally goes, right? ...right? Cover art by pottsness : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97621718

Evfrnet · Derivasi dari game
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87 Chs

What I wouldn’t give to be a generic apathetic main character right about now

Target location reached. Confirmed visual on the hostile archer. Initiating sneak attack. Charge time set for 5 seconds.

'Should I do this? Should I go through with it? Why am I even debating about this, of course I should do it! There's no better opportunity than this! Stop stalling, me! Just follow through the plan you made, and everything will be just fine. You might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even a dull tool can kill if you hit someone with them hard enough!'

Unleashing attack. Hit confirmed. Approaching target. No sign of breathing or movement. Kill confirmed.

'Now let's think calmly, yeah? The first thing you do is that you should position yourself a bit of a distance away from the pyro archer, take aim, and shoot a charged normal attack. We've practiced with a 3 second charge before, so just to be sure, let's aim for 5 seconds okay?'

Remaining hostiles alerted. Designated target "shield and club" approaching. Designated targets "club" are following shortly behind the previously designated target.

'Now, the most important thing after hitting your target is to confirm your kill. I cannot stress this enough. Confirm. Your. Kill. Remember Black Ops 1? Remember when Woods wouldn't let Mason confirm Dragovich's death? How did that turn out? Exactly.'

Targets "shield and club" and "club" are within close distance of each other. Kiting unnecessary. Casting elemental skill. Casting charged attack. Disruption within the enemy rank confirmed. Commencing normal attack.

'After confirming the archer's death, take stock of the remaining hilichurl's position. If the shield and club hilichurl are too far from the two club hilichurls, kite the shield. Remember, kite the shield one, facing one is safer than two. If the three of them are in a close enough position, cast elemental skill and get ready to get some crowd control action.'

Designated targets are injured. Spotted signs of struggle within the enemy rank. Targets not yet killed. Recasting charged attack. Disruption within the enemy rank confirmed. Commencing normal attack.

'Now hopefully, the charged attack would cause enough disruption and manage to send them flying. If not, then the initial disruption should be enough. After all, a second of hesitation can cost you your life on the battlefield.'

Recasting charged attack. Disruption within the enemy rank confirmed. Commencing normal attack. No signs of struggle spotted.

'After that, all you have to do is spam normal attacks at them. Do not hesitate! I repeat, do not hesitate! It's either you or them, and we want to make sure that you come out of this battle alive, understand?'

Targets not moving. Kills not yet confirmed. Recasting charged attack. Disruption within the enemy rank confirmed. Commencing normal attack.

'If they didn't die on the first volley, then do it all over again! Charged attack, normal attack, charged attack, normal attack, charged attack, normal attack, over and over and over and over and over again until they die. Do you understand? This is all for the sake of your objective, your continued survival in this dangerous world.

Targets no longer capable of movement. No signs of breathing. Recasting charged attack. Disruption within the enemy rank confirmed. Commencing normal attack.

'Do you understand *****? This is all for your sake.'

Approaching hostile's location. Targets no longer capable of movement. No signs of breathing. Kill confirmed.




Strange. I thought I was just about to start the plan.


The archer is… oh, there it is. Large gash across its mask, nearly bisecting its head in two. Shield and club is… in front of me, alongside two of the clubs. Why are they crushed? Not to mention multiple cuts on its body on top of the dismembered arms? Last I remembered, the charged attack is only supposed to lift them up in the air, not smash them to the ground on top of that.

And the cuts? It shouldn't be that deep right? Even if it managed to penetrate 2 cm into a tree bark, it shouldn't make that much of a difference on a humanoid body… right? And I did go on a rant about wind being capable of cutting through a human in a magical world but… looking at their body, I suppose I proved myself correct.



"I… did this?"

The reality of the situation hits me like a truck.

'Yes you did.'


I felt the bile rise to the back of my throat.

'Let it all out.'

I couldn't take it anymore.

'You did what you had to do.'

Next thing I know, I'm on my knees, emptying whatever is inside my stomach.

'You did this.'

I did this.

I never killed anyone before, so I wouldn't exactly understand what a normal person would go through after commiting murder for the first time, but this is my attempt at tackling this particular situation.

I find it odd that isekai protagonist can just go on a killing spree with no repercussion towards their pysche, especially if the protagonist is just a regular modern day person. That's the reason this chapter exist.

Some might find it edgy or cringe-inducing and that's fine. This is my first time writing properly after all, so if any of you have any feedback, then please don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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