
Traveler's Travel Guide

A young man named Artorius found a necklace from the side of the road. It turns out to be an artifact that lets you travel between worlds. What's more, he can travel back to his world with his powers retained from his travels.

EstoriaLumina · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Danger That Looms

I went to the Adventurer's Guild and went to Sistina's reception desk

"Welcome back, Sir Artorius."

"Hello, Miss Sistina. I finished the request in the forest."

"The goblin extermination and glowshroom request, right?"


I gave Sistina 56 Glowshrooms and 66 goblin ears.

"That's... a lot of glowshrooms and goblin ears."

She looks incredibly flustered when she saw the things i put in the desk.

"Is there a problem?"

"Well... the glowshrooms are not a problem, but the goblin ears. 66 goblin ears means you defeated 33 goblins, right?"

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?"

"Do you know how big the area is where you defeated those goblins?"

"Hmm... around 500 metros by 600 metros if my arithmetic is right."

Note: Metros is Meters

Sistina's eyes widen when I said that.

"If that's really the case, then it really is indeed a problem. The ratio between the area and the number of goblins was 5-7 goblins per square kilometros. If my calculations were right, the goblins would be 100 goblins per square kilometros. It is a very abnormal number."

Hmm... Its more dangerous than I thought.

"What would that mean? Is their numbers growing at a fast rate? Or is there a leader?"

"It's both actually. Their numbers mean that there might be a Goblin King leading them. I'll ask the Guild Master if we can request an investigation mission."

"To investigate whether their numbers are abnormal and there's really a Goblin King?"

"Yes. Here is the reward. 6 goblin exterminations and 11 glowshroom requests. 500 coins per goblin extermination and 600 per glowshroom request. A total of 96 copper coins."

"Thank you. Can I also participate in the investigation request?"

"Yes. The minimum should be E-rank but its dangerous if you're alone. If the investigation request is approved I'll assemble a party consisting of you, who noticed the problem, and other adventurers as well. Please come here in three days."

"I see. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll meet the Guild Master now."

I went out of the Guild and went back to my inn for dinner. After that, I went to my room to check my status once more.

Name: Astorius Everglow

Adventure Level: 1

Adventure Level Experience: 250/500


Level: 15

Level Experience: 200/379

HP: 301/382

Mana: 142/341

Strength: 70+2

Intelligence: 66+1

Agility: 54+1

Vitality: 69+4

Luck: 20 (New!)

Passive Skills:

Researching Level 5

Athleticism Level 5

Cooking Level 4

Reading Level 5

Swordsmanship Level 4 (Level Up!)

Foraging Level 5 (New!)

Magic Level 2 (New!) (Level Up!)

Mana Control Level 2 (New!) (Level Up!)

Mana Efficiency Level 2 (New!) (Level Up!)

Water Magic Level 3 (New!) (Level Up)

Support Magic Level 1 (New!)

Active Skills:

Appraisal Level 3 (Level Up!)

Sword Skills:

Slash Level 2 (Level Up!)

Magic Skills:

Body Strengthening Level 2 (New!) (Level Up!)

Basic Heal Level 1 (New!)

Water Offensive Magic Level 2 (New!) (Level Up!)


Beginner's Luck

Niche Adventurer

Skill Points: 20

Hmm... I'm Level 15 now and learned a lot of skills. My passive skills also had level up as well. Now that my skill points is finally twenty, I should find a passive skill that would benefit me on the long run as well. Let's open the [Skill Shop].

Skill Shop Experience 46/100

Active Skills:

Active Skills:

Taunt: 10 points

Dash: 10 points

Fireball: 15 points.

Boost Strength: 10 points

Passive Skills:

Archery: 20 points

Alchemy: 20 points

Blacksmithing: 20 points

Leather crafting: 20 points

Hmm... [Magic] and [Basic Heal] disappeared since I learned it. But what skills should I learn first? Im wondering if i should buy [Alchemy] or [Blacksmithing].

[Alchemy] helps with brewing potions which is very convenient. [Blacksmithing] helps with weapon maintenance and creating weapons. Both of them are very good to be honest.

