
Traveler's Traveling Companion

Am I supposed to achieve something in this world? Or am I free to do whatever I want? Am I a pawn in someone else's game, or am I thinking too highly of myself? What is my purpose in this land called Teyvat? I suppose accompanying the Traveler would be a great way to start, but bad things will undoubtedly happen to me if I were to accompany the Traveler. But hey, it can't possibly go any worse than how it originally goes, right? ...right? Cover art by pottsness : https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97621718

Evfrnet · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
87 Chs

I don't think this is the time and place, but... it can't be helped, right?

'Or so I thought, but….'

Though it started innocently enough – well, as innocent something like this can get anyway – at some point, she started giving me instructions. "Squeeze them together", "Please pinch my nipples", "Harder, please….", and something along those lines.

'...at this rate, won't we end up doing it here of all places?'

The moment that thought crossed my mind, I could feel my already racing heart threatening to burst out of my chest. The sliver of rationality left in my mind whispers for me to stop, to not go any further than this. And yet….

Staring at our reflection in the giant mirror, or rather, the reflection of her expression now colored with nothing but pleasure as she continuously let out a grunt, the seeds of doubt in my head couldn't help but bloom. Witnessing this rare side of hers, the enemy of rationality, the devil to my angel whispers a completely different tune.

'...she's enjoying this, and hasn't told me to stop so… it should be fine… right?'

For once, I decided to let go of any reservations I had, and did something I never thought I would.

I bit her neck. Not hard enough to pierce through the skin, but more than enough to leave a mark.

And wasn't that quite the arousing thought?


Caught by surprise, she involuntarily let out a moan she's no doubt been holding back. As I paid half a mind towards her reflection, I can see the slight confusion mirrored on her golden eyes as I slowly increase the pressure.

Not bothering to respond, I licked the place where I left the brand new mark and moved on to a different part of her neck. As I sunk my teeth into an unmarred patch of her soft skin, I suddenly heard the sound of her laughter.

"You… really can be assertive… when you want to, huh?"

"Hmm." Slowly separating myself from her, I gave a final lick to the teeth-shaped blemish on her skin before focusing my attention on her reflection. "I thought I'd give it a try. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm riding an emotional high right now, so when all of this is over, I'm probably going to die of embarrassment."

"In that case, we shouldn't waste any more time, should we?"

Pushing herself off of my hold, Lumine reaches back towards a bundle of white lace on the back of her dress before pulling at the knot on the bottom. Once it was untied, she gently pulled at each laces holding her dress together from bottom to the top.

The moment her corset was loosened, her dress effortlessly slid into the floor, exposing her white panties.

As she was looking around the relatively barren room, the moment she spotted the lone chair sitting in the corner, she practically dragged it towards the center, not minding the loud grating sound it made.


The moment I sat down facing the mirror, I heard a loud clanging sound of something heavy hitting the floor. Turning towards the source, I saw Lumine practically biting the knot of her detached sleeve, as if desperate to take it off as quickly as possible before throwing her arm guards to the side without a care in the world.

In the meantime, I let my mind wander as I gazed into her nearly naked body.

'Getting my head squished between those thighs of hers doesn't sound like a bad way to go.'

A sudden weight on my lap broke me out of my nonsensical thoughts.

"Don't lose yourself just yet, Yuu."

Feeling a warm pair of hands cupping both of my cheeks, I looked up towards the person responsible. Seeing Lumine looking down at me like that, my heart that has calmed itself down started to beat furiously once again as I noticed the half-lidded eyes that seemed to be clouded with something I have yet to see from her.

"We're just getting started."

At that moment, I could swear her usual golden pupils have morphed into something in the shape of a heart.

True to her words, she immediately captured my lips and plunged her tongue inside, exploring every corner of my mouth before pushing herself deeper to reach the back of my throat. Despite feeling myself being choked out of breath with each passing second, I find myself enjoying such sensation immensely.

My hands, both of which were instinctively placed on her back the moment she lunged at me, started to involuntarily claw at her skin as I desperately tried to keep myself from passing out from the sheer pleasure she was giving me.

In an attempt to keep up with her relentlessness, I forced both of my hands lower and lower as I grabbed onto her soft ass a bit too forcefully and slipped my fingers into her soaking wet panties, causing Lumine to let out a muffled moan into my mouth.

Feeling her let up a little, I took a deep breath through my nose before I continued kneading the soft flesh in my hands while my fingers rub against her slit.

In response to my sudden action, Lumine briefly separated herself from me and practically dove into my neck as she suddenly started sucking on it forcefully.


Unable to stop myself, I let out a moan at the new sensation, much to my embarrassment.

Unfortunately, it seems that Lumine heard it very clearly as she suddenly became even more aggressive. While her mouth was occupied with my neck, I felt her hand running through my soaked clothes into the bulge in my pants, slowly running her hand through it.


"Shh… don't say a word."

As she continued sucking on my neck, I could feel the constricting feeling in between my legs as the bulge slowly became a full blown erection, much to her delighted hum.


"I know… I know…." Even as she struggled to control her erratic breathing, she continued running her hand on my erection before altogether grabbing my penis through the fabric of my pants, causing me to let out another moan. "Just leave… everything… to me, okay…?"

Her voice, her usually cheerful and carefree voice sounds so sickeningly sweet at that moment.

Not wanting to be outdone, my fingers that were rubbing on her slit began to spread her drenched pussy, searching blindly for her entrance before finally finding it.

The moment I plunged two fingers inside, I could feel her walls suddenly closing in on it, stopping them from moving deeper inside momentarily.


Arching her head back, Lumine no longer tried to hold herself back as her restrained grunt turned into a loud moan.

Feeling her insides loosening, I plunged my fingers deeper inside before thrusting it back and forth, causing her to nearly scream in pleasure.

"Yes… just like that…!"

No longer having the capacity to continue her work on my neck, Lumine wrapped her arms around my neck as she shoved her tongue into my mouth yet again and began to grind her hips up and down against my fingers, all while her hand continued to jerk me off through my pants.

The combined pleasure clouding my mind left not a single rational thought in me as I let my instincts take over.

After a few minutes of constant stimulation, I felt the burning feeling inside of me threatening to burst at any moment.


Hearing a muffled groan and feeling a slight pulling sensation coming from my head, Lumine separated herself from me before gazing at me with eyes filled with what I can only describe as lust. "Yuu…?"

"Can you… do that again…?"

"Do what…?"

"Shove your tongue… deep into my throat…." With my mind too clouded with pleasure to even feel embarrassed, I practically begged her to do it. "Choke me…."

"Are you sure?"

"Just… do it. Make me feel good… please?"

The mood around her suddenly started to change, as if a switch had been flipped.

"If you say it like that…." Her half-lidded, unfocused eyes suddenly stared at me with a manic intensity that took me by surprise. "Then I really have no choice… but to do it, you know…?"

Feeling the grip on my neck tighten, the piercing gaze of her golden eyes sends a shiver down my spine.

Without any more hesitation on her part, she plunged her tongue deep into my throat once again while she slowly but surely increased the pressure she had around my neck.

'So… good….'

Despite feeling my energy being sapped away each passing second, my hands kept moving as it continuously kneaded her ass and plunged my fingers deep inside her pussy, gradually increasing the intensity to match the movement of her hips.

Dark spots started to appear at the edge of my vision as I felt the life being slowly choked out of me. My mind knew that I was slowly and surely dying. And yet, even with that realization, the fear that was supposed to consume me was instead overwhelmed by intense pleasure as I finally reached my climax.


As I tried and failed to let out anything more than a muffled scream, I finally lost control of my body as I started to convulse, bucking my hips as I felt a faint sensation of wetness coming from my pants.

Focusing as much as I could through the darkening vision of my failing eyes, I saw Lumine, now separated from me with her tongue lolling out. Despite reaching my limit, instead of letting go, she tightened her grip around my neck even more.

With that manic look on her eyes, she opened her mouth, her voice strangely clear amidst the ringing dominating my eardrums.


'Ah… that voice….'


'That sickening tone of voice….'


'I just can't get enough of it.'

And then everything went dark.



That was the first thought that came to mind as I felt my consciousness slowly return as I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. Though perhaps it is less unfamiliar and more unclear. Despite feeling my eyelids no longer blocking my eyes, my vision was limited to a single narrow point in the middle amidst the dark spots surrounding it.


I could faintly hear a noise, a familiar voice calling out to me.


Realizing who it was, I opened my mouth to answer, only to suddenly feel something blocking the airway into my throat.

Pushing myself off of whatever I was lying on, I hit my chest several times as I tried my best to unclog whatever it was inside of me.

"Cough, cough!"

"...alright… the time… need…."

As I barely propped myself up with my arms, I glanced towards the source of the voice, only to see a blur of gold and white crouching next to me, as a warm sensation spread throughout my back in a circular motion.

Taking several deep breaths, I turned my body before collapsing once more. The cold temperature of the floor brought some sort of sense back into my muddy brain as my vision slowly but surely returned.

Suddenly, a head popped out of nowhere as it blocked the lantern lighting up the room. Golden eyes stared into me with concern as she opened her mouth after a bit of hesitation. "...are you okay?"


"Yes, Yuu, it's me."

Feeling a sudden throbbing pain in my head, I looked away from her before pinching my brows. "...where's my clothes?"

"Just over there." She said as she pointed towards a pile of messy fabric piled together near the wall. "You were soaking wet so I thought it'd be better if I took it off of you."

"Thanks for that, I guess." Raising my head slightly, I glanced towards my now exposed privates. I looked on in confusion as I saw a trail of dried purple fluid on my inner thigh. "What's that by the way?"

"What's what?"

"This purple thing over here. I don't remember drinking anything when we're here."

"Oh, that. That's your semen."

"...my what?"

"Semen." She said nonchalantly. Now that I looked closely, that same purple liquid can be seen dripping out of the side of her mouth. "I was surprised too, you know? But then I remembered that you aren't exactly human so I just shook it off. Though I did get a taste. Strangely electric, it was."

"You what?" Feeling my confusion deepens, I was about to comment before realizing that I don't exactly remember what happened. "Actually, never mind that. What we're we doing here to begin with?"

"You don't remember?"

"Hmm… hold on… let me just…."

As I began to massage my head, wracking my brain to try and remember what had transpired, it suddenly hit me. Memories started flooding into my head, reminding me exactly of what happened in great detail.

To confirm, I took a proper look at Lumine, only to see her dressed in nothing but her panties and stockings. At that moment, with the confirmation I was looking for staring me in the face, I wanted nothing more than to die and spare myself the embarrassment.

"Fufu, look at how red you are."

"Shut up." Not having the courage to face her, I covered my face with both hands, willing myself to disappear from the face of Teyvat, to no avail.

Her laughter did nothing to quell the shame burning me from the inside.

"Come on, as cute as it is to see you like this, I'd rather you not lie down on the floor like that."

"Just let me sink into the ground and disappear."

"There you go being silly again."

Feeling her hands holding onto my sides, Lumine effortlessly lifted my back from the ground before dragging me backwards, stopping only when I heard a thud. The moment she stopped, she placed me into what I think is her lap before pulling me into her soft bare chest.

"Well then, let's talk, shall we? First of all, how much do you remember?"

"Everything." I replied, unable to suppress a shudder that suddenly overcame me. "God, I can't believe I did all of that."

"Hmm… you weren't joking when you said you were high, huh?" Feeling her hand softly brushing my hair, I can feel my body that was stretched taut slowly unravel as I relaxed into her touch. "Maybe if I feed you enough alcohol, I'll get to see this side of you more often. What do you think, Yuu?"

"I think that's a very bad idea."

"That's a yes, then."

Suppressing a sigh, I stopped covering my eyes, only to be greeted by the smile of the blonde traveler reflected on the mirror in front of us as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Properly looking at my own reflection, I noticed my now disheveled blue hair alongside multiple dark spots on the side of my neck. Touching it proved to be a bad idea as a sore feeling started to spread all over it.

"Feeling better?"

"...as good as I can possibly be, I guess." As I moved to sit myself up, Lumine grabbed me from below my arms and hoisted me into a proper seating position before wrapping her arm around my waist and hugging me tight.

"Good. And uh… sorry, by the way."

"Huh? What for– ah… yeah. Right."

It seems that, amidst all the embarrassment that threatens to bury me six feet under, I forgot that I came very close to actually dying.

"About that…."

"Stop. Let me finish."

Hearing the uncharacteristically serious tone, I closed my mouth and let her continue.

"I was… a bit carried away, admittedly."

"I don't think carried away is enough to describe what happened, but go ahead."

"As I was saying." She lightly knocked her head against mine, annoyed at the sudden interruption. As the reflection in front of us showed her pouting expression, I couldn't help but chuckle. "I lost control for a bit there, and very nearly choked you to death."

"You did." Thinking of what I asked of her back then, I felt the blood rushing into my cheeks once again. "Although, I suppose that was partly my fault, asking for something strange like that."


"Look, Lumine." Turning myself around, I cupped her cheeks in my hand as I stared straight into her eyes. "Shit happened, but everything turned out just fine in the end. So let's just leave it at that, yeah?"


"Good." Brushing my hands against her cheek, I mustered my courage and brought her face closer, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "With this, everything is forgiven, and the both of us can continue living our lives together happily, for as long as possible.

"And of course, the fact that I ever ask to be choked like that is nothing more than a product of our hormone-addled brain's imagination and shall be erased from our collective memory. Agreed? Agreed."

"Ara? I'm afraid that's impossible, Yuu." Seeing her return to her former self would've filled me with relief, if not for the words coming out of her mouth right now. The smile on her face had curled into a smirk as her eyes glinted with mischief. "How could I ever forget such a passionate request from you? That pleading tone of your voice alongside the burning gaze you directed at me will forever be burned into memory, I'll make sure of that."

"Fuck. I knew I should've stopped when I had the chance."

"You enjoyed it though. Verily so, might I add."

Scrambling through my jumbled memories for something to retort with, a single, particularly intense memory stood out among the rest. "Hmph, don't think I haven't forgotten what you said to me before I passed out, princess."

It proved to be effective as her confident demeanor suddenly disappears as she starts to sputter incoherently. "Uh… umm…."

"That look you gave me was quite scary, you know? If I didn't know better, I would've thought you're actually going to kill me."

"That was… umm…."

"And my god, those words you said to me? You made it seem like I was cheating on you or something!"

"Sh… shut up!" The sudden redness in her cheek brought no end of satisfaction as I saw her continue her childlike outburst. I think this is the first time in a while I've ever seen her like this, if ever. "Just… shut your mouth, okay?!"

"Maybe I should take up your offer on that alcohol thing." Seeing her blush deepen in color, I couldn't resist the smile forming on my face. "If it means I can see you getting all flustered like this, that wouldn't be so bad of a trade off."

"...I think I like you better when you're all shy."

"I distinctly remember hearing you say that you'd like to see my more assertive side more often though?"


With no answer to give, she chose to turn her head away in a rare display of embarrassment. "I hate you, Yuu."

"Mhm." Suppressing the laugh threatening to come out of my mouth, I made use of my newfound surge of confidence by tilting my head back and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too, Lumine."


Though she probably wouldn't admit it, I can see that, despite the sullen expression she wears, there is the tiniest hint of a smile forming on the edge of her lips.

'Now that I think about it….'

As I leaned towards her chest, a thought suddenly came to me as I glanced at the mess that is this fitting room.

'...weren't we supposed to try on some clothes?'

This chapter wasn't originally suppose to go this way, but when I think about it, realistically, if someone were to be put in this kind of situation, there's absolutely no way they wouldn't go all the way, right?

Or maybe that's just the horny in me talking, who knows?

Anyways, please let me know what you think of the writing on this chapter. Was it good enough? Was it horrendous? Or was it just meh? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this one. After all, it's hard for me as the author to not be biased when it comes to my own work.

Evfrnetcreators' thoughts