But since I have an upcoming investigation request in a few days, [Alchemy] would be a great choice. I wonder if i was able to learn it just by reading books in the library. If i was able to learn it, then I will be able to save my points and buy [Blacksmithing].

Since its around 4 pm, I decided to head to the library to learn the basics of [Alchemy] as well as the ingredients to use.

Hmm... To be able to produce potions, I need to use [Water Magic] since it was pure. Then add the ingredients needed and stir it while using your mana at a constant pace huh. I guess I can work it out.

For the ingredients... Violetgrass for mana efficiency and control, Salient Mushrooms for increased vitality and survivability, Shroudtail Flower for increased senses, Dewgrass for healing, and Pale Flame Flower for increased strength. All of them are very cheap ingredients to make low grade potions.

Before I knew it, it was already 5 pm.

"Excuse me, Miss Librarian."

"Yes, Sir?"

"May I know where i can find equipment for brewing potions as well as the ingredients for it?"

"There was an Alchemy Shop in the street near here. Go right when you exit the library and you will see the shop before the next corner."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Sir. I'm glad i was of help."

I exited the library and followed the direction she gave me.

I saw the shop named "Nadia's Alchemy Shop". I entered the shop and saw a lot of potions, brewing pots and herbs. Before I knew it, someone talked.

"Oya? I see a new face. May I help you?"

A purple haired beauty was staring at me in the counter.

"Ah. I would like to buy a brewing pot and herbs."

"Coming right up. Are you new at Alchemy, young man?"


"I see. I'll recommend the Beginner's Brewing Pot for starters. And since you are a beginner, I would only allow you to buy the cheap herbs. Is that alright?"

"That would be nice. How much is the Beginner's Brewing Pot?

"It's only 25 copper coins. The herbs you can buy ranges around 50 bronze coins to 1 copper coin a piece. For vials, it was 25 bronze coins a piece."

The pot was cheap for beginners. The ingredients and vials are cheap as well. Let's ask the owner something.

"I see. I can reuse the vials, right?"

"Yes. That is the case. The maximum is 25 uses before you change it. If you brought the used vials here, you can get a 10 coin discount for each piece."

Hm... Since this is glass, i guess they'll melt it and make a new one?

"Oh. I guess you'll use it to make a brand new vial?"

The woman seemed impressed.

"Hoho. What a smart man you are. By the way, you can make 20 vials worth of potions in that pot. You'll also use 10 same ingredients when brewing as well."

"That info is great. Thank you for your guidance. I'll pick the herbs now."

"Yes. Take your time, young man."

I started to look for the ingredients. Using my [Appraisal], i can get the highest quality of cheap ingredients. I picked 10 ten of each ingredients. I then headed to the counter to pay up. The owner seemed impressed on my ability to pick up good quality herbs.

"Oya? You sure know how to look for high quality ingredients for a newbie alchemist. Violetgrasses for 80 coins each, Salient Mushrooms for 95 coins each, Shroudtail Flowers for 70 coins each, Pale Flame Flowers for 75 coins each and Dewgrasses for 50 coins each. How many vials you want to buy, young man?"

"A hundred please along with the Beginner's pot"

"Alright. Let me get the vials."

She then headed inside. After a while, she headed back with 5 boxes of vials.

"The total is 87 copper coins."

I gave her the money.

"Thank you. My name is Nadia. Pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Artorius. Nice to meet you too, Miss Nadia."

"Haha. I hope you can make your first potions well. Thank you for your patronage."

"Thank you as well."

"By the way, how do you plan to carry all of this?"

Hmm... I can't tell her about my [Inventory], but there is a similar skill called [Storage Magic]. The difference is that [Storage Magic] had a storage limit while the [Inventory] doesn't.

"Oh. I have a [Storage Magic]. Is it rare?"

"Oh. Its not that common, but it can be learned with proper principles."

"I see. Im gonna store them now."

"Haha.Take your time, young man."

It took around 5 minutes to store all of the items.

"I'm gonna go now. Thank you, Miss Nadia."

I head back to the inn, eat dinner, and rest for today